Staff Profile
Emeritus Professor Anthony Harriman
Emeritus Professor
- Email:
- Telephone: 07717256876
- Personal Website: under development
- Address: Professor Anthony Harriman
Molecular Photonics Laboratory
School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
Bedson Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Despite 50 years of continuous experimental work and in excess of 400 publications, there are still many areas of applied molecular photophysics that attract deep interest. In fact, the two research topics that were my introduction to the field, namely the development of photodegradable plastics and artificial photosynthesis, remain unsolved and as significant as ever. In part, progress in these areas is hindered by a desire to understand mechanisms, probabilities and reaction rates at the expense of producing a workable solution. This is certainly true in my case, although patents have been issued for an artificial photosynthetic device (with Lord George Porter), effective photobleaches that operate at low temperature (with the Procter & Gamble Co.), and pressure-sensitive anti-counterfeit systems (with the Bank of England). The real interest, however, lies with identifying intermediate species in photochemical processes, especially those related to natural photosynthesis, and in manipulating environmental effects to engineer high levels of photo-selectively.
No longer involved in undergraduate teaching, pedagogical matters take the form of writing a monograph on Colligative Properties, with lots of example calculations. There is also time to learn how to apply matrix theory and phasor methods for better representing multi-component photophysical processes. A book on Artificial Light-Harvesting Networks is slowly taking shape. I am actively involved in Advisory Boards, Editorial Boards and Review Boards.
The Annual Daedalus Lecture is organised jointly with Prod Bernard Golding and recognises the outstanding contributions to the public awareness of science made by Dr. David Jones. The lecture is intended for an interactive audience and is on-hold until restrictions imposed by COVID-19 have eased. The two previous lectures were given by Sir Martyn Poliakoff and Prof. David Leigh. Details for the next lecture will be announced once the situation has stabilised.
Please note that I am not taking any new students or postdoctoral associates into my research group. Suggestions for potential collaborations are always welcome.
Grad RIC
Previous Positions
SRC Postdoctoral Fellow, The Royal Institution, London, U.K. 1974-75
EEC Postdoctoral Fellow, The Royal Institution, London, U.K. 1975-77
Dewar Research Fellow, The Royal Institution, London, U.K. 1977-88
Assistant Director, The Royal Institution, London, U.K. 1980-88
Visiting Scientist, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 1985-86
Deputy Director, Center for Fast Kinetics Research, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 1988-89
Director, Center for Fast Kinetics Research, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 1989-94
Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 1989-93
Professeur Invité, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France 1993
Professeur Invité, School of Chemistry, E.H.I.C.S., Strasbourg, France 1994
Visiting Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan 1995
Professeur, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France 1995-99
Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Newcastle, U.K. 1999-2019
Professor Emeritus, Newcastle University, U.K. 2019-
Honours and Awards
Sir James Dewar Research Fellowship 1977
Royal Society (London) Visiting Research Scholarship 1982
Corday-Morgan Medal (RSC) 1984
Le Prix Grammaticakis-Neumann en Photochimie 1985
RSC Chemical Dynamics Award 2011
Newcastle University Best Teacher Award 2016
UK Solar Fuels Lifetime Achievement Award 2018Research interests
The primary purpose behind the search for reaction mechanisms is to identify means by which to control, optimise and manipulate photochemical processes, with the ultimate ambition being to replace key reagents with improved prototypes. This chain of events can be illustrated by our recent work relating to stochastic super-resolution microscopy, where the dominant fluorescent species is a cyanine dye. We have developed an analytical protocol for measuring fluorescence probability at long wavelength (Pub. 11) and examined the role of competing photo-isomerisation with a well-known cyanine-conjugate (Pub. 7). On-going work, in collaboration with Aliaksandra Lisouskaya, is aimed at characterising spectroscopic and kinetic parameters for radicals derived from cyanine dyes of different conjugation length. A similar approach has been taken with singlet exciton fission occurring with TIPS-pentacene. The photophysical properties have been determined for the parent compound in dilute solution (Pub. 4) and, together with Tetsuro Majima, we have pioneered the use of pulse radiolysis to measure rates and yields of singlet fission in a related bichromophore (Pub. 10). A collaboration with Luis Arnaut has resulted in the first application of photoacoustic calorimetry to measure the triplet excitation energy of TIPS-pentacene and the bichromophore (Pub. 2). On-going research is aimed at resolving NIR phosphorescence from linear poly-acenes.
Concentration quenching is a long-standing problem in the field of molecular photophysics and was first explored in detail with solutions of chlorophyll. Covalently-linked bichromophores also exhibit fluorescence quenching due to the proximity effect and, in many cases, display pronounced excitonic coupling between the chromophores. These effects hinder the development of artificial light-harvesting arrays where high chromophore densities are critical. The degree of excitonic coupling can be controlled by careful attention to the mutual orientation of the respective transition dipole moment vectors. For example, in a collaboration with Raymond Ziessel, we found that these vectors are parallel, anti-parallel and obtuse, respectively, for the ortho-, para- and meta-bridged set of bis-boranils illustrated here. The para derivative is strongly fluorescent and does not show the strong polarity dependence observed for the mono-boranil complex. Similar protocols can be applied to crystalline samples where close proximity does not necessarily preclude emission. For example, the “half-BOPHY” species synthesized by Özgür Altan Bozdemir, is strongly fluorescent in the crystalline state but very weakly emissive in solution. Here, the difference relates to mobility of the transferrable proton. The detailed exploration of the luminescence properties of photonic crystals is an exciting new development in the field that could lead to the discovery of novel materials with unprecedented applications.
Selected recent publications
1) Algoazy, N., Knight, J.G., Waddell, P.G., Aerts, R., Herrebout, W., Al-Sharif, H.H.T., Karlsson, J.K.G., Harriman, A. Synthesis, Structure and Photophysical Properties of a New Class of Inherently Chiral Boron(III) Chelates—The tert-Leucine Complexes. (2021) Chemistry - A European Journal, 27 (16), pp. 5246-5258. DOI: 10.1002/chem.202005246
2) Karlsson, J.K.G., Atahan, A., Harriman, A., Tkachenko, N.V., Ward, A.D., Schaberle, F.A., Serpa, C., Arnaut, L.G. Singlet Exciton Fission and Associated Enthalpy Changes with a Covalently Linked Bichromophore Comprising TIPS-Pentacenes Held in an Open Conformation. (2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry A, In press. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c09961
3) Harriman, A., Bozdemir, Ö.A., Gultekin, D.D. Triplet distribution in a symmetrical zinc (II) porphyrin-BODIPY pentameric array. (2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124 (51), pp. 10736-10747. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c09243
4) Schaberle, F.A., Serpa, C.; Arnaut, L.G., Ward, A.D., Karlsson, J.K.G., Atahan, A., Harriman, A. The Photophysical Properties of Triisopropylsilyl-ethynylpentacene—A Molecule with an Unusually Large Singlet-Triplet Energy Gap—In Solution and Solid Phases. (2020) Chemistry, 2 (2), pp. 545-564. DOI: org/10.3390/chemistry2020033
5) Al-Sharif, H.H.T., Ziessel, R., Waddell, P.G., Dixon, C., Harriman, A. Origin of Fluorescence from Boranils in the Crystalline Phase. (2020) J. Phys. Chem. A, 124 (11), pp. 2160–2172 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c00905
6) Bozdemir, Ö.A., Al-Sharif, H.H.T., McFarlane, W., Waddell, P.G., Benniston, A.C., Harriman, A. Solid-State Emission from Mono- and Bichromophoric Boron Dipyrromethene (BODIPY) Derivatives and Comparison with Fluid Solution. (2019) Chemistry - A European Journal, 25 (68), pp. 15634-15645. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201903902
7) Karlsson, J.K.G., Laude, A., Hall, M.J., Harriman, A. Photo-isomerization of the Cyanine Dye Alexa-Fluor 647 (AF-647) in the Context of dSTORM Super-Resolution Microscopy. (2019) Chemistry - A European Journal, 25 (65), pp. 14983-14998. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201904117
8) Woodford, O.J., Ziessel, R., Harriman, A., Wills, C., Alsimaree, A.A., Knight, J.G. Optical spectroscopic properties recorded for simple BOPHY dyes in condensed media: The mirror-symmetry factor. (2019) Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 208, pp. 57-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2018.09.047
9) Woodford, O.J., Ziessel, R., Harriman, A. Photofading of an Extended BOPHY Chromophore Dispersed in Poly(methyl methacrylate) as a Chemical Actinometer. (2018) ChemPhotoChem, 2 (12), pp. 1046-1054. DOI: 10.1002/cptc.201800130
10) Karlsson, J.K.G., Atahan, A., Harriman, A., Tojo, S., Fujitsuka, M., Majima, T. Pulse Radiolysis of TIPS-Pentacene and a Fluorene-bridged Bis(pentacene): Evidence for Intramolecular Singlet-Exciton Fission. (2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9 (14), pp. 3934-3938. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b02006
11) Karlsson, J.K.G., Woodford, O.J., Mustroph, H., Harriman, A. Cyanine dyes as ratiometric fluorescence standards for the far-red spectral region. (2018) Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 17 (1), pp. 99-106. DOI: 10.1039/c7pp00333a
12) Harriman, A. Electrochemical catalysts to meet the challenge for sustainable fuel production from renewable energy. (2021) Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, in press.
13) Al-Sharif, H.H.T., Harriman, A. Bio-inspired artificial light-harvesting arrays based on boron(III)-chelates. (2021) Recent Advances in Boron-Containing Materials. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.91853
No longer involved in undergraduate teaching, pedagogical matters take the form of writing a monograph on Colligative Properties, with lots of example calculations. There is also time to learn how to apply matrix theory and phasor methods for better representing multi-component photophysical processes. A book on Artificial Light-Harvesting Networks is slowly taking shape. I am actively involved in Advisory Boards, Editorial Boards and Review Boards.
- Karlsson JKG, Atahan A, Harriman A, Tkachenko NV, Ward AD, Schaberle FA, Serpa C, Arnaut LG. Singlet Exciton Fission and Associated Enthalpy Changes with a Covalently Linked Bichromophore Comprising TIPS-Pentacenes Held in an Open Conformation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021, 125(5), 1184–1197.
- Al-Sharif HHT, Ziessel R, Waddell PG, Dixon C, Harriman A. Origin of Fluorescence from Boranils in the Crystalline Phase. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020, 124(11), 2160-2172.
- Algoazy N, Knight JG, Waddell PG, Aerts R, Herrebout W, Al-Sharif HHT, Karlsson JKG, Harriman A. Synthesis, Structure and Photophysical Properties of a New Class of Inherently Chiral Boron(III) Chelates—The tert-Leucine Complexes. Chemistry: A European Journal 2021, 27(16), 5246-5258.
- Bozdemir OA, Gultekin DD, Harriman A. Triplet Distribution in a Symmetrical Zinc(II) Porphyrin-BODIPY Pentameric Array. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020, 124(51), 10736–10747.
- Harriman A. A Lifetime in Photophysics. ChemPhotoChem 2019, 3(3), 120-121.
- Woodford OJ, Ziessel R, Harriman A, Wills C, Alsimaree AA, Knight JG. Optical spectroscopic properties recorded for simple BOPHY dyes in condensed media: The mirror-symmetry factor. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2019, 208, 57-64.
- Nassar SJM, Sirbu D, Harriman A. Photocatalysed decolouration of indigo in solution via in situ generation of an organic hydroperoxide. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2019, 18(12), 2875-2883.
- Woodford OJ, Ziessel R, Harriman A. Photofading of an Extended BOPHY Chromophore Dispersed in Poly(methyl methacrylate) as a Chemical Actinometer. ChemPhotoChem 2019, 2(12), 1046-1054.
- Harriman A, Karlsson JKG, Laude A, Hall MJ. Photoisomerization of the Cyanine Dye Alexa‐Fluor® 647 (AF‐647) in the Context of dSTORM Super‐Resolution Microscopy. Chemistry - A European Journal 2019, 25(65), 14983-14998.
- Bozdemir OA, Al-Sharif HHT, McFarlane W, Waddell PG, Benniston AC, Harriman A. Solid‐State Emission from Mono‐ and Bichromophoric Boron Dipyrromethene (BODIPY) Derivatives and Comparison with Fluid Solution. Chemistry - A European Journal 2019, 25(68), 15634-15645.
- Karlsson JKG, Woodford OJ, Mustroph H, Harriman A. Cyanine dyes as ratiometric fluorescence standards for the far-red spectral region. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 2018, 17(1), 99-106.
- Woodford OJ, Stachelek P, Ziessel R, Algoazy N, Knight JG, Harriman A. End-to-end communication in a linear supermolecule with a BOPHY centre and: N,N-dimethylanilino-based terminals. New Journal of Chemistry 2018, 42(7), 4835-4842.
- Sirbu D, Karlsson JKG, Harriman A. Nonradiative Decay Channels for a Structurally-Distorted, Monostrapped BODIPY Derivative. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2018, 122(47), 9160-9170.
- Sirbu D, Woodford OJ, Benniston AC, Harriman A. Photocatalysis and self-catalyzed photobleaching with covalently-linked chromophore-quencher conjugates built around BOPHY. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 2018, 17(6), 750-762.
- Ziessel R, Stachelek P, Harriman A, Hedley GJ, Roland T, Ruseckas A, Samuel IDW. Ultrafast Through-Space Electronic Energy Transfer in Molecular Dyads Built around Dynamic Spacer Units. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2018, 122(18), 4457-4447.
- Arranja C, Aguiar A, Encarnação T, Fonseca S, Justino L, Castro R, Benniston AC, Harriman A, Burrows H, Sobrala AJFN. Double-tailed Long Chain BODIPYs - Synthesis, Characterization and Preliminary Studies on their use as Lipid Fluorescence Probes. Journal of Molecular Structure 2017, 1146, 62.
- Karlsson JKG, Woodford OJ, Al-Aqar R, Harriman A. Effects of Temperature and Concentration on the Rate of Photobleaching of Erythrosine in Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2017, 121(45), 8569-8576.
- Sirbu D, Benniston AC, Harriman A. One-Pot Synthesis of a Mono-O,B,N-strapped BODIPY Derivative Displaying Bright Fluorescence in the Solid State. Organic Letters 2017, 19(7), 1626-1629.
- Al-Aqar R, Benniston AC, Harriman A, Perks T. Structural Dynamics and Barrier Crossing Observed for a Fluorescent O-Doped Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon. ChemPhotoChem 2017, 1(5), 198-205.
- Alnoman RB, Stachelek P, Knight JG, Harriman A, Waddell PG. Synthesis of 2-aminoBODIPYs by palladium catalysed amination. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2017, 15(36), 7643-7653.
- Stachelek P, Alsimaree AA, Alnoman RB, Harriman A, Knight JG. Thermally-Activated, Delayed Fluorescence in O,B,O- and N,B,O-Strapped Boron Dipyrromethene Derivatives. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 2017, 121(10), 2096-2107.
- Harriman A. 12th International Conference on Materials Chemistry Highlights of materials chemistry research. Johnson Matthey Technology Review 2016, 60(1), 55-58.
- Stachelek P, Harriman A. Electronic Communication in Closely-connected BODIPY-based Bichromophores. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2016, 120(41), 8104-8113.
- Al-Aqar R, Atahan A, Benniston AC, Perks T, Waddell PG, Harriman A. Exciton Migration and Surface Trapping for a Photonic Crystal Displaying Charge-Recombination Fluorescence. Chemistry: A European Journal 2016, 22(43), 15420-15429.
- Karlsson JKG, Harriman A. Origin of the Red-Shifted Optical Spectra Recorded for Aza-BODIPY Dyes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2016, 120(16), 2537-2546.
- Thakare S, Stachelek P, Mula S, More AB, Chattopadhyay S, Ray AK, Sekar N, Ziessel R, Harriman A. Solvent-Driven Conformational Exchange for Amide-Linked Bichromophoric BODIPY Derivatives. Chemistry: A European Journal 2016, 22(40), 14356-14366.
- Harriman A, Stachelek P, Sutter A, Ziessel R. A bifurcated molecular pentad capable of sequential electronic energy transfer and intramolecular charge transfer. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2015, 17(39), 26175-26182.
- Harriman A. Artificial light-harvesting arrays for solar energy conversion. Chemical Communications 2015, 51(59), 11745-11756.
- Alamiry MAH, Harriman A, Haefele A, Ziessel R. Photochemical Bleaching of an Elaborate Artificial Light-Harvesting Antenna. ChemPhysChem 2015, 16(9), 1867-1872.
- Azizi S, Ulrich G, Guglielmino M, le Calvé S, Hagon JP, Harriman A, Ziessel R. Photoinduced Proton Transfer Promoted by Peripheral Subunits for Some Hantzsch Esters. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2015, 119(1), 39-49.
- Harriman A, Stachelek P, Sutter A, Ziessel R. Stepwise photoconversion of an artificial light-harvesting array built from extended BODIPY units. Photochemical Photobiological Sciences 2015, 14(6), 1100-1109.
- Hedley GJ, Ruseckas A, Benniston AC, Harriman A, Samuel IDW. Ultrafast Electronic Energy Transfer Beyond the Weak Coupling Limit in a Proximal but Orthogonal Molecular Dyad. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2015, 119(51), 12665-12671.
- Nano A, Retailleau P, Hagon J, Harriman A, Ziessel R. A hybrid bis(amino-styryl) substituted Bodipy dye and its conjugate diacid: synthesis, structure, spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16(21), 10187-10198.
- Nano A, Ziessel R, Stachelek P, Alamiry MAH, Harriman A. Exciplex Emission from a Boron Dipyrromethene (Bodipy) Dye Equipped with a Dicyanovinyl Appendage. ChemPhysChem 2014, 15(1), 177-186.
- Bahaidarah E, Harriman A, Stachelek P, Rihn S, Heyer E, Ziessel R. Fluorescent molecular rotors based on the BODIPY motif: effect of remote substituents. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2014, 13(10), 1397-1401.
- Barba-Bon A, Costero AM, Gil S, Harriman A, Sancenon F. Highly Selective Detection of Nerve-Agent Simulants with BODIPY Dyes. Chemistry - A European Journal 2014, 20(21), 6339-6347.
- Harriman A. Photo-Oxidation of Water under Ambient Conditions - The Search for Effective Oxygen-Evolving Catalysts. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2014, (4), 573-580.
- Al-Aqar R, Avis D, Benniston AC, Harriman A. The Quest for Highly Fluorescent Chromophores: Evaluation of 1H,3H-Isochromeno[6,5,4-mna]xanthene-1,3-dione (CXD). RSC Advances 2014, 4(95), 53072-53078.
- Ziessel R, Ulrich G, Haefele A, Harriman A. An Artificial Light-Harvesting Array Constructed from Multiple Bodipy Dyes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135(30), 11330-11344.
- Nano A, Ziessel R, Stachelek P, Harriman A. Charge-Recombination Fluorescence from Push-Pull Electronic Systems Constructed around Amino-Substituted Styryl-BODIPY Dyes. Chemistry - A European Journal 2013, 19(40), 13528-13537.
- Alamiry MAH, Bahraidah E, Harriman A, Olivier JH, Ziessel R. Influence of applied pressure on the probability of electronic energy transfer across a molecular dyad. Pure and Applied Chemistry 2013, 85(7), 1349-1365.
- Hablot D, Ziessel R, Alamiry MAH, Bahraidah E, Harriman A. Nanomechanical properties of molecular-scale bridges as visualised by intramolecular electronic energy transfer. Chemical Science 2013, 4(1), 444-453.
- Harriman A, Alamiry MAH, Hagon JP, Hablot D, Ziessel R. Through-Space Electronic Energy Transfer Across Proximal Molecular Dyads. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2013, 52(26), 6611-6615.
- Stewart B, Harriman A, Higham LJ. Air-stable chiral primary phosphines part (ii) predicting the air-stability of phosphines. In: Fairlamb, I.J.S., Lynam, J.M, ed. Specialist Periodical Reports: Organometallic Chemistry. London, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012, pp.36-47.
- Iehl J, Nierengarten JF, Harriman A, Bura T, Ziessel R. Artificial Light-Harvesting Arrays: Electronic Energy Migration and Trapping on a Sphere and between Spheres. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134(2), 988-998.
- Alamiry MAH, Benniston AC, Harriman A. Effect of Pressure on the Solubilization of a Fluorescent Merocyanine Dye by a Nonionic Surfactant. Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B 2012, 116(1), 253-260.
- Harriman A. Faraday Discussion 155: Artificial Photosynthesis. Platinum Metals Review 2012, 56(1), 20-24.
- Alamiry MAH, Bahaidarah E, Harriman A, Bura T, Ziessel R. Fluorescent molecular rotors under pressure: synergistic effects of an inert polymer. RSC Advances 2012, 2(26), 9851-9859.
- Alamiry MAH, Benniston AC, Copley G, Harriman A. Freezing and glass transition phenomena for 1,2-dichloroethane under high pressure as revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy. RSC Advances 2012, 2(5), 1936-1941.
- Alamiry MAH, Hagon JP, Harriman A, Bura T, Ziessel R. Resolving the contribution due to Förster-type intramolecular electronic energy transfer in closely coupled molecular dyads. Chemical Science 2012, 3(4), 1041-1048.
- Olivier JH, Barbera J, Bahaidarah E, Harriman A, Ziessel R. Self-Assembly of Charged Bodipy Dyes To Form Cassettes That Display Intracomplex Electronic Energy Transfer and Accrete into Liquid Crystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134(14), 6100-6103.
- Harriman A. Anthony Harriman. Chemistry World 2011, 8(2), 37.
- Ziessel R, Harriman A. Artificial light-harvesting antennae: electronic energy transfer by way of molecular funnels. Chemical Communications 2011, 47(2), 611-631.
- Hedley GJ, Ruseckas A, Harriman A, Samuel IDW. Conformational Effects on the Dynamics of Internal Conversion in Boron Dipyrromethene Dyes in Solution. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2011, 50(29), 6634-6637.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Yang S, Harrington RW. Highly-Strained Cyclophanes Bearing Both Photo- and Electro-Active Constituents. Tetrahedron Letters 2011, 52(41), 5315-5318.
- Benniston AC, Clift S, Harriman A. Intramolecular Charge-transfer Interactions in a Julolidine-Bodipy Molecular Dyad as Revealed by 13C NMR Chemical Shifts. Journal of Molecular Structure 2011, 985(2-3), 346-354.
- Alamiry MAH, Benniston AC, Copley G, Harriman A, Howgego D. Intramolecular Excimer Formation for Covalently Linked Boron Dipyrromethene Dyes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 115(44), 12111-12119.
- Le Pleux L, Pellegrin Y, Blart E, Odobel F, Harriman A. Long-Lived, Charge-Shift States in Heterometallic, Porphyrin-Based Dendrimers Formed via Click Chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 115(20), 5069-5080.
- Stewart B, Harriman A, Higham LJ. Predicting the Air Stability of Phosphines. Organometallics 2011, 30(20), 5338-5343.
- Benniston AC, Copley G, Harriman A, Ryan R. Thermoresponsive Fluorescent Polymers based on a Quaterthiophene-containing Boron dipyrromethene (Bodipy) Dyad Dispersed in Silicone Rubber. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21(8), 2601-2608.
- Hablot D, Harriman A, Ziessel R. Using a Photoacid Generator to Switch the Direction of Electronic Energy Transfer in a Molecular Triad. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2011, 50(34), 7833-7836.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li PY. Bidirectional Electron Transfer in Molecular Tetrads. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132(1), 26-27.
- Benniston AC, Copley G, Harriman A, Howgego D, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Cofacial Boron Dipyrromethene (Bodipy) Dimers: Synthesis, Charge Delocalization, and Exciton Coupling. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 75(6), 2018-2027.
- Mula S, Elliott K, Harriman A, Ziessel R. Energy Transfer by Way of an Exciplex Intermediate in Flexible Boron Dipyrromethene-Based Allosteric Architectures. Journal of Physical Chemistry Part A 2010, 114(39), 10515-10522.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Whittle VL, Zelzer M, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Exciplex-like emission from a closely-spaced, orthogonally-sited anthracenyl-boron dipyrromethene (Bodipy) molecular dyad. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 2010, 9(7), 1009-1017.
- Harriman A, Ziessel R. Exploring the effects of solvent polarity on the rate of Forster-type electronic energy transfer in a closely-spaced molecular dyad. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2010, 9(7), 960-967.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Whittle VL, Zelzer M. Molecular Rotors Based on the Boron Dipyrromethene Fluorophore. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, (3), 523-530.
- Ziessel R, Rihn S, Harriman A. Quasi-One-Dimensional Electronic Systems Formed from Boron Dipyrromethene (BODIPY) Dyes. Chemistry: A European Journal 2010, 16(39), 11942-11953.
- Elliott KJ, Harriman A, Le Pleux L, Pellegrin Y, Blart E, Mayer CR, Odobel F. A porphyrin-polyoxometallate bio-inspired mimic for artificial photosynthesis. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2009, 11(39), 8767-8773.
- Benniston AC, Allen BD, Harriman A, Llarena I, Rostron JP, Stewart B. Accessing molecular memory via a disulfide switch. New Journal of Chemistry 2009, 33(2), 417-427.
- Ziessel R, Retailleau P, Elliott KJ, Harriman A. Boron Dipyrrin Dyes Exhibiting "Push-Pull-Pull" Electronic Signatures. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(40), 10369-10374.
- Doherty S, Smyth CH, Harriman A, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Can a Butadiene-Based Architecture Compete with its Biaryl Counterpart in Asymmetric Catalysis? Enantiopure Me-CATPHOS, a Remarkably Efficient Ligand for Asymmetric Hydrogenation. Organometallics 2009, 28(3), 888-895.
- Odobel F, Severac M, Pellegrin Y, Blart E, Fosse C, Cannizzo C, Mayer CR, Eliott KJ, Harriman A. Coupled sensitizer-catalyst dyads: electron-transfer reactions in a perylene-polyoxometalate conjugate. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(13), 3130-3138.
- Ziessel R, Ulrich G, Elliott KJ, Harriman A. Electronic Energy Transfer in Molecular Dyads Built Around Boron-Ethyne-Substituted Subphthalocyanines. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(20), 4980-4984.
- Harriman A, Mallon LJ, Goeb S, Ulrich G, Ziessel R. Electronic Energy Transfer to the S2 Level of the Acceptor in Functionalised Boron Dipyrromethene Dyes. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(18), 4553-4564.
- Ziessel R, Alamiry MAH, Elliott KJ, Harriman A. Exploring the Limits of Förster Theory for Energy Transfer at a Separation of 20 Å. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2009, 48(15), 2772-2776.
- Harriman A, Elliott KJ, Alamiry MAH, Le Pleux L, Severac M, Pellegrin Y, Blart E, Fosse C, Cannizzo C, Mayer CR, Odobel F. Intramolecular Electron Transfer Reactions Observed for Dawson-Type Polyoxometalates Covalently Linked to Porphyrin Residues. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009, 113(14), 5834-5842.
- Harriman A, Mallon LJ, Elliott KJ, Haefele A, Ulrich G, Ziessel R. Length Dependence for Intramolecular Energy Transfer in Three- and Four-Color Donor-Spacer-Acceptor Arrays. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131(37), 13375-13386.
- Ziessel R, Allen BD, Rewinska DB, Harriman A. Selective Triplet-State Formation during Charge Recombination in a Fullerene/Bodipy Molecular Dyad (Bodipy=Borondipyrromethene). Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(30), 7382-7393.
- Ziessel R, Ulrich G, Harriman A, Alamiry MAH, Stewart B, Retailleau P. Solid-State Gas Sensors Developed from Functional Difluoroboradiazaindacene Dyes. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(6), 1359-1369.
- Benniston AC, Copley G, Harriman A, Rewinska DB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. A donor-acceptor molecular dyad showing multiple electronic energy-transfer processes in crystalline and amorphous states. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(23), 7174-7175.
- Alamiry MAH, Benniston AC, Copley G, Elliott KJ, Harriman A, Stewart B, Zhi Y-G. A Molecular Rotor Based on an Unhindered Boron Dipyrromethene (Bodipy) Dye. Chemistry of Materials 2008, 20(12), 4024-4032.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A. Artificial photosynthesis. Materials Today 2008, 11(12), 26-34.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Verhoeven JW. Comment: Electron-transfer reactions in the 9-mesityl-10-methylacridinium ion: Impurities, triplet states and infinitely long-lived charge-shift states?. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2008, 10(33), 5156-5158.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A. Controlling electron exchange in molecular assemblies. In: Coordination Chemistry Reviews: 17th International Symposium on Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds. 2008, Dublin, Ireland: Elsevier.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A. Controlling electron exchange in molecular assemblies. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2008, 252(23-24), 2528-2539.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Patel PV, Sams CA. Electron Exchange in Conformationally Restricted Donor–Spacer–Acceptor Dyads: Angle Dependence and Involvement of Upper-Lying Excited States. Chemistry: A European Journal 2008, 14(6), 1710-1717.
- Alamiry MAH, Harriman A, Mallon LJ, Ulrich G, Ziessel R. Energy- and charge-transfer processes in a perylene-BODIPY-pyridine tripartite array. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2008, (16), 2774-2782.
- Harriman A, Mallon L, Ziessel R. Energy Flow in a Purpose-Built Cascade Molecule Bearing Three Distinct Chromophores Attached to the Terminal Acceptor. Chemistry: A European Journal 2008, 14(36), 11461-11473.
- Ulrich G, Ziessel R, Harriman A. The chemistry of fluorescent bodipy dyes: Versatility unsurpassed. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) 2008, 47(7), 1184-1201.
- Harriman A, Mallon LJ, Goeb S, Ziessel R. A near-IR emitting Bodipy-based dye fitted with ancillary light harvesting units. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2007, 9(38), 5199-5201.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Rostron JP, Harrington RW, Clegg W. A spectroscopic study of the reduction of geometrically restrained viologens. Chemistry - A European Journal 2007, 13(28), 7838-7851.
- Harriman A, Mallon LJ, Stewart B, Ulrich G, Ziessel R. Boron dipyrromethene dyes bearing ancillary 2,2′:6′,2″- terpyridine coordination sites. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2007, (19), 3191-3198.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Pariani C, Sams CA. Competition between energy transfer and interligand electron transfer in porphyrin - Osmium(II) Bis(2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) dyads. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2007, 111(37), 8918-8924.
- Harriman A, Izzet G. Direct observation of the fourth MLCT triplet state in ruthenium(II) tris(2,2′-bipyridine). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2007, 9(8), 944-948.
- Allen BD, Benniston AC, Harriman A, Llarena I, Sams CA. How the central torsion angle affects the rates of nonradiative decay in some geometrically restricted p-quaterphenyls. Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory 2007, 111(14), 2641-2649.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Llarena I, Sams CA. Intramolecular delayed fluorescence as a tool for imaging science: Synthesis and photophysical properties of a first-generation emitter. Chemistry of Materials 2007, 19(8), 1931-1938.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Llarena I, Sams CA. Intramolecular Delayed Fluorescence as a Tool for Imaging Science: Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of a First-Generation Emitter. Chemistry of Materials 2007, 19(8), 1931.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Howell SL, Sams CA, Zhi Y-G. Intramolecular excimer formation and delayed fluorescence in sterically constrained pyrene dimers. Chemistry - A European Journal 2007, 13(16), 4665-4674.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Rewinska DB, Yang S, Zhi Y-G. On the conjugation length for oligo(ethynylnaphthalene)-based molecular rods. Chemistry - A European Journal 2007, 13(36), 10194-10203.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Howell SL, Li P, Lydon DP. Opening a spiropyran ring by way of an exciplex intermediate. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2007, 72(3), 888-897.
- Harriman A, Mallon LJ, Ulrich G, Ziessel R. Rapid intersystem crossing in closely-spaced but orthogonal molecular dyads. ChemPhysChem 2007, 8(8), 1207-1214.
- Ziessel R, Ulrich G, Harriman A. The chemistry of Bodipy: A new El Dorado for fluorescence tools. New Journal of Chemistry 2007, 31(4), 496-501.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Patel PV, Sams CA. A strategy for the synthesis of metal bis(2,2′:6′,2″- terpyridine)-terminated molecular dyads having controlled torsion angles at the central biphenyl linker. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2006, 71(9), 3481-3493.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Patel PV, Rostron JP, Sams CA. An apparent angle dependence for the nonradiative deactivation of excited triplet states of sterically constrained, binuclear ruthenium(II) bis(2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) complexes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2006, 110(32), 9880-9886.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A. Charge on the move: How electron-transfer dynamics depend on molecular conformation. Chemical Society Reviews 2006, 35(2), 169-179.
- Allen BD, Benniston AC, Harriman A, Mallon LJ, Pariani C. Competing through-space and through-bond, intramolecular triplet-energy transfer in a supposedly rigid ruthenium(II) tris(2,2′-bipyridine)- fullerene molecular dyad. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2006, 8(35), 4112-4118.
- Harriman A, Rostron JP, Cesario M, Ulrich G, Ziessel R. Electron transfer in self-assembled orthogonal structures. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2006, 110(26), 7994-8002.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Pariani C, Sams CA. Intramolecular energy-transfer processes in a bis(porphyrin)-ruthenium(II) bis(2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) molecular array. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2006, 8(17), 2051-2057.
- Harriman A, Khatyr A, Rostron SA, Ziessel R. Light-active metal-based molecular-scale wires. In: Schubert, US; Newkome, GR; Manners, I, ed. Metal-Containing and Metallosupramolecular Polymers and Materials. Washington DC: American Chemical Society, 2006, pp.72-85.
- Benniston AC, Chapman GM, Harriman A, Sams CA. Photophysical investigation of the triplet manifold of mono- and bis-phenylethynyl-(2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) ruthenium(II) complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2006, 359(3), 753-758.
- Harriman A, Izzet G, Goeb S, De Nicola A, Ziessel R. Photophysical properties of ruthenium(II) tris(2,2′-bipyridine) complexes bearing conjugated thiophene appendages. Inorganic Chemistry 2006, 45(24), 9729-9741.
- Harriman A, Izzet G, Ziessel R. Rapid energy transfer in cascade-type bodipy dyes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128(33), 10868-10875.
- Goze C, Ulrich G, Mallon LJ, Allen BD, Harriman A, Ziessel R. Synthesis and photophysical properties of borondipyrromethene dyes bearing aryl substituents at the boron center. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128(31), 10231-10239.
- Harriman A, Rostron SA, Khatyr A, Ziessel R. The mechanism of long-range electron exchange in molecular-scale photonic wires. Faraday Discussions 2006, 131, 377-391.
- Van Ramesdonk HJ, Bakker BH, Groeneveld MM, Verhoeven JW, Allen BD, Rostron JP, Harriman A. Ultrafast intersystem crossing in 9,10-anthraquinones and intramolecular charge separation in an anthraquinone-based dyad. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2006, 110(49), 13145-13150.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Lawrie DJ, Mehrabi M, Russell OD. A ditopic receptor for cation binding and facilitated transport through a supported liquid membrane. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2005, 358(12), 3483-3490.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Patel PV, Sams CA. A strategy for controlling the central torsion angle in biphenyl-based molecular-scale bridges. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2005, 2005(21), 4680-4686.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Rostron JP, Van Ramesdonk HJ, Groeneveld MM, Zhang H, Verhoeven JW. Charge shift and triplet state formation in the 9-mesityl-10- methylacridinium cation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127(46), 16054-16064.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Sams CA. Comparison of the photophysical properties of osmium(II) Bis(2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) and the corresponding ethynylated derivative. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2005, 109(10), 2302-2309.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Rostron JP. Controlling electron delocalisation in constrained N,N′-dimethyl-4, 4′-bipyridinium dications. Tetrahedron Letters 2005, 46(43), 7291-7293.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Lawrie DJ, Mehrabi M. DNA binding of a molecular-scale receptor in the presence of zinc(II) ions. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2005, (7), 1384-1391.
- Rostron JP, Ulrich G, Retailleau P, Harriman A, Ziessel R. Engineering of an electronically decoupled difluoroindacene-pyrene dyad possessing high affinity for DNA. New Journal of Chemistry 2005, 29(10), 1241-1244.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Rostron JP, Verhoeven JW. Illumination of the 9-mesityl-10-methylacridinium ion does not give a long-lived photoredox state. Chemical Communications 2005, (21), 2701-2703.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Rostron JP, Verhoeven JW. Illumination of the 9-mesityl-10-methylacridinium ion does not give a long-lived photoredox state. Chemical Communications 2005, (21), 2701-2703.
- Ziessel R, Goze C, Ulrich G, Cesario M, Retailleau P, Harriman A, Rostron JP. Intramolecular energy transfer in pyrene-bodipy molecular dyads and triads. Chemistry: A European Journal 2005, 11(24), 7366-7378.
- Harriman A, Mehrabi M, Maiya BG. Light-induced electron transfer in porphyrin-calixarene conjugates. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 2005, 4(1), 47-53.
- Verhoeven JW, van Ramesdonk HJ, Zhang H, Groeneveld MM, Benniston AC, Harriman A. Long-lived charge-transfer states in 9-Aryl-Acridinium ions: a critical reinvestigation. International Journal of Photoenergy 2005, 7(2), 103-108.
- Verhoeven JW, Van Ramesdonk HJ, Groeneveld MM, Benniston AC, Harriman A. Long-lived charge-transfer states in compact donor-acceptor dyads. ChemPhysChem 2005, 6(11), 2251-2260.
- Harriman A, Mayeux A, Stroh C, Ziessel R. Photophysical properties of binuclear ruthenium(II) bis(2,2′: 6′,2″-terpyridine) complexes built around a central 2,2′-bipyrimidine receptor. Dalton Transactions 2005, (17), 2925-2932.
- Benniston AC, Chapman GM, Harriman A, Rostron SA. Reversible luminescence switching in a ruthenium(II) Bis(2,2′: 6′,2″-terpyridine)-benzoquinone dyad. Inorganic Chemistry 2005, 44(11), 4029-4036.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Sams CA. Temperature-induced switching of the mechanism for intramolecular energy transfer in a 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine-based Ru(II)-Os(II) trinuclear array. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127(8), 2553-2564.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Rostron JP. The effect of solvent polarity on the photophysical properties of 4-cyano-(4′-methylthio)diphenylacetylene: A prototypic donor-acceptor system. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2005, 7(16), 3041-3047.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Patel PV, Sams CA. The effect of torsion angle on the rate of intramolecular triplet energy transfer. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2005, 7(21), 3677-3679.
- Allen BD, Benniston AC, Harriman A, Rostron SA, Yu C. The photophysical properties of a julolidene-based molecular rotor. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2005, 7(16), 3035-3040.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Lawrie DJ, Rostron SA. A Closely-Coupled Pyrene Dimer Having Unusually Intense Fluorescence. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2004, 2004(10), 2272-2276.
- Amini A, Harriman A. A quantum chemical study of intramolecular charge transfer in a closely-spaced, donor-acceptor molecule. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2004, 108(7), 1242-1249.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Sams CA. Conformational control of electron delocalisation in geometrically- constrained, binuclear ruthenium(II) bis(2,2′:6′,2″- terpyridine) complexes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2004, 6(5), 875-877.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Romero FM, Ziessel R. Effect of the parent ligand on the photophysical properties of closely-coupled, binuclear ruthenium(II) tris(2,2′-bipyridine) complexes. Dalton Transactions 2004, (8), 1233-1238.
- Benniston AC, Chapman G, Harriman A, Mehrabi M, Sams CA. Electron delocalization in a ruthenium(II) bis(2,2′:6′, 2″-terpyridyl) complex. Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 43(14), 4227-4233.
- Benniston AC, Chapman GM, Harriman A, Mehrabi M. Intramolecular energy transfer in molecular dyads comprising free-base porphyrin and ruthenium(II) bis(2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) termini. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2004, 108(42), 9026-9036.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li PY, Sams CA, Ward MD. Orientational control of electronic coupling in mixed-valence, binuclear ruthenium(II)-bis(2,2 ': 6 ',2 ''-terpyridine) complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126(42), 13630-13631.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Mehrabi M, Rostran S, McCulloch IE, Sams C. Photophysical Properties of a Bis-Oxonol Dye. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2004, 163(1-2), 61-67.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, McCulloch IE, Mehrabi M, Rostron SA, Sams CA. Photophysical properties of an extended bis-oxonol dye. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2004, 163(1-2), 61-67.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Lawrie DJ, Rostron SA. Synthesis of a multitopic pyrene-thiophene-anthracene-2,2′:6′, 2″-terpyridine array. Tetrahedron Letters 2004, 45(12), 2503-2506.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Lawrie DJ, Mayeux A. The photophysical properties of a pyrene-thiophene-terpyridine conjugate and of its zinc(II) and ruthenium(II) complexes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2004, 6(1), 51-57.
- Amini A, Harriman A, Mayeux A. The triplet excited state of ruthenium(II) bis(2,2′:6′, 2″-terpyridine): Comparison between experiment and theory. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2004, 6(6), 1157-1164.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Lawrie DJ, Mayeux A, Rafferty K, Russell OD. A general purpose reporter for cations: Absorption, fluorescence and electrochemical sensing of zinc(II). Dalton Transactions 2003, (24), 4762-4769.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Sams CA. Building molecular-scale bridges having restricted rotation. Tetrahedron Letters 2003, 44(22), 4167-4169.
- Amini A, Harriman A. Computational methods for electron-transfer systems. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 2003, 4(2), 155-177.
- Amini A, Harriman A. Computational methods for electron-transfer systems. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 2003, 4(2), 155-177.
- Charbonniere LJ, Ziessel RF, Sams CA, Harriman A. Coordination properties of a diarylaza crown ether appended with a luminescent [Ru(bipy)3]2+ unit. Inorganic Chemistry 2003, 42(11), 3466-3474.
- Amini A, Harriman A. Intramolecular charge transfer in 2-methyl-1,3-dihydrobenz[d,e]- isoquinoline: Calculation of the electronic coupling matrix element. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2003, 5(20), 4556-4562.
- Amini A, Harriman A. Intramolecular charge transfer in 4-cyano-(4′-methylthio)diphenyl-acetylene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2003, 5(7), 1344-1351.
- Benniston AC, Davies M, Harriman A, Sams C. Photophysical properties of a supramolecular interlocked conjugate. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2003, 107(23), 4669-4675.
- Benniston AC, Clegg W, Harriman A, Harrington RW, Li P, Sams C. Synthesis of a biphenyl-based cyclophane via benzidine rearrangement of a constrained m-nitrophenol derivative. Tetrahedron Letters 2003, 44(13), 2665-2667.
- Harriman A. Photophysical Processes in Condensed Phases. Photochemistry 2002, 33, 13-49.
- Harriman A, Mayeux A, De Nicola A, Ziessel R. Synthesis and photophysical properties of ruthenium(II) bis(2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) complexes constructed from a diethynylated-thiophene residue. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2002, 4(11), 2229-2235.
- Harriman A. Photophysical processes in condensed phases. Photochemistry 2001, 32, 13-46.
- Harriman A, Khatyr A, Ziessel R, Benniston AC. An unusually shallow distance-dependence for triplet-energy transfer. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2000, 39(23), 4287-4290.
- Harriman A, Khatyr A, Ziessel R, Benniston AC. An Unusually Shallow Distance-Dependence for Triplet-Energy Transfer. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2000, 39(23), 4287-4290.
- Dieleman CB, Matt D, Harriman A. Coordination chemistry of calix-phosphanes: Cooperativity in the assembly of a tetragold calixarene complex. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2000, (5), 831-834.
- Ziessel R, Harriman A, El-ghayoury A, Douce L, Leize E, Nierengarten H, Van Dorsselaer A. First assembly of copper(I) naphthyridine-based helicates. New Journal of Chemistry 2000, 24(10), 729-732.
- El-ghayoury A, Harriman A, Ziessel R. Intercompartmental Electron Exchange in Geometrically-Constrained Ru-Os Triads built around Diethynylated Aryl Hydrocarbons. Journal of Physical Chemistry Part A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory 2000, 104(33), 7906-7915.
- El-ghayoury A, Harriman A, Khatyr A, Ziessel R. Intramolecular Triplet Energy Transfer in Metal Polypyridine Complexes Bearing Ethynylated Aromatic Groups. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000, 104(7), 1512-1523.
- Juris A, Prodi L, Harriman A, Ziessel R, Hissler M, El-ghayoury A, Wu F, Riesgo EC, Thummel RP. Mono- and dinuclear ruthenium(II) and osmium(II) polypyridine complexes built around spiro-bridged bis(phenanthroline) ligands: Synthesis, electrochemistry, and photophysics. Inorganic Chemistry 2000, 39(16), 3590-3598.
- Knight JG, Doherty S, Harriman A. Remarkable differences in catalyst activity and selectivity for the production of methyl propanoate versus CO-ethylene copolymer by a series of palladium complexes of related C4-bridged diphosphines. Organometallics 2000, 19(24), 4957-4967.
- Benniston AC, Gardner S, Farrugia LJ, Harriman A. Structure and photophysical properties of constrained donor-acceptor [2]catenanes bearing an appended secondary donor. Journal of Chemical Research 2000, 2000(8), 360-361.
- Armspach D, Matt D, Harriman A. The first Ru(II) bipyridyl-capped cyclodextrin: Evidence of electron- transfer through the cavity. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2000, 2000(6), 1147-1150.
- Harriman A, Wipff G, Ziessel R, Hissler M. Conformational control of intramolecular electron transfer in calix[4]diquinones and their cationic complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1999, 121(1), 14-27.
- Harriman A. Electron tunneling in DNA. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 1999, 38(7), 945-949.
- Harriman A, Ziessel R, Hissler M, Trompette O. Energy transfer in molecular dyads comprising metalloporphyrin and ruthenium(II) tris(2,2 1 -bipyridyl) terminals. Competition between internal conversion and energy transfer in the upper excited singlet state of the porphyrin. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1999, 121(11), 2516-2525.