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A thriving community for excellence in teaching and research

Chemistry has internationally renowned expertise that informs our research-led teaching, combines subjects to highlight the interplay between areas of study and supports excellence in research. 

Our Research

Our research is underpinned by fundamental chemical research including new synthetic approaches and methodologies for understanding and applying chemical reactively.

This catalyses applied research across our research strengths including those in health and ageing, through Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology and in Sustainability and Energy through our Advanced Materials Expertise.

We strongly contribute to and enhance research areas across the University to achieve real impact by the translation of basic research through to the market.

Our Teaching 

We reflect modern chemistry in our broad range of taught undergraduate courses. Many of our undergraduate chemistry courses are professionally accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

We offer specialised medicinal chemistry degrees and courses with a year in industry and a year abroad.

Through collaboration with the broad disciplines within the school, we support our students to think independently and apply their skills across disciplinary boundaries.

Our students also build a valuable toolkit of transferable skills that appeals to a variety of employers.

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