ENHANCE-D - Recruiting
The ENHANCE-D Study – ENHANCing smoking cEssation interventions in Dentistry
- Study stage: Recruiting
- Sponsor: The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Funder: NIHR HTA
- Therapeutic area: Oral
- Type of study: CTIMP
Aim: To compare smoking abstinence at 6 months of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and E-cigarette (EC) to usual care and to each other.
Primary Outcome: Biochemically verified smoking abstinence at 6 months
- Clinical Phase: IIII
- Population: Adults
- Design: RCT
- Setting: Primary care (NHS Dental Care)
- Planned Sample Size: 1215
Fiction - Closed
Filling Children’s Teeth: Indicated or Not?
- Study stage: Closed
- Sponsor: University of Dundee
- Funder: NIHR HTA
- Therapeutic area: Oral
- Type of study: Clinical Intervention
Compare these three treatment strategies, when applied over a period of up to three years to 3-7 year old children with caries in primary teeth, with respect to the clinical outcomes of incidence and number of episodes of dental pain and dental sepsis.
Primary Outcome:
Either pain or sepsis related to dental caries.
- Population: Paediatrics
- Design: RCT
- Setting: Primary care (NHS Dental Care)
- Planned Sample Size: 1113
MiTiGate - Recruiting
The MiTiGaste Study - Are Botox or Lidocaine more effective than treatment as usual in myalgia Temporomandibular Disorder (M-TMD)?
- Study stage: Recruiting
- Sponsor: The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Funder: NIHR HTA
- Therapeutic area: Oral & Dental
- Type of study: CTIMP
To provide evidence about the most effective treatment to reduce pain and improve quality of life for people livingwith M-TMD, and which treatment is cost effecive.
Primary Outcome:
To determine whether Botox or lidocine are superior to treatment as usal (amitriptyline/gabapentin) in reducing pain intensity and improving quality of life and to assess cost-effectiveness of the most effective treatment in comparison to the other treatment at 36 weeks.
- Clinical Phase: IIII
- Population: People with chronic M-TMD
- Design: RCT
- Setting: Secondary Care
- Planned Sample Size: 663