Modelling, Evidence & Policy - Staff List
Dr Marie McIntyre
NU Partnership Academic Track (NUPAcT)/FSA Fellow in Translational Food Safety, Modelling, Evidence and Policy (MEP) group, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
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- Telephone: 07928731395
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- Address: School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture Building, King's Road, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LB
With a background in Environmental Science (University of East Anglia) and PhD in epidemiology (Stirling University), I was a core-funded epidemiologist working on scrapie and atypical scrapie from 2004-2008. I then moved to Public Health England to work as Advanced Healthcare Scientist, followed by undertaking post-doctoral and Research Co-investigator roles at the University of Liverpool. I moved to Newcastle University in 2022.
I am a retired President (2019-2021), Committee Member, JVP and SVP (2013-2022) of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine.
My research focuses on identifying the drivers of and control measures for infectious diseases impacting human and veterinary public health. I am particularly interested in using a One Health ethos in research examining food safety and security issues.
I previously led development of a horizon-scanning systematic review examining the sensitivity to climate of high impact human and domestic animal pathogens, identifying food-, soil-, water- and vector-borne transmission routes as particularly associated with climate. I also led trial implementation of modern molecular surveillance methods for gastrointestinal disease within the UK public health system as part of the ‘Integrate’ (Fully integrated, real-time detection, diagnosis and control of community diarrhoeal disease clusters and outbreaks) project. Most recently, I was a Senior Analyst in the Directorate of the Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs) programme, leading standardisation of literature searching methodologies and developing architecture for a ‘living’ review system.
I am the NUPAcT Fellow in Translational Food Safety at Newcastle University in partnership with the Food Standards Agency (FSA). Within my role, I aim to provide policy-appropriate ‘living’ evidence collation and synthesis, and risk assessment tools and mechanisms to aid the FSA’s role in ensuring food for consumption is safe from foodborne disease and food supplies are sustainable.
I have recently recorded several podcasts describing my fellowship ( ) and our approach ( ).
I have taught epidemiology and statistics in a number of institutions including at the Pirbright Laboratory, Public Health England, the University of Liverpool, the International Livestock Research Unit and in Indonesia for the Orang-utan Veterinary Advisory Group. I was curriculum lead on the 'HORN' (One Health regional network for the Horn of Africa) project, including leading development of two tiers of active learning, and developing and leading the inaugural Masterclass and within this a statistics workshop, in the Horn of Africa.
I am a Fellow (FHEA) of the Higher Education Academy - Advance HE).
- Afonso J, El Tholth K, McIntyre KM, Carmo L, Coyne L, Manriquez D, Raboisson D, Lhermie G, Rushton J. Strategies to reduce antimicrobials in livestock and aquaculture, and their impact under field conditions: a structured scoping literature review. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2024, 79(1), 11–26.
- Li Y, McIntyre KM, Rasmussen P, Gilbert Q, Chaters G, Raymond K, Jemberu WT, Larkins A, Patterson GT, Kwok S, Kappes AJ, Mayberry D, Schrobback P, Herrero Acosta M, Stacey DA, Huntington B, Bruce M, Knight-Jones T, Rushton J. Rationalising development of classification systems describing livestock production systems for disease burden analysis within the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme. Research in Veterinary Science 2024, 168, 105102.
- Kappes A, Toozoney T, Shakil G, Railey AF, McIntyre KM, Mayberry DE, Rushton J, Pendell DL, Marsh TL. Livestock health and disease economics: a scoping review of selected literature. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2023, 10, 1168649.
- McIntyre KM, Cooper M, Baylis M. Capacity for One Health research in the Horn of Africa. One Health 2023, 16, 100549.
- Schrobback P, Dennis G, Li Y, Mayberry D, Shaw A, Knight-Jones T, Lloyd Marsh T, Pendell DL, Torgerson PR, Gilbert W, Huntington B, Raymond K, Stacey DA, Bernardo T, Bruce M, McIntyre KM, Rushton J, Herrero M. Approximating the global economic (market) value of farmed animals. Global Food Security 2023, 39, 100722.
- Amenu K, McIntyre KM, Moje N, Knight-Jones T, Rushton J, Grace D. Approaches for disease prioritization and decision-making in animal health, 2000–2021: a structured scoping review. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2023, 10, 1231711.
- Laing G, Duffy E, Anderson N, Antoine-Moussiaux N, Aragrande M, Beber CL, Berezowski J, Boriani E, Canali M, Pedro Carmo L, Chantziaras I, Cousquer G, De Meneghi D, Rodrigues Sanches da Fonseca AG, Garnier J, Hitziger M, Jaenisch T, Keune H, Lajaunie C, Franco Martinez L, Maudling R, McIntyre KM, McMahon BJ, Munoz Prieto A, Rosenbaum Nielsen L, Ozçelik R, Rossen JWA, Ruegg SR, Savic S, Pires Simoes M, Thomson DJ, Tomassone L, Tvarijonaviciute A, Vilhena M, Vogler B, Hasler B. Advancing One Health: Updated core competencies. CABI One Health 2023, 2023(2023), 1-13.
- Dórea FC, Vergne T, van Schaik G, Barrett D, Carmo LP, Robinson P, Brodbelt D, McIntyre KM. SVEPM 2021 – Research sharing and networking in times of pandemic: The online Annual Conference of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2022, 202, 105611.
- McIntyre KM, Bolton FJ, Christley RM, Cleary P, Deja E, Durie AE, Diggle PJ, Hughes DA, de Lusignan S, Orton L, Radford AD, Elliot AJ, Smith GE, Snape DA, Stanistreet D, Vivancos R, Winstanley C, O'Brien SJ. Fully-integrated, real-time detection, diagnosis and control of community diarrhoeal disease clusters and outbreaks (the Integrate Project). JMIR Research Protocols 2022, 8(9), e13941.
- Clough HE, McIntyre KM, Patterson G, Rushton J. Use of routine death and illness surveillance data to provide insight for UK pandemic planning: lessons from COVID-19. BMJ Open 2021, 11, e044707.
- Dórea F, Vergne T, Brennan M, van Schaik G, Barrett D, Carmo LP, Robinson PA, Brodbelt DC, McIntyre KM. SVEPM 2020 - resilience and community support in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Annual Conference, extraordinarily held online. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2021, 191, 105368.
- Patterson GT, McIntyre KM, Clough HE, Rushton J. Societal impacts of pandemics: comparing COVID-19 with history to focus our response. Frontiers in Public Health 2021, 9, 630449.
- Cavalerie L, Wardeh M, Lebrasseur O, Nanyingi M, McIntyre KM, Kaba M, Asrat D, Christley R, Pinchbeck G, Baylis M, Mor SM. One hundred years of zoonoses research in the Horn of Africa: a scoping review. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021, 15(7), e0009607.
- McIntyre KM, Calvo-Artavia FF, Dórea FC, Rosenbaum-Nielsen L. SVEPM 2018 - Classic problems, future focus, and engagement of stakeholders in veterinary epidemiology and economics. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2019, 167, 46-47.
- Goarant C, Picardeau M, Morand S, McIntyre KM. Leptospirosis: flying under the bibliometrics radar increases neglect. Journal of Global Health 2019, 9(1), 010302.
- Caminade C, McIntyre KM, Jones AE. Impact of recent and future climate change on vector-borne diseases. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2019, 1436(1), 157-173.
- McIntyre KM, van den Borne BHP, Calvo-Artavia FF, van Schaik G. SVEPM 2017 - Recent developments and contemporary foci in veterinary epidemiology and economics. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2018, 150, 133-134.
- Schmidt VM, Pinchbeck G, McIntyre KM, Nuttall T, McEwan N, Dawson S, Williams NJ. Routine antibiotic therapy in dogs increases the detection of antimicrobial resistant faecal Escherichia coli. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2018, 73(12), 3305-3316.
- Schmidt VM, Pinchbeck G, Nuttall T, Shaw S, McIntyre KM, McEwan N, Dawson S, Williams NJ. Impact of systemic antimicrobial therapy on mucosal staphylococci in a population of dogs in Northwest England. Veterinary Dermatology 2018, 29(3), 192-e70.
- Espadale E, Pinchbeck G, Williams NJ, Timofte D, McIntyre KM, Schmidt VM. Are the hands of veterinary staff a reservoir for multidrug resistant bacteria? A randomized study to evaluate two hand hygiene rubs in a veterinary hospital. Microbial Drug Resistance 2018, 24(10), 1607-1616.
- McIntyre KM, Setzkorn C, Hepworth PJ, Morand S, Morse AP, Baylis M. Systematic Assessment of the Climate Sensitivity of Important Human and Domestic Animals Pathogens in Europe. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 7134.
- van den Borne BHP, Calvo-Artavia FF, Brodbelt D, McIntyre KM. SVEPM 2016 - Current multidisciplinary advances in veterinary epidemiology and economics. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2017, 139(Part B), 91–92.
- Caminade C, McIntyre KM, Jones AE. Reply to Gautret et al. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2017, 215(4), 661-662.
- Murray AG, Wardeh M, McIntyre KM. Using the H-index to assess disease priorities for salmon aquaculture. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2016, 126, 199-207.
- Cox R, McIntyre KM, Sanchez J, Setzkorn C, Baylis M, Revie CW. Comparison of the h-Index scores among pathogens identified as emerging hazards in North America. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2016, 63(1), 79-91.
- Caminade C, McIntyre KM, Jones AE. Climate change and vector-borne diseases: where are we next heading?. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016, 214(9), 1300-1301.
- Fraser-Williams AP, McIntyre KM, Westgarth C. Are cattle dangerous to walkers? A scoping review. Injury Prevention 2016, 22(6), 437-441.
- Rosenbaum Nielsen L, van de Borne BPH, Brodbelt D, Christley RM, McIntyre KM. SVEPM 2015 - Controlling disease across species using emerging techniques in epidemiology and economics applied to animal health. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2015, 122(4), 379-380.
- Wardeh M, Risley C, McIntyre KM, Setzkorn C, Baylis M. Database of host-pathogen and related species interactions, and their global distribution. Scientific Data 2015, 2, 150049.
- McIntyre KM, Setzkorn C, Wardeh M, Hepworth PJ, Radford AD, Baylis M. Using open-access taxonomic and spatial information to create a comprehensive database for the study of mammalian and avian livestock and pet infections. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2014, 116(3), 325-335.
- Morand S, McIntyre KM, Baylis M. Domesticated animals and human infectious diseases of zoonotic origins: domestication time matters. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2014, 24, 76-81.
- McIntyre KM, Setzkorn C, Hepworth PJ, Morand S, Morse AP, Baylis M. A quantitative prioritisation of human and domestic animal pathogens in Europe. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(8), e103529.
- Morand S, Owers K, Waret-Szkuta A, McIntyre KM, Baylis M. Climate variability and outbreaks of infectious diseases in Europe. Scientific Reports 2013, 3, 1774.
- Caminade C, Medlock JM, Ducheyne E, McIntyre KM, Leach S, Baylis M, Morse AP. Suitability of European climate for the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus: recent trends and future scenarios. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2012, 9(75), 2708-2717.
- Kluiters G, Sugden D, Guis H, McIntyre KM, Labuschagne K, Vilar MJ, Baylis M. Modelling the spatial distribution of Culicoides biting midges at the local scale. Journal of Applied Ecology 2012, 50(1), 232-242.
- McIntyre KM, Hawkes I, Waret-Szkuta A, Morand S, Baylis M. The H-index as a quantitative indicator of the relative impact of human diseases. PLoS ONE 2011, 6(5), e19558.
- McIntyre KM, del Rio Vilas VJ, Gubbins S. Demographic characteristics of scrapie-affected holdings identified by active and passive surveillance schemes in Great Britain: 2002-2005 . Veterinary Journal 2011, 187(2), 207-211.
- McIntyre KM, Trewby H, Gubbins S, Baylis M. The impact of sheep breed on the risk of classical scrapie. Epidemiology and Infection 2010, 138(3), 384-392.
- McIntyre KM, Setzkorn C, Baylis M, Waret-Szkuta A, Caminade C, Morse AP, Akin SA, Huynen M, Martens P, Morand S. Impact of climate change on human and animal health. Veterinary Record 2010, 167(15), 586.
- Baylis M, Parkin H, Kreppel K, Carpenter S, Mellor PS, McIntyre KM. Evaluation of housing as a means to protect cattle from Culicoides biting midges, the vectors of bluetongue virus. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 2010, 24(1), 38-45.
- Gubbins S, McIntyre KM. Prevalence of sheep infected with classical scrapie in Great Britain, 1993-2007. Epidemiology and Infection 2009, 137(6), 787-791.
- McIntyre KM, del Rio Vilas VJ, Gubbins S. No temporal trends in the prevalence of atypical scrapie in British sheep, 2002-2006. BMC Veterinary Research 2008, 4, 13.
- McIntyre KM, Gubbins S, Goldmann W, Hunter N, Baylis M. Epidemiological characteristics of classical scrapie outbreaks in 30 sheep flocks in the United Kingdom. PLoS ONE 2008, 3(12), e3994.
- del Rio Vilas VJ, Birch C, Vidal-Diez A, Gubbins S, McIntyre KM, Guitian J, Nixon N, Stevens K, Green D, Kao R. A comprehensive approach to the assessment of surveillance strategies: the case of scrapie in Great Britain. Advances in Disease Surveillance 2008, 5(3), 173.
- McIntyre KM, Gubbins S, Goldmann W, Stevenson E, Baylis M. The time-course of a scrapie outbreak. BMC Veterinary Research 2006, 2, 20.
- McIntyre KM, Gubbins S, Sivam K, Baylis M. Flock-level risk factors for scrapie in Great Britain: analysis of a 2002 anonymous postal survey. BMC Veterinary Research 2006, 2, 25. In Preparation.
- Baylis M, McIntyre KM. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies - Scrapie control under new strain. Nature 2004, 432(7019), 810-811.
Book Chapters
- McIntyre KM, Vogler B, Chantziaras I, Cláudia Coelho A, García Díez J, Esteves A, Igrejas G, Lurz P, Babo Martins S, Mastin A, Murray A, Parnell SR, Poeta P, Ramos S, Saraiva C, Ifejika Speranza C, McMahon BJ. Chapter 5: Assessing the Ecological Dimension of One Health. In: Rüegg SR; Häsler B; Zinsstag J, ed. Integrated approaches to health: A Handbook for Evaluation of One Health One Health Methods and Metrics. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2018, pp.126-169.
- Rüegg SR, Häsler B, Rosenbaum Nielsen L, Buttigieg SC, Santa M, Aragrande M, Canali M, Ehlinger T, Queenan K, Chantziaras I, Boriani E, Radeski M, Bruce M, Keune H, Bennani H, Ifejika Speranza C, Carmo LP, Esposito R, Filippitzi M-E, McIntyre KM, McMahon BJ, Peyre M, Falzon LC, Bardosh KL, Frazzoli C, Hald T, Marcus G, Zinsstag J. Chapter 3: A One Health evaluation framework. In: Eds. Rüegg, Häsler and Zinsstag, ed. A Handbook for Evaluation of One Health One Health Methods and Metrics. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2018, pp.39-85.
- Arnold KE, Laing G, McMahon B, Fanning S, Stekel D, Pahl O, Coyne L, Latham S, McIntyre KM. The need for One Health systems-thinking approaches to understand multiscale dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. The Lancet Planetary Health 2024, 8(2), e124-e133.
- Dórea F, Vergne T, Boden L, Brennan M, McIntyre KM. SVEPM 2019 - Implications of pathogen and antimicrobial evolution on animal health, herd management and policy making. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2020, 19, 104821.
Online Publications
- McIntyre KM, Patterson G, Clough H, Harris J, Rushton J. Coronavirus: patterns of illness and death mainly mirror what was already happening before the pandemic. London: The Conversation Trust (UK) Limited, 2020. Available at:
- McIntyre KM, Westgarth C. When cows attack: how dangerous are cattle and how can you stay safe around them?. London: The Conversation Trust (UK) Limited, 2017. Available at:
- Bruce M, McIntyre KM. Animal health ontology and attribution: linking key elements in the GBADs programme. Paris: OIE World Organisation for Animal Health, 2021. Panorama.
- Hardstaff JL, Clough HE, Lutje V, McIntyre KM, Harris JP, Garner P, O'Brien SJ. Foodborne and Food-Handler Norovirus Outbreaks: A Systematic Review. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2018, 15(10), 589-597.