Staff Profile
I am a marine biogeochemist with wider interests in the cycling of climatically active trace gases, organic matter geochemistry and aquatic photochemical processes. My research work in marine biogeochemistry started with studies of marine sulphur gas cycling at the Max Planck Inst for Chemistry. In Newcastle, I expanded my work into areas of dissolved organic matter cycling and marine photochemistry, largely with funding from NERC, and also developed interests in greenhouse gas cycling and nitrogen biogeochemistry. I have served on the NERC Peer Review College 2008-2012 and on the Editorial Board of Marine Science since 2011.
Roles and Responsibilities
Lecturer in Marine Biogeochemistry
PhD Marine Biogeochemistry, Gutenberg Univ. & Max Planck Inst for Chemistry, Mainz, DE, 1994
Dipl. Chem. Physical & Aquatic Chemistry, Univ. Karlsruhe, DE, 1988
Certificate for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (CLTHE), Newcastle University, 2002
Previous Positions
since 2001 Teaching and Research Officer (MAST)
1998-2001 Senior Research Associate (MAST)
1996-1998 Postdoctoral Research Associate (MAST)
1994-1996 Postdoctoral Research Associate (Max Planck Inst f Chemistry)
1990-1994 Research Associate (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry)
American Geophysical Union, Life Member
European Geophysical Union
Challenger Society for Marine Science, UK
International Humic Substances Society
Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
Research Interests
Marine Biogeochemistry, Marine Trace Gas Emissions, Organic Matter Cycling, Aquatic Photochemistry
My research in Marine Biogeochemistry centres on issues of Global Change and its interactions with the coastal and open ocean. Research activities include:
- biogeochemical cycling of marine sulphur gases such as dimethyl sulphide and carbonyl sulphide
- coastal greenhouse gas emissions
- role of dissolved organic carbon inputs and transformations in the global carbon cycle
- photochemical production of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur species
- characterisation and photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter
- impact of dissolved organic nitrogen transformations on the marine nutrient budget
Current Work
Recent and ongoing projects:
Marine Surfactant photodegradation (PhD studentship: Philippa Rickard, start date 10/2014)
Basin wide distribution and spectral properties of coloured dissolved organic matter absorbance (MaST funded, since 2013)
The Atlantic Meridional Transect programme: sub-projects nitrous oxide cycling & coloured dissolved organic matter photochemistry (NERC consortium award, £48k, 2001-2006)
Nitrification, denitrification and nitrous oxide in Indian mangrove ecosystems, (NERC, £ 275k, 2002-2005)
The contribution of atmospheric methane from coastal marine sources, (NERC, £ 348k, 2002-2005)
Origins, transformations, and biological uptake of organic nitrogen in river-sea systems (NERC-GANE; Newcastle: £36k, Edinburgh: £125k, 2001-2004)
Ammonium photoproduction in oligotrophic seas (NERC, £15k, 2002–2003)
hosted by the EU CYCLOPS programme
The impact of dissolved organic matter photochemistry on the marine nitrogen cycle (NERC-GANE, £142k, 1999-2002)
Photobleaching rates of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (UNESCO Keizo Obuchi fellowship to Dr. Shalini Akella, 2004)
Postgraduate Supervision
Current PhD projects
- Philippa Rickard (started 10/2014) Marine surfactant photodegradation
Completed PhD supervisions:
- Paul Mann (2010) Ammonium photoproduction and CDOM biogeochemistry
- Clare Swift (2009) Environmental impact of seawater scrubbing
- Anastasios Anestis (2008) Estuarine nitrogen cycling
- Louise Tizzard (2008) Coastal methane from geological sources
- Emma Suddick (2007) UHI / Aberdeen University,
Ammonium photoproduction in peatland ecosystems
(co-supervised with Stuart Gibb, ERI, Thurso, UHI)
- Julian Pillans (2006) Dimethyl sulphide photo-oxidation
- Grant Forster (2006) Methane & nitrous oxide
- Robert Spencer (2005) Biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter and inorganic nitrogen in two N.E. UK estuaries
- Vas Kitidis (2002) CDOM dynamics and photoammonification in the marine environment
- Aron P. Stubbins (2001) Aspects of aquatic CO photoproduction from CDOM
Esteem Indicators
Editorial Board member, Marine Science, Scientific & Academic Publishing since 2011.
Member of the NERC Peer Review College 2008-2012.
Invited member of the EU network COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research), Action 735, "Tools for Assessing Global Air–Sea Fluxes of Climate and Air Pollution Relevant Gases", 2006-2011.
Marine Sciences Core Member of the NERC Network on Fluorescence for the Water Sciences, lead by A. Baker & J. Lead (U. Birmingham) 2006-9.
EGU General Assemblies 2006-2009: Session Convener "Biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter".
For the latest session programme please see EGU 2009 session BG 1.5.
Invited member of the CARBOEUROPE-GHG initiative on greenhouse gas emissions from the European Coastal Zone (2002-5).
Host to MARE Science Prize winner Dr. Hermann W. Bange 1999, Geomar, Kiel, Germany. Project results published in Chemosphere, 58(2), 177-183, 2005.
Undergraduate Teaching
NES1503 The Marine Environment, Module Leader
NES1507 Introductory Oceanography, Module Leader
NES1504 Academic and Professional Skills for the Biosciences
NES1505 Marine Practical Skills 1, Module Leader
NES2504 Marine Research and Employability Skills
NES2505 Marine Practical Skills 2, Module Leader
NES3505 Research Project, Module Leader
- Lønborg C, Carreira C, Abril G, Agusti S, Amaral V, Andersson A, Aristegui J, Bhadury P, Bif MB, Borges AV, Bouillon S, Calleja ML, Cotovicz Jr LC, Cozzi S, Doval M, Duarte CM, Eyre B, Fichot CG, Garcia-Martin E, Garzon-Garcia A, Giani M, Goncalves-Araujo R, Gruber R, Hansell DA, Hashihama F, He D, Holding JM, Hunter WR, Ibanhez JSP, Ibello V, Jiang S, Kim G, Klun K, Kowalczuk P, Kubo A, Lee CW, Lopes CB, Maggioni F, Magni P, Marrase C, Martin P, McCallister SL, McCallum R, Medeiros PM, Moran XAG, Muller-Karger FE, Myers-Pigg A, Norli M, Oakes JM, Osterholz H, Park H, Paulsen ML, Rosentreter JA, Ross JD, Rueda-Roa D, Santinelli C, Shen Y, Teira E, Tinta T, Uher G, Wakita M, Ward N, Watanbe K, Xin Y, Yamashita Y, Yang L, Yeo J, Yuan H, Zheng Q, Álvarez-Salgado XA. A global database of dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration measurements in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1). Earth System Science Data 2024, 16(2), 1107-1119.
- Sabbaghzadeh B, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard R. “Dynamics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Atlantic Ocean: unravelling province-dependent relationships, optical complexity, and environmental influences”. Frontiers in Marine Science 2024, 11, 1432133.
- Rickard PC, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC. Photo-Reactivity of Surfactants in the Sea-Surface Microlayer and Subsurface Water of the Tyne Estuary, UK. Geophysical Research Letters 2022, 49(4), e2021GL095469.
- Stolle C, Ribas-Ribas M, Badewien T, Barnes J, Carpenter L, Chance R, Damgaard L, Durán Quesada A, Engel A, Frka S, Galgani L, Gasparovic B, Gerriets M, Mustaffa NIH, Herrmann H, Kallajoki L, Pereira R, Radach F, Revsbech NP, Rickard P, Saint A, Salter M, Striebel M, Triesch N, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC, van Pinxteren M, Zäncker B, Zieger P, Wurl O. The MILAN campaign: Studying diel light effects on the air-sea interface. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2020, E146-E166.
- Rickard PC, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC, Frka S, Mustaffa NIH, Banko-Kubis HM, Kusan AC, Gasparovic B, Stolle C, Wurl O, Ribas-Ribas M. Reconsideration of seawater surfactant activity analysis based on an inter-laboratory comparison study. Marine Chemistry 2019, 208, 103-111.
- Lennartz ST, Marandino CA, von Hobe M, Andreae MO, Aranami K, Atlas E, Berkelhammer M, Bingemer H, Booge D, Cutter G, Cortes P, Kremser S, Law C, Marriner A, Simó R, Quack B, Uher G, Xie H, Xu X. Marine carbonyl sulfide (OCS) and carbon disulfide (CS2): a compilation of measurements in seawater and the marine boundary layer. Earth System Science Data Discussions 2019, (ePub ahead of Print).
- Uher G, Pillans JJ, Hatton AD, Upstill-Goddard RC. Photochemical oxidation of dimethylsulphide to dimethylsulphoxide in estuarine and coastal waters. Chemosphere 2017, 186, 805-816.
- Stubbins A, Law CS, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC. Carbon monoxide apparent quantum yields and photoproduction in the Tyne estuary. Biogeosciences 2011, 8(3), 703-713.
- Forster GL, Upstill-Goddard RC, Gist N, Robinson R, Uher G, Woodward EMS. Nitrous oxide and methane in the Atlantic Ocean between 50˚N and 52˚S: latitudinal distribution and sea-to-air flux. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2009, 56(15), 964-976.
- Bange HW, Bell TG, Cornejo M, Freing A, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC, Zhang G. MEMENTO: a proposal to develop a database of marine nitrous oxide and methane measurements. Environmental Chemistry 2009, 6(3), 195-197.
- Stubbins A, Hubbard V, Uher G, Law CS, Upstill-Goddard RC, Aiken GR, Mopper K. Relating carbon monoxide photoproduction to dissolved organic matter functionality. Environmental Science and Technology 2008, 42(9), 3271-3276.
- Kitidis V, Uher G, Woodward EMS, Owens NJP, Upstill-Goddard RC. Photochemical production and consumption of ammonium in a temperate river-sea system. Marine Chemistry 2008, 112(1-2), 118-127.
- Ahad J, Barth J, Ganeshram R, Spencer R, Uher G. Controls on carbon cycling in two contrasting temperate zone estuaries: The Tyne and Tweed, UK. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2008, 78(4), 685-693.
- Spencer RGM, Ahad JME, Baker A, Cowie GL, Ganeshram R, Upstill-Goddard RC, Uher G. The estuarine mixing behaviour of peatland derived dissolved organic carbon and its relationship to chromophoric dissolved organic matter in two North Sea estuaries (U.K.). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2007, 74(1-2), 131-144.
- Kitidis V, Tizzard L, Uher G, Judd A, Upstill-Goddard RC, Head IM, Gray ND, Taylor G, Duran R, Diez R, Iglesias J, Garcia-Gil S. The biogeochemical cycling of methane in Ria de Vigo, NW Spain: Sediment processing and sea-air exchange. Journal of Marine Systems 2007, 66(1-4), 258-271.
- Spencer RGM, Baker A, Ahad JME, Cowie GL, Ganeshram R, Upstill-Goddard RC, Uher G. Discriminatory classification of natural and anthropogenic waters in two U.K. estuaries. Science of the Total Environment 2007, 373(1), 305-323.
- Kitidis V, Stubbins AP, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC, Law CS, Woodward EMS. Variability of chromophoric organic matter in surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2006, 53(14-16), 1666-1684.
- Barnes J, Ramesh R, Purvaja R, Rajkumar AN, Kumar BS, Krithika K, Ravichandran K, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard R. Tidal dynamics and rainfall control N2O and CH4 emissions from a pristine mangrove creek. Geophysical Research Letters 2006, 33(15), L15405.
- Stubbins AP, Uher G, Kitidis V, Law CS, Upstill-Goddard RC, Woodward EMS. The Open Ocean Source of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide. Deep-Sea Research II 2006, 53(14-16), 1685-1694.
- Kitidis V, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC, Mantoura RFC, Spyres G, Woodward EMS. Photochemical production of ammonium in the oligotrophic Cyprus Gyre (Eastern Mediterranean). Biogeosciences 2006, 3(4), 439-449.
- Stubbins A, Uher G, Law CS, Mopper K, Robinson C, Upstill-Goddard RC. Open-ocean carbon monoxide photoproduction. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2006, 53(14-16), 1695-1705.
- Ahad JME, Ganeshram RS, Spencer RGM, Uher G, Gulliver P, Bryant CL. Evidence for anthropogenic 14C-enrichment in estuarine waters adjacent to the North Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 2006, 33(8), L08608.
- Ahad JME, Ganeshram RS, Spencer RGM, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC, Cowie GL. Evaluating the sources and fate of anthropogenic dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in two contrasting North Sea estuaries. Science of the Total Environment 2006, 372(1), 317-333.
- Uher G. Distribution and air-sea exchange of reduced sulphur gases in European coastal waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2006, 70(3), 338-360.
- Bange HW, Uher G. Photochemical production of methane in natural waters: implications for its present and past oceanic source. Chemosphere 2005, 58(2), 177-183.
- Uher G, Hughes C, Henry G, Upstill-Goddard RC. Non-conservative mixing behavior of colored dissolved organic matter in a humic-rich, turbid estuary. Geophysical Research Letters 2001, 28(17), 3309-3312.
- Uher G, Schebeske G, Barlow RG, Cummings DG, Mantoura RFC, Rapsomanikis SR, Andreae MO. Distribution and air-sea gas exchange of dimethyl sulphide at the European western continental margin. Marine Chemistry 2000, 69(3-4), 277-300.
- Kettle AJ, Andreae MO, Amouroux D, Andreae TW, Bates TS, Berresheim H, Bingemer H, Boniforti R, Curran MAJ, DiTullio GR, Helas G, Jones GB, Keller MD, Kiene RP, Leck C, Levasseur M, Malin G, Maspero M, Matrai P, McTaggart AR, Mihalopoulos N, Nguyen BC, Novo A, Putaud JP, Rapsomanikis S, Roberts G, Schebeske G, Sharma S, Simo R, Staubes R, Turner S, Uher G. A global database of sea surface dimethylsulfide (DMS) measurements and a procedure to predict sea surface DMS as a function of latitude, longitude, and month. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 1999, 13(2), 399-444.
- G. Uher and M.O. Andreae. Photochemical production of carbonyl sulfide in North Sea water: A process study. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42, 432-442 1997.
- Uher G, Andreae M O . The diel cycle of carbonyl sulfide in marine surface waters: field study results and a simple model. . Aquatic Geochemistry, 2(4), 313-344 1997.
- V.S. Ulshöfer, O.R. Flöck, G. Uher and M.O. Andreae. Photochemical production and air-sea exchange of carbonyl sulfide in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Mar. Chem. 53, 25-39 1996.
- V.S. Ulshöfer, G. Uher and M.O. Andreae. Evidence for a winter sink of atmospheric carbonyl sulfide in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 2601-2604 1995.
- G. Uher, E. Gilbert and S.H. Eberle. Determination of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of organic peroxides. Vom Wasser 76, 225-234 1991.
Book Chapters
- Kitidis V, Uher G. Photochemical Mineralisation of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen. In: Mertens, LP, ed. Biological Oceanography Research Trends. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008, pp.131-156.
- Uher G. Determination of dissolved dimethyl sulphide in seawater. In: Grasshoff, K., Kremling, K., Ehrhardt, M, ed. Methods of Seawater Analysis. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 1999, pp.521-532.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Barnes J, Purvaja R, Ramesh R, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC. Nitrous oxide fluxes in Indian Mangroves; tidal production mechanisms, fluxes and global significance. In: Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosytems. 2007, Kanagawa, Japan: Gendai Tosho.
- Spencer RGM, Anestis AK, Baker A, Cowie GL, Uher G, Upstill-Goddard RC. [Poster Presentation] Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling in the Tyne Estuary, U.K. In: Challenger Centenary Conference. 2002, Plymouth.
- Pacyna, J. M., H. W. Bange, A. Borges, M. Frankignoulle, O. Hov, S. Mano, G. Uher, R. C. Upstill-Goddard. Carbo Europe - GHG. Paper on coastal ecosystem greenhouse gas budget. 2004. European Commission DG Research - V th Framework programme, 118.