Staff Profile
Dr James Kitson
Research Associate
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6900
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- Address: Room 6.05
Agriculture Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a research fellow in the Ecology Group. I develop and use DNA barcoding tools to detect species interactions. Specifically, I am interested in the interactions between plants, their insect herbivores and the insect parasitoids that exploit the herbivores. The aim is to more fully understand how these aspects of ecosystems are structured and to use this knowledge to enhance biological control of pest and invasive species.
- Evans DM, Kitson JJN, Lunt DH, Straw NA, Pocock MJO. Merging DNA metabarcoding and ecological network analysis to understand and build resilient terrestrial ecosystems. Functional Ecology 2016, 30, 1904-1916.
- Kitson JJN, Hahn C, Sands RJ, Straw NA, Evans DM, Lunt DH. Nested metabarcode tagging: a robust tool for studying species interactions in ecology and evolution. bioRxiv 2016, 035071.
- Lumley AJ, Michalczyk L, Kitson JJN, Spurgin LG, Morrison CA, Godwin JL, Dickinson ME, Martin OY, Emerson BC, Chapman T, Gage MJ. Sexual selection protects against extinction. Nature 2015, 522(7557), 470-473.
- Kitson JJ, Warren BH, Florens FB, Baider C, Strasberg D, Emerson BC. Molecular characterization of trophic ecology within an island radiation of insect herbivores (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Cratopus). Molecular Ecology 2013, 22(21), 5441-5455.
- Derocles SAP, Bohan DA, Dumbrell AJ, Kitson JJN, Massol F, Pauvert C, Plantegenest M, Vacher C, Evans DM. Biomonitoring for the 21st Century: Integrating Next-Generation Sequencing Into Ecological Network Analysis. In: Bohan DA; Dumbrell AJ; Woodward G; Jackson M, ed. Advances in Ecological Research. United States of America: Academic Press, 2018, pp.1-62.
- Kitson JJN, Hahn C, Sands RJ, Straw NA, Evans DM, Lunt DH. Detecting host–parasitoid interactions in an invasive Lepidopteran using nested tagging DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology 2019, 28(2), 471-483.
- Kitson JJN, Warren BH, Thébaud C, Strasberg D, Emerson BC. Community assembly and diversification in a species-rich radiation of island weevils (Coleoptera: Cratopini). Journal of Biogeography 2018, 45(9), 2016-2026.
- Macgregor CJ, Kitson JJN, Fox R, Hahn C, Lunt DH, Pocock MJO, Evans DM. Construction, validation, and application of nocturnal pollen transport networks in an agro‐ecosystem: a comparison using light microscopy and DNA metabarcoding. Ecological Entomology 2019, 44(1), 17-29.