Module Catalogue 2024/25

BUS3080 : Tackling Social Issues via Social Ventures

BUS3080 : Tackling Social Issues via Social Ventures

  • Offered for Year: 2024/25
  • Module Leader(s): Dr Wee Chan Au
  • Owning School: Newcastle University Business School
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus
  • Capacity limit: 40 student places

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 2 Credit Value: 20
ECTS Credits: 10.0
European Credit Transfer System

Modules you must have done previously to study this module

Pre Requisite Comment



Modules you need to take at the same time

Co Requisite Comment

This module cannot be taken in conjunction with BUS3003 and BUS3053 as these modules also involve creating business plans.


This module aims to provide you with the opportunity -
1.       to develop knowledge and understanding of the role of social venture in the modern business context
2.       to understand strategic and operational practice of social venture in addressing various social issues
3.       to be adaptable, curious and independent thinkers, in responding to the social issues in your community

Outline Of Syllabus

Students taking this module will be introduced to the management challenges and business models of social venture, in relation to conventional modes of practice. Other topics covered include challenges and drivers of social venture; processes and business models concerning social venture.
Students taking this module will propose a social venture initiative to address an identified social issue.

Learning Outcomes

Intended Knowledge Outcomes

On completion of this module, you will be able to:
1.       critically discuss the theoretical foundations and practical issues of social venture.
2.       appreciate key processes involved in managing social venture such as the development and use of alternate yardsticks of performance measurement, approach to management of people, financing, and leadership for social goals.

Intended Skill Outcomes

On completion of the module, you will be able to:
1.       Synthesise information from a range of relevant sources and relate to the identified social issue.
2.       Systematically identify and critically analyse a range of evidence to enable decision making in proposing a social venture initiative for an identified social issue.
3.       Demonstrate your abilities as an independent learner and critical thinker.
4.       Present the identified social issue(s) and your proposed social venture initiative professionally.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Guided Independent StudyAssessment preparation and completion152:0052:00N/A
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesLecture52:0010:00To be delivered as PiP
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesWorkshops62:0012:00To be delivered as PiP
Guided Independent StudyStudent-led group activity140:0040:00N/A
Guided Independent StudyIndependent study175:0075:00N/A
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesScheduled on-line contact time51:005:00N/A
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesModule talk23:006:00N/A
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

Lectures are essential to introduce the key concepts and social ventures as alternate business models to students. Lectures are an excellent way to promote knowledge and understanding of the issues.

Workshops will allow students to engage and apply the knowledge learnt in lectures on the identified social issues. The workshops also provide a good opportunity to support student progress with the skills-based outcomes of the module. The workshops have been designed as student–led interactive sessions to facilitate student learning and receive formative feedback from workshop facilitators and peers.

Module talks provide the opportunity for students to engage with relevant stakeholders from the community and/or social ventures to appreciate the issue and/or validated social venture model in real life.

Reading Lists

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Other Assessment
Description Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Oral Presentation2M20Group Presentation To assess KO1, KO2; SO1, SO2, SO4
Written exercise2M80Individual Report. 2,500 words To assess KO1, KO2; SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4
Formative Assessments

Formative Assessment is an assessment which develops your skills in being assessed, allows for you to receive feedback, and prepares you for being assessed. However, it does not count to your final mark.

Description Semester When Set Comment
Written exercise2MStudents prepare notes on assignment during workshops and Q&A to scaffold learning for the main assessment.
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

This module will be assessed via a group presentation and an individual assignment. This will allow the students to cover the curriculum to make the most of their learning.


Past Exam Papers

General Notes


Welcome to Newcastle University Module Catalogue

This is where you will be able to find all key information about modules on your programme of study. It will help you make an informed decision on the options available to you within your programme.

You may have some queries about the modules available to you. Your school office will be able to signpost you to someone who will support you with any queries.


The information contained within the Module Catalogue relates to the 2024 academic year.

In accordance with University Terms and Conditions, the University makes all reasonable efforts to deliver the modules as described.

Modules may be amended on an annual basis to take account of changing staff expertise, developments in the discipline, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback. Module information for the 2025/26 entry will be published here in early-April 2025. Queries about information in the Module Catalogue should in the first instance be addressed to your School Office.