Staff Profile
Professor William Clegg
- Telephone: +44 (0) 7528 948776
- Address: Chemistry
School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
Bedson Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Bill Clegg took early retirement from teaching and administration in September 2009, but continues in part-time research, supporting and improving crystallography in Newcastle, developing and exploiting synchrotron radiation for structural studies, and engaging in the training of scientists through organising and teaching on international courses on crystallography and synchrotron radiation science. He is an author of many research papers and two editions each of two books, and has served on numerous committees and working parties serving the crystallographic, chemical and wider scientific communities.
Roles and Responsibilities
Senior Research Investigator until 30 September 2024 when this post was abolished. Now non-payroll Emeritus Professor, still contributing voluntarily to the development of crystallography at Newcastle.
Formerly Principal Investigator, now Co-investigator, for a regional team of crystallographers in the north-east of England and eastern Scotland making (mostly remote-access) use of Diamond Light Source beamline I19 for structural characterisation of very demanding samples. Previously Chair, Diamond User Committee (to 2014).
Baptist Chaplain at Newcastle University until December 2023.
Area of Expertise
X-ray crystallography (Chemistry)
MA PhD ScD (Cambridge)
Dr habil. (Göttingen)
CChem, FRSC (Honorary life membership)
Cert Theol (Wales)
Previous Positions
Demonstrator in Inorganic Chemistry, Newcastle, 1973-1978
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Göttingen, Germany, 1978-1984
Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, Newcastle, 1984-1988
Reader in Chemical Crystallography, Newcastle, 1988-1992
Professor of Structural Crystallography, Newcastle, 1992-2009
A series of Joint Appointments, Daresbury Laboratory, 1995-2008
British Crystallographic Association (honorary life member; previously member of Council)
European Crystallographic Association (elected member of Council 2009-2015; currently chair of Senior Crystallographers' Group)
American Crystallographic Association
Royal Society of Chemistry
Christians in Science (Chair of Trustees) [see]
Honours and Awards
RSC Corday-Morgan medal, 1985
Lifetime Honorary Membership of the BCA, 2010
ECA 12th Max Perutz Prize, 2022
German (fluent but slightly rusty)
French (basic school level, little used and much forgotten)
Chinese (very basic, currently not in active use)
Informal Interests
Christian faith and ministry (accredited Baptist lay preacher)
The relationship between science and Christian faith (speaker, writer, organiser of events)
[see Big Questions - Any Answers]
Choral singing (tenor - an endangered species!)
Family: married 1975, 4 grown-up children, 1 grandson and 2 granddaughters so far
Walking, camping, outdoor holidays
Cycling (touring, not racing; cycled Land's End to John o' Groats 2024)
Cooking and bread-making
Amateur dramatics (local village Drama Group)
Google Scholar
My Google Scholar profile is William Clegg
Research Interests
More information is available at Bill Clegg's Blog
My Google Scholar profile can be found here: William Clegg
I have been involved in X-ray crystallography throughout my research career, working originally with photographic film methods, laborious calculations, and hand-drawn graphics under the supervision of Peter Wheatley in Cambridge. Use of very old X-ray equipment and main-frame computers during my first fixed-term appointment in Newcastle taught me much of the practical fundamentals of the subject and fostered an interest in the development of crystallographic methods. This was nurtured during my time in Göttingen with George Sheldrick, when I was responsible for producing a complete control program for a modern four-circle diffractometer and producing efficient data collection procedures that have since been implemented by various commercial suppliers of equipment.
Later work in Newcastle involved the use of the world’s first complete commercial CCD crystallography system (1994), a JREI project in the application of a high-intensity low-power X-ray generator (1999), and routine use of low-temperature facilities in data collection. In the last 25-30 years I have made extensive use of synchrotron radiation, and led a major project (from 1994) to construct and commission a new high-flux single-crystal diffraction station at Daresbury Laboratory for use in chemistry and materials science. This became a world-leading research facility of the UK Synchrotron Radiation Source, to the extent that a second station was provided later to address the huge oversubscription. I served on a working party that successfully bid for a new beamline (I19) at Diamond Light Source to take over after the SRS closure in 2008. I have provided an efficient and productive national crystallography service making use of the beamlines at Daresbury and Diamond between 2001 and 2010, supporting the work of dozens of leading research groups around the UK. While chairing the Diamond User Committee for several years, I also contributed to the project developing a new User Administration System at Diamond, which is in use today.
Recent research has covered a very wide range of organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds, in collaboration with other groups in Newcastle, at other British Universities, at institutions in other countries, and in British and overseas industry and government research agencies. Within my research group we have also synthesised some of our own samples, particularly alkali metal complexes and supramolecular coordination complexes of polycarboxylic acids and related ligands (also known as metal organic frameworks) and investigated their structures and properties.
X-ray crystallography is the most powerful technique available for the determination of structures of solid-state materials. Advances in recent years have made it relatively fast and reliable, and a full crystal structure determination can now, under favourable circumstances, be carried out in a matter of hours. In 2008 we acquired a new Oxford Diffaction Gemini A Ultra diffractometer with both Mo and Cu radiation sources, and this has extended the range of samples we are able to investigate before resorting to synchrotron facilities. Several even more powerful and versatile diffractometers were more recently added to the equipment portfolio at Newcastle. We are involved in a regional team of scientists (including chemists from Durham, Edinburgh and St Andrews) making use of Diamond for the study of more demanding samples, and have pioneered the use of remote access as a routine mode of operation of beamline I19.
Key references for crystallographic methods:
W. Clegg. Faster data collection without loss of precision: an extension of the learnt profile method. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A, 1981, 37, 22.
W. Clegg. Synchrotron chemical crystallography (Dalton Perspective). J.Chem.Soc., Dalton Trans. 2000, 3223.
R. J. Cernik, W. Clegg, C. R. A. Catlow, G. Bushnell-Wye, J. V. Flaherty, G. N. Greaves, I. Burrows, D. J. Taylor, S. J. Teat and M. Hamichi. A new high-flux chemical and materials crystallography station at the SRS Daresbury. 1. Design, construction and test results. J.Synchrotron Rad. 1997, 4, 279 and 2000, 7, 40.
W. Clegg, M. R. J. Elsegood, S. J. Teat, C. Redshaw and V. C. Gibson. A novel titanium-oxygen ladder structure supported by calix[4]arene ligands, characterised by synchrotron crystallography. J.Chem.Soc., Dalton Trans. 1998, 3037.
W. Clegg. Synchrotron single-crystal diffraction for chemists: development and maturity. ACA Transactions 2013, 44, 61.
N. T. Johnson, P. G. Waddell, W. Clegg and M. R. Probert. Remote Access Revolution: Chemical Crystallographers Enter a New Era at Diamond Light Source Beamline I19. Crystals 2017, 7, 360.
W. Clegg. The development and exploitation of synchrotron single-crystal diffraction for chemistry and materials. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 2019, 377, 20180239.
W. Clegg. Some reflections on symmetry: pitfalls of automation and some illustrative examples. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E 2019, 75, 1812.
W. Clegg. Distortions, deviations and alternative facts: reliability in crystallography. IUCrJ, 2021, 8, 4.
W. Clegg. Space groups - the final frontier: a tutorial guided tour of some entries in International Tables for Crystallography Volume A. Cryst. Rev. 2023, 29, 228.
Other Expertise
Programming in (old-fashioned!) FORTRAN.
Many self-taught computing skills; touch-typing; Zoom meeting organisation and hosting.
Proof-reading (much experience from journal editing).
Recent and Current Work
In addition to work in Newcastle, I have enjoyed a long-standing and very fruitful research collaboration with chemists at Strathclyde University. Begun in 1983 with Dr Ron Snaith (who later moved to Cambridge) with the encouragement of Professor Ken Wade, this later became more firmly established with Professor Rab Mulvey and recently with Professor Eva Hevia. Research is in the area of main-group chemistry, particularly involving s-block metals (alkali metals and alkaline earths), and some of the topics that have emerged over the years include ring stacking and laddering, the trapping of reactive intermediates, inverse crown complexes, alkali-metal-mediated metalation of organic substrates, and 'cleave and capture' chemistry. Many high-impact publications have resulted from this work, including several journal front cover illustrations, and other results are currently being revised for submission as CSD Communications.
I also collaborate with chemists in Prague and Leeds on structural aspects of borane cluster compounds. Much of this work has been published, particularly recently in the ACS journal Inorganic Chemistry and in Angewandte Chemie.
I have led a project for many years providing commercial crystal structure determination services for one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, and continue to play a key role while passing the leadership responsibility to a colleague in Newcastle. The income contributes to the development of our crystallography facilities in Newcastle and supports my involvement in various national and international conferences. I have recently also provided some expert witness services in a pharmaceutical patent dispute.
Research Roles
Having retired formally from a position of overall responsibility for crystallography at Newcastle University, I continue now with activities in these areas:
development of facilities, operations and software;
use of synchrotron radiation in crystallography;
publication (in journals and in the Cambridge Structural Database) of a large backlog of results;
training in crystallography through summer schools and conference contributions;
coordination of activities of senior crystallographers in the European Crystallographic Association.
Postgraduate Supervision
I have supervised about 25 PhD students over the years, in various aspects of synthetic chemistry and crystallography. The most recent to finish were Rachel Gill, who submitted her thesis and successfully defended it at a viva in November 2010, and James Holcroft, who completed his research and thesis in September 2012. Both Rachel and James worked in the area of metal organic frameworks, including synthesis, crystallography, gas adsorption, thermal properties, and other physical techniques. I later supported some PhD students as a member of their progression panels.
Esteem Indicators
Honorary Member of the British Crystallographic Association from 2010.
More than 4600 entries in the Cambridge Structural Database (among the world's 10 highest contributors).
>1300 published papers and 4 books.
Numerous journal front cover illustrations.
European Crystallographic Association Max Perutz Prize 2022.
h-index (2024): 78
Two major EPSRC grants finished in 2010. Current research funding comes mainly from commercial contracts. We also have a long continuous series of synchrotron beamtime awards from Diamond Light Source.
Industrial Relevance
Crystal structure determination is of importance in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and we are able to provide appropriate services using expert personnel and modern equipment, at an attractive price. We have been carrying out commercial work for around 30 years.
I am not involved in any undergraduate or local postgraduate teaching (except contributions to crystallography research group training and discussions).
I have contributed to many international crystallography courses for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers. In particular, I have taught on the BCA Chemical Crystallography Group intensive course on X-ray structure analysis (originally at Aston University, subsequently in Durham) every two years since its inception in 1987 (16th course in 2017, which was my last); I have organised several Synchrotron Radiation Science summer schools in Chester/Daresbury, and continue to teach on similar schools in Oxford/Diamond every two years (most recently 2023). In 2016 I also taught on the 3rd European Crystallography School in Bol, Island of Brac, Croatia. Before that, I lectured at a number of International Summer Schools on Crystallographic Computing.
I was the BCA's Kathleen Lonsdale Lecturer for 2018, giving a plenary lecture at the BCA Spring Meeting at Warwick University in March, with the title "Deviations, distortions and alternative facts: reliability in crystallography". A version of this lecture has now been published in the Gold Open Access journal IUCrJ (IUCrJ (2021) 8, 4-11).
- Hribesh SO, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Houlton A, Pike AR. Synthesis and crystal structure of a nickel(II) 2′-deoxy-6-thioguanosine nitrate complex. Acta Crystallographica Section C 2025, 81(3), 165-169.
- Horton PN, Coles SJ, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Butler IR. A Rapid General Synthesis and the Spectroscopic Data of2,2′-Bis-(di-isopropylphosphino)-1,1′-dibromoferrocene,(bpdbf), 1,1′,2,2′-Tetrakis-(di-isopropylphosphino)ferrocene,(tdipf) and Related Ligands: Taking dppf into the Future. Inorganics 2025, 13(1), 10.
- Clegg W, Nichol GS. The Sensitivity of Structure to Ionic Radius and Reaction Stoichiometry: A Crystallographic Study of Metal Coordination and Hydrogen Bonding in Barbiturate Complexes of All Five Alkali Metals Li–Cs. Molecules 2024, 29(7), 1495.
- Al-Mahamad LLG, Clegg W. Synthesis and crystal structure of a silver(I) 6-methylmercaptopurine riboside complex. Acta Crystallographica Section C 2024, 80(3), 80-84.
- Clegg W, Nichol GS. Investigating the competitive factors of metal-anion coordination, coordination by water, and hydrogen bonding in complexes of cyanuric acid with the alkaline earth metals. Crystals 2024, 14(1), 98.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Redshaw C. Extended Hydrogen-Bonded Molybdenum Arrays Derived from Carboxylic Acids and Dianilines: ROP Capability of the Complexes and Parent Acids and Dianilines. Catalysts 2024, 14(3), 214.
- Bould J, Ehn M, Tok O, Bavol D, Kucerakova M, Clegg W, Litecka M, Lang K, Kirakci K, Londesborough MGS. Expanding luminescence horizons in macropolyhedral heteroboranes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2024, 63(17), e202401872.
- Madlool AM, Alwaaly A, Dixon CM, Waddell PG, Clegg W, Probert MR, Harrington RW, Izod K. Alkali Metal Complexes of Phosphine-Borane-Substituted Benzyl Ligands and Their Application in the Synthesis of B-H···Sn Stabilized Dialkylstannylenes. Organometallics 2024, 43(2), 164–173.
- Bould J, Tok O, Clegg W, Londesborough MGS, Litecka M, Ehn M. The Metal-Mediated Coupling of the Diselenaundecaborate Anion [Se2B9H10]−. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2023, 547, 121341.
- Mulvey RE, Docherty SP, Banerjee S, Clegg W, Palin FJ, Kennedy AR, Robertson SD. Incorporating Trimethylaluminium into the Structures of Alkali Metal (Li, Na, K, Cs)dihydropyridines. Zeitschrift fuer anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 2023, 649(5), e202200356.
- Clegg W. David G. Watson (1934-2023). Acta Crystallographica Section E 2023, 79, 578-579.
- Ehn M, Bavol D, Bould J, Strnad V, Litecka M, Lang K, Kirakci K, Clegg W, Waddell PG, Londesorough MGS. A Window into the Workings of anti-B18H22 Luminescence—Blue-Fluorescent Isomeric Pair 3,3'-Cl2-B18H20and 3,4'-Cl2-B18H20 (and Others). Molecules 2023, 28(11), 4505.
- Golding BT, Abelairas-Edesa M, Tilbury RD, Wilson JP, Zhang D, Henderson AP, Bleasdale C, Clegg W, Watson WP. Influence of the methyl group in isoprene epoxides on reactivity compared to butadiene epoxides: Biological significance. Chemico-Biological Interactions 2022, 361, 109949.
- Kepplinger B, Mardiana L, Cowell J, Morton-Laing S, Dashti Y, Wills C, Marrs ECL, Perry JD, Gray J, Goodfellow M, Errington J, Probert MR, Clegg W, Bogaerts J, Herrebout W, Allenby N, Hall MJ. Discovery, Isolation, Heterologous Expression and Mode-of Action Studies of the Antibiotic Polyketide Tatiomicin from Amycolatopsis sp. DEM30355. Scientific Reports 2022, 12, 15579.
- Al-Qaisi ZHJ, Al-Garawi ZS, Al-Karawi AJM, Hammood AJ, Abdallah AM, Clegg W, Mohamed CG. Antiureolytic activity of new water-soluble thiadiazole derivatives: Spectroscopic, DFT, and molecular docking studies. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2022, 272, 120971.
- Izod K, Watson JM, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Phosphido-bis(borane) complexes of the alkaline earth metals. Dalton Transactions 2021, 50(3), 1019-1024.
- Bould J, Londesborough MGS, Litecka M, Macias R, Shea SL, McGrath TD, Clegg W, Kennedy JD. Macropolyhedral Chalcogenaboranes: Insertion of Selenium into the Isomers of B18H22. Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 61(4), 1899–1917.
- Fortune KM, Castel C, Robertson CM, Horton PN, Light ME, Coles SJ, Waugh M, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Butler IR. Ferrocenylmethylphosphanes and the Alpha Process for Methoxycarbonylation: The Original Story. Inorganics 2021, 9(7), 57.
- Clegg W. Distortions, deviations and alternative facts: reliability in crystallography. IUCrJ 2021, 8(Part 1), 4-11.
- Abualnaja M, Cowell J, Jolliffe JD, Wills C, Waddell PG, Clegg W, Hall MJ. Diastereoselective Rearomative Etherifications and Aminations of 2,3,9,9a-Tetrahydro-1H-carbazoles. Tetrahedron 2021, 89, 132144.
- Bould J, Londesborough MGS, Passarelli V, Clegg W, Waddell PG, Cvacka J, Macias R. A simple and high-yield route to iridium, rhodium, osmium and ruthenium nido-6-metalladecaborane compounds. Dalton Transactions 2021, 50(45), 16751-16764.
- Londesborough MGS, Lang K, Clegg W, Waddell PG, Bould J. Swollen Polyhedral Volume of the anti-B18H22 cluster via Extensive Methylation: anti-B18H8Cl2Me12. Inorganic Chemistry 2020, 59(5), 2651-2654.
- Bould J, Lang K, Kirakci K, Cerdan L, Roca-Sanjuan D, Frances-Monerris A, Clegg W, Waddell PG, Fuciman M, Polivka T, Londesborough MGS. A Series of Ultra-Efficient Blue Borane Fluorophores. Inorganic Chemistry 2020, 59(23), 17058-17070.
- Bould J, Clegg W, Waddell PG, Cvacka J, Dusek M, Londesborough MGS. A Reversible NO-Triggered Multiple Metallaborane Cluster Fusion by Ligand Expulsion/Addition from (PMe2Ph)4Pt2B10H10 to Afford (PMe2Ph)8Pt8B40H40 and (PMe2Ph)5Pt4B20H20. Inorganic Chemistry 2020, 59(7), 5030-5040.
- Honeyman GW, Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, McLellan R, Orr SA, Parkinson JA, Ramsay DL, Robertson SD, Towie S, Mulvey RE. A regioselectively 1,1’,3,3’-tetrazincated ferrocene complex displaying core and peripheral reactivity. Chemical Science 2020, 11(25), 6510-6520.
- Clegg W. Some reflections on symmetry: pitfalls of automation and some illustrative examples. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications 2019, 75(Part 12), 1812-1819.
- Londesborough MGS, Macias R, Kennedy JD, Clegg W, Bould J. Macropolyhedral Nickelaboranes from the Metal-Assisted Fusion of KB9H14. Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 58(19), 13258-13267.
- Clegg W. Crystallographic curiosities: polymorphism and structures with Z' > 1. Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Structural Chemistry 2019, 75(Part 7), 833-834.
- Mistry L, El-Zubir O, Dura G, Clegg W, Waddell PG, Pope T, Hofer WA, Wright NG, Horrocks BR, Houlton A. Addressing the properties of “Metallo-DNA” with a Ag(I)-mediated supramolecular duplex. Chemical Science 2019, 10(11), 3186-3195.
- Maddock LCH, Nixon T, Kennedy AR, Probert MR, Clegg W, Hevia E. Utilising Sodium-Mediated Ferration for Regioselective Functionalisation of Fluoroarenes via C-H and C-F Bond Activations. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57(1), 187-191.
- Londesborough MGS, Dolansky J, Jelinek T, Kennedy JD, Cisarova I, Kennedy RD, Roca-Sanjuan D, Frances-Monerris A, Lang K, Clegg W. Substitution of the laser borane anti-B18H22 with pyridine: a structural and photophysical study of some unusually structured macropolyhedral boron hydrides. Dalton Transactions 2018, 47, 1709-1725.
- Hevia E, McLellan R, Davin L, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Probert MR. Structural and synthetic insights into pyridine homocouplings mediated by a beta-diketiminato magnesium amide complex. Chemistry - A European Journal 2018, 24(55), 14830-14835.
- Smith MJ, Blake IM, Clegg W, Anderson HL. Push-Pull Quinoidal Porphyrins. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2018, 16(19), 3648-3654.
- Mosaei H, Molodtsov V, Kepplinger B, Harbottle J, Moon C, Jeeves R, Ceccaroni L, Shin Y, Morton-Laing S, Marrs ECL, Wills C, Clegg W, Yuzenkova J, Perry JD, Bacon J, Errington J, Allenby NEE, Hall MJ, Murakami KS, Zenkin N. Mode of Action of Kanglemycin A, an Ansamycin Natural Product that Is Active against Rifampicin Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Molecular Cell 2018, 72(2), 263-274.
- Clegg W, Nichol GS, Patel A. Cocrystals of barbituric acid with alkali metal halides. Croatica Chemica Acta 2018, 91(2), 241-248.
- Kandasamy B, Bruce PG, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Rodriguez-Fortea A, Pascual-Borras M, Errington RJ. Bonding insights from structural and spectroscopic comparisons of {SnW5} and {TiW5} alkoxido- and aryloxido-substituted Lindqvist polyoxometalates. Chemistry A European Journal 2018, 24(11), 2750-2757.
- Abdel-Magied AF, Majeed MH, Abelairas-Edesa MF, Ficks A, Ashour RM, Rahaman A, Clegg W, Haukka M, Higham LJ, Nordlander E. Synthesis and characterization of chiral phosphirane derivatives of [(μ-H)4Ru4(CO)12] and their application in the hydrogenation of an α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acid. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2017, 849-850, 71-79.
- Lamming G, Kolokotroni J, Harrison T, Penfold TJ, Clegg W, Waddell PG, Probert MR, Houlton A. Structural Diversity and Argentophilic Interactions in 1-D Silver-based Coordination Polymers. Crystal Growth and Design 2017, 17(11), 5753-5763.
- Johnson NT, Waddell PG, Clegg W, Probert MR. Remote access revolution: chemical crystallographers enter a new era at Diamond Light Source beamline I19. Crystals 2017, 7(12), 360.
- Davin L, McLellan R, Hernan-Gomez A, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Mertens M, Stepek IA, Hevia E. Regioselective magnesiation of N-heterocyclic molecules: securing insecure cyclic anions by a β-diketiminate-magnesium clamp. Chemical Communications 2017, 53(26), 3653-3656.
- Baksh A, Kepplinger B, Isah H, Probert MR, Clegg W, Wills C, Goodfellow M, Errington J, Allenby N, Hall MJ. Production of 17-O-demethyl-geldanamycin, a cytotoxic ansamycin polyketide, by Streptomyces hygroscopicus DEM20745. Natural Product Research 2017, 31(16), 1895-1900.
- Fleming JT, Waddell PG, Probert MR, Clegg W, Higham LJ. Coinage Metal Complexes of Phosphonite Analogues of 2-Diphenylphosphino-1,1′-binaphthyl (H-MOP) and 2-Diphenylphosphino-2′-methoxy-1,1′-binaphthyl (MeO-MOP). European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2017, 2017(21), 2837-2844.
- Daniels RE, Culham S, Hunter M, Durrant MC, Probert MR, Clegg W, Williams JAG, Kozhevnikov VN. When two are better than one: bright phosphorescence from non-stereogenic dinuclear iridium(III) complexes. Dalton Transactions 2016, 45(16), 6949-6962.
- Abualnaja M, Waddell PG, Clegg W, Hall MJ. Synthesis of pentacyclic pyrrolo[3,4-a]carbazole-1,3(2H)-diones via an intermolecular Diels-Alder, intramolecular carbonyl-ene reaction strategy. Tetrahedron 2016, 72(38), 5798-5806.
- Barati K, Clegg W, Habibi MH, Harrington RW, Lalegani A, Montazerozohori M. Synthesis and crystal structure of the dinuclear copper(II) Schiff base complex μ-hydroxido-μ-chlorido-bis{[bis(trans-2-nitrocinnamaldehyde)-ethylenediamine]chlorido-copper(II)} dichloromethane sesquisolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section C 2016, 72(3), 239-242.
- De Tullio M, Hernan-Gomez A, Livingstone Z, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Harrington RW, Antinolo A, Martinez A, Carrillo-Hermosilla F, Hevia E. Structural and Mechanistic Insights into s-Block Bimetallic Catalysis: Sodium Magnesiate-Catalyzed Guanylation of Amines. Chemistry: A European Journal 2016, 22(49), 17646-17656.
- Myers SM, Bawn RH, Bisset LC, Blackburn TJ, Cottyn B, Molyneux L, Wong AC, Cano C, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Leung H, Rigoreau L, Vidot S, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hammonds T, Newell DR, Hardcastle IR. High-throughput screening and hit validation of extracellular-related kinase 5 (ERK5) inhibitors. ACS Combinatorial Science 2016, 18(8), 444-455.
- Alnoman RB, Rihn S, OConnor DC, Black FA, Costello B, Waddell PG, Clegg W, Peacock RD, Herrebout W, Knight JG, Hall MJ. Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Helically Chiral N,N,O,O-Boron Chelated Dipyrromethenes. Chemistry - A European Journal 2016, 22(1), 93-96.
- Livingstone Z, Hernán-Gómez A, Baillie SE, Armstrong DR, Carrella LM, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Kennedy AR, Rentschler E, Hevia E. Assessing the reactivity of sodium alkyl-magnesiates towards quinoxaline: single electron transfer (SET) vs nucleophilic alkylation processes. Dalton Transactions 2016, 45(14), 6175-6182.
- Roberts AJ, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Probert MR, Robertson SD, Hevia E. Two Alternative Approaches to Access Mixed Hydride-Amido Zinc Complexes: Synthetic, Structural and Solution Implications. Dalton Transactions 2015, 44(17), 8196-8177.
- Clegg W, Harrington RW, Barati K, Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Lalegani A. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structures of the bidentate Schiff base N,N'-bis(2-nitrocinnamaldehyde)ethylenediamine and its complex with CuNCS and triphenylphosphane. Acta Crystallographica, Section C 2015, 71(7), 578-583.
- Clegg W, Crosbie E, Dale-Black SH, Hevia E, Honeyman GW, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, Ramsay DL, Robertson SD. Structurally Defined Zincated and Aluminated Complexes of Ferrocene Made by Alkali-Metal-Synergistic Syntheses. Organometallics 2015, 34(11), 2580-2589.
- Brooks AC, Martin L, Day P, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Wallis JD. New crystal packing arrangements in radical cation salts of BEDT-TTF with [Cr(NCS)6]3-and [Cr(NCS)5(NH3)]2-. Polyhedron 2015, 102, 75-81.
- Brooks AC, Martin L, Day P, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Wallis JD. New Crystal Packing Arrangements in Radical Cation Salts of BEDT-TTF with [Cr(NCS)6]3- and [Cr(NCS)5(NH3)]2- . Polyhedron 2015, 102, 75-81.
- Alwaaly A, Clegg W, Henderson RA, Probert MR, Waddell PG. Mechanisms and rates of proton transfer to coordinated carboxydithioates: studies on [Ni(S2CR){PhP(CH2CH2PPh2)2}]+ (R = Me, Et, Bun or Ph). Dalton Transactions 2015, 44(7), 3307-3317.
- Alwaaly A, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Petrou AL, Henderson RA. Mechanism of proton transfer to coordinated thiolates: encapsulation of acid stabilizes precursor intermediate. Dalton Transactions 2015, 44(26), 11977-11983.
- Marin I, Turta C, Benniston AC, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Homoleptic and Heteroleptic Ruthenium(II) Complexes based on 2,6-bis(quinolin-2-yl)pyridine Ligands: Multiple Charged State Modules for Potential Density Memory Storage. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2015, (5), 786-793.
- Essa AH, Lerrick RI, Çiftçi E, Harrington RW, Waddell PG, Clegg W, Hall MJ. Grignard-mediated reduction of 2,2,2-trichloro-1-arylethanones. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2015, 13(20), 5793-5803.
- Clegg W, Holcroft JM, Martin NC. Copper pyromellitates: a complex story. CrystEngComm 2015, 17(14), 2857-2871.
- Martin L, Yang S, Brooks AC, Horton PN, Male L, Moulfi O, Harmand L, Day P, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Wallis JD. Contrasting crystal packing arrangements in triiodide salts of radical cations of chiral bis(pyrrolo[3,4-d])tetrathiafulvalenes. CrystEngComm 2015, 17(38), 7354-7362.
- Martin L, Akutsu H, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Chiral Radical-Cation Salts of BEDT-TTF Containing a Single Enantiomer of Tris(oxalato)aluminate(III) and -chromate(III). European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2015, 2015(11), 1865-1870.
- Benniston AC, Sirbu D, Turta C, Probert MR, Clegg W. Synthesis, Molecular Structure and Properties of a Ferrocene-based Difluoropyrrolo-oxaborole Derivative. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2014, 2014(36), 6212-6219.
- Izod K, Wills C, Probert MR, Harrington RW. Synthesis and structure of an acyclic dialkylstannylene. Main Group Metal Chemistry 2014, 37(5-6), 113-117.
- Clegg W, Holcroft JM. Structural variation in mellitate complexes of first-row transition metals: what chance for design?. Crystal Growth and Design 2014, 14(12), 6282-6293.
- Bluemke TD, Clegg W, Garcia-Alvarez P, Kennedy AR, Koszinowski K, McCall MD, Russo L, Hevia E. Structural and reactivity insights in Mg Zn hybrid chemistry: Zn-I exchange and Pd-catalysed cross-coupling applications of aromatic substrates. Chemical Science 2014, 5(9), 3552-3562.
- Zarrabi N, Hayward JJ, Clegg W, Pilkington M. Saddling up copper - new twists on a metallo-wheel. Dalton Transactions 2014, 43(6), 2352-2355.
- Davies LH, Kasten BB, Benny PD, Arrowsmith RL, Ge H, Pascu SI, Botchway SW, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Higham LJ. Re and 99mTc complexes of BodP3 – multi-modality imaging probes. Chemical Communications 2014, 50(98), 15503-15505.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Hernan-Gomez A, Kennedy AR, Livingstone Z, Robertson SD, Russo L, Hevia E. Probing the metallating ability of a polybasic sodium alkylmagnesiate supported by a bulky bis(amido) ligand: deprotomagnesiation reactions of nitrogen-based aromatic substrates. Dalton Transactions 2014, 43(11), 4361-4369.
- Baillie SE, Bluemke TD, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Russo L, de Tullio M, Hevia E. Potassium-alkyl magnesiates: synthesis, structures and Mg-H exchange applications of aromatic and heterocyclic substrates. Chemical Communications 2014, 50(85), 12859-12862.
- Davies LH, Wallis JF, Probert MR, Higham LJ. Efficient Multigram Syntheses of Air-Stable, Fluorescent Primary Phosphines via Palladium-Catalyzed Phosphonylation of Aryl Bromides. Synthesis 2014, 46(19), 2622-2626.
- Lanoe PH, Tong CM, Harrington RW, Probert MR, Clegg W, Williams JAG, Kozhevnikov VN. Ditopic bis-terdentate cyclometallating ligands and their highly luminescent dinuclear iridium(III) complexes. Chemical Communications 2014, 50(52), 6831-6834.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Nobakht V, Harrington RW. Design, synthesis, and structures of two-dimensional copper(I) coordination polymers by variation of co-ligands in a facile one-pot reaction. Polyhedron 2014, 81, 256-260.
- Benniston AC, Sirbu D, Turta C, Probert MR, Clegg W. ChemInform Abstract: A Simple Method for Desymmetrizing 1,1′‐Ferrocenedicarboxaldehyde. ChemInform: selected abstracts in chemistry 2014, 45(49).
- Nartop D, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Henderson RA, Wills CY. Binding multidentate ligands to Ni2+: kinetic identification of preferential binding sites. Dalton Transactions 2014, 43(8), 3372-3382.
- Lerrick RI, Winstanley TPL, Haggerty K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Bultinck P, Herrebout W, Benniston AC, Hall MJ. Axially Chiral BODIPYs. Chemical Communications 2014, 50(36), 4714-4716.
- Ficks A, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Higham LJ. Air-Stable Chiral Primary Phosphines: A Gateway to MOP Ligands with Previously Inaccessible Stereoelectronic Profiles. Organometallics 2014, 33(22), 6319-6329.
- Benniston AC, Sirbu D, Turta C, Probert MR, Clegg W. A simple method for desymmetrizing 1,1′-ferrocenedicarboxaldehyde. Tetrahedron Letters 2014, 55(28), 3777-3780.
- Davies LH, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Higham LJ. BR2BodPR2: highly fluorescent alternatives to PPh3 and PhPCy2. Dalton Transactions 2014, 43(36), 13485-13499.
- El Aziz Y, Bassindale AR, Taylor PG, Stephenson RA, Hursthouse MB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. X-ray Crystal Structures, Packing Behavior, and Thermal Stability Studies of a Homologous Series of n-Alkyl-Substituted Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes. Macromolecules 2013, 46(3), 988-1001.
- Barati K, Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Shafieyan H, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis, crystal structure and photo-induced isomerization of [N,N '-bis(4-fluorobenzylidene)ethylenediamine]bromo(triphenylphosphine)copper(I). Polyhedron 2013, 62, 61-65.
- Izod K, Wills C, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis and structural characterisation of an unusual phosphine-borane-substituted organoplumbate. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2013, 725, 11-14.
- Dixon LI, Carroll MA, Gregson TJ, Ellames GJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis and Reactivity of Aryl(alkynyl)iodonium Salts. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013, 2013(12), 2334-2345.
- Clegg W, Fleming BJ, Garcia-Alvarez P, Hogg LM, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Martinez-Martinez AJ, Mulvey RE, Russo L, O'Hara CT. Structural elucidation of homometallic anthracenolates synthesised via deprotonative metallation of anthrone. Dalton Transactions 2013, 42(7), 2512-2519.
- Essa AH, Lerrick RI, Tuna F, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Hall MJ. Reduction of 2,2,2-trichloro-1-arylethanones by RMgX: mechanistic investigation and the synthesis of substituted α,α-dichloroketones. Chemical Communications 2013, 49(27), 2756-2758.
- Izod K, Watson JM, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Phosphido-Borane and Phosphido-Bis(Borane) Complexes of the Alkali Metals, a Comparative Study. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52(3), 1466-1475.
- Sohail M, Panisch R, Bowden A, Bassindale AR, Taylor PG, Korlyukov AA, Arkhipov DE, Male L, Callear S, Coles SJ, Hursthouse MB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Pentacoordinate silicon complexes with dynamic motion resembling a pendulum on the SN2 reaction pathway. Dalton Transactions 2013, 42(30), 10971-10981.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Nobakht V, Harrington RW. Metal-to-Ligand Ratio As a Design Factor in the One-Pot Synthesis of Coordination Polymers with (MS4Cun) (M = W or Mo, n=3 or 5) Cluster Nodes and a Flexible Pyrazole-Based Bridging Ligand. Crystal Growth & Design 2013, 13(3), 1023-1032.
- Izod K, Clark ER, Foster P, Percival RJ, Riddlestone IM, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Light-Induced Rearrangement of Thioether-Substituted Phosphanide Ligands: Scope and Limitations of a Remarkable Isomerization. Chemistry: A European Journal 2013, 19(19), 6094-6107.
- Baillie SE, Blair VL, Bradley TD, Clegg W, Cowan J, Harrington RW, Hernan-Gomez A, Kennedy AR, Livingstone Z, Hevia E. Isomeric and chemical consequences of the direct magnesiation of 1,3-benzoazoles using beta-diketiminate-stabilized magnesium bases. Chemical Science 2013, 4(4), 1895-1905.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Ward NAB, Bittner DM, Wills C, McFarlane W, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Electron-Rich Trialkyl-Type Dihydro-KITPHOS Monophosphines: Efficient Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Coupling. Comparison with Their Biaryl-Like KITPHOS Monophosphine Counterparts. Organometallics 2013, 32(6), 1773-1788.
- Ficks A, Sibbald C, Ojo S, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Higham LJ. Efficient Multigram Syntheses of Air-Stable, Chiral Primary Phosphine Ligand Precursors via Palladium-Catalyzed Phosphonylation of Aryltriflates. Synthesis 2013, 45(2), 265-271.
- Garden JA, Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Garcia-Alvarez J, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, Robertson SD, Russo L. Donor-Activated Lithiation and Sodiation of Trifluoromethylbenzene: Structural, Spectroscopic, and Theoretical Insights. Organometallics 2013, 32(19), 5481-5490.
- Mercier LG, Piers WE, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Benzo[b]thiophene-Fused Boron and Silicon Ladder Acenes. Organometallics 2013, 32(22), 6820-6826.
- Clegg W, Tooke DM. Alkali metal complexes of 6-methyl-2-pyridone: simple formulae, but not so simple structures. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 2013, 69, 603-612.
- Clegg W, Harrington RW, Mercier LG, Piers WE. 5,5-Dimethyl-2,8-diphenyl-5H-dibenzo[b,f]silepine: a synchrotron study. Acta Crystallographica Section C; Crystal Structure Communications 2013, 69(4), 436-438 [plus 6 pages supplementary materials].
- Holliman PJ, Mohsen M, Connell A, Davies ML, Al-Salihi K, Pitak MB, Tizzard GJ, Coles SJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Serpa C, Fontes OH, Charbonneau C, Carnie MJ. Ultra-fast co-sensitization and tri-sensitization of dye-sensitized solar cells with N719, SQ1 and triarylamine dyes. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22(26), 13318-13327.
- Baillie SE, Clegg W, Garcia-Alvarez P, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Russo L. Synthesis, Structural Elucidation, and Diffusion-Ordered NMR Studies of Homoleptic Alkyllithium Magnesiates: Donor-Controlled Structural Variations in Mixed-Metal Chemistry. Organometallics 2012, 31(14), 5131-5142.
- Scott RB, Downey KM, Healy KP, Henderson AP, Robinson CL, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Franklin R, Golding BT. Synthesis and stability of 3-hydroxyanagrelide, a biologically potent metabolite of anagrelide. Heterocycles 2012, 86(2), 1637-1646.
- Giri N, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, James SL. Selective formation of a polar incomplete coordination cage induced by remote ligand substituents. Chemical Communications 2012, 48(34), 4061-4063.
- Bakri R, Booth A, Harle G, Middleton PS, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Errington RJ. Rational addition of capping groups to the phosphomolybdate Keggin anion [PMo12O40]3– by mild, non-aqueous reductive aggregation. Chemical Communications 2012, 48(22), 2779-2781.
- Coyle L, Middleton PS, Murphy CJ, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Errington RJ. Protonolysis of [(iPrO)TiMo5O18](3-): access to a family of TiMo5 Lindqvist type polyoxometalates. Dalton Transactions 2012, 41(3), 971-981.
- Benniston AC, Hagon J, He XY, Lemmetyinen H, Tkachenko NV, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Photoinduced charge shift and charge recombination through an alkynyl spacer for an expanded acridinium-based dyad. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012, 14(9), 3194-3199.
- Bould J, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Kennedy JD. Nine-vertex metallaborane chemistry. Preparation and characterisation of [1,1,1-(PMe3)(2)H-isocloso-IrB8H7-8-X], where X = H or Cl. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2012, 721, 155-163.
- Izod K, Clark ER, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Hypervalent Sulfur-Functionalized Diphosphagermylene and Diphosphastannylene Compounds. Organometallics 2012, 31(1), 246-255.
- Bai D, Benniston AC, Hagon J, Lemmetyinen H, Tkachenko NV, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Exploring Forster electronic energy transfer in a decoupled anthracenyl-based borondipyrromethene (bodipy) dyad. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012, 14(13), 4447-4456.
- Benniston AC, Clift S, Hagon J, Lemmetyinen H, Tkachenko NV, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Effect on Charge Transfer and Charge Recombination by Insertion of a Naphthalene-Based Bridge in Molecular Dyads Based on Borondipyrromethene (Bodipy). ChemPhysChem 2012, 13(16), 3672-3681.
- Watson LJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Hall MJ. Diastereoselective intermolecular ene reactions: synthesis of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-benzo[d]imidazoles. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2012, 10(33), 6649-6655.
- Choi JH, Niketic SR, Djordjevic I, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Crystal structure and conformational analysis of s-cis-(acetylacetonato)(ethylenediamine-N,N '-diacetato)-chromium(III). Journal of Molecular Modeling 2012, 18(5), 2135-2146.
- Achard TRJ, Clegg W, Harrington RW, North M. Chiral salen ligands designed to form polymetallic complexes. Tetrahedron 2012, 68(1), 133-144.
- Marshall P, Jenkins RL, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Callear SK, Coles SJ, Fallis IA, Dervisi A. Chiral Ag(I) and Pt(II) complexes of ditopic NHC ligands: synthesis, structural and spectroscopic properties. Dalton Transactions 2012, 41(41), 12839-12846.
- Izod K, Watson JM, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Benzyl Ether-Substituted Phosphido-Borane Complexes of the Alkali Metals. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2012, (10), 1696-1701.
- Kandasamy B, Wills C, McFarlane W, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Rodriguez-Fortea A, Poblet JM, Bruce PG, Errington RJ. An Alkoxido-Tin-Substituted Polyoxometalate [(MeO)SnW5O18](3-): The First Member of a New Family of Reactive {SnW5} Lindqvist-Type Anions. Chemistry: A European Journal 2012, 18(1), 59-62.
- Davies LH, Stewart B, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Higham LJ. Air-Stable, Highly Fluorescent Primary Phosphanes. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2012, 51(20), 4921-4924.
- Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Russo L. Adding Rubidium and Cesium to the Homologous Series of Alkali Metal Compounds of (Trimethylsilyl)methanides and 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidides. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2012, (18), 2989-2994.
- Holden DL, Goulding HV, Bacsa J, Berry NG, Greeves N, Stephenson RA, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Fogg AM. Unusual Hybrid Materials Prepared by the Oxidation of a Ketone. Crystal Growth & Design 2011, 11(7), 3013-3019.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Ebrahimi-Filoori N, Russo L. Two polymorphs of tetraethylammonium [hydrogen tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borato]di-[mu]2-sulfido-disulfido([eta]2-tetrasulfido)ditungsten(V) with Z' = 1 and 2. Acta Crystallographica C: Crystal Structure Communications 2011, 67(5), m149-m153.
- Choi JH, Clegg W. trans-Dichloridobis(propane-1,3-diamine-kappa N-2,N ')chromium(III) perchlorate. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online 2011, 67(3), M381-U935.
- Ficks A, Martinez-Botella I, Stewart B, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Higham LJ. Taming functionality: easy-to-handle chiral phosphiranes. Chemical Communications 2011, 47(29), 8274-8276.
- Izod K, Watson JM, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Synthesis, structures and stabilities of thioanisole-functionalised phosphido-borane complexes of the alkali metals. Dalton Transactions 2011, 40(44), 11712-11718.
- Spencer J, Baltus CB, Press NJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis of a (piperazin-1-ylmethyl)biaryl library via microwave-mediated Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings. Tetrahedron Letters 2011, 52(31), 3963-3968.
- Clegg W, Conway B, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Russo L. Synthesis and Structures of [(Trimethylsilyl)methyl]sodium and -potassium with Bi- and Tridentate N-Donor Ligands. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2011, (5), 721-726.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Khorramdin R, Nobakht V, Russo L. Synthesis and structural characterization of mixed-metal complexes of CuI with MOS3 cores (M = Mo, W) and of an unusual polymeric AgI/mercaptoimidazole complex with five different AgI coordination environments. Dalton Transactions 2011, 40(12), 2815-2821.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Fard SAM, Harrington RW, Nobakht V, Russo L. Synthesis and crystal structures of dimeric W(Mo)/Cu/S and polymeric W/Cu/S neutral clusters with flexible 1,4-bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)butane as a linker ligand. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2011, 376(1), 310-316.
- Baillie SE, Clegg W, Garcia-Alvarez P, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Russo L. Synthesis and characterization of an infinite sheet of metal-alkyl bonds: unfolding the elusive structure of an unsolvated alkali-metal trisalkylmagnesiate. Chemical Communications 2011, 47(1), 388-390.
- Campbell R, Carrella LM, Clegg W, Mulvey RE, Rentschler E, Robertson SD, Russo L. Sodium Congener of the Classical Lithium Methylchromate Dimer: Synthetic, X-ray Crystallographic, and Magnetic Studies of Me8Cr2[Na(OEt2)](4). Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 50(10), 4656-4659.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Garcia-Alvarez P, McCall MD, Nuttall L, Kennedy AR, Russo L, Hevia E. Shedding New Light on ZnCl2-Mediated Addition Reactions of Grignard Reagents to Ketones: Structural Authentication of Key Intermediates and Diffusion-Ordered NMR Studies. Chemistry: A European Journal 2011, 17(16), 4470-4479.
- McEntee GJ, Vilela F, Skabara PJ, Anthopoulos TD, Labram JG, Tierney S, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Self-assembly and charge transport properties of a benzobisthiazole end-capped with dihexyl thienothiophene units. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21(7), 2091-2097.
- Galindo MA, Hannant J, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Horrocks BR, Pike AR, Houlton A. Pyrrolyl-, 2-(2-thienyl)pyrrolyl- and 2,5-bis(2-thienyl)pyrrolyl-nucleosides: synthesis, molecular and electronic structure, and redox behaviour of C5-thymidine derivatives. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2011, 9(5), 1555-1564.
- Blair VL, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Livingstone Z, Russo L, Hevia E. Magnesium-Mediated Benzothiazole Activation: A Room-Temperature Cascade of C-H Deprotonation, C-C Coupling, Ring-Opening, and Nucleophilic Addition Reactions. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2011, 50(42), 9857-9860.
- Petrou AL, Koutselos AD, Wahab HS, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Henderson RA. Kinetic and Theoretical Studies on the Protonation of [Ni(2-SC6H4N){PhP(CH2CH2PPh2)2}]+: Nitrogen versus Sulfur as the Protonation Site. Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 50(3), 847-857.
- Hardcastle IR, Liu J, Valeur E, Watson A, Ahmed SU, Blackburn TJ, Bennaceur K, Clegg W, Drummond C, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Gruber J, Haggerty K, Harrington RW, Hutton C, Kemp S, Lu X, McDonnell JM, Newell DR, Noble ME, Payne SL, Revill CH, Riedinger C, Xu Q, Lunec J. Isoindolinone Inhibitors of the Murine Double Minute 2 (MDM2)-p53 Protein-Protein Interaction: Structure-Activity Studies Leading to Improved Potency. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2011, 54(5), 1233-1243.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Garcia-Alvarez P, Kennedy AR, McCall MD, Russo L, Hevia E. Expanding Mg-Zn Hybrid Chemistry: Inorganic Salt Effects in Addition Reactions of Organozinc Reagents to Trifluoroacetophenone and the Implications for a Synergistic Lithium-Magnesium-Zinc Activation. Chemistry: A European Journal 2011, 17(30), 8333-8341.
- Mercier LG, Furukawa S, Piers WE, Wakamiya A, Yamaguchi S, Parvez M, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Functionalized Silepins: High Quantum Yield Blue Emitters. Organometallics 2011, 30(6), 1719-1729.
- Choi JH, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of cis-beta-Diazido(1,4,7,11-tetraazaundecane)chromium(III) Bromide. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 2011, 637(5), 562-566.
- Tong LH, Pengo P, Clegg W, Lowe JP, Raithby PR, Sanders JKM, Pascu SI. Complexes of aryl-substituted porphyrins and naphthalenediimide (NDI): investigations by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy. Dalton Transactions 2011, 40(41), 10833-10842.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. 1-(2-Cyclohex-2-enylpropionyl)-3-methylurea, 2-ethyl-5-methylhexanamide and 2-ethylpentanamide: three products of barbiturate decomposition. Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2011, 67(1), O13-O17.
- Bassin JP, Shah VP, Martin L, Clegg W, Harrington RW. (Z)-3-Chloromethylidene-5,6-dimethoxy-2-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1,2-benzothiazole 1,1-dioxide. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online 2011, 67(1), O12-U1423.
- Khaledi M, Kia R, Clegg W, Harrington RW. (E,E)-N-1,N-4-Bis(2,6-difluorobenzylidene)butane-1,4-diamine. Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online 2011, 67(11), O3108-U2067.
- Khaledi M, Kia R, Clegg W, Harrington RW. (E,E)-N-1,N-2-Bis(2,6-difluorobenzylidene)ethane-1,2-diamine. Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online 2011, 67(11), O3107-U2057.
- Goulding HV, Hulse SE, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Playford HY, Walton RI, Fogg AM. Yb3O(OH)(6)Cl center dot 2H(2)O: An Anion-Exchangeable Hydroxide with a Cationic Inorganic Framework Structure. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132(39), 13618-13620.
- Cotterill LJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Hall MJ. Thermal 1,3-Trityl Migrations in Diels-Alder Domino Reactions of 1-Trityl-4-vinyl-1H-imidazoles. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 75(13), 4604-4607.
- Izod K, Stewart J, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Synthesis, structures and dynamic behavior of intramolecularly base-stabilized diphosphatetrylenes containing a five-membered chelate ring. Organometallics 2010, 29(1), 108-116.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Synthesis, Structure, and Solution Behavior of a Phosphine-Borane-Stabilized 1,3-Dicarbanion. Organometallics 2010, 29(21), 4774-4777.
- Choi JH, Clegg W, Nichol GS. Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of 12,13-Bis(1-naphthalenylmethyl)-5,16-dimethyl-2,6,13,17-tetraazatricyclo(14,4,0(1.18),0(7.12))docosane]copper(II) Diperchlorate Acetonitrile Disolvate. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 2010, 636(8), 1612-1616.
- Errington RJ, Coyle L, Middleton PS, Murphy CJ, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Synthesis and Structure of the Alkoxido-Titanium Pentamolybdate (nBu4N)3[(iPrO)TiMo5O18]: An Entry into Systematic TiMo5 Reactivity. Journal of Cluster Science 2010, 21(3), 503-514.
- Nicholls JL, Hulse SE, Callear SK, Tizzard GJ, Stephenson RA, Hursthouse MB, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Fogg AM. Synthesis and Structure of Pillared Molybdates and Tungstates with Framework Layers. Inorganic Chemistry 2010, 49(18), 8545-8551.
- McEntee GJ, Skabara PJ, Vilela F, Tierney S, Samuel IDW, Gambino S, Coles SJ, Hursthouse MB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis and Electropolymerization of Hexadecyl Functionalized Bithiophene and Thieno[3,2-b]thiophene End-Capped with EDOT and EDTT Units. Chemistry of Materials 2010, 22(9), 3000-3008.
- Habibi M, Tangestaninejad S, Fallah-Shojaei A, Barati K, Brooks N, Clegg W. Synthesis and crystal structures of bis(N-phenyl-3,5-dinitrothiobenzamidato)mercury(II) and bis(N-phenyl-4-nitrothiobenzamidato)mercury(II). Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2010, 63(4), 579-585.
- Attfield MP, Yuan ZH, Harvey HG, Clegg W. Structural Variety within Gallium Diphosphonates Affected by the Organic Linker Length. Inorganic Chemistry 2010, 49(6), 2656-2666.
- Armstrong DR, Blair VL, Clegg W, Dale SH, Garcia-Alvarez J, Honeyman GW, Hevia E, Mulvey RE, Russo L. Structural Basis for Regioisomerization in the Alkali-Metal-Mediated Zincation (AMMZn) of Trifluoromethyl Benzene by Isolation of Kinetic and Thermodynamic Intermediates. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132(27), 9480-9487.
- Martin E, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Hughes DL, Hursthouse MB, Male L, Lancaster SJ. Pyridine and benzonitrile adducts of bis(4-nonafluorobiphenyl)zinc. Polyhedron 2010, 29(1), 405-413.
- Clegg W, Conway B, Garcia-Alvarez P, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Russo L. Potassium-mediated zincation of ferrocene and ruthenocene: potassium, the architect behind supramolecular structural variations. Dalton Transactions 2010, 39(1), 62-65.
- Wills C, Izod K, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Oxidation reactions of a phosphine-borane-stabilised dialkylstannylene. Dalton Transactions 2010, 39(9), 2379-2384.
- Yang SJ, Brooks AC, Martin L, Day P, Pilkington M, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Russo L, Wallis JD. New chiral organosulfur donors related to bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene. Tetrahedron 2010, 66(34), 6977-6989.
- Carr MJ, Clegg W, Kennedy JD, Londesborough MGS, Kilner CA. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry [S2B16H17]–. A new eighteen-vertex thiaborane anion. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 2010, 75(8), 807-812.
- Izod K, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Lanthanide(II) complexes of a phosphine-borane-stabilised carbanion. Dalton Transactions 2010, 39(29), 6705-6709.
- Izod K, Stewart J, Clark ER, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Germanium(II) and Tin(II) Complexes of a Sterically Demanding Phosphanide Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry 2010, 49(10), 4698-4707.
- Iglesias M, Beetstra DJ, Cavell KJ, Deryisi A, Fallis IA, Kariuki B, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Horton PN, Coles SJ, Hursthouse MB. Expanded-Ring and Backbone-Functionalised N-Heterocyclic Carbenes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2010, (11), 1604-1607.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Whittle VL, Zelzer M, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Exciplex-like emission from a closely-spaced, orthogonally-sited anthracenyl-boron dipyrromethene (Bodipy) molecular dyad. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 2010, 9(7), 1009-1017.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Hashmi ASK, Smyth CS, Ward NAB, Robson KJ, Tweedley S, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Efficient Cycloisomerisation of Propargyl Amides by Electrophilic Gold(I) Complexes of KITPHOS Monophosphines: A Comparative Study. Organometallics 2010, 29(18), 4139-4147.
- Clegg W, Harrington RW, North M, Pizzato F, Villuendas P. Cyclic carbonates as sustainable solvents for proline-catalysed aldol reactions. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2010, 21(9-10), 1262-1271.
- Clegg W, Harrington RW, North M, Pasquale R. Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis Catalysed by Bimetallic Aluminium-Salen Complexes. Chemistry: A European Journal 2010, 16(23), 6828-6843.
- Choi JH, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Crystal Structure of [2,13-Dibenzyl-5,16-dimethyl-2,6,13,17-tetraazatricyclo(14,4,0(1.18),0(7.12))docosane]copper(II) Diperchlorate. Journal of Chemical Crystallography 2010, 40(1), 80-84.
- Choi JH, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Lee SH. Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of trans-Dibromobis(1,2-ethanediamine)chromium(III) Perchlorate. Journal of Chemical Crystallography 2010, 40(7), 567-571.
- Benniston AC, Copley G, Harriman A, Howgego D, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Cofacial Boron Dipyrromethene (Bodipy) Dimers: Synthesis, Charge Delocalization, and Exciton Coupling. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 75(6), 2018-2027.
- Mulvey RE, Blair VL, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Russo L. Cleave and capture chemistry illustrated through bimetallic-induced fragmentation of tetrahydrofuran. Nature Chemistry 2010, 2(7), 588-591.
- Burke PJ, Wong LC, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Jenkins TC, Knox RJ, Meikle IT, Stanforth SP. An unexpected ring contraction of two nitroaryl pro-drugs: conversion of N-(nitroary1)-3-chloropiperidine derivatives into N-(nitroaryl)-2-chloromethylpyrrolidines. Tetrahedron Letters 2010, 51(30), 3918-3921.
- Clegg W, Harrington RW, North M, Villuendas P. A Bimetallic Aluminum(salen) Complex for the Synthesis of 1,3-Oxathiolane-2-thiones and 1,3-Dithiolane-2-thiones. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 75(18), 6201-6207.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, McGrady JP, Ferguson AM, Ward NAB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. ortho,ortho'-Substituted KITPHOS Monophosphines: Highly Efficient Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed C‒C and C‒N Bond Formation. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2010, 352(1), 201-211.
- Fox MA, Peace RJ, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Wade K. Trends in ortho-carboranes 1-X-2-R-1,2-C2B10H10 (R = Ph, Me) bearing an exo-CN-bonded substituent group (X = NO, N=NR ' or NHR ''). Polyhedron 2009, 28(12), 2359-2370.
- Connell A, Holliman PJ, Butler IR, Male L, Coles SJ, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, Clegg W, Russo L. The highly regiospecific synthesis and crystal structure determination of 1,1 '-2,5 ' substituted ring-locked ferrocenes. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2009, 694(13), 2020-2028.
- Al-Karawi AJM, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Henderson RA. Synthetic, structural and kinetic studies on the binding of cyclohexane-1,2-bis(4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbazone) to divalent metal ions (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn or Cd). Dalton Transactions 2009, (3), 564-570.
- Barati K, Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Shafieyan H, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis, crystal structure and photo-induced isomerization of [N,N '-bis(4-fluorobenzylidene)ethylenediamine]bromo(triphenylphosphine)copper(I) complex. Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2009, 62(3), 417-426.
- Habibi M, Montazerozohori M, Lalegani A, Barati K, Harrington R, Clegg W. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of a CuSCN complex containing a new bidentate N,N′-bis(2-nitrocinnamaldehyde)ethylenediamine Schiff base and triphenylphosphine. Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2009, 62(22), 3703-3711.
- Doherty S, Smyth CH, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis of Biaryl Diphosphines via a Stepwise Regioselective Double Diels-Alder Cycloaddition Elimination Sequence: Efficient Ligands for the Palladium-Catalyzed Amination of Aromatic Bromides. Organometallics 2009, 28(17), 5273-5276.
- Clegg W, Russo L. Synthesis and Structures of Alkali Metal Complexes of Isophthalic Acid: The Interplay of Organic Supramolecular Interactions and Flexible Metal Coordination As Structure-Directing Factors. Crystal Growth & Design 2009, 9(2), 1158-1163.
- Izod K, Bowman LJ, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Synthesis and structural characterisation of alkali metal complexes of heteroatom-stabilised 1,4-and 1,6-dicarbanions. Dalton Transactions 2009, (17), 3340-3347.
- Habibi MH, Fallah-Shojaiea A, Barati K, Clegg W. Synthesis and crystal structure of bis[N-(phenyl)-3,5-dinitrothiobenzamidato]mercury(II) and bis[N-(phenyl)-4-nitrothiobenzamidato]mercury(II). Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2009, 62(22), 3712-3718.
- Armstrong DR, Balloch L, Clegg W, Dale SH, Garcia-Alvarez P, Hevia E, Hogg LM, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, O'Hara CT. Synergic Synthesis of Benzannulated Zincabicyclic Complexes, alpha-Zincated N Ylides, through Sodium-TMEDA-Mediated Zincation of a Haloarene. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2009, 48(46), 8675-8678.
- Clegg W, Conway B, Graham DV, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, Russo L, Wright DS. Structurally Defined Potassium-Mediated Zincation of Pyridine and 4-R-Substituted Pyridines (R = Et, iPr, tBu, Ph, and Me2N) by Using Dialkyl-TMP-Zincate Bases. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(29), 7074-7082.
- Clegg W, Conway B, Garcia-Alvarez P, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, Russo L, Sassmannshausen J, Tuttle T. Structural Tracking of the Potassium-Mediated Magnesiation of Anisole. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(41), 10702-10706.
- Blair VL, Carrella LM, Clegg W, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Rentschler E, Russo L. Structural and Magnetic Insights into the Trinuclear Ferrocenophane and Unexpected Hydrido Inverse Crown Products of Alkali-Metal-Mediated Manganation(II) of Ferrocene. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(4), 856-863.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Seven-Membered Cyclic Dialkylstannylene and -Plumbylene Compounds Stabilized by Agostic-type B-H center dot center dot center dot E Interactions [E = Sn, Pb]. Organometallics 2009, 28(7), 2211-2217.
- Galindo MA, Amantia D, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Eyre RJ, Goss JP, Briddon PR, McFarlane W, Houlton A. Self-assembly of a bis(adeninyl)-Cu(I) complex: a cationic nucleobase duplex mimic. Chemical Communications 2009, 2009(20), 2833-2835.
- Galindo MA, Amantia D, Martinez-Martinez A, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Martinez VM, Houlton A. Reactions of Pd(II) with Chelate-Tethered 2,6-Diaminopurine Derivatives: N3-Coordination and Reaction of the Purine System. Inorganic Chemistry 2009, 48(23), 11085-11091.
- Galindo MA, Amantia D, Martinez AM, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Martinez VM, Houlton A. Probing Metal-Ion Purine Interactions at DNA Minor-Groove Sites. Inorganic Chemistry 2009, 48(21), 10295-10303.
- Benniston AC, Elliott KJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W. On the Photochemical Stability of the 9-Mesityl-10-methylacridinium Cation. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2009, (2), 253-258.
- Fox MA, MacBride JAH, Peace RJ, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Wade K. New synthetic and structural studies on nitroso-ortho-carboranes RCB10H10CNO and bis(ortho-carboranyl)amines (RCB10H10C)(2)NH (R = Ph or Me). Polyhedron 2009, 28(4), 789-795.
- Wills C, Izod K, Young J, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Mixed donor-functionalised phosphinomethanide complexes of the alkali metals; synthesis, structures, and solution dynamics. Dalton Transactions 2009, (31), 6159-6165.
- Belokon YN, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Maleev VI, North M, Omedes Pujol M, Usanov DL, Young C. Mechanism-Guided Development of VO(salen)X Complexes as Catalysts for the Asymmetric Synthesis of Cyanohydrin Trimethylsilyl Ethers. Chemistry: A European Journal 2009, 15(9), 2148-2165.
- Tidmarsh IS, Taylor BF, Hardie MJ, Russo L, Clegg W, Ward MD. Further investigations into tetrahedral M4L6 cage complexes containing guest anions: new structures and NMR spectroscopic studies. New Journal of Chemistry 2009, 33(2), 366-375.
- Yuan ZH, Clegg W, Attfield MP. Formation of helix-containing rods in a hybrid inorganic-organic material. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2009, 182(11), 3049-3054.
- Errington RJ, Harle G, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Extending the Lindqvist Family to Late 3d Transition Metals: A Rational Entry to CoW5 Hexametalate Chemistry. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2009, 2009(34), 5240-5246.
- Forgie JC, Kanibolotsky AL, Skabara PJ, Coles SJ, Hursthouse MB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Electrochemical, Spectroelectrochemical, and Comparative Studies of Novel Organic Conjugated Monomers and Polymers Featuring the Redox-Active Unit Tetrathianaphthalene. Macromolecules 2009, 42(7), 2570-2580.
- Izod K, Stewart J, Clark ER, McFarlane W, Allen B, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Dynamic Behavior of Intramolecularly Base-Stabilized Phosphatetrylenes. Insights into the Inversion Processes of Trigonal Pyramidal Geramanium(II) and Tin(II) Centers. Organometallics 2009, 28(12), 3327-3337.
- Clegg W, Graham DV, Herd E, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, McCall MD, Russo L. Donor-Dictated Interlocking Co-Complexation Reactions of LiNHDipp with Dimethylzinc: Synthesis and Structures of New Methyl(amido)zincates. Inorganic Chemistry 2009, 48(12), 5320-5327.
- Albores P, Carrella LM, Clegg W, Garcia-Alvarez P, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Rentschler E, Russo L. Direct C-H Metalation with Chromium(II) and Iron(II): Transition-Metal Host/Benzenediide Guest Magnetic Inverse-Crown Complexes. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2009, 48(18), 3317-3321.
- Clegg W, Conway B, Hevia E, McCall MD, Russo L, Mulvey RE. Closer Insight into the Reactivity of TMP-Dialkyl Zincates in Directed ortho-Zincation of Anisole: Experimental Evidence of Amido Basicity and Structural Elucidation of Key Reaction Intermediates. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131(6), 2375-2384.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Classical and Weak Hydrogen Bonding Interactions between 4,4 '-Bipyridine and Organic Acids: From Co-Crystal to Organic Complex. Crystal Growth & Design 2009, 9(4), 1844-1850.
- Doherty S, Smyth CH, Harriman A, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Can a Butadiene-Based Architecture Compete with its Biaryl Counterpart in Asymmetric Catalysis? Enantiopure Me-CATPHOS, a Remarkably Efficient Ligand for Asymmetric Hydrogenation. Organometallics 2009, 28(3), 888-895.
- Alberola A, Blair VL, Carrella LM, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Newton S, Rentschler E, Russo L. Bis[(trimethylsilyl)methyl]manganese: Structural Variations of Its Solvent-Free and TMEDA-, Pyridine-, and Dioxane-Complexed Forms. Organometallics 2009, 28(7), 2112-2118.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Dale SH, Hyvadi R. Bis(tetraphenylphosphonium) (hexasulfido-2 kappa S-2(1),S-6)di-mu-sulfido-disulfido-1 kappa S-2-tungsten(VI)zinc(II) acetone solvate. Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2009, 65(9), M331-M332.
- Blair VL, Clegg W, Mulvey RE, Russo L. Alkali-Metal-Mediated Manganation(II) of Naphthalenes: Constructing Metal la-Anthracene and Metalla-Phenanthrene Structures. Inorganic Chemistry 2009, 48(18), 8863-8870.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Acyclic Dialkylstannylene and -Plumbylene Compounds That Are Monomeric in the Solid State. Organometallics 2009, 28(19), 5661-5668.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Dale SH, Hyvadi R. (Acetato-kappa O)[tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl-kappa N-2)hydroborato]zinc(II). Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2009, 65(8), M314-M316.
- Blair VL, Carrella LM, Clegg W, Conway B, Harrington RW, Hogg LM, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Rentschler E, Russo L. Tuning the basicity of synergic bimetallic reagents: Switching the regioselectivity of the direct dimetalation of toluene from 2,5-to 3,5-positions. Angewandte Chemie 2008, 47(33), 6208-6211.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Dale SH, Garcia-Alvarez J, Harrington RW, Hevia E, Honeyman GW, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, O'Hara CT. Transamination chemistry of sodium TMP-zincate: Synthesis and crystal structure of a chiral amidozincate. Chemical Communications 2008, (2), 187-189.
- Clegg W, Davidson MG, Graham DV, Griffen G, Jones MD, Kennedy AR, O'Hara CT, Russo L, Thomson CM. Synthetic and structural investigations of alkali metal diamine bis(phenolate) complexes. Dalton Transactions 2008, (10), 1295-1301.
- Meghdadi S, Amirnasr M, Habibi MH, Amiri A, Ghodsi V, Rohani A, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis, structure, and electrochemistry of pyridinecarboxamide cobalt(III) complexes; the effect of bridge substituents on the redox properties. Polyhedron 2008, 27(13), 2771-2778.
- Clegg W, Garcia-Alvarez J, Garcia-Alvarez P, Graham DV, Harrington RW, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, Russo L. Synthesis, structural authentication, and structurally defined metalation reactions of lithium and sodium DA-zincate bases (DA = diisopropylamide) with phenylacetylene. Organometallics 2008, 27(11), 2654-2663.
- Armstrong DR, Herd E, Graham DV, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, Clegg W, Russo L. Synthesis and structural elucidation of solvent-free and solvated lithium dimethyl (HMDS) zincates. Dalton Transactions 2008, (10), 1323-1330.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Dale SH, Solimankhani A. Synthesis and structural characterization of copper-molybdenum-sulfur and copper-tungsten-sulfur cluster complexes (n-Bu4N)[OMS3Cu3Br2L2] with heterocyclic thiones as ligands. Polyhedron 2008, 27(2), 777-782.
- Tong LH, Wietor JL, Clegg W, Raithby PR, Pascu SI, Sanders JKM. Supramolecular assemblies of tripodal porphyrin hosts and C-60. Chemistry: A European Journal 2008, 14(10), 3035-3044.
- Clegg W, Dale SH, Hevia E, Hogg LM, Honeyman GW, Mulvey RE, O'Hara CT, Russo L. Structurally Defined Reactions of Sodium TMP–Zincate with Nitrile Compounds: Synthesis of a Salt-Like Sodium Sodiumdizincate and Other Unexpected Ion-Pair Products. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2008, 47(4), 731-734.
- Benniston AC, Copley G, Elliott KJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Redox-controlled fluorescence modulation in a BODIPY-quinone dyad. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2008, -(16), 2705-2713.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Mcrae A, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Oxazoline-substituted prolinamide-based organocatalysts for the direct intermolecular aldol reaction between cyclohexanone and aromatic aldehydes. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2008, (10), 1759-1766.
- Ntirampebura D, Jagadish B, Nichol GS, Carducci MD, Dawson A, Rajapakshe A, Oliver AG, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Layne L, Margolis JI, Mash EA. Organic crystal engineering with 1,4-piperazine-2,5-diones. 7. Crystal packing of piperazinediones derived from 2-amino-7-nitro-4-methoxyindan-2-carboxylic acid. Crystal Growth & Design 2008, 8(9), 3257-3270.
- Tidmarsh IS, Faust TB, Adams H, Harding LP, Russo L, Clegg W, Ward MD. Octanuclear Cubic Coordination Cages. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(45), 15167-15175.
- Skabara PJ, Pozo-Gonzalo C, Lardies Miazza N, Laguna M, Cerrada E, Luquin A, Gonzalez B, Coles SJ, Hursthouse MB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Novel dithiolene complexes incorporating conjugated electroactive ligands. Dalton Transactions 2008, (23), 3070-3079.
- Fuller AM, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Hughes DL, Lancaster SJ. Mononuclear Ti N complexes formed by the facile multiple deprotonation of H3N center dot B(C6F5)(3): the importance of chloride ligands. Chemical Communications 2008, (44), 5776-5778.
- Belokon YN, Clegg W, Harrington RW, North M, Young C. In situ formation of heterobimetallic salen complexes containing titanium and/or vanadium ions. Inorganic Chemistry 2008, 47(9), 3801-3814.
- Doherty S, Smyth CH, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Highly Enantioselective Synthesis of Pseudo-C2-Symmetric Axially Chiral Biaryl Diphosphines via Rhodium-Catalyzed Double [2 + 2 + 2] Cycloaddition. Organometallics 2008, 27(19), 4837-4840.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Smyth CH, Jorgenson GA. Electron-Rich, Bicyclic Biaryl-Like KITPHOS Monophosphines via [4+2] Cycloaddition between 1-Alkynylphosphine Oxides and Anthracene: Highly Efficient Ligands for Palladium-Catalysed C‒N and C‒C Bond Formation. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2008, 350(11-12), 1801-1806.
- Galindo MA, Houlton A, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Dobado J, Santoyo-Gonzalez F, Linares F, Romero MA, Navarro JAR. Electrochemically and photochemically active Palladium(II) heterotopic metallacalix[3]arenes. Chemical Communications 2008, (32), 3735-3737.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Nobakht V, Mehr MP, Russo L. Complexes of copper(I) and silver(I) with bis(methimazolyl)borate and dihydrobis(2-mercaptothiazolyl)borate ligands. Dalton Transactions 2008, (46), 6641-6646.
- Sbircea L, Sharma ND, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, Apperley DC, Boyd DR, James SL. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of chiral 4,4 '-bipyridyls and their metal-organic frameworks. Chemical Communications 2008, (43), 5538-5540.
- Attfield MP, Mendieta-Tan C, Yuan Z, Clegg W. Characterisation and properties of the n = 3 and n = 4 members of the Al2[O3PCnH2nPO3](H2O)2F2 framework aluminium alkylenediphosphonate series. Solid State Sciences 2008, 10(9), 1124-1131.
- Coombs ND, Vidovic D, Day JK, Thompson AL, Le Pevelen DD, Stasch A, Clegg W, Russo L, Male L, Hursthouse MB, Willock DJ, Aldridge S. Cationic Terminal Gallylene Complexes by Halide Abstraction: Coordination Chemistry of a Valence Isoelectronic Analogue of CO and N-2. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(47), 16111-16124.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Smyth CH, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Biaryl-like CATPHOS diphosphines via double diels-alder cycloaddition between 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphinoyl)buta-1,3-diyne and anthracenes: Efficient ligands for the palladium-catalyzed amination of aromatic bromides and α-arylation of ketones. Organometallics 2008, 27(8), 1679-1682.
- Berry DJ, Seaton CC, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Coles SJ, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, Storey R, Jones W, Friscic T, Blagden N. Applying hot-stage microscopy to co-crystal screening: A study of nicotinamide with seven active pharmaceutical ingredients. Crystal Growth & Design 2008, 8(5), 1697-1712.
- Blair VL, Clegg W, Conway B, Hevia E, Kennedy A, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Russo L. Alkali-metal-mediated manganation(II) of functionalized arenes and applications of ortho-manganated products in Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions with iodobenzene. Chemistry - A European Journal 2008, 14(1), 65-72.
- Izod K, Stewart JC, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Alkali metal complexes of a naphthylamine-substituted phosphanide. Dalton Transactions 2008, (3), 363-370.
- Izod K, McFarlane W, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Agostic-type B - H⋯Pb interactions stabilize a dialkylplumbylene. Structure of and bonding in [{nPr2P(BH3)}(Me 3Si)C(CH2)]2Pb. Organometallics 2008, 27(17), 4386-4394.
- Coombs ND, Clegg W, Thompson AL, Willock DJ, Aldridge S. A Group 13/Group 17 Analogue of CO and N2: Coordinative Trapping of the GaI molecule. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(16), 5449-5451.
- Benniston AC, Copley G, Harriman A, Rewinska DB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. A donor-acceptor molecular dyad showing multiple electronic energy-transfer processes in crystalline and amorphous states. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(23), 7174-7175.
- Bowman LJ, Izod K, Clegg W, Harrington RW. σ-Bonded organometallic derivatives of yttrium(III) and thulium(III): An unusual ligand coupling reaction mediated by thulium(III). Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2007, 692(4), 806-812.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Dale SH, Hyvadi R. μ3-Iodido-tri-μ3-sulfido-tris- [(triphenylphosphine)silver(I)][thioxotungsten(VI)] dichloro-methane 0.45-solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(7), m1990-m1991.
- Guille K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Violuric acid monohydrate: a second polymorph with more extensive hydrogen bonding. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2007, 63(6), o327-o329.
- Clegg W, Martin NC. trans-Bis(aniline-kN)dichloro-bis(ethanol-kO)cobalt(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(3), m856.
- Mountford AJ, Clegg W, Coles SJ, Harrington RW, Horton PN, Humphrey SM, Hursthouse MB, Wright JA, Lancaster SJ. The synthesis, structure and reactivity of B (C6F 5)3-stabilised amide (M-NH2) complexes of the Group 4 metals. Chemistry: A European Journal 2007, 13(16), 4535-4547.
- Habibi MH, Mokhtari R, Harrington RW, Clegg W. The Schiff base N,N′-bis-(3-nitrobenzylidene)propane-1,3-diamine. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(6), o2881.
- Clegg W, Harrington RW. Tetrakis(1,10-phenanthrolinium) hexa-chloridoeuropate(III) chloride. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(4), m1152.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Dale SH, Hyvadi R. Synthesis, crystal structures, and spectroscopic characterization of the neutral monomeric tetrahedral [M(Diap)2(OAc)2] · H2O complexes (M = Zn,Cd; Diap = 1,3-diazepane-2-thione; OAc = acetate) with N-H⋯O and O-H⋯O intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2007, 360(9), 2967-2972.
- Bowman LJ, Izod K, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Synthesis and structures of Ln(II) and Ln(III) dialkyls derived from LnI2 (Ln = Nd, Tm, Yb). Organometallics 2007, 26(10), 2646-2651.
- Ronson TK, Adams H, Harding LP, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Ward MD. Synthesis and structures of cadmium(II) complexes of a series of multinucleating N/S donor ligands. Polyhedron 2007, 26(12), 2777-2785.
- Errington RJ, Petkar SS, Middleton PS, McFarlane W, Clegg W, Coxall RA, Harrington RW. Synthesis and reactivity of the methoxozirconium pentatungstate ( nBu4N)6[{(μ-MeO)ZrW5O 18}2]: Insights into proton-transfer reactions, solution dynamics, and assembly of {ZrW5O18}2- building blocks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129(40), 12181-12196.
- Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Barati K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis and crystal structure of chloro{bis[N,N'-(2-chlorobenzylidene)]ethylenediamine}(triphenylphosphine)copper(I). Analytical Sciences. X-ray Structure Analysis Online 2007, 23(3), x45-x46.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Dale SH, Hyvadi R, Hussaini F. Synthesis and characterization of mixed-metal complexes of Ag/Cu and W/Mo and a complex of Ag with heterocyclic thione ligands. Dalton Transactions 2007, (27), 2949-2956.
- Marchetti F, Sayle KL, Bentley J, Clegg W, Curtin NJ, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Haggerty K, Harrington RW, Mesguiche V, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Parsons RJ, Pratt DJ, Wang L, Hardcastle IR, Mesguiche V, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Parsons RJ, Pratt DJ, Wang L, Hardcastle IR. Structure-based design of 2-arylamino-4-cyclohexylmethoxy-5-nitroso-6- aminopyrimidine inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinase 2. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2007, 5(10), 1577-1585.
- Clegg W, Dale SH, Graham DV, Harrington RW, Hevia E, Hogg LM, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE. Structural variations in bimetallic sodium-magnesium and sodium-zinc ketimides, and a sodium-zinc alkide-alkoxide-amide: Connections to ring-stacking, ring-laddering, and inverse crown concepts. Chemical Communications 2007, (16), 1641-1643.
- Choi J-H, Clegg W, Nichol GS, Lee SH, Park YC, Habibi MH. Structural and spectroscopic properties of trans-dichlorobis(2,2-dimethyl-1,3-diaminopropane)chromium(III) chloride. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2007, 68(3), 796-801.
- Lydon DP, Li P, Benniston AC, McFarlane W, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Solid phase and solution phase structural characterization of pyrene-based, T-shaped molecular dyads. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2007, (10), 1653-1658.
- Carrella LM, Clegg W, Graham DV, Hogg LM, Kennedy AR, Klett J, Mulvey RE, Rentschler E, Russo L. Sodium-mediated manganation: Direct mono- and dimanganation of benzene and synthesis of a transition-metal inverse-crown complex. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2007, 46(25), 4662-4666.
- Barbeau OR, Cano-Soumillac C, Griffin RJ, Hardcastle IR, Smith GCM, Richardson C, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Golding BT. Quinolinone and pyridopyrimidinone inhibitors of DNA-dependent protein kinase. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2007, 5(16), 2670-2677.
- Loghmani-Khouzani H, Sadeghi MM, Habibi MH, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Ghorbani MH. Novel 1:1 cocrystal of Benzoic acid and 2-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-1-phenylethenyl benzoate. Analytical Sciences. X-ray Structure Analysis Online 2007, 23(3), x41-x42.
- Errington RJ, Petkar SS, Middleton PS, McFarlane W, Clegg W, Coxall RA, Harrington RW. Non-aqueous synthetic methodology for TiW5 polyoxometalates: Protonolysis of [(MeO)TiW5O18]3- with alcohols, water and phenols. Dalton Transactions 2007, (44), 5211-5222.
- Redshaw C, Gibson VC, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. New coordination modes at molybdenum for 2-diphenylphosphinoaniline derived ligands. Chemical Communications 2007, (19), 1951-1953.
- Habibi MH, Mokhtari R, Harrington RW, Clegg W. N,N′-Bis(6-methoxysalicylidene)-1,3-diaminopropane]copper(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(7), m1998.
- Habibi MH, Zendehdel M, Barati K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. N,N '-Bis[4-(trifluoromethyl)benzylidene]-butane-1,4-diamine. Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63, O2515-O2516.
- Martin L, Day P, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Horton PN, Bingham A, Hursthouse MB, McMillan P, Firth S. Multi-layered molecular charge-transfer salts containing alkali metal ions. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2007, 17(31), 3324-3329.
- Broomfield LM, Sarazin Y, Wright JA, Hughes DL, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Bochmann M. Mixed-ligand iminopyrrolato-salicylaldiminato group 4 metal complexes: Optimising catalyst structure for ethylene/propylene copolymerisations. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2007, 692(21), 4603-4611.
- Martin L, Day P, Akutsu H, Yamada J-I, Nakatsuji S, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, McMillan P, Firth S. Metallic molecular crystals containing chiral or racemic guest molecules. CrystEngComm 2007, 9(10), 865-867.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Smyth CH, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Metal-dependent reactivity of electrophilic platinum group metal lewis acid catalysts: Competitive alkene dimerization, intramolecular friedel-crafts alkylation, and carbonyl-ene reactivity. Organometallics 2007, 26(24), 5961-5966.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Metalation of trimethylphosphine-borane. Unexpected reactivity of a simple phosphine-borane-stabilized carbanion toward siloxanes. Organometallics 2007, 26(11), 2861-2866.
- Carr MJ, Perera SD, Jelinek T, Stibr B, Clegg W, Kilner CA, Kennedy JD. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry. The unique nido-five-vertex-〈B2〉-nido-ten-vertex conjuncto structure of [(η5-C5Me5)2Rh 2B11H15] via an unexpected cluster-dismantling. Chemical Communications 2007, (34), 3559-3561.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Influence of aromatic ring substituents and co-ligand on the binding mode of a phosphine-borane-stabilized carbanion; crystal structures of [[(Me3Si)2{Ph2P(BH3)}C]KLn]2[Ln = (OEt2)2, pmdeta; pmdeta = N,N,N′,N″,N″-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine]. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2007, 692(22), 5060-5064.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Further thoughts on crystal structures with Z′ > 1: Analysis of single-crystal structures determined using X-ray synchrotron and neutron radiation in the Cambridge Structural Database. CrystEngComm 2007, 9(10), 959-960.
- Chai J, Lewis SP, Collins S, Sciarone TJJ, Henderson LD, Chase PA, Irvine GJ, Piers WE, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Formation of chelated counteranions using lewis acidic diboranes: Relevance to isobutene polymerization. Organometallics 2007, 26(23), 5667-5679.
- Belokon' YN, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Ishibashi E, Nomura H, North M. Enantioselective and diastereoselective syntheses of cyanohydrin carbonates. Tetrahedron 2007, 63(39), 9724-9740.
- Gibson VC, Redshaw C, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. 'Electronic bending' of imido ligands and the effect on the coordination mode of a tridentate ancillary ligand. Polyhedron 2007, 26(13), 3161-3167.
- Berridge R, Wright SP, Skabara PJ, Dyer A, Steckler T, Argun AA, Reynolds JR, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Electrochromic properties of a fast switching, dual colour polythiophene bearing non-planar dithiinoquinoxaline units. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2007, 17(3), 225-231.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Smyth CH, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Efficient asymmetric carbonyl-ene reactions catalyzed by platinum metal lewis acid complexes of conformationally flexible NUPHOS diphosphines: A comparison with BINAP. Organometallics 2007, 26(25), 6453-6461.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Dale SH, Graham DV, Hevia E, Hogg LM, Honeyman GW, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE. Dizincation and dimagnesiation of benzene using alkali-metal-mediated metallation. Chemical Communications 2007, (6), 598-600.
- Habibi MH, Sardashti MK, Barati K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Crystal structures of new schiff bases N,N'-bis(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl- idene)-1,4-diaminobutane and N,N'-Bis(2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzylidene)-1,2- diaminoethane. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section B Journal of Chemical Sciences 2007, 62(4), 621-624.
- Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Barati K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Crystal structure of N,N'-Bis(4-trifluoromethoxybenzylidene)ethylenediamine. Analytical Sciences: X-Ray Structure Analysis Online 2007, 23(3), x47-x48.
- Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Barati K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Bis[N,N′-(2-chloro-benzyl-idene)-ethylene-diamine-κ2 N,N′]copper(I) dichlorido-cuprate(I) acetonitrile solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2007, 63(12), m592-m594.
- Habibi MH, Tangestaninejad S, Fallah-Shojaie A, Mohammadpoor-Baltork I, Mokhtari R, Brooks NR, Clegg W. Bis[N-(4-nitrophenyl)thiobenz-amidato]mercury(II). Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2007, 63(11), 494-495.
- Habibi MH, Mikhak M, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Bis[chloridobis(triphenyl-phosphine)-copper(I)-μ-chlorido]bis-(1, 2-diamino-propane)copper(II) acetonitrile disolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(9), m2305-m2306.
- Clegg W, Martin NC. Bis(triethylammonium) tetrachlorido-manganate(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(4), m1151-m1151.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Errington RJ, Wingad RL. Bis(tetrabutylammonium) -oxalato-bis[dibromidodioxidotungstate(VI)]. Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(5), m1269-m1270.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Bell AL, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Asymmetric hydrogenation of ketones with ruthenium complexes of rac- and enantiopure (S,S)-1,2-bis((diphenylphosphino)methyl)cyclohexane: A comparative study with rac- and (R)-BINAP. Organometallics 2007, 26(9), 2465-2468.
- Belokon YN, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Young C, North M. Asymmetric cyanohydrin synthesis using heterobimetallic catalysts obtained from titanium and vanadium complexes of chiral and achiral salen ligands. Tetrahedron 2007, 63(24), 5287-5299.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Ammonium violurate: A compact structure with extensive hydrogen bonding in three dimensions. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2007, 63(10), 609-612.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Alkaline earth metal complexes of a phosphine-borane-stabilized carbanion: Synthesis, structures, and stabilities. Inorganic Chemistry 2007, 46(10), 4320-4325.
- Izod K, Stewart JC, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Alkali metal complexes of sterically demanding amino-functionalised secondary phosphanide ligands. Dalton Transactions 2007, (2), 257-264.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Alkali metal complexes of a phosphine-borane-stabilised carbanion: Influence of co-ligands on structure. Dalton Transactions 2007, (33), 3669-3675.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. A synchrotron study of catena-poly[[tri - Aqua-triaqua-barium(II)] bis-(6-methyl-pyridin-2-olate)]. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(4), m1135-m1137.
- Benniston AC, Harriman A, Li P, Rostron JP, Harrington RW, Clegg W. A spectroscopic study of the reduction of geometrically restrained viologens. Chemistry - A European Journal 2007, 13(28), 7838-7851.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. A second C2/c polymorph of butobarbitone. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(10), o4147.
- Habibi MH, Zendehdel M, Barati K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. A 1:1 cocrystal of 4-(dimethyl-amino)-benzaldehyde and 6-phenyl-1,3,5- triazine-2,4-diamine. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2007, 63(8), 474-476.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. 5-(1-Methylbutyl)-5-propenylbarbituric acid (quinal barbitone). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(4), o1632-o1634.
- Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Mokhtari R, Harrington RW, Clegg W. 3,3′-Dimethoxy-2,2′-[o-phenylenebis(nitrilomethylidyne)] diphenol. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(11), o4462-.
- Clegg W, Marder TB, Nlate S, Scott AJ. 2,3,5,6-Tetra-kis[3,5-bis-(trifluorometh-yl)phen-oxy]-2, 5-bis(dimethyl-amino)2,3,5,6-tetra-bora-1,4-dioxane diethyl ether 0.667-solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2007, 63(10), 603-605.
- Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Lalegani A, Mokhtari R, Harrington RW, Clegg W. {N,N′-Bis[3-(2-nitro-phen-yl)prop-2-enyl-idene]ethyl-enediamine- κ2 N,N′}chlorido(triphenyl-phosphine-κP)copper(I). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(12), m2933-m2934.
- Habibi MH, Mokhtari R, Harrington RW, Clegg W. [N,N′-Bis(6-methoxysalicylidene)-1,3-diaminopropane]nickel(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(9), m2304.
- Habibi MH, Zendehdel M, Barati K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. (E)-{4-Amino-3-[4-(dimethylamino)-benzylideneamino]phenyl}(phen-yl) -methanone. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(6), o2924.
- Pask CM, Camm KD, Bullen NJ, Carr MJ, Clegg W, Kilner CA, Halcrow MA. Two complexes of copper(ii) salts with 5-amino-3-(pyrid-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole, the prototype for a new class of ditopic ligand. Dalton Transactions 2006, (5), 662-664.
- Pennington DA, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Bochmann M, Lancaster SJ. The synthesis, structure and ethene polymerization activity of octahedral heteroligated (salicylaldiminato)(β-enaminoketonato)titanium complexes: The X-ray crystal structure of {3-But-2-(O)C6H3CHN(Ph)}{(Ph)NC(Me)C(H)C(Me)O}TiCl2. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2006, 691(14), 3183-3188.
- Al-Dulayymi JR, Baird MS, Mohammed H, Roberts E, Clegg W. The synthesis of one enantiomer of the α-methyl-trans-cyclopropane unit of mycolic acids. Tetrahedron 2006, 62(20), 4851-4862.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. The importance of weak C-H⋯O bonds and π⋯π stacking interactions in the formation of organic 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene complexes with Z′ > 1. Crystal Growth and Design 2006, 6(2), 451-460.
- Habibi MH, Montazerozohori M, Lalegani A, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic properties of a new Schiff base ligand N,N′-bis(trifluoromethylbenzylidene)ethylenediamine. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 2006, 127(6), 769-773.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Synthesis, crystal structure, and solution behavior of a sterically hindered α-metalated phosphine-borane. Organometallics 2006, 25(1), 38-40.
- Llarena I, Benniston AC, Izzet G, Rewinska DB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Synthesis of a redox-active molecular switch based on dibenzo[1,2]dithiine. Tetrahedron Letters 2006, 47(51), 9135-9138.
- Yuan Z, Clegg W, Attfield MP. Synthesis and structure of the n = 4 member of the framework aluminium alkylenediphosphonate series Al2[O3PC n H 2n PO3](H2O)2F2. Journal of Porous Materials 2006, 13(3), 207-212.
- Hernandez-Molina R, Sokolov MN, Clausen M, Clegg W. Synthesis and structure of nickel-containing cuboidal clusters derived from [W3Se4(H2O)9]4+. Site-differentiated substitution at the nickel site in the series [W 3NiQ4(H2O)10]4+ (Q = S, Se). Inorganic Chemistry 2006, 45(26), 10567-10575.
- Habibi MH, Loghmani-Khouzani H, Sadeghi MM, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Ghorbani MH. Synthesis and crystal structure of 1,1-dimethoxy-4-phenylamino-4-methylthio-3-buten-2-one. Analytical Sciences: X-Ray Structure Analysis Online 2006, 22(12), x283-x284.
- Yuan Z, Clegg W, Attfield MP. Synthesis and characterization of two novel pyridine-containing framework gallium ethylenediphosphonates. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2006, 179(6), 1739-1749.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W, Gutmann MJ, Tooke DM. Stoichiometry-dependent structures: An X-ray and neutron single-crystal diffraction study of the effect of reaction stoichiometry on the crystalline products formed in the potassium-cyanurate system. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 2006, 62(5), 798-807.
- Izod K, McFarlane W, Tyson BV, Carr I, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Stabilization of a dialkylstannylene by unusual B-H⋯Sn γ-agostic-type interactions. A structural, spectroscopic, and DFT study. Organometallics 2006, 25(5), 1135-1143.
- Kranz M, Murray PJ, Taylor S, Upton RJ, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Solution, solid phase and computational structures of apicidin and its backbone-reduced analogs. Journal of Peptide Science 2006, 12(6), 383-388.
- Batsanov AS, Clegg W, Copley RCB, Fox MA, Gill WR, Grimditch RS, Hibbert TG, Howard JAK, MacBride JAH, Wade K. Preparative and structural studies on sulfur-linked carborane icosahedra: 2-Phenyl-ortho-carboranyl-sulfur systems (2-Ph-1,2-C2B 10H10)2X (X = S, S2 or SO), and ortho-carboran-di-yl systems (1,2-C2B10H 10Y)2 (Y = S or SO). Polyhedron 2006, 25(2), 300-306.
- Loghmani-Khouzani H, Osmailowski B, Gawinecki R, Kolehmainen E, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Preparation, reactivity and tautomeric preferences of novel (1H-quinolin-2-ylidene)propan-2-ones. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 2006, 3(2), 173-179.
- Clegg W, Dale SH, Hevia E, Honeyman GW, Mulvey RE. Pre-metalation structural insights into the use of alkali-metal-mediated zincation for directed ortho-metalation of a tertiary aromatic amide. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2006, 45(15), 2370-2374.
- Clegg W, Dale SH, Harrington RW, Hevla E, Honeyman GW, Mulvey RE. Post-metalation structural insights into the use of alkali-metal-mediated zincation for directed ortho-metalation of a tertiary aromatic amide. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2006, 45(15), 2374-2377.
- Franken A, Jelinek T, Taylor RG, Ormsby DL, Kilner CA, Clegg W, Kennedy JD. Polyhedral monocarbaborane chemistry. Some C-phenylated seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve-vertex species. Dalton Transactions 2006, (48), 5753-5769.
- Bould J, Clegg W, Kennedy JD. Polyhedral iridaborane chemistry: Elements of the 10-vertex closo-isonido-isocloso continuum. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2006, 359(11), 3723-3735.
- Hossaini Sadr M, Sardroodi JJ, Zare D, Brooks NR, Clegg W, Song Y. Nonlinear optical properties and crystal structure determination of a pentanuclear copper(I) cluster (NEt4)2[MoS4(CuBp)4] (Bp = H2B(pyrazolyl)2). Polyhedron 2006, 25(17), 3285-3288.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Smyth CH, Sore NT, Rath RK, McFarlane W, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Modular synthesis of a new class of bis(amino-oxazoline) using palladium-catalyzed Buchwald-Hartwig amination methodology. Organometallics 2006, 25(18), 4341-4350.
- Aldridge S, Kays DL, Al-Fawaz A, Jones KM, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Migratory insertion of [B(C6F5)2] into C-H bonds: CO promoted transfer of the boryl fragment. Chemical Communications 2006, (24), 2578-2580.
- Carr MJ, Perera SD, Jelinek T, Kilner CA, Clegg W, Tibr B, Kennedy JD. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry. Cluster opening and B-frame rearrangement in the reaction of B16H20 with [{(IrCl2(η5-C5Me5)} 2]. Synchrotron X-ray structures of [(η5-C 5Me5)2Ir2B16H 17Cl]. Dalton Transactions 2006, (44), 5221-5224.
- Ronson TK, Lazarides T, Adams H, Pope SJA, Sykes D, Faulkner S, Coles SJ, Hursthouse MB, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Ward MD. Luminescent PtII(bipyridyl)(diacetylide) chromophores with pendant binding sites as energy donors for sensitised near-infrared emission from lanthanides: Structures and photophysics of PtII/Ln III assemblies. Chemistry: A European Journal 2006, 12(36), 9299-9313.
- Berridge R, Skabara PJ, Pozo-Gonzalo C, Kanibolotsky A, Lohr J, McDouall JJW, McInnes EJL, Wolowska J, Winder C, Sariciftci NS, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Incorporation of fused tetrathiafulvalenes (TTFs) into polythiophene architectures: Varying the electroactive dominance of the TTF species in hybrid systems. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110(7), 3140-3152.
- Bowman LJ, Izod K, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Heteroleptic complexes of lanthanum(III) and neodymium(III) with oxygen- or nitrogen-functionalized tris(triorganosilyl)methyl ligands. Organometallics 2006, 25(12), 2999-3006.
- Izod K, Wills C, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Heavier alkali metal complexes of a silicon- and phosphine-borane- stabilized carbanion. Organometallics 2006, 25(22), 5326-5332.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Dale SH, Hevia E, Hogg LM, Honeyman GW, Mulvey RE. Directed meta-metalation using alkali-metal-mediated zincation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2006, 45(23), 3775-3778.
- Amantia D, Shipman MA, Price C, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Houlton A. Conserved supramolecular architecture in polymetallic nucleobase complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2006, 359(11), 3515-3520.
- Argent SP, Adams H, Riis-Johannessen T, Jeffery JC, Harding LP, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Ward MD. Complexes of Ag(i), Hg(i) and Hg(ii) with multidentate pyrazolyl-pyridine ligands: From mononuclear complexes to coordination polymers via helicates, a mesocate, a cage and a catenate. Dalton Transactions 2006, (42), 4996-5013.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Complexes of 6-methyl-2-pyridone with the alkaline earth metals magnesium, strontium and barium: Synthesis and structural characterisation. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2006, 359(11), 3474-3480.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Classical hydrogen bonding and weaker C-H⋯O interactions in complexes of uracil-5-carboxylic acid with the alkali metals Na-Cs. Polyhedron 2006, 25(4), 1043-1056.
- Kays DL, Day JK, Aldridge S, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Cationic terminal borylene complexes: Interconversion of amino and alkoxy borylenes by an unprecedented Meerwein-Ponndorf hydride transfer. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2006, 45(21), 3513-3516.
- Chase PA, Henderson LD, Piers WE, Parvez M, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Bifunctional perfluoroaryl boranes: Synthesis and coordination chemistry with neutral lewis base donors. Organometallics 2006, 25(2), 349-357.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Smyth CH, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Asymmetric platinum group metal-catalyzed carbonyl-ene reactions: Carbon-carbon bond formation versus isomerization. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2006, 71(26), 9751-9764.
- Lin P, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Henderson RA, Fletcher AJ, Bell J, Thomas KM. Assembly of heterometallic clusters and coordination polymers by combining Mo-S-based clusters with Mn2+. Inorganic Chemistry 2006, 45(10), 4284-4302.
- Guille K, Clegg W. Anhydrous guanine: A synchrotron study. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2006, 62(8), o515-o517.
- Izod K, Liddle ST, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Amino-functionalised diarylphosphide complexes of the alkali metals and lanthanum. Dalton Transactions 2006, (28), 3431-3437.
- Clegg W, Dale SH, Hevia E, Hogg LM, Honeyman GW, Mulvey RE, O'Hara CT. Alkali-metal-mediated zincation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Synthesis and structures of mono- and dizincated naphthalenes. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2006, 45(39), 6548-6550.
- Clegg W, Dale SH, Drummond AM, Hevia E, Honeyman GW, Mulvey RE. Alkali-metal-mediated zincation of anisole: Synthesis and structures of three instructive ortho-zincated complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128(23), 7434-7435.
- Bowman LJ, Izod K, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Smith JD, Eaborn C. Alkali metal complexes of sterically hindered mono- and di-carbanions containing Si-O bonds. Dalton Transactions 2006, (3), 502-508.
- Choi J-H, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Yoon H-M, Hong YP. A tetraazamacrocycle with benzyl substituents. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2006, 62(2), o644-o646.
- Plater MJ, Kemp S, Coronado E, Gomez-Garcia CJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W. A stable oxoverdazyl free radical: Structural and magnetic characterization. Polyhedron 2006, 25(12), 2433-2438.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Violuric acid monohydrate: A definitive redetermination at 150 K. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(11), o3788-o3790.
- Clegg W, Dale SH, Drennan D, Kelly PF. The use of the bromosulfimide Ph2S=NBr as nitrogen source in reactions with selenium-based systems. Dalton Transactions 2005, (19), 3140-3142.
- Pennington DA, Clegg W, Coles SJ, Harrington RW, Hursthouse MB, Hughes DL, Light ME, Schormann M, Bochmann M, Lancaster SJ. The synthesis, structure and ethene polymerisation catalysis of mono(salicylaldimmato) titanium and zirconium complexes. Dalton Transactions 2005, (3), 561-571.
- Fasina TM, Collings JC, Burke JM, Batsanov AS, Ward RM, Albesa-Jove D, Porres L, Beeby A, Howard JAK, Scott AJ, Clegg W, Watt SW, Viney C, Marder TB. Synthesis, optical properties, crystal structures and phase behaviour of symmetric, conjugated ethynylarene-based rigid rods with terminal carboxylate groups. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2005, 15(6), 690-697.
- Souza FES, Nguyen P, Marder TB, Scott AJ, Clegg W. Synthesis of rhodium and iridium boryl complexes via oxidative addition of haloboranes. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2005, 358(5), 1501-1509.
- Autissier V, Brockman E, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Henderson RA. Synthesis of [Ni(η2-CH2C6H 4R-4){PPh(CH2CH2PPh2) 2}]+ (R = H, Me or MeO) and protonation reactions with HCl. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2005, 690(7), 1763-1771.
- Lin P, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Henderson RA. Synthesis and structures of 5-(pyridyl)tetrazole complexes of Mn(II). Dalton Transactions 2005, (14), 2388-2394.
- Smith MJ, Clegg W, Nguyen KA, Rogers JE, Pachter R, Fleitz PA, Anderson HL. Synthesis and crystal structure of a push-pull quinoidal porphyrin: A nanoporous framework assembled from cyclic trimer aggregates. Chemical Communications 2005, (19), 2433-2435.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Brooks NR, Sharafi F. Synthesis and characterization of the bimetallic polymers [MS 4Ag2(Hmimt)2]n (where M = Mo or W, Hmimt = 1-methylimidazoline-2(3H)-thione): Crystal structures of [WS 4Ag2(Hmimt)2]n and [Ag 2I2(Hmimt)]n. Polyhedron 2005, 24(3), 435-441.
- Lin P, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Henderson RA. Synthesis and characterization of a Mo/Ag/Rb heterotrimetallic cluster with double-cage architecture. Dalton Transactions 2005, (14), 2349-2351.
- Andrikopoulos PC, Armstrong DR, Barley HRL, Clegg W, Dale SH, Hevia E, Honeyman GW, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE. Sodium dialkyl-amidozincates: Alkyl or amido bases? An experimental and theoretical case study. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127(17), 6184-6185.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Rath RK, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Newman CR, Campbell R, Amin H. Ruthenium complexes of six-electron-donor NUPHOS-Type diphosphines: Highly selective catalysts for the hydrocarboxylation of terminal alkynes. Organometallics 2005, 24(11), 2633-2644.
- Henderson AP, Barnes ML, Bleasdale C, Cameron R, Clegg W, Heath SL, Lindstrom AB, Rappaport SM, Waidyanatha S, Watson WP, Golding BT. Reactions of benzene oxide with thiols including glutathione. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2005, 18(2), 265-270.
- Koroglu A, Bulut A, Ucar I, Nichol GS, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Proton sharing in bis(4-carbamoyl-pyridinium) squarate. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2005, 61(12), o678-o680.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Polymorphism in an unexpected caesium complex of 5-hydroxy-hydurilic acid. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2005, 61(10), m459-m462.
- Nichol G, Clegg W. Polymorphism in an unexpected caesium complex of 5-hydroxyhydurilic acid. Acta Crystallographica C: Crystal Structure Communications 2005, 61(10), m459-m462.
- Clegg W, Jamieson C. Pifithrin-β. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(5), o1486-o1488.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Dale SH, Solimankhani A. N-H center dot center dot center dot S and N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonding in tetra-n-butylammonium (imidazolidine-2-thione-2 kappa S)dioxo-1 kappa O-2-di-mu-sulfido-1 : 2 kappa(4) S : S-copper(I) tungstate(VI). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(8), M1509-M1511.
- Mountford AJ, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Humphrey SM, Lancaster SJ. New titanium and zirconium complexes with M-NH2 bonds formed by facile deprotonation of H3N·B(C6F5) 3. Chemical Communications 2005, (15), 2044-2046.
- Yuan Z, Clegg W. N,N′-Dimethylpiperazinium(2+) bis[methylenehydrogendiphosphonate(1-)]. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(8), o2635-o2637.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Dale SH, Solimankhani A. N - H⋯S and N - H⋯O hydrogen bonding in tetra-n-butylammonium (imidazolidine-2-thione-2κS)dioxo-1κ2O-di-μ-sulfido- 1:2κ4S:S-copper(I)tungstate(VI). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(8), m1509-m1511.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Malonamide: an orthorhombic polymorph. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(10), O3427-O3429.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Malonamide: a tetragonal polymorph. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(10), O3424-O3426.
- Clegg W, Nichol G. Hydrogen-bonding and carbonyl-carbonyl interactions in violuric acid methanol solvate. Acta Crystallographica C: Crystal Structure Communications 2005, 61(12), o718-o721.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. Hydrogen-bonding and carbonyl-carbonyl interactions in violuric acid methanol solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2005, 61(12), o718-o721.
- Pike AR, Ryder LC, Horrocks BR, Clegg W, Connolly BA, Houlton A. Ferrocenyl-modified DNA: Synthesis, characterization and integration with semiconductor electrodes. Chemistry: A European Journal 2005, 11(1), 344-353.
- Izod K, Young J, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Effect of peripheral donor substituents on the binding modes of phosphinomethanide ligands. Synthesis and crystal structures of alkali metal derivatives of an O-functionalised phosphinomethanide ligand. Dalton Transactions 2005, (9), 1658-1663.
- Beheshti A, Brooks NR, Clegg W, Hyvadi R. Dichlorobis[1-methylimidazoline-2(3H)-thione]-cadmium(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(7), m1383-m1385.
- Barnett NDR, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, Weatherstone S. Crystallographic characterisation of binary alkali metal alkoxide-magnesium bis(alkyl) mixtures: Differential binding of Na+ and K+ to a common dinuclear diorganomagnesiate. Chemical Communications 2005, (3), 375-377.
- Izod K, McFarlane W, Allen B, Clegg W, Harrington RW. An intramolecularly base-stabilized diphosphagermylene and two unusual germanium(II) ate complexes: A structural, NMR, and DFT study. Organometallics 2005, 24(9), 2157-2167.
- Barley HRL, Clegg W, Dale SH, Hevia E, Honeyman GW, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE. Alkali-metal-mediated zincation of ferrocene: Synthesis, structure, and reactivity of a lithium Tmp/zincate reagent. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2005, 44(37), 6018-6021.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. A variable-temperature study of a phase transition in barbituric acid dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 2005, 61(4), 464-472.
- Koroglu A, Bulut A, Ucar I, Nichol GS, Harrington RW, Clegg W. A second monoclinic polymorph of 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(11), o3723-o3725.
- Koeroglu A, Bulut A, Ucar I, Nichol GS, Harrington RW, Clegg W. A second monoclinic polymorph of 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, E61(11), o3723-o3725.
- Bernal I, Mukhopadhyay U, Virovets AV, Fedin VP, Clegg W. A previously unrecognised hydronium di-cation in the crystal structure of a cucurbituril derivative. Chemical Communications 2005, (30), 3791-3792.
- Nichol G, Clegg W. 6-Methyl-2-pyridone: an elusive structure finally solved. Acta Crystallographica C: Crystal Structure Communications 2005, 61(6), 383-385.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. 6-methyl-2-pyridone: An elusive structure finally solved. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2005, 61(6), o383-o385.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. 5-Butyl-5-ethylbarbituric acid: A phase transition at low temperature. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2005, 61(5), o297-o299.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. 5-(1-Cyclohexen-1-yl)-1,5-dimethylbarbituric acid (hexobarbitone): A low-temperature redetermination. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(4), o1004-o1006.
- Mas-Balleste R, Champkin PA, Clegg W, Gonzalez-Duarte P, Lledos A, Ujaque G. Unusual C - H allylic activation in the {PtII(cod)} fragment bonded to a {Pt2(μ-S)2} core. Organometallics 2004, 23(11), 2522-2532.
- Beheshti A, Brooks NR, Clegg W, Khorrmdin R. Tris(tetraethylammonium) tris(μ3 -sulfido)-bis[bromocopper(I)] [dibromocopper(I)]-oxomolybdate(VI) acetone solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(2), m231-m233.
- Beheshti A, Brooks NR, Clegg W, Khorrmdin R. Tetraethylammonium [1-methylimidazole-2(3H)-thione]copper(I)-di-μ- sulfido-dioxotungstate(VI). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, E60(12), m1923-m1926.
- Fasina TM, Collings JC, Lydon DP, Albesa-Jove D, Batsanov AS, Howard JAK, Nguyen P, Bruce M, Scott AJ, Clegg W, Watt SW, Viney C, Marder TB. Synthesis, optical properties, crystal structures and phase behaviour of selectively fluorinated 1,4-bis(4′-pyridylethynyl)benzenes, 4-(phenylethynyl)pyridines and 9,10-bis(4′-pyridylethynyl)-anthracene, and a Zn(NO3)2 coordination polymer. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2004, 14(15), 2395-2404.
- Beheshti A, Brooks NR, Clegg W, Sichani SE. Synthesis, crystal structures and spectroscopic characterization of two neutral heterobimetallic clusters MS4Cu4(pz(Me2))(6)X-2 (where M = Mo (1) or W (2), X = Cl (1) or disordered Cl/Br (2), and pz(Me2)=3,5-dimethylpyrazole). Polyhedron 2004, 23(18), 3143-3146.
- Gibson VC, Redshaw C, Walker GLP, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of the molybdenum(VI) complex [MoCl(NAr)2(CH2CMe2Ph)] (Ar=2,6-Pri2C6H3). Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2004, 689(2), 332-344.
- Gibson VC, Redshaw C, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Siemeling U, Turk T. Synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of hydridotris(3,5- dimethylpyrazolyl)borate (Tp′) molybdenum(VI) bis(imido) complexes. Polyhedron 2004, 23(1), 189-194.
- Izod K, McFarlane W, Tyson BV, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Synthesis and structural characterisation of a novel phosphine-borane- stabilised dicarbanion and an unusual bis(phosphine-borane). Chemical Communications 2004, 10(5), 570-571.
- Izod K, Liddle ST, McFarlane W, Clegg W. Synthesis and Reactions of Sterically Encumbered, Heteroleptic Lanthanum Phosphides. Structural Characterization of [{(Me3Si)2CH}-(C6H4-2-CH2NMe2)P]2La(OR) and [{(Me3Si)2CH}- (C6H4-2-CH2NMe2)P]La(THF)[P(C6H4-2-CH2NMe2)-{CH(SiMe3)(SiMe2CH2)}] [R = i-Pr, t-Bu]. Organometallics 2004, 23(11), 2734-2743.
- Izod K, Liddle ST, McFarlane W, Clegg W. Synthesis and reactions of sterically encumbered, heteroleptic lanthanum phosphides. Structural characterization of [{(Me3Si)2CH}-(C6H4-2-Ch2NMe 2)P]2La(OR) and [{(Me3Si)2CH}- (C6)H4-2-CH2NMe2)P]La(THF)[P(C6H4-2-CH2NMe2)-{CH(SiMe 3)(SiMe2CH2)}] [R =i-Pr, t-Bu]. Organometallics 2004, 23(11), 2734-2743.
- Sadr MH, Clegg W, Bijhanzade HR. Synthesis and characterization of two pentanuclear complexes (NEt4)2[MS4(CuBp)4] (M=Mo, W; Bp=H 2B(pyrazolyl)2) and crystal structure determination of (NEt4)2[WS4(CuBp)4]. Polyhedron 2004, 23(4), 637-641.
- Watt SW, Dai C, Scott AJ, Burke JM, Thomas RLl, Collings JC, Viney C, Clegg W, Marder TB. Structure and phase behavior of a 2:1 complex between arene- and fluoroarene-based conjugated rigid rods. Angewandte Chemie 2004, 43(23), 3061-3063.
- Franken A, Bullen NJ, Jelinek T, Thornton-Pett M, Teat SJ, Clegg W, Kennedy JD, Hardie MJ. Structural chemistry of halogenated monocarbaboranes: The extended structures of Cs[1-HCB9H4Br5], Cs[1-HCB 11H5Cl6] and Cs[1-HCB11H5Br6]. New Journal of Chemistry 2004, 28(12), 1499-1505.
- Benniston AC, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Li P. Sterically Constrained bis(2,2’:6’,2’’-Terpyridine) Ligand. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, E60(12), 02452.
- Onions ST, Heath SL, Price DJ, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Matthews CJ. Self-assembly of a spin-coupled octanuclear copper(II) circular array from a single-stranded ligand. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2004, 43(14), 1814-1817.
- Izod K, Liddle ST, Clegg W. Protonation of a lanthanum phosphide-alkyl occurs at the P-La not the C-La bond: Isolation of a cationic lanthanum alkyl complex. Chemical Communications 2004, 10(15), 1748-1749.
- Autissier V, Zarza PM, Petrou A, Henderson RA, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Proton Transfer to Nickel-Thiolate Complexes. 2. Rate-Limiting Intramolecular Proton Transfer in the Reactions of [Ni(SC6H 4R-4)(PhP{CH2CH2PPh2} 2)]+ (R = NO2, Cl, H, Me, or MeO). Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 43(10), 3106-3115.
- Autissler V, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Henderson RA. Proton Transfer to Nickel-Thiolate Complexes. 1. Protonation of [Ni(SC 6H4R-4)2(Ph2PCH2CH 2PPh2)] (R = Me, MeO, H, Cl, or NO2). Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 43(10), 3098-3105.
- Lin P, Henderson RA, Harrington RW, Clegg W, Wu C-D, Wu X-T. New 1- and 2-Dimensional Polymeric Structures of Cyanopyridine Complexes of Ag1 and Cu1. Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 43(1), 181-188.
- Franken A, Carr MJ, Clegg W, Kilner CA, Kennedy JD. Monocarbaborane anion chemistry. {COOH}, {CH2OH} and {CHO} units as functional groups on ten-vertex monocarbaborane anionic compounds. Dalton Transactions 2004, (21), 3552-3561.
- Sola J, Lopez A, Coxall RA, Clegg W. Hydrogen-bonded network and layered supramolecular structures assembled from ClO4- counterions with unprecedented monomeric [AgL2]+ and chain polymeric [AgL2] nn+ complex cations (L = thioamide or thiourea-like ligands). European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2004, (24), 4871-4881.
- Liddle ST, Clegg W, Morrison CA. Heavier alkali metal complexes of 2-phenylamidopyridine: An X-ray crystallographic and theoretical study of a structurally diverse series of crown ether adducts. Dalton Transactions 2004, (16), 2514-2525.
- Boyd LA, Clegg W, Copley RCB, Davidson MG, Fox MA, Hibbert TG, Howard JAK, Mackinnon A, Peace RJ, Wade K. Exo-π-bonding to an ortho-carborane hypercarbon atom: Systematic icosahedral cage distortions reflected in the structures of the fluoro-, hydroxy- and amino-carboranes, 1-X-2-Ph-1,2-C2B10H 10 (X = F, OH or NH2) and related anions. Dalton Transactions 2004, (17), 2786-2799.
- Doherty S, Errington RJ, Housley N, Clegg W. Dimeric aluminum chloride complexes of N-alkoxyalkyl-β-ketoimines: Activation with propylene oxide to form efficient lactide polymerization catalysts. Organometallics 2004, 23(10), 2382-2388.
- Matthews CJ, Elsegood MRJ, Bernardinelli G, Clegg W, Williams AF. Crystal structures of dicarboxy-2,2′-bipyridyl complexes: The role of hydrogen bonding and stacking interactions. Dalton Transactions 2004, (3), 492-497.
- Blair S, Izod K, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Complexes of the heavier alkaline earth metals Ca, Sr, and Ba with O-functionalized phosphanide ligands. Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 43(26), 8526-8531.
- Bell NA, Clegg W, Coles SJ, Constable CP, Harrington RW, Hursthouse MB, Light ME, Raper ES, Sammon C, Walker MR. Complexes of heterocyclic thiones and group 12 metals: Part VI. Preparation and characterisation of complexes of cadmium(II) halides with 1-methylimidazoline-2(3H)-thione, 1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione and 1,3-benzothiazoline-2-thione. Crystal structures of polymeric (1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione)cadmium(II) chloride, bis(1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione) cadmium(II) iodide. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2004, 357(7), 2091-2099.
- Izod K, McFarlane W, Tyson BV, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Complexes of a dianionic bis(diphosphinomethanide) with lithium, sodium, potassium and zirconium. Effect of substitution on the Schlenk dimerisation of vinylidene phosphines. Dalton Transactions 2004, (23), 4074-4078.
- Clegg W, Liddle ST. Bis[μ-2-(phenylamido)pyridine]bis{[2-(phenyl-amino)pyridine]lithium(I)}. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(11), m1587-m1589.
- Clegg W, Scott AJ, Wiesauer C, Weissensteiner W, Marder TB. Bis[bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)ethane-κ2 P,P′]-gold(I) chloride chloroform tetrasolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(7), m968-m970.
- Sadr MH, Ahmadian SMS, Brooks NR, Clegg W. Bis(tetra-n-butylammonium) tetrakis[chloro-(μ3-sulfido) copper(I)]tungstate(VI): A second polymorph. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(12), m1952-m1954.
- Smith CE, Smith PS, Thomas RL, Robins EG, Collings JC, Dai CY, Scott AJ, Borwick S, Batsanov AS, Watt SW, Clark SJ, Viney C, Howard JAK, Clegg W, Marder TB. Arene-perfluoroarene interactions in crystal engineering: structural preferences in polyfluorinated tolans. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2004, 14(3), 413-420.
- Clegg W. An excel spreadsheet for a one-dimensional fourier map in X-ray crystallography. Journal of Chemical Education 2004, 81(6), 908-912.
- Benniston AC, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Li P. A sterically constrained bis(2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) ligand. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(12), o2452-o2454.
- Brooks NR, Clegg W, Sadr MH, Esm-Hosseini M, Yavari R. A second tetragonal polymorph of bis(tetra-n-butylammonium) tetrakis[chloro(μ3-sulfido)-copper(I)]molybdate(VI). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(2), m204-m206.
- Mas-Balleste R, Clegg W, Lledos A, Gonzalez-Duarte P. A Novel Route to Multinuclear d8 Metal-Chalcogen Compounds with Nuclearity Control. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 2004(16), 3223-3227.
- Andrikopoulos PC, Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Gilfillan CJ, Hevia E, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, O'Hara CT, Parkinson JA, Tooke DM. A Homologous Series of Regioselectively Tetradeprotonated Group 8 Metallocenes: New Inverse Crown Ring Compounds Synthesized via a Mixed Sodium-Magnesium Tris(diisopropylamide) Synergic Base. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126(37), 11612-11620.
- Izod K, Liddle ST, Clegg W. A Convenient Route to Lanthanide Triiodide THF Solvates. Crystal Structures of Lnl3(THF)4 [Ln = Pr] and Lnl 3(THF)3.5 [Ln = Nd, Gd, Y]. Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 43(1), 214-218.
- Clegg W, Nichol GS. 6-Methyl-2-pyridone pentahydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(8), o1433-o1436.
- Henderson AP, Bleasdale C, Clegg W, Golding BT. 2,6-Diarylaminotetrahydropyrans from Reactions of Glutaraldehyde with Anilines: Models for Biomolecule Cross-Linking. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2004, 17(3), 378-382.
- Clegg W, Golding BT, Harrington RW, Scott R. 1-{2-[4-(2,4-Dinitrophenyl)piperazin-1 -yl]ethyl}-4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2. 2.2]octane chloride. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(2), o291-o293.
- Clegg W, Scott AJ, Wiesauer C, Weissensteiner W, Marder TB. (E)-2-{2-[4-(Trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-ethenyl}-1,3,2-benzodioxaborole. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(7), o1175-o1177.
- Clegg W, Scott AJ, Wiesauer C, Weissensteiner W, Marder TB. (E)-2-[2-(4-Methylphenyl)ethenyl]-1,3,2-benzodioxaborole. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(7), o1172-o1174.
- Clegg W, Liddle ST. (Dibenzo-18-crown-6)(2-phenylamidopyridine)-rubidium(I). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(10), m1492-m1494.
- Clegg W, Liddle ST. (Dibenzo-18-crown-6)(2-phenylamidopyridine)-potassium(I). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, 60(10), m1495-m1497.
- Clegg W, Horsburgh L. Trans-(6-amino-2-pyridinio)iodobis-(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II) iodide ethyl acetate solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(9), m700-m702.
- Mas-Balleste R, Aullon G, Champkin PA, Clegg W, Megret C, Gonzalez-Duarte P, Lledos A. The evolution of [{Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2}Pt(mu-S)(2)Pt{Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2}] (n=2,3) metalloligands in protic acids: A cascade of sequential reactions. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2003, 9(20), 5023-5035.
- Tombul M, Errington RJ, Coxall RA, Clegg W. Tetrakis(μ3-phenoxo-acetonitrilelithium), a tetrameric lithium aryloxide with a cubane core. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(3), m137-m139.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Tert-butyl (2S)-2-(9H-fluoren-9-ylmethoxy-carbonylamino)-3-(3′, 4′-dimethoxyphenyl)-propionate chloroform sesquisolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(12), o1946-o1948.
- Clegg W, Horsburgh L. tert-Butyl (2R)-2-(9H-fluoren-9-ylmethoxy-carbonylamino)-3-iodopropionate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(12), o1925-o1926.
- Saha MK, Dey DK, Samanta B, Edwards AJ, Clegg W, Mitra S. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of a mononuclear Ca(II) complex with a NNO donor Schiff base ligand and its oxalato- and oxamidato-bridged dinuclear complexes. Dalton Transactions 2003, (3), 488-492.
- March R, Clegg W, Coxall RA, Cucurull-Sanchez L, Lezama L, Rojo T, Gonzalez-Duarte P. Synthesis, characterisation and magnetic properties of cobalt(II) complexes with picolinic acid derivatives: The crystal and molecular structures of [Co(MeC5H3NCOO)2(H2O) 2] and [CoCl2(C5H4NCOOPri)2]. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2003, 353, 129-138.
- Benniston AC, Clegg W, Harriman A, Harrington RW, Li P, Sams C. Synthesis of a biphenyl-based cyclophane via benzidine rearrangement of a constrained m-nitrophenol derivative. Tetrahedron Letters 2003, 44(13), 2665-2667.
- Jackson RFW, Dunn SFC, McCamley A, Clegg W. Synthesis and crystal structures of 2-substituted-2-phenylsulfonyloxiranes: Evidence for a generalised anomeric effect in 2-phenylsulfonyloxiranes. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2003, 1(14), 2527-2530.
- March R, Clegg W, Coxall RA, Gonzalez-Duarte P. Substitution of the chloro ligands in cis-[CoCl2(2-C5H4N-CO2Pr i)2]: Structural characterization of four mononuclear products showing both cis and trans configurations at Co(II). Inorganica Chimica Acta 2003, 346, 87-94.
- Blair S, Izod K, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Sterically controlled mono- or dimetalation of a thioether-functionalized phosphine and an unusual light-induced phosphide-thiolate rearrangement. Organometallics 2003, 22(2), 302-308.
- Darley DJ, Selmer T, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Buckel W, Golding BT. Stereocontrolled Synthesis of (2R,3S)-2-Methylisocitrate, a Central Intermediate in the Methylcitrate Cycle. Helvetica Chimica Acta 2003, 86(12), 3991-3999.
- Sokolov MN, Hernandez-Molina R, Clegg W, Fedin VP, Mederos A. Stabilization of the previously unknown tautomer HP(OH)2 of hypophosphorous acid as ligand; preparation of [W3(NI(HP(OH)2))Q4(H2O)9]4+ (Q = S, Se) complexes. Chemical Communications 2003, 9(1), 140-141.
- March R, Pons J, Ros J, Clegg W, Alvarez-Larena A, Piniella JF, Sanz J. Reactivity of 2-Pyridinecarboxylic Esters with Cadmium(II) Halides: Study of 113Cd NMR Solid State Spectra and Crystal Structures of Hexacoordinated Complexes [Cdl2(C5H 4NCOOMe)2] and [Cdl2(C5H 4NCOOPrn)2]. Inorganic Chemistry 2003, 42(23), 7403-7409.
- Clegg W, Forbes GC, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, Liddle ST. Potassium-zinc induced synergic enhancement of the basicity of hexamethyldisilazide (HMDS) towards methylbenzene molecules. Chemical Communications 2003, 9(3), 406-407.
- Liddle ST, Clegg W. Polymeric (18-crown-6)bis(2-amidopyridinecaesium) toluene solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(11), m1062-m1064.
- Blair S, Izod K, Clegg W, Harrington RW. Organomagnesium phosphanide "grignard" analogues - Synthesis, structural characterisation and solution behaviour of [BuMg{P(CH[SiMe 3]2)(C6H3-2-OMe-3R)}]2 [R = H, Me]. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2003, (18), 3319-3324.
- Amantia D, Price C, Shipman MA, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Houlton A. Minor groove site coordination of adenine by platinum group metal ions: Effects on basicity, base pairing, and electronic structure. Inorganic Chemistry 2003, 42(9), 3047-3056.
- Clegg W, Horsburgh L. Methyl 2(S)-(N-fluoren-9-ylmethoxy-carbonylamino)-3-(2-pyridyl)propionate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(9), o1257-o1258.
- Blair S, Izod K, Clegg W. C2-Symmetric ytterbium(II) complexes with a novel, chiral P,N-donor ligand. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2003, 688(1-2), 92-99.
- Sadr MH, Razmi H, Brooks NR, Clegg W. Bis(tetraethylammonium) μ-tetrathiomolybdato(VI)-bis[chlorocopper(I)]. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, E59(12), m1134-m1136.
- Clegg W, Jacksont RFW, Wishart N. Benzyl (2S)-2-tert-butoxycarbonylamino-5-(2-furyl)-5-oxopentanoate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, E59(1), o86-o88.
- Errington RJ, Tombul M, Coxall RA, Clegg W. An alkoxide cluster with 18 Li+ ions encapsulating two borate anions, [tBuO)12Li18(BO3)2\]. Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2003, 59(6), M231-M233.
- Tombul M, Errington RJ, Coxall RA, Clegg W. An alkoxide cluster with 18 Li+ ions encapsulating two borate anions, [(tBuO)12Li18(Bo3)2]. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2003, 59(6), m231-m233.
- Izod K, Liddle ST, Clegg W. Alkyl complexes of strontium and barium: Synthesis and structural characterization of {(Me3Si)2(MeOMe2Si)C}2Sr(THF) and {(Me3Si)2(MeOMe2Si)C}2Ba (MeOCH2CH2OMe). Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003, 125(25), 7534-7535.
- Izod K, McFarlane W, Tyson BV, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Liddle ST. Alkali Metal-Mediated Schlenk Dimerization of a Phosphorus-Substituted Alkene. Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Li, Na, and K Derivatives of a Phosphorus-Stabilized Butane-l,4-diide Ligand. Organometallics 2003, 22(18), 3684-3690.
- Clegg W, Drummond AM, Liddle ST, Mulvey RE. A triclinic polymorph of octa-tert-butoxy-tetralithiumtetrasodium. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(2), m64-m66.
- Liddle ST, Clegg W. A homologous series of crown-ether-complexed alkali metal amides as discrete ion-pair species: Synthesis and structures of [M(12-crown-4) 2][PyNPh·PyN(H)Ph] (M = Li, Na and K). Polyhedron 2003, 22(27), 3507-3513.
- Clegg W. 5-Cyano-7-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-oxo-chroman-6-yl acetate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(1), o61-o62.
- Clegg W, Deboves HJC, Elsegood MRJ. 1-tert-Butyl 2-methyl 4-(R)-hydroxy-pyrrolidine-1,2-(2S)-dicarboxylate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(12), o1987-o1989.
- Carey KA, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Golding BT, Maskill H. 1,2-Bis[bis(4-methoxyphenyl)hydroxymethyl]benzene. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, E59(3), o263-o265.
- Carey KA, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Golding BT, Maskill H. 1,2-Bis[bis(4-methoxyphenyl)hydroxymethyl]benzene. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(3), o263-o265.
- Clegg W, Heath SL, Jackson RFW, Palmer NJ. [3R-(3β4β,5β)]-3-(Acetylamino)-3,4-dihydro-4-hydroxy-5- (hydroxymethyl)-furan-2(5H)-one monohydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(7), o1060-o1062.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Snaith R, Wheatley AEH. (Trans-cinnamaldehyde)tris(2,6-diphenylphenoxy)aluminium. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(5), m225-m227.
- Liddle T, Clegg W. (18-Crown-6)-bis(tetrahydrofuran)potassium iodide. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(12), m1184-m1186.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. (1′S,2R,3R)-3-(1′-terf-Butyldimethylsilyloxy-1′- phenylmethyl)-2-(4″-methylphenylthio)-2-nitrooxirane. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(7), o1070-o1072.
- Izod K, O'Shaughnessy P, Clegg W. Unusual solvent-promoted smiles rearrangement of two different phosphorus-containing organolithium compounds to the same lithium phosphide. Crystal structure of MeP{C6H4-2-CH(C6H4-2-CH2N Me2)NMe2}Li(THF)2. Organometallics 2002, 21(4), 641-646.
- Clegg W, Scott AJ, Norman NC, Robins EG, Whittell GR. Trichloro(perdeuteroacetonitrile)bis(triphenyl-phosphine)rhodium(III). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), m410-m411.
- Henderson AP, Mutlu E, Leclercq A, Bleasdale C, Clegg W, Henderson RA, Golding BT. Trapping of benzene oxide-oxepin and methyl-substituted derivatives with 4-phenyl- and 4-pentafluorophenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione. Chemical Communications 2002, 8(17), 1956-1957.
- Necefoglu H, Clegg W, Scott AJ. Tetrakis(mu-benzoato)bis[(N,N-diethylnicotinamide)- zinc(II)]. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), m121-m122.
- Tombul M, Errington RJ, Coxall RA, Clegg W. Tetrakis(mu-3-phenoxo-acetonitrilelithium), a tetrameric lithium aryloxide with a cubane core. Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, E59(3), M137-M139.
- Blake AJ, Clegg W, Howard JAK, Main P, Parsons S, Watkin DJ, Wilson C. Teaching crystallography through an intensive course. Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 2002, 217(7-8), 427-428.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Sadr MH. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure determination of (NEt4)(2)[MS4(CuBp ')2]center dot X (M = Mo, X = (CH3)(2)CO; M = W, X = CH3CN); Bp ' = H2B(3,5-Me(2)Pz)(2). Inorganica Chimica Acta 2002, 335, 21-26.
- Carey KA, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Golding BT, Hill MNS, Maskill H. Synthesis of highly hindered oxepins and an azepine from bis-trityl carbenium ions: structural characterisation by NMR and X-ray crystallography. Journal of the Royal Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 1 2002, (23), 2673-2679.
- Doherty S, Robins EG, Nieuwenhuyzen M, Knight JG, Champkin PA, Clegg W. Synthesis of a new class of 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,3-butadiene bridged diphosphine, NUPHOS, via zirconium-mediated reductive coupling of alkynes and diynes: Applications in palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. Organometallics 2002, 21(7), 1383-1399.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Hyvadi R, Hekmat HF. Synthesis and structures of the WOS(3)Cu(3)Pz(3)Cl and [PPh4](4)[{WOS3(CuNCSe)(3)}(2)] clusters (Pz = pyrazole), and structure of [PPh4](2)[Cu(NCS)(4)]. Polyhedron 2002, 21(16), 1547-1552.
- Liddle ST, Clegg W. Synthesis and structure of the novel octanuclear lithium aryloxide cluster [(hmqLi)(8)(THF)(4)] (hmq(-)=2-hydroxy-4-methylquinoline monoanion): formation of a rare four-rung intercepted Li-O ladder. Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions 2002, (21), 3923-3924.
- Clegg W, Eastham GR, Elsegood MRJ, Heaton BT, Iggo JA, Tooze RP, Whyman R, Zacchini S. Synthesis and reactivity of palladium hydrido-solvento complexes, including a key intermediate in the catalytic methoxycarbonylation of ethene to methyl propanoate. Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions 2002, (17), 3300-3308.
- Liddle ST, Clegg W. Synthesis and crystal structures of the 15-crown-5 solvates of potassium- and rubidium-2-trimethylsilylamidopyridine. Polyhedron 2002, 21(23), 2451-2455.
- Price C, Horrocks BR, Mayeux A, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Houlton A. Self-complimentary metal complexes containing a DNA base pair. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2002, 41(6), 1047-1049.
- Hernandez-Molina R, Sokolov M, Clegg W, Esparza P, Mederos A. Preparation and characterization of triangular clusters [M3Q4(acac)3(py)3]+ (M=Mo, W; Q=S, Se). Inorganica Chimica Acta 2002, 331(1), 52-58.
- Doherty S, Robins EG, Nieuwenhuyzen M, Champkin PA, Clegg W. Palladium complexes of 2-pyridin-2-yl substituted 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane: Highly active catalysts for the room-temperature copolymerization of carbon monoxide with ethene. Organometallics 2002, 21(20), 4147-4158.
- Franken A, Ormsby DL, Kilner CA, Clegg W, Thornton-Pett M, Kennedy JD. Monocarbaborane anion chemistry. The substantiation of the C-arylated [PhCB6H6](-) seven-vertex closo cluster anion by single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis. Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions 2002, (14), 2807-2808.
- Pike AR, Ryder LC, Horrocks BR, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Connolly BA, Houlton A. Metallocene - DNA: Synthesis, molecular and electronic structure and DNA incorporation of C5-ferrocenylthymidine derivatives. Chemistry: A European Journal 2002, 8(13), 2891-2899.
- Screen TEO, Blake IM, Rees LH, Clegg W, Borwick SJ, Anderson HL. Making conjugated connections to porphyrins: a comparison of alkyne, alkene, imine and azo links. Journal of the Royal Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 1 2002, (3), 320-329.
- Bould J, Londesborough MGS, Ormsby DL, Hugh MacBride JA, Wade K, Kilner CA, Clegg W, Teat SJ, Thornton-Pett M, Greatrex R, Kennedy JD. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry. Models for intermediates en route to globular and discoidal megaloborane assemblies. Structures of closo-C2B10H10)] as determined by synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2002, 657(1-2), 256-261.
- Clegg W, Henderson RA. Kinetic evidence for intramolecular proton transfer between nickel and coordinated thiolate. Inorganic Chemistry 2002, 41(5), 1128-1135.
- Blair S, Izod K, Taylor R, Clegg W. Isolation and structural characterisation of two sterically crowded diphosphanes. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2002, 656(1-2), 43-48.
- Gibson AE, Price C, Clegg W, Houlton A. Inner- and outer-sphere binding of the minor groove site of adenine by alkali metal ions. Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions 2002, (2), 131-133.
- Clegg W, Scott AJ, Norman NC, Robins EG, Whittell GR. Hydridodichlorotris(methyldiphenylphosphine)-rhodium(III) dichloromethane trisolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), m408-m409.
- Clegg W, Bourhill G, Sage I. Hexakis(antipyrine-O)terbium(III) triiodide at 160 K: confirmation of a centrosymmetric structure for a brilliantly triboluminescent complex. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), M159-M161.
- Cava RJ, DiSalvo FJ, Brus LE, Dunbar KR, Gorman CB, Haile SM, Interrante LV, Musfeldt JL, Navrotsky A, Nuzzo RG, Pickett WE, Wilkinson AP, Ahn C, Allen JW, Burns PC, Ceder G, Chidsey CED, Clegg W, Coronado E, Dai H, Deem MW, Dunn BS, Galli G, Jacobson AJ, Kanatzidis M, Lin W, Manthiram A, Mrksich M, Norris DJ, Nozik AJ, Peng X, Rawn C, Rolison D, Singh DJ, Toby BH, Tolbert S, Wiesner UB, Woodward PM, Yang P. Future directions in solid state chemistry: Report of the NSF-sponsored workshop. Progress in Solid State Chemistry 2002, 30(1-2), 1-101.
- Fedin VP, Seo MS, Saysell DM, Dybtsev DN, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Sykes AG. Formation (and properties) of palladium derivatives of [Mo(3)Q(4)(H2O)(9)](4+): absence of similar derivatives of [W(3)Q(4)(H2O)9](4+) (Q = S, Se). Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions 2002, (2), 138-143.
- Aullon G, Capdevila M, Clegg W, Gonzalez-Duarte P, Lledos A, Mas-Balleste R. First evidence of fast S-H ··· S proton transfer in a transition metal complex. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2002, 41(15), 2776-2778.
- Mas-Balleste R, Capdevila M, Champkin PA, Clegg W, Coxall RA, Lledos A, Megret C, Gonzalez-Duarte P. Diverse evolution of [{Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2}Pt(mu-S)(2)Pt{Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2}] (n=2, 3) metalloligands in CH2Cl2. Inorganic Chemistry 2002, 41(12), 3218-3229.
- Izod K, McFarlane W, Clegg W. Dilithio-1,1,2-tris(diphenylphosphinoyl)ethane-1,2-diide: The first formal 1,2-dicarbanion stabilised by phosphorus?. Chemical Communications 2002, (21), 2532-2533.
- Northen J, Boyle F, Clegg W, Curtin NJ, Edwards A, Griffin R, Golding B. Controlled stepwise conversion of 2,4,6,8-tetrachloropyrimido-[5,4-d ]pyrimidine into 2,4,6,8-tetrasubstituted pyrimido[5,4-d]pyrimidines. Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 1 2002, 2(1), 108-115.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Norman NC, Pickett NL. Chloro-cis-dihydro-mer-tris(triphenylphosphine)-rhodium(III) dichloromethane hemisolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), m406-m407.
- Clegg W, Eastham GR, Elsegood MRJ, Heaton BT, Iggo JA, Tooze RP, Whyman R, Zacchini S. Characterization and dynamics of [Pd(L-L)H(solv)]+, [Pd(L-L)(CH2CH3)]+, and [Pd(L-L)(C(O)Et)(THF)]+ (L-L = 1,2- CH2PBu2t)2C6H4 ): Key intermediates in the catalytic methoxycarbonylation of ethene to methylpropanoate. Organometallics 2002, 21(9), 1832-1840.
- Clegg W, Beheshti A, Sadr MH. Bis(tetraethylammonium) bis[cyanocuprate(I)]tetrathiomolybdate(VI) hydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), M349-M351.
- Laval G, Clegg W, Crane CG, Hammershoi A, Sargeson AM, Golding BT. Assembly of polyamines via amino acids from three components using cobalt(III) template methodology. Chemical Communications 2002, 8(17), 1874-1875.
- Armstrong DR, Forbes GC, Mulvey RE, Clegg W, Tooke DM. An unexpected transamination of bis[bis(trimethylsilyl)amido]zinc with dibenzylamine to form bis( dibenzylamido)zinc: structural studies by NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography and theoretical calculations. Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions 2002, (8), 1656-1661.
- Armstrong DR, Ball SC, Barr D, Clegg W, Linton DJ, Kerr LC, Moncrieff D, Raithby PR, Singer RJ, Snaith R, Stalke D, Wheatley AEH, Wright DS. A solid state and theoretical study of the solvent effects controlling the mono- and di-lithiation of aromatic primary amines. Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions 2002, (12), 2505-2511.
- Necefoglu H, Clegg W, Scott AJ. A linear trinuclear CaZn2 complex with bridging benzoate ligands. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), m123-m124.
- Blair S, Izod K, Clegg W. A Homologous Series of Alkaline Earth Phosphanides: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Unusual Dynamic Behavior of (THF)nM[P{CH(Si- Me3)2}(C6H4-2-CH2NMe2)]2 (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba). Inorganic Chemistry 2002, 41(15), 3886-3893.
- Blair S, Izod K, Clegg W. A homologous series of alkaline earth phosphanides: Syntheses, crystal structures, and unusual dynamic behavior of (THF),nM[P{CH(Si-Me3)2} (C6H4-2-CH2NMe2)]2 (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba). Inorganic Chemistry 2002, 41(15), 3886-3893.
- Bailey PD, Smith PD, Pederson F, Clegg W, Rosair GM, Teat SJ. A high yielding route to substituted piperidines via the aza-Diels-Alder reaction. Tetrahedron Letters 2002, 43(6), 1067-1070.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. (4S,5S)-4-Methyl-5-(4-tolylthiocarbonyl)-oxazolidin-2-one. Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58, O758-O759.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. (4S,5S)-4-Benzyl-2-oxooxazolidine-5-carboxylic acid. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), O765-O766.
- Clegg W, Horsburgh L. (4S,5S)-2-Benzyloxy-4-methyl-5-(4-tolylthiocarbonyl)-oxazoline. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), O767-O768.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. (4RS,5RS)-4-Phenyl-5-(4-tolylthiocarbonyl)-oxazolidin-2-one. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), O760-O762.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. (4RS,5RS)-4-Benzyl-5-(4-tolylthiocarbonyl)-oxazolidin-2-one. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(part 7), O763-O764.
- Clegg W, Harrington RW. (3aSR,9aSR)-3a,4,9,9a-Tetrahydro-4-[(1SR)-1-methoxyethyl]-2-methyl-4,9-[1',2']benzeno-1H-benzo[f]isoindole-1,3-(2H)-dione. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, E58(12), o1413-o1414.
- Clegg W, Harrington RW. (11SR,15SR)-9,10,11,15-Tetrahydro-9-[(1SR)-1-methoxyethyl]-9,10-[3 ',4 ']furanoanthracene-12,14-dione. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58(12), O1411-O1412.
- Kamal Anwar M, Hogarth G, Senturk OS, Clegg W, Doherty S, Elsegood MRJ. α-β Alkenyl isomerisation at diiron centres. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2001, (3), 341-352.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Robins EG, Scanlan TH, Champkin PA, Clegg W. Zirconium-mediated synthesis of a new class of 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,3-butadiene-bridged diphosphine, NUPHOS: Highly efficient catalysts for palladium-mediated cross couplings. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2001, 123(21), 5110-5111.
- Bould J, Dorfler U, Clegg W, Teat SJ, Thornton-Pett M, Kennedy JD. Triple linking of the decaboranyl cluster. Structure of [(SMe2)(2)B10H10(B10H13)(2)] as determined by synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis. Chemical Communications 2001, (18), 1788-1789.
- Murray PJ, Kranz M, Ladlow M, Taylor S, Berst F, Holmes AB, Keavey KN, Jaxa-Chamiec A, Seale PW, Stead P, Upton RJ, Croft SL, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. The synthesis of cyclic tetrapeptoid analogues of the antiprotozoal natural product apicidin. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2001, 11(6), 773-776.
- Bobsikova M, Clegg W, Coles SJ, Dandarova M, Hursthouse MB, Kiss T, Krutosikova A, Liptaj T, Pronayova N, Ramsden CA. The oxidative rearrangement of furan-2-carboximidamides: preparation and properties of 2-acylaminofurans. Journal of the Royal Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 1 2001, (7), 680-689.
- Izod K, Clegg W, Liddle ST. The first structurally authenticated Rb-PR3 and Cs-PR3 contacts. Synthesis and crystal structures of [Rb{(Me3Si)2CP(C6H4-2-CH2 NMe2)2}]n and [Cs{(Me3Si)2CP(C6H4-2-CH2 NMe2)2}(toluene)]n. Organometallics 2001, 20(3), 367-369.
- Stockley M, Clegg W, Fontana G, Golding BT, Martin N, Rigoreau LJM, Smith GCM, Griffin RJ. Synthesis, crystal structure determination, and biological properties of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) inhibitor 3-cyano-6-hydrazonomethyl-5-(4-pyridyl)pyrid-[1H]-2-one (OK-1035). Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2001, 11(21), 2837-2841.
- Stanier CA, O'Connell MJ, Clegg W, Anderson HL. Synthesis of fluorescent stilbene and tolan rotaxanes by Suzuki coupling. Chemical Communications 2001, (5), 493-494.
- Sokolov MN, Dybtsev DN, Virovets AV, Clegg W, Fedin VP. Synthesis and the crystal structure of the supramolecular complex [Cl3InW3S4(H2O)9]2+ with cucurbituril. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2001, 50(7), 1144-1147.
- Liddle ST, Clegg W. Synthesis and structure of the novel mixed anion-dianion lithium cage compound [(6-LiCH2Py-2-OLi)4(6-CH3Py-2-OLi) 2(THF)9]. Chemical Communications 2001, (17), 1584-1585.
- Redshaw C, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Synthesis and structural characterisation of [Mo(NNPh2)(NPh2) (mesityl)2(OC6F5)] and {[W(NNPh2)(NPh2)(OSiMe3)]2 (μ-Cl)2(μ-O)}: Isodiazene complexes with bulky amide groups arising via N-N bond cleavage. Polyhedron 2001, 20(1-2), 119-123.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Mulvey RE, Rowlings RB. Synthesis and crystal structure of the new heteroleptic magnesium bis(amide) [{Mg[μ-N(H)Ph][N(SiMe3)2]·THF} 2], and density functional MO calculations on model systems. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2001, (4), 409-413.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Hosaini Sadr M. Synthesis and crystal structure of a copper(I) complex containing tetrathiomolybdate and dihydrobis(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borate ligands: [Et4N]2[(Bp′)CuMoS4Cu2 (μ-Bp′)2Cu2MoS4Cu(Bp′)] (Bp′ = H2B(3,5-Me2Pz)2) and crystal structure of [(Bp′)2Cu]. Polyhedron 2001, 20(3-4), 179-183.
- Beheshti A, Clegg W, Fallah H. Synthesis and crystal structure determination of [PPh4][WO2S2(CuPPh3)] and of [Et4N]2[WS4(CuNCSe)4] with a sheet polymeric anion. Synthesis and characterisation of [PPh4]2[WO2S2(CuNCS)]. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2001, 322(1-2), 1-6.
- Baird MS, Huber FAM, Clegg W. Stereocontrolled approaches to 2-(2-aminoalkyl)-1-hydroxycyclopropanes. Tetrahedron 2001, 57(49), 9849-9858.
- Doherty S, Robins EG, Knight JG, Newman CR, Rhodes B, Champkin PA, Clegg W. Selectivity for the methoxycarbonylation of ethylene versus CO-ethylene copolymerization with catalysts based on C4-bridged bidentate phosphines and phospholes. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2001, 640(1-2), 182-196.
- Almagro X, Clegg W, Cucurull-Sanchez L, Gonzalez-Duarte P, Traveria M. Schiff bases derived from mercury(II)-aminothiolate complexes as metalloligands for transition metals. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2001, 623(1-2), 137-148.
- Price C, Shipman MA, Gummerson SL, Houlton A, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Ruthenium-carbon bond formation via cyclometallation of a nucleobase. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2001, (4), 353-354.
- Clegg W, Henderson KW, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, O'Hara CT, Rowlings RB, Tooke DM. Regioselective tetrametalation of ferrocene in a single reaction: Extension of s-block inverse crown chemistry to the d-block. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2001, 40(20), 3902-3905.
- Izod K, O'Shaughnessy P, Clegg W, Liddle ST. Regioselective metalation of a tertiary phosphine. Synthesis and structural characterization of an unusual tetramerie lithium phosphinomethanide. Organometallics 2001, 20(4), 648-653.
- Seo M-S, Fedin VP, Sokolov MN, Hernandez-Molina R, Sokolowski A, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Sykes AG. Preparation, structure, and reactivity of Ge-containing heterometallic cube derivatives of [M3E4(H2O)9]4+ (M = Mo, W; E = S, Se). Inorganic Chemistry 2001, 40(24), 6115-6122.
- Fedin VP, Sokolov M, Lamprecht GJ, Hernandez-Molina R, Seo M-S, Virovets AV, Clegg W, Sykes AG. Preparation, structure, and properties of the corner-shared double cubes [Mo6HgQ8(H2O)18]8+ (Q = S, Se) and tungsten analogues. Inorganic Chemistry 2001, 40(26), 6598-6603.
- Sokolov MN, Villagra D, El-Hendawy AM, Kwak C-H, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Sykes AG. Preparation and properties of heterometallic cube derivatives Mo3M′S4 from [Mo3S4(H2O)9]4+ with M′ = 3 Pt, Rh and Re, and [W3S4(H2O)9]4+ analogues. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2001, (18), 2611-2615.
- Coapes RB, Souza FES, Fox MA, Batsanov AS, Goeta AE, Yufit DS, Leech MA, Howard JAK, Scott AJ, Clegg W, Marder TB. Phosphine promoted substituent redistribution reactions of B-chlorocatechol borane: Molecular structures of ClBcat, BrBcat and L center dot ClBcat (cat=1,2-O2C6H4; L = PMe3, PEt3, PBu3t, PCy3, NEt3). Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions 2001, (8), 1201-1209.
- Canle LM, Clegg W, Demirtas I, Elsegood MRJ, Haider J, Maskill H, Miatt PC. N-tritylhydroxylamines: Preparations, structures, base strengths, and reactions with nitrous acid and perchloric acid. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 2001, (9), 1742-1747.
- Doherty S, Hogarth G, Waugh M, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Migratory Insertion and CO Substitution Reactions of Unsaturated Esters and Amides. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2001, 620, 150-164.
- Doherty S, Hogarth G, Waugh M, Scanlan TH, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Migratory insertion and CO substitution reactions of the β,γ-unsaturated esters and amides [Fe2(CO)5(μ-PPh2)μ-η 1:η2-{NuC(O)CH2}C=CH2}] (Nu = OMe, OEt, OPri, NHPh, NHBut): Synthesis and characterisation of acyl-bridged. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2001, 620(1-2), 150-164.
- Doherty S, Hogarth G, Waugh M, Scanlan TH, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Migratory insertion and CO substitution reactions of the beta,gamma-unsaturated esters and amides [Fe-2(CO)(5)(mu-PPh2)(mu-eta(1):eta(2)-{NuC(O)CH2}C=CH2}] (Nu = OMe, OEt, OPri,NHPh, NHBut): synthesis and characterisation of acyl-bridged [Fe-2(CO)(4)L-2(mu-PPh2)(mu-C=O{C=CH2}CH2C(O)Nu)](L-2 = dppm, dppe) and alkenyl-bridged [Fe-2(CO)(4){P(Ome)(3)}(2)(mu-eta(1):eta(2)-{NuC(O)CH2}C=CH2)]. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2001, 620(1-2), 150-164.
- Brigas AF, Clegg W, Dillon CJ, Fonseca CFC, Johnstone RAW. Metal-assisted reactions. Part 29. Structure and hydrogenolysis of C-N bonds in derivatives of aromatic amines. Bond length and electronegativity changes from X-ray crystallographic data. Journal of the Royal Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2 2001, (8), 1315-1324.
- Price C, Shipman MA, Rees NH, Elsegood MRJ, Edwards AJ, Clegg W, Houlton A. Macrochelation, cyclometallation and G-quartet formation: N3- and C8-bound PdII complexes of adenine and guanine. Chemistry - A European Journal 2001, 7(6), 1194-1201.
- Clegg W, Davies RP, Snaith R, Wheatley AEH. Lithium alkylselenolates and -tellurolates - A solid-state and solution structural study. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2001, 2001(6), 1411-1413.
- Armstrong DR, Davies RP, Clegg W, Liddle ST, Linton DJ, Schooler P, Snaith R, Wheatley AEH. Ligand effects in the syntheses of molecular main group metal species containing interstitial hydride. Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements 2001, 168, 93-98.
- Bould J, Clegg W, Kennedy JD, Teat SJ. Isomeric icosaboranes B20H26: The synchrotron structure of 1,1′-bis(nido-decaboranyl). Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2001, 57(7), 779-780.
- Liddle ST, Clegg W. Formation of[M(15-crown-5)2]2[Li(NHPy)3] (M = K or Cs): The first structurally authenticated examples of a monomeric lithium species coordinated by three amide anions. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2001, (24), 3549-3550.
- Hernandez-Molina R, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Sykes AG. Formation of group 14 and 15 heteroatom derivatives of trinuclear [M3Se4(H2O)9]4+ (M = Mo, W) and the decreased reactivity of [W3S4(H2O)9]4+. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2001, (14), 2173-2178.
- Necefoglu H, Clegg W, Scott AJ. Diaquabis(N,N-diethylnicotinamide)bis(4-nitro-benzoato)zinc(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2001, 57(10), m465-m466.
- Necefoglu H, Clegg W, Scott AJ. Diaquabis(N,N-diethylnicotinamide)bis(2-hydroxybenzoato)zinc(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2001, 57(10), m462-m464.
- Necefoglu H, Clegg W, Scott AJ. Diaquabis(4-nitrobenzoato)zinc(II): a redetermination. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2001, 57(10), m472-m474.
- Hayes PG, Piers WE, Lee LWM, Knight LK, Parvez M, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Dialkylscandium complexes supported by beta-diketiminato ligands: Synthesis, characterization, and thermal stability of a new family of organoscandium complexes. Organometallics 2001, 20(12), 2533–2544.
- Virovets AV, Samsonenko DG, Dybtsev DN, Fedin VP, Clegg W. Crystal structure of a supramolecular adduct of tetrachloroferrate(III) with cucurbituryl (H7O3)4[FeCl4]2Cl 2·C36H36N24O 12·3H2O. Journal of Structural Chemistry 2001, 42(2), 319-321.
- Sokolov M, Virovets A, Clegg W. Coordination chemistry of [Nb2(S2)2]4+ clusters: Preparation and crystal structures of K4[Nb2(S2)2(C2O 4)4] · 6H2O and(NH4)6[Nb2(S2)2(C 2O4)4](C2O4). Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 2001, 627(1), 119-123.
- Bell NA, Branston TN, Clegg W, Parker L, Raper ES, Sammon C, Constable CP. Complexes of heterocyclic thiones and Group 12 metals: Part four. Preparation and characterisation of 1:1 complexes of mercury(II) halides with 1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione and 1,3-benzothiazoline-2-thione. Crystal structure of the discrete trans dimer [(μ-dibromo)bis(trans{(bromo)(1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione)}mercury(II))]. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2001, 319(1-2), 130-136.
- Liddle ST, Clegg W. Cation-induced structural variations in the alkali metal derivatives of 2-trimethylsilylaminopyridine: Synthesis and X-ray structures of complexes for all five metals Li-Cs with 12-crown-4. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2001, 2001(4), 402-408.
- Gibson VC, Redshaw C, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Carboxylate versus imidobenzoate bonding for anthranilic acid derivatives. Crystal structures of [W(eta-C5Me5)Cl-3(eta2-O2CC6H4NH2-2)] and [ReCl(OEt)(PPh3)2 (NC6H4CO2)]. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2001, 4(2), 95-99.
- Clegg W, Henderson KW, Rakov IM. Bis[mu-1-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)ethanolato-O : O]-bis(dimethylaluminium). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2001, 57(9), m387-m389.
- Clegg W, Cropper G, Henderson RA, Strong C, Parkinson B. Basicities of nickel and allyl in [Ni(η3-C3H5)(PhP(CH2 CH2PPh2)2]+ and comparison of the effects of allyl and methyl on the basicity of nickel. Organometallics 2001, 20(12), 2579-2582.
- Clegg W, Marder TB, Scott AJ, Wiesauer C, Weissensteiner W. A 2-styrylboronate ester. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2001, 57(1), O63-O65.
- Duran N, Clegg W, Cucurull-Sanchez L, Coxall RA, Jimenez HR, Moratal JM, Lloret F, Gonzalez-Duarte P. Unprecedented stabilization of cobalt(II) in a tetrahedral S2O2 environment: The use of a redox-noninnocent ligand. Inorganic Chemistry 2000, 39(21), 4821-4832.
- Clegg W, Sage L, Oswald L, Brough P, Bourhill G. Two isostructural triboluminescent lanthanide complexes. Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2000, 56(11), 1323-1325.
- Duran N, Clegg W, Fraser KA, Gonzalez-Duarte P. The reaction chemistry of 2- and 3-aminoalkanethiols with [PtMe3I]4: A new example of the structural diversity of metal thiolates. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2000, 300-302, 790-799.
- Clegg W, Horsburgh L, Liddle ST, Mackenzie FM, Mulvey RE, Robertson A. The changing structural chemistry of lithium anilide on solvation by pyridine, 4-methylpyridine or 4-tert-butylpyridine. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2000, (7), 1225-1231.
- Clegg W, Teat SJ. Tetracycline hydrochloride: A synchrotron microcrystal study. Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2000, 56(11), 1343-1345.
- Stuart Hill MN, Izod K, O'Shaughnessy P, Clegg W. Synthesis, structures, and solution dynamics of functionalized phosphinomethanide complexes of the alkali metals. Organometallics 2000, 19(22), 4531-4535.
- Isaac CJ, Price C, Horrocks BR, Houlton A, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Synthesis, structure and coordination chemistry of mono- and bis-heterocyclic-ferrocenyl derivatives. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2000, 598(2), 248-253.
- Sen S, Kumar Saha M, Mitra S, Edwards AJ, Clegg W. Synthesis, characterisation and crystal structure of a 1,4-diazacycloheptane complex of copper(II). Polyhedron 2000, 19(15), 1881-1885.
- Clegg W, Izod K, Liddle ST, O'Shaughnessy P, Sheffield JM. Synthesis and structural characterization of the first lanthanide(II) cuboidal cluster. Unexpected C-O activation by an unchanged ytterbium(II) center. Organometallics 2000, 19(11), 2090-2096.
- Izod K, O'Shaughnessy P, Sheffield JM, Clegg W, Liddle ST. Synthesis and structural characterization of Sm(II) and Yb(II) complexes containing sterically demanding, chelating secondary phosphide ligands. Inorganic Chemistry 2000, 39(21), 4741-4748.
- Clegg W. Synchrotron chemical crystallography. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2000, (19), 3223-3232.
- Fedin VP, Virovets AV, Sokolov MN, Dybtsev DN, Gerasko OA, Clegg W. Supramolecular assemblies based on cucurbituril adducts of hydrogen-bonded molybdenum and tungsten incomplete cuboidal aqua complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2000, 39(10), 2227-2230.
- Benniston AC, Mackie PR, Farrugia LJ, Mallinson P, Clegg W, Teat S. Properties and single-crystal X-ray structure of Bis[3,3″-bis(4-methylphenyl)-2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine]iron(II) hexafluorophosphate–acetonitrile–diisopropyl ether (1/1.5/1). Australian Journal of Chemistry 2000, 53(8), 707-713.
- Benniston AC, Farrugia LJ, Mackie PR, Mallinson P, Clegg W, Teat SJ. Properties and single-crystal X-ray structure of bis[3,3″-bis(4-methylphenyl)-2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine] iron(II) hexafluorophosphate-acetonitrile-diisopropyl ether (1/1.5/1). Australian Journal of Chemistry 2000, 53(8), 707-713.
- Canle ML, Clegg W, Demirtas I, Elsegood MRJ, Maskill H. Preparations, X-ray crystal structure determinations, and base strength measurements of substituted tritylamines. Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2 2000, (1), 85-92.
- Clegg W, Liddle ST, Mulvey RE, Robertson A. Pentanuclear asymmetrical ladder structure of the 1,4-dimethylpiperazine solvate of lithium anilide and its implication for the unknown structure of amorphous lithium anilide. Chemical Communications 2000, (3), 223-224.
- Izod K, Clegg W, Liddle ST. Parallels between the chemistry of alkoxo-phosphidecalcium(II) and ytterbium(II). Synthesis and crystal structure of a calcium alkoxo-phosphide cuboidal complex. Organometallics 2000, 19(18), 3640-3643.
- Clifford Williams V, Irvine GJ, Piers WE, Li Z, Collins S, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Marder TB. Novel trityl activators with new weakly coordinating anions derived from C6F41,2-[B(C6F5)2] 2: Synthesis, structures, and olefin polymerization behavior. Organometallics 2000, 19(9), 1619-1621.
- Bhat JI, Clegg W, Maskill H, Elsegood MRJ, Menneer ID, Miatt PC. N-nitroso-N,O-dialkylhydroxylamines: Preparation, structure, and mechanism of the hydronium ion catalysed solvolytic nitrous oxide extrusion reaction. Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2 2000, (7), 1435-1446.
- Humphries MJ, Green MLH, Leech MA, Gibson VC, Jolly M, Williams DN, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Niobium η-cyclopentadienyl compounds with imido and amido ligands derived from tert-butylamine. Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions 2000, (22), 4044-4051.
- Shipman MA, Price C, Gibson AE, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Houlton A. Monomer, Dimer, Tetramer, Polymer: Structural diversity in Zinc and Cadmium Complexes of Chelate-Tethered Nucleobases. Chemistry - A European Journal 2000, 6(23), 4371-4378.
- Sokolov MN, Virovets AV, Dybtsev DN, Gerasko OA, Fedin VP, Hernandez-Molina R, Clegg W, Sykes AG. Metal incorporation into and dimerization of M3E4 clusters (M = Mo, W; E = S, Se) in supramolecular assemblies with cucurbituril: A molecular model of intercalation. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2000, 39(9), 1659-1661.
- Eaborn C, Hitchcock PB, Smith JD, Zhang SB, Clegg W, Izod K, O'Shaughnessy P. Manganese and Cesium Derivatives of the Bulky Bidentate Ligand C(SiMe3)2SiMe2CH2CH2Me2Si(Me3Si)2C. Crystal Structures of Li(THF)2.75(Et2O)0.25(μ-Cl)- MnC(SiMe3)2SiMe2CH2CH2Me2Si(Me3Si)2C and (C6H6)3CsC(SiMe3)2SiMe2CH2CH2Me2Si(Me3Si)2CCs(C6H6)3. Organometallics 2000, 19(6), 1190-1193.
- Eaborn C, Hitchcock PB, Smith JD, Zhang S, Clegg W, Izod K, O'Shaughnessy P. Manganese and cesium derivatives of the bulky bidentate ligand C(SiMe3)2SiMe2CH2CH 2Me2Si(Me3Si)2C. Crystal structures of Li(THF)2.75(Et2O)0.25(μ-Cl)-MnC(SiMe 3)2SiMe2CH2CH2Me 2Si(Me3Si)2C. Organometallics 2000, 19(6), 1190-1193.
- Forbes GC, Kennedy AR, Mulvey RE, Rowlings RB, Clegg W, Liddle ST, Wilson CC. 'Inverse crown ether' complexes extended to group 12 through the syntheses of [Na2Zn2(HMDS)(4)(O)] and [{K2Zn2(HMDS)(4)(O-2)(x)(O)(y)}(infinity)]. Chemical Communications 2000, (18), 1759-1760.
- Errington RJ, Wingad RL, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Direct bromination of Keggin fragments to give [PW9O28Br6]3-: A polyoxotungstate with a hexabrominated face. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2000, 39(21), 3884-3886.
- Allan JF, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Henderson KW, McKeown AE, Moran PH, Rakov IM. Dimethylaluminium enolates and alkoxides derived from trimethylaluminium and aromatic ketones: A synthetic, structural and theoretical investigation. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2000, 602(1-2), 15-23.
- Jones S, Atherton JCC, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Dimethyl 9,10-anthracenediacarboxylate: a centrosymmetric transoid molecule. Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2000, 56(7), 881-883.
- Bell NA, Branston TN, Clegg W, Creighton JR, Cucurull-Sanchez L, Elsegood MRJ, Raper ES. Complexes of heterocyclic thiones and Group 12 metals Part 3. Preparation and characterisation of 1:2 complexes of mercury(II) halides with 1-methylimidazoline-2(3H)-thione: The crystal structures of [(HgX2)(1-methylimidazoline-2(3H)-thione)2] (X = Cl, Br, I) at 160 K. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2000, 303(2), 220-227.
- Bell NA, Clegg W, Creighton JR, Raper ES. Complexes of heterocyclic thiones and group 12 metals part 2: The chemical and electrochemical synthesis of mercury(II) complexes of 1-methylimidazoline-2(3H)-thionate. The crystal structure of trans-[bis-{(η1-S-1-methylimidazoline-2(3H)-thione)(η1-S-1-methylimidazo line-2(3 H)-thionate)-(μ2-S,N-1-methylimidazoline-2-thionate)mercury(II)}] at 160K. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2000, 303(1), 12-16.
- Cooke PA, O'Dowd C, Londesborough MGS, Holub J, Stibr B, Thornton-Pett M, Clegg W, Teat SJ, Kennedy JD. B-frame supported bimetallics. 'Composite cluster' compounds and the structures of [2,7-(η5-C5Me5) 2-nido-2,7,8,6-Ir2CSB6H8] and its 9-chloro derivative. Synchrotron and conventional X-ray studies. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2000, 614-615, 57-60.
- Shipman MA, Price C, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Houlton A. Base-specific minor groove site binding in Metallo- Nucleobase Polymers. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2000, 39(13), 2360-2362.
- Fedin VP, Virovets AV, Kalinina IV, Ikorskii VN, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. A three-dimensional, cyano-bridged cluster-metal coordination compound with large cavities. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2000, (11), 2341-2343.
- Fedin VP, Virovets AV, Dybtsev DN, Gerasko OA, Hegetschweiler K, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. A supramolecular approach to the crystallization of chalcogenido bridged cluster aqua ions: synthesis and structure of a cucurbituril adduct of the di-μ-disulfido Nb(IV)2 aqua ion [Nb2(μ-S2)2(H2O)8]4+. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2000, 304(2), 301-304.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Drummond AM, Liddle ST, Mulvey RE. A Remarkable Isostructural Homologous Series of Mixed Lithium-Heavier Alkali Metal tert-Butoxides [(t-BuO)(8)Li4M4] (M = Na, K, Rb or Cs). Journal of the American Chemical Society 2000, 122(45), 11117-11124.
- Virovets AV, Fedin VP, Samsonenko DG, Clegg W. A new cluster complex, (NH4)6[Mo4-Se4(CN) 12]·6H2O, containing a tetranuclear mixed-valence molybdenum core. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 2000, 56(3), 272-273.
- Carnell AJ, Clegg W, Johnstone RAW, Parsy CC, Sanderson WR. 2-Bromocyclohexanone perhydrat - X-ray crystal structure and conformational effects on reactivity in sulfoxidations. Tetrahedron 2000, 56(35), 6571-6575.
- Londesborough MGS, Price C, Thornton-Pett M, Clegg W, Kennedy JD. Two potential pyridine-borane oligomer and polymer building blocks. Structural characterisation of [NC5H4 center dot C5H4N center dot B10H12 center dot NC5H4 center dot C5H4N] and [Me2S center dot B10H12 center dot NC4H4N center dot B10H12 center dot SMe2] by conventional and synchrotron X-ray methods. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 1999, 2(7), 298-300.
- Londesborough MGS, Price C, Thornton-Pett M, Clegg W, Kennedy JD. Two potential pyridine-borane oligomer and polymer building blocks. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 1999, 2(7), 298-300.
- Al-Juaid SS, Eaborn C, El-Hamruni S, Farook A, Hitchcock PB, Hopman M, Smith JD, Clegg W, Izod K, O'Shaughnessy P. Tris(triorganosilyl)methyl derivatives of potassium and lithium bearing dimethylamino or methoxy substituents at silicon. Crystal structures of KC(SiMe3)2(SiMe2NMe2), KC(SiMe2NMe2)3 and [LiC(SiMe3)(SiMe2OMe)2]2. Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions 1999, (18), 3267-3273.
- Clegg W, Lamb E, Liddle ST, Snaith R, Wheatley AEH. Towards an understanding of the conjugate addition of organolithium reagents to α,β-unsaturated ketones: The isolation and solid-state structure of a monomeric lithium aluminate with very short agostic LiHC interactions1. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1999, 573(1-2), 305-312.
- Lesley MJG, Clegg W, Marder TB, Norman NC, Orpen AG, Scott AJ, Starbuck J. Three Pt-II catecholate and 1,2-dithiocatecholate complexes. Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1999, 55(8), 1272-1275.
- Cardin CJ, Cardin DJ, Clegg W, Coles SJ, Constantine SP, Rowe JR, Teat SJ. The molecular structure and one-pot synthesis of [Li(thf)3 · Sn(SiMe3)3]1. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1999, 573(1-2), 96-100.
- Armstrong DR, Clegg W, Davies RP, Liddle ST, Linton DJ, Raithby PR, Snaith R, Wheatley AEH. The first molecular main group metal species containing interstitial hydride. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 1999, 38(22), 3367-3370.
- Errington RJ, Tombul M, Walker GLP, Clegg W, Heath SL, Horsburgh L. Tetraphenoxoborate complexes of barium: Crystal structures of the metalloborates [Ba(thf)4{B(OPh)4}2] and [Ba(dme)2{B(OPh)4}2]. Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions 1999, (20), 3533-3534.
- Fedin VP, Kalinina IV, Samsonenko DG, Mironov YV, Sokolov MN, Tkachev SV, Virovets AV, Podberezskaya NV, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Sykes AG. Synthesis, structure, and properties of molybdenum and tungsten cyano complexes with cuboidal M4(μ3-E)4 (M = Mo, W; E = S, Se, Te) cores. Inorganic Chemistry 1999, 38(9), 1956-1965.
- Houlton A, Isaac CJ, Gibson AE, Horrocks BR, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Synthesis, structure and redox properties of ferrocenylmethyl-nucleobases. Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions 1999, (18), 3229-3234.
- Clegg W, Liddle ST, Henderson KW, Keenan FE, Kennedy AR, McKeown AE, Mulvey RE. Synthesis, characterisation and a theoretical investigation of the formation of lithium dialkylaluminium amides. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1999, 572(2), 283-289.
- Lee LWM, Piers WE, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W, Parvez M. Synthesis of dialkylscandium complexes supported by β-diketiminato ligands and activation with tris (pentafluorophenyl)borane. Organometallics 1999, 18(16), 2947-2949.
- Kitching MS, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Griffin RJ, Golding BT. Synthesis of 3-alkoxy- and 3-alkylamino-2-alkyl-3-arylisoindolinones. Synlett 1999, 997-999.
- Chew KC, Clegg W, Coles MP, Elsegood MRJ, Gibson VC, White AJP, Williams DJ. Synthesis and characterisation of 2,6-diisopropylphenylimido complexes of chromium in oxidation states IV-VI. Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions 1999, (15), 2633-2639.
- Clegg W, Gimenez-Saiz C, Leigh DA, Murphy A, Slawin AMZ, Teat SJ. 'Smart' rotaxanes: Shape memory and control in tertiary amide peptido[2]rotaxanes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1999, 121(17), 4124-4129.
- Leiva A, Clegg W, Cucunill-Sanchez L, Gonzalez-Duarte P, Pons J. Silver(I) complexes of 6-methyl-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid: The crystal structure of [Ag(MeC5H3NCOO)(MeC5H3NCOOH)]. Journal of Chemical Crystallography 1999, 29(10), 1097-1101.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Scott AJ, Marder TB, Dai CY, Norman NC, Pickett NL, Robins EG. Salts of the bis(catecholato)borate anion with rhodium- and iridium-phosphine complex cations. Acta Crystallographica: Section C, Crystal Structure Communications 1999, 55(5), 733-739.
- Clegg W, Izod K, McFarlane W, O'Shaughnessy P. Regioselective metalation of a tertiary phosphine. Solution and solid-state structures of an unusual aminobenzyllithium complex. Organometallics 1999, 18(20), 3950-3952.
- Doherty S, Waugh M, Scanlan TH, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Regioselective addition of tris(dialkylamino) phosphines to [Fe2(CO)6(μ-PPh2){μ-η 1:η2-(H)C=C=CH2}]: Novel P-C coupling reactions and unusual hydrocarbyl rearrangements. Organometallics 1999, 18(4), 679-696.
- Doherty S, Hogarth G, Waugh M, Scanlan TH, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Regioselective Addition of tert-BuNC to the α Carbon Atom of the Allenyl Ligand in [Fe2(CO)6(μ-PPh2){μ-η1:η2α,β-(H)CαCβCγH2}]: Formation of [Fe2(CO)6(μ-PPh2){μ-η1:η1-(tert-BuNC)CCCH3}] and [Fe2(CO)6(μ-PPh2)(μ-η1:η2-{tert-BuNHC(O)CH2}CCH2)] via Competitive 1,3-Hydrogen Migration and Hydrolysis of the Reactive Allene-Bridged Intermediate [Fe2(CO)6(μ-PPh2){μ-η1:η1-(tert-BuNC)HCCCH2}]. Organometallics 1999, 18(16), 3178-3186.
- Doherty S, Hogarth G, Waugh M, Scanlan TH, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Regioselective addition of tert-BuN C to the alpha carbon atom of the allenyl ligand in [Fe-2(CO)(6)(mu-PPh2){mu-eta(1):eta(2)(alpha,beta)-(H)C-alpha=C-beta=C gamma H2}]: Formation of [Fe-2(CO)(6)(mu-PPh2){mu-eta(1):eta(1)-(tert-BuN C)C=CCH3}] and [Fe-2(CO)(6)(mu-PPh2)(mu-eta(1):eta(2)-{tert-BuNHC(O)CH2}C=CH2)] via competitive 1,3-hydrogen migration and hydrolysis of the reactive allene-bridged intermediate [Fe-2(CO)(6)(mu-PPh2){mu-eta(1):eta(1)-(tert-BuNC)HC=C=CH2}]. Organometallics 1999, 18(16), 3178-3186.
- Golding BT, Mitchinson A, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Griffin RJ. Protecting-group strategies for the synthesis of N4-substituted, and N1,N8-disubstituted spermidines, exemplified by hirudonine. Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1 1999, (3), 349-356.
- Crabb DL, McCuliough KJ, Preston PN, Rosair GM, Bishop BC, Wright SHB, Clegg W, Coles S. Preparation of [1, 2, 4]triazoloquinazolinium betaines and molecular rearrangements of putative [1, 2, 4]triazolo[4, 3-a][1, 3, 5]triazinium betaines. Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1 1999, (11), 1517-1525.
- Doherty S, Eastham GR, Tooze RP, Scanlan TH, Williams D, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Palladium complexes of C2-, C3-, and C4-bridged bis(phospholyl) ligands: Remarkably active catalysts for the copolymerization of ethylene and carbon monoxide. Organometallics 1999, 18(18), 3558-3560.
- Tejel C, Bordonaba M, Ciriano MA, Edwards AJ, Clegg W, Lahoz FJ, Ore LA. Oxidative-addition reactions of diiodine to dinuclear rhodium pyrazolate complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 1999, 38(6), 1108-1117.
- Doherty S, Errington RJ, Housley N, Ridland J, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. N-alkoxy-beta-ketoiminate complexes of groups 4 and 5: Synthesis and characterization of the complexes [(eta(5)-C5H4R)M{CH3C(O)CHC(NCH2CHR ' O)CH3}Cl-n] (M = Ti, n = 1; M = Nb, n = 2; R = H, Me; R ' = H, Me), [Ti{CH3C(O)CHC(NCH2CHR ' O)CH3}Cl-2(thf)], and [Ti{CH3C(O)CHC(NCH2CHR ' O)CH3}(2)]. Organometallics 1999, 18(6), 1018-1029.
- Clegg W, Doherty S, Izod K, Kagerer H, O'Shaughnessy P, Sheffield JM. Monomeric alkali metal complexes of a sterically demanding, donor-functionalised secondary phosphide ligand. Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions 1999, (11), 1825-1829.
- Bould J, Clegg W, Spalding TR, Kennedy JD. Metallaborane reaction chemistry: Part 8. Phenylacetylene trimerisation by [6,6,6-(PPh3)2H-nido-6-IrB9H13] and the structure of [2-(η6-C6H3Ph3)-closo-2-IrB 9H8-10-(PPh3)] by synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 1999, 2(7), 315-318.
- Clegg W, Davies RP, Dunbar L, Feeder N, Liddle ST, Mulvey RE, Snaith R, Andrew E, Wheatley H. Lithiated organophosphorus enamines: A new synthetic approach and the first crystal structures. Chemical Communications 1999, (15), 1401-1402.
- Apperley DC, Clegg W, Coles S, Coyle JL, Martin N, Maubert B, McKee V, Nelson J. Kinetically inert cryptate systems: Solid state and solution NMR studies. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1999, (2), 229-236.
- Clegg W, Eastham GR, Elsegood MRJ, Tooze RP, Wang XL, Whiston K. Highly active and selective catalysts for the production of methyl propanoate via the methoxycarbonylation of ethene. Chemical Communications 1999, (18), 1877-1878.
- Clegg W, Izod K, O'Shaughnessy P. First structurally authenticated heavier alkali metal phosphinomethanide. Organometallics 1999, 18(16), 2939-2940.
- Capdevila M, Carrasco Y, Clegg W, Coxall RA, Gonzalez-Duarte P, Lledos A, Ramirez JA. Extending knowledge on the nucleophilicity of the {Pt2S2} core: Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2 as an alternative terminal ligand in [L2Pt(μ-S)2PtL2] metalloligands. Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions 1999, (17), 3103-3113.
- Baird MS, Licence P, Tverezovsky VV, Bolesov IG, Clegg W. Enantiomerically pure 2,2-dibromocyclopropanecarboxylic acids, simple chiral building blocks. Tetrahedron 1999, 55(9), 2773-2784.
- Clegg W, Liddle ST, Mulvey RE, Robertson A. Dis-assembling lithium amide ladder structures: New insight through the structure of [{[PhCH2N(H)Li]2·thf}(∞)], a polymer of (NLi)2 planar rings connected by thf-bridged (NLi)2 butterfly junctions. Chemical Communications 1999, 1999(6), 511-512.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Dyer PW, Gibson VC, Marshall EL. Dibenzylbis(tert-butylimido)molybdenum(VI), containing both η1- and η2-benzyl ligands. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1999, 55(6), 916-918.
- Dai C, Nguyen P, Marder TB, Scott AJ, Clegg W, Viney C. Control of single crystal structure and liquid crystal phase behaviour via arene-perfluoroarene interactions. Chemical Communications 1999, 1999(24), 2493-2494.
- Clegg W, Feeder N, Martin Castro AM, Nahar S, Raithby PR, Shields GP, Teat SJ. Cluster build-up reactions via the ionic coupling of tetraosmium anions and the [RhCp*(NCMe)3]2+ cation; The crystal and molecular structures of [Os4Rh(μ-H)3(MeC=NH)(CO)11(η 5-Cp*)], [Os4Rh(μ-H)2(CO)13(η5-Cp *)]. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1999, 573(1-2), 237-246.
- Clegg W, Horsburgh L, Couper SA, Mulvey RE. catena-Poly[[bis(μ-2,6-dimethylpiperidinido-N:N)dilithium]-μ-(N,N, N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine-N:N′)]. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1999, 55(6), 867-869.
- Gabbutt CD, Hepworth JD, Heron BM, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. An unusual ring expansion from the Zav'yalov pyrrole synthesis: Formation of oxacino[2,3-c]pyrroles. Chemical Communications 1999, 1999(3), 289-290.
- Clague NP, Clegg W, Coles SJ, Crane JD, Moreton DJ, Sinn E, Teat SJ, Young NA. An insight into ion-transport by calixarenes; the structure of the dipotassium complex of p-tert-butylcalix[8]arene crystallised from a protogenic, coordinating solvent [ethanol/diethylcarbonate (10:1)]. Chemical Communications 1999, 1999(4), 379-380.
- Muncaster G, Sankar G, Catlow CRA, Thomas JM, Bell RG, Wright PA, Coles S, Teat SJ, Clegg W, Reeve W. An in situ microcrystal X-ray diffraction study of the synthetic aluminophosphate zeotypes DAF-1 and CoAPSO-44. Chemistry of Materials 1999, 11(1), 158-163.
- Bould J, Clegg W, Teat SJ, Barton L, Rath NP, Thornton-Pett M, Kennedy JD. An approach to megalo-boranes. Mixed and multiple cluster fusions involving iridaborane and platinaborane cluster compounds. Crystal structure determinations by conventional and synchrotron methods. Inorganica Chimica Acta 1999, 289(1-2), 95-124.
- Williams VC, Dai C, Li Z, Collins S, Piers WE, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Marder TB. Activation of [Cp2ZrMe2] with new perfluoroaryl diboranes: Solution chemistry and ethylene polymerization behavior in the presence of MeAl(BHT)2. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 1999, 38(24), 3695-3698.
- Clegg W, Drummond AM, Liddle ST, Mulvey RE, Robertson A. A novel heterometallic alkoxide: Lithium-potassium tert-butoxide [(BU(t)O)8Li4K4]. Chemical Communications 1999, 1999(16), 1569-1570.
- Brigas AF, Clegg W, Johnstone RAW, Mendonca RF. 5-Benzyloxy-1-phenyltetrazole: Catalytic transfer hydrogenolysis of benzyl ethers. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1999, 55(5), 778-781.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Stanforth SP, Hedley KA, Stanley AL, Raper ES, Creighton JR. 2-(2-Fluoro-4-nitroanilinoethyl)benz-aldehyde and N-(2-fluoro-4-nitrophenyl)-1-methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1999, 55(12), 2163-2167.
- Clegg W, Scott AJ, Souza FES, Marder TB. 1:1 Adducts of 4-picoline with methylcatecholborane and phenylcatecholborane. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1999, 55(11), 1885-1888.
- Harrison WTA, Phillips MLF, Clegg W, Teat SJ. (CN3H6)2 · Zn4H5(PO4)5, a New Layered Guanidinium Zinc Phosphate Built Up from 3-, 4-, and 8-Ring Units. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 1999, 148(2), 433-437.
- Ahmed LS, Clegg W, Davies DA, Dilworth JR, Elsegood MRJ, Griffiths DV, Horsburgh L, Miller JR, Wheatley N. The preparation and coordination chemistry of substituted benzenethiols. Triphenylphosphine gold(I) complexes of sterically demanding and nondemanding arenethiols. The absence of gold(I)-gold(I) interactions. Polyhedron 1998, 18(3-4), 593-600.
- Gupta T, Saha MK, Sen S, Mitra S, Edwards AJ, Clegg W. Synthesis, characterisation, reactivity and X-ray crystal structure of a mixed-ligand η1-salicylaldehyde complex of Mn (III). Polyhedron 1998, 18(1-2), 197-201.
- Doherty S, Errington RJ, Jarvis AP, Collins S, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. Polymerization of ethylene by the electrophilic mixed cyclopentadienylpyridylalkoxide complexes [CpM{NC5H4(CR2O)-2}Cl2] (M = Ti, Zr, R = Ph, Pri). Organometallics 1998, 17(16), 3408-3410.
- Clegg W, Horsburgh L, Lindsay DM, Mulvey RE. Diphenylzirconocene. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1998, 54(3), 315-317.
- Kohler K, Piers WE, Jarvis AP, Xin S, Feng Y, Bravakis AM, Collins S, Clegg W, Yap GPA, Marder TB. Bifunctional Lewis acids. Synthesis and olefin polymerization chemistry of the 1,1-di[bis(perfluorophenyl)boryl]alkenes RCH=C[B(C6F5)2]2 (R = t-Bu, C6H5, C6F5). Organometallics 1998, 17(16), 3557-3566.
- Cernik RJ, Clegg W, Catlow CRA, Bushnell-Wye G, Flaherty JV, Greaves GN, Burrows L, Taylor DJ, Teat SJ, Hamichi M. A new high-flux chemical and materials crystallography station at the SRS Daresbury. 1. Design, construction and test results. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 1997, 4(5), 279-286.
- Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Jackson RFW, Bailey PL, Briggs AD. A sulfoximidooxirane. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1996, 52(11), 2781-2783.
- Clegg W, Al Dulayymi AR, Baird MS. A strained cyclononadienyne. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1996, 52(12), 3219-3222.
Authored Book
- Clegg W. X-Ray Crystallography. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Book Chapters
- Clegg W. X-ray and Neutron Single-Crystal Diffraction. In: Bruce,DW;O'Hare,D;Walton,RI, ed. Structure from Diffraction Methods. Chichester UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014, pp.83-154.
- Errington R.J, Richards D.G, Clegg W and Fraser K.A. New Aspects of Non-Aqueous Polyoxometalate Chemistry. In: Müller A. and Pope M.T, ed. Polyoxometalates: From Platonic Solids to Anti-Retroviral Activity. 1994, pp.105-114.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Clegg W. How does a diffractometer find a unit cell and what can you do when it fails?. In: 34th European Crystallographic Meeting. 2024, Padova, Italy: IUCr.
- Hernan-Gomez A, Baillie SE, Blair VL, Bradley TD, Clegg W, Cowan J, Harrington RW, Kennedy AR, Livingstone Z, Robertson SD, Hevia E. Chemical consequences of the direct magnesiation of N-heterocyclic molecules using beta-diketiminate stabilised magnesium bases. In: 245th ACS National Meeting and Exposition. 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana: American Chemical Society.
- Izod K, Wills C, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Agostically-stabilized dialkylstannylenes and plumbylenes. In: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society: 241st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. 2011, Anaheim, California, USA: American Chemical Society.
- Bullen NJ, Franken A, Kilner CA, Teat SJ, Clegg W, Kennedy JD. Polyhedral monocarbaborane chemistry: Reactions of the [6-Ph-nido-6-CB 9H11]- anion with two-electron donors to yield a series of neutral arachno and closo ten-vertex monocarbaborane derivatives. In: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 2005, Czech Republic: Elsevier.
- Marder TB, Shimada S, Coapes RB, Thomas RL, Hall JJ, Robins EG, Yufit DS, Batsanov AS, Howard JAK, Dai CY, Souza FES, Lesley MJG, Westcott SA, Lam WH, Lin ZY, Scott AJ, Clegg W. Metal catalysed borylation via C-H bond activation and related processes: Direct synthesis of aryl-, benzyl- and vinylboronate esters. In: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 2001, American Chemical Society.
- Gibson AE, Price C, Clegg W, Houlton A. Inner- and outer-sphere co-ordination of the minor groove site of adenine by alkali metal ions. In: 10th International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry. 2001, Florence, Italy: Elsevier Inc.
- Piers WE, Williams VC, Irvine G, Collins S, Dai CY, Li ZM, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ. New perfluoroaryl diboranes and diborates as olefin polymerization initiators. In: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 1999, American Chemical Society.
- Henderson KW, Mulvey RE, McKeown AE, Keenan FE, Clegg W, Kennedy AR, Liddle ST. Investigation and novel synthesis of lithium dialkylaluminium amides. In: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 1999, American Chemical Society.
- Clegg W. Main-Group Metal-Alkyls: Simple Formulae but Complex Structural Chemistry. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition 2012, 51(6), 1310-1311.
- Clegg W, Watson DG. Structure reports online: Major changes in response to a huge success. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2008, 64(2), e15-e17.
- Clegg W, Watson DG. Structure Reports online: Sustained growth and new developments for 2007. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2007, 63(3), e11-e12.
- Clegg W, Watson DG. Structure Reports Online: Further growth leads to major changes. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2006, 62(3), e8-e9.
- Clegg W, Watson DG. Structure reports online: More than 100% growth from 2001. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2005, 61(1), e1-e2.
- Watson DG, Clegg W. Structure Reports Online: A continuing growth and success story. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2004, E60(1), e1-e1.
- Clegg W, Watson DG. Structure reports online: From infancy to maturity. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(1), e1-.
- Clegg W. Some guidelines for publishing SHELXL-generated CIF results in Acta Crystallographica. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2003, 59(1), e2-e5.
- Clegg W, Watson DG. Structure Reports Online: the first year. Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online 2002, 58, E1-E1.
- Clegg W, Watson DG. Structure Reports Online: The birth of a new journal. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 2001, 57(1), E1-E2.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Smyth CH, Harrington RW, Clegg W. Rhodium-catalyzed double [2 + 2 + 2] cycloaddition of 1,4- bis(diphenylphosphinoyl)buta-1,3-diyne with tethered diynes: A modular, highly versatile single-pot synthesis of NU-BIPHEP biaryl diphosphines. Organic Letters 2007, 9(23), 4925-4928.
- Williams VC, Piers WE, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Collins S, Mardell TB. New bifunctional perfluoroaryl boranes. Synthesis and reactivity of the ortho-phenylene-bridged diboranes 1,2-[B(C6F5)2]2C6X4 (X = H, F)'. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1999, 121(13), 3244-3245.
- Al-Qaisi ZHJ, Al-Garawi ZS, Al-Karawi AJM, Hammood AJ, Abdallah AM, Clegg W, Mohamed GG. Corrigendum to “Antiureolytic activity of new water-soluble thiadiazole derivatives: Spectroscopic, DFT, and molecular docking studies” Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 272 (2022) 120971 (Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (2022) 272, (S1386142522001196), (10.1016/j.saa.2022.120971)). Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2022, 274, 121102.
- Habibi M, Barati K, Habibabadi H, Harrington R, Clegg W. Crystal structure of 3-(4-(dimethylamino)benzylidene)pentane-2,4-dione. Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online 2008, 24(12), x285-x286.
- Habibi M, Montazerozohori M, Lalegani A, Harrington R, Clegg W. Synthesis and crystal Structure of [CuL(PPh3)Cl] L = N,N′-bis(4-trifluromethylbenzylidene)ethylenediamine. Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online 2007, 23(3), x49-x50.
- Habibi M, Montazerozohori M, Lalegani A, Harrington R, Clegg W. N,N′-Bis(2-nitrocinnamaldehyde)ethylenediaminedicholorozinc(II). Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online 2007, 23(3), x51-x52.
- Habibi M, Barati K, Zendehdel M, Harrington R, Clegg W. Crystal structure of N,N′-bis(3-nitrobenzylidene)butane-1,4-diamine. Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online 2007, 23(4), x61-x62.
- Habibi M, Montazerozohori M, Barati K, Harrington R, Clegg W, Choi J. Crystal structure of N,N′-Bis(2-chlorobenzylidene)ethylenediamine. Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online 2007, 23(7), x117-x118.
- Gibson VC, Redshaw C, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Siemeling U, Turk T. Erratum to: Synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of hydridotris(3,5- dimethylpyrazolyl)borate (Tp′) molybdenum(VI) bis(imido) complexes [Polyhedron 23 (2004) 189] PII: S0277538703005898 DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2003.10. 005. Polyhedron 2004, 23(7), 1291-.
- Gibson VC, Redshaw C, Clegg W, Elsegood MRJ, Siemeling U, Turk T. [Erratum] Synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of hydridotris (3,5 -dimethylpyrazolyl)borate (Tp ') molybdenum(VI) bis(imido) complexes (vol 23, pg 189, 2004). Polyhedron 2004, 23(7), 1291-1291.
- Clegg W, Izod K, Liddle ST. Synthesis and crystal structure of a homoleptic, alkali metal-free lanthanide(II) phosphide complex. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2000, 613(1), 128-131.
Online Publication
- Clegg W. A crystallographer's concerto. IUCr Newsletter, 2024. Available at:
- Clegg W. Unpublished crystal structures: the hidden bulk of the iceberg?. Crystallography Reviews 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Clegg W. Space groups – the final frontier: a tutorial guided tour of some entries in International Tables for Crystallography Volume A. Crystallography Reviews 2023, 29(4), 228-246.
- Clegg W. The development and exploitation of synchrotron single-crystal diffraction for chemistry and materials. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2019, 377, 20180239.
- Simonovic S, Whitwood AC, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Hursthouse MB, Male L, Douthwaite RE. Synthesis of Copper(I) Complexes of N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Phenoxyimine/amine Ligands: Structures of Mononuclear Copper(II), Mixed-Valence Copper(I)/(II), and Copper(II) Cluster Complexes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2009, (13), 1786-1795.
- Nichol GS, Clegg W. The importance of weak C-H center dot center dot center dot O bonds and pi center dot center dot center dot pi stacking interactions in the formation of organic 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene complexes with Z '> 1. Crystal Growth & Design 2006, 6(2), 451-460.
- Clegg W. Current developments in small-molecule X-ray crystallography. Comments on Inorganic Chemistry 2005, 26(3-4), 165-182.
- Bould J, Greatrex R, Kennedy JD, Ormsby DL, Londesborough MGS, Callaghan KLF, Thornton-Pett M, Spalding TR, Teat SJ, Clegg W, Fang H, Rath NP, Barton L. Structural chemistry of arachno-nonaboranes. Journal of American Chemical Society 2002, 124(25), 7429-7439.
- Doherty S, Knight JG, Scanlan TH, Elsegood MRJ, Clegg W. Iminophosphines: Synthesis, formation of 2,3-dihydro-1 H-benzo[1,3]azaphosphol-3-ium salts and N-(pyridin-2-yl)-2-diphenylphosphinoylaniline, coordination chemistry and applications in platinum group catalyzed Suzuki coupling reactions and hydrosilylations. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2002, 650(1-2), 231-248.