Module Catalogue 2024/25

CEG2401 : Land Traffic and Highways

CEG2401 : Land Traffic and Highways

  • Offered for Year: 2024/25
  • Module Leader(s): Mr Roger Bird
  • Owning School: Engineering
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 1 Credit Value: 10
ECTS Credits: 5.0
European Credit Transfer System

Modules you must have done previously to study this module

Pre Requisite Comment

A-Level Mathematics, or a working knowledge of trigonometry and algebra


Modules you need to take at the same time

Co Requisite Comment



To understand:
How human mobility demands are based on land use;
How this demand results in multi modal traffic
The basics operation and design of road based transport systems

Outline Of Syllabus

People, human mobility & modes of travel;
Land use, traffic generation, concepts and variables;
Traffic flow theory, and measuring traffic;
Traffic Management and Street Design
Highway Location: Constraints, Environmental Issues and Evaluation;
Horizontal & vertical alignment geometric design

Learning Outcomes

Intended Knowledge Outcomes

Apply a comprehensive knowledge of mathematics and engineering principles to transport design (C1)
Formulate and analyse complex problems to reach substantiated conclusions applied to transport systems design (C2)
Design original solutions for transport problems (C5)
Apply an integrated or systems approach to the solution of a transport problem (C6)
Evaluate the environmental and societal impact of transport systems design (C7)
Communicate effectively on transport engineering design and evaluation (C17)

Intended Skill Outcomes

Use of mapping, coordinates, and trigonometry in design
Applying mathematical formulae to design of transport systems
Understanding of precision and accuracy
Estimating as part of problem solving
Presentation of different aspects of a design in appropriate ways
Dimensional Analysis
Using engineering standards

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesLecture102:0020:00Present in Person lecture – introduction (TW2-12)
Guided Independent StudyAssessment preparation and completion133:0033:00Design portfolio-requires reading, application of learning and teamwork
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesSmall group teaching32:006:00Present in Person - Tutorials – preparation for, guidance and Q&A about coursework (TW4, 6, 9)
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesSmall group teaching51:005:00PiP - Tutorials – review lecture material, Q&A, review worked examples (TW 3,5,8,10,11)
Guided Independent StudyIndependent study133:0033:00Includes background reading and reading of lecture notes for a full understanding of the material
Guided Independent StudyIndependent study13:003:00Online Worked examples
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

The main taught material is delivered in present-in-person lectures. These give opportunity to discuss and develop learning and skills outcomes.
Some background material or expected prior learning is delivered through online videos.
Tutorials are used to apply taught material to the coursework design portfolio, to provide individual support and to give feedback.

Reading Lists

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Description Length Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Written Examination1201A60Closed book exam
Other Assessment
Description Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Portfolio1M10Horizontal Alignment, Part 1 of a 40% Design Portfolio
Portfolio1M10Vertical Alignment, Part 2 of a 40% Design Portfolio
Portfolio1M20Route Evaluation, Part 3 of a 40% Design Portfolio
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

The design portfolio develops in stages, testing students’ ability to design a solution, and carry out calculations accurately and to appropriate levels of precision. It tests their ability to visualise the results and evaluate the environmental and societal impact of their designs. Students must reflect on their work and state how it could be improved.
The exam tests students’ understanding of the taught concepts, and ability to use the design and analytical skills taught.


Past Exam Papers

General Notes

This module is compulsory for the Honours degree courses in Civil Engineering.

Welcome to Newcastle University Module Catalogue

This is where you will be able to find all key information about modules on your programme of study. It will help you make an informed decision on the options available to you within your programme.

You may have some queries about the modules available to you. Your school office will be able to signpost you to someone who will support you with any queries.


The information contained within the Module Catalogue relates to the 2024 academic year.

In accordance with University Terms and Conditions, the University makes all reasonable efforts to deliver the modules as described.

Modules may be amended on an annual basis to take account of changing staff expertise, developments in the discipline, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback. Module information for the 2025/26 entry will be published here in early-April 2025. Queries about information in the Module Catalogue should in the first instance be addressed to your School Office.