Fresh Careers 2021
A group of students from SNES and the School of Biomedical, Nutritional, and Sport Sciences led by Dr. Diogo Souza Monteiro attended the Fresh Careers 2021
18 November 2021
Recently, a group of students from the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences and the School of Biomedical, Nutritional, and Sport Sciences led by Dr. Diogo Souza Monteiro attended Fresh Careers 2021 organised by the Fresh Produce Consortium. Students had the chance to meet employers like G Fresh, Hutchinson’s or Moy Park, get professional photos taken and meet a mentor to advise them on interviews and job search strategies.
These and other companies present offered a range of jobs and placement opportunities across the food chain and our students had the chance to make great contacts and expand their network. There was an associated Agri-tech event on the same site, where students could see state of the art technological solutions being developed for the food industries, ranging from robotics applied to the farming sector to new vertical farming systems.
Students could attend talks in the five lecture theatres onsite where academic and industry experts discussed advances in packaging solutions, data science applications or net zero farming strategies. Student Katie Easton said; "'The FPG Careers Fair provided an opportunity to have invaluable, in person conversations with business professionals across the agri-food sector, enhancing our job prospects and network. I even got the chance to listen to experts talk about my dissertation topic. The experince was insightful and certainly worth the journey!"
This was a superb opportunity for our students and it was fantastic to learn about the range of opportunities they have in this vibrant and dynamic industry. Some of the recruiting organisations present in this event were interested in coming to campus and presenting opportunities to our students.