Staff Profile
Dr Jane Delany
Senior Lecturer
- Email:
- Telephone: 2086671
- Address: Dove Marine Laboratory,
Cullercoats, NE30 4PZ
Room 4.76, 4th floor, Ridley 2
Main Newcastle University Campus
Roles and Responsibilities
- Head of the Dove Marine Laboratory
- Co-ordinator for Stage 2 of the Marine Science Programmes
- Senior Personal Tutor for Marine Science SNES
- CPD and Field course organisation for external groups
- Board member of the Great North Museum
- Member of the Faculty Ethics Committee
Areas of expertise
- Marine ecology
- Citizen science
- Temperate intertidal and coastal planktonic ecology
- B.A. Mod in Zoology (Trinity College Dublin)
- M.Sc. Oceanography (Southampton)
- Ph.D. Marine Ecology (University College Cork)
Research Interests
Marine rocky intertidal community dynamics; the relative importance of supply side ecology to the functioning of intertidal ecosystems; settlement and recruitment patterns in marine invertebrates.
Zooplankton and phytoplankton linkages; Plankton Dove Time Series; Development of ballast water treatments.
Citizen Science; Public participation and engagement with science; Public Awareness of Marine Issues; Current ecology teaching methods in schools; Role of the natural environment in science education
Postgraduate Supervision
Hannah Lloyd-Hartley Developing pelagic indicators of ecosystem health using the Dove Time Series plankton
Past research students:
Dr Ashleigh Tinlin (with Dr C Fitzsimmons): Impacts of harvesting and bait digging in the EMS
Dr Malcolm Baptie Plankton response to a changing climate in the Dove Time Series: a Northumberland ecosystem study Dr Kayvan Pazouki: Inferential measurement and control of Ballast Water Treatment Systems.
Dr Susan Gebbels: Promoting Citizenship and Environmental Learning in the Marine Environment
Dr Jenny Carney: Marine bioinvasion prevention : understanding ballast water transportation conditions and the development of effective treatment systems.
Dr Mani Arora: Complexity and population regulation in unicellular algal cultures of Tetraselmis: an insight into individual and social interactions.
Mr Shane Maloney (MPhil): The Design, Build and Initial Testing of a Prototype Ballast Water Treatment Plant.
Sana Akram (co-supervision with G Galdwell): Toxicity of manufactured nano-particles to marine biota
Ashley Endacott:(MpHil candidate) Fish assemblages of the Lindisfarne seagreass beds
Esteem Indicators
Invited Keynote Speaker at European Marine Biology Symposium, Ostende, 2018
Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of North Tyneside Learning Trust
Chair of the Berwickshire and Northumberland Marine Nature Partnership
NERC Engaging environments Programme 'OPENER'
£1.7million HLF Capturing our Coast
£9.4K IfS pump prime Coastal Cities Observatory
£8K IfS pump prime Raising awareness of Climate Change through sea level rise visual simulation tools
£108,000 Heritage Lottery Fund: The Big Sea Survey
£418,000 EUFP7 BaWaPla (with Prof E Mesbahi)
£117,000 UKIERI (with Prof E Mesbahi)
£89,000 NYK Shipping Development of Educational Initiatives
£84,000 Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd: Community Engagement
£120,000 One NE STEM transition learning
£30,000 New Opportunities Fund - science education opportunities for Key Stage 3
£5000 Catherine Cookson Foundation - "Cullercoats Village and Maritime Heritage"
£30,000 HEIF3 funding for Distance Learning Course Development
Degree Programme Director for Marine Biology C161 and Marine Zoology C350
Stage 1:
NES1501 Marine Biology (Module Leader)
NES1504 Academic and Professional Skills for the Biosciences
NES1501 Marine Practical Skills
Stage 2:
NES2504 Academic and Empolyability Skills
MST2105 Marine Practical Skills II
Stage 3:
NES3501 Advanced Marine Research Topics I
NES3503 Advanced Marine Research Topics III
NES3505 Research Project Supervision
Postgraduate Taught:
MST8028 Marine Consultancy project planning
- Earp H, Vye S, Bohn K, Burrows M, Chenery J, Dickens S, Foster C, Grist H, Lamont P, Long S, Morrall Z, Pocklington J, Scott A, Watson G, West V, Jenkins S, Delany J, Sugden H. Do You See What I See? Quantifying Inter-Observer Variability in an Intertidal Marine Citizen Science Experiment. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 2022, 7(1), 12.
- Vye SR, Dickens S, Adams L, Bohn K, Chenery J, Dobson N, Dunn RE, Earp HS, Evans M, Foster C, Grist H, Holt B, Hull S, Jenkins S, Lamont P, Long S, Mieszkowska N, Millard J, Morrall Z, Pack K, Parry-Wilson H, Pocklington J, Pottas J, Richardson L, Scott A, Sugden H, Watson G, West V, Winton D, Delany J, Burrows MT. Patterns of abundance across geographical ranges as a predictor for responses to climate change: Evidence from UK rocky shores. Diversity and Distributions 2020, 26(10), 1357-1365.
- Tinlin-Mackenzie A, Delany J, Scott CL, Fitzsimmons C. Spatially modelling the suitability, sensitivity, and vulnerability of data poor fisheries with GIS: A case study of the Northumberland lugworm fishery. Marine Policy 2019, 109, 103707.
- Hyder K, Townhill B, Anderson L, Delany J, Pinnegar J. Can citizen science contribute to the evidence-base that underpins marine policy?. Marine Policy 2015, 59, 112-120.
- Arora M, Anil AC, Burgess K, Delany J, Mesbahi E. Asymmetric cell division and its role in cell fate determination in the green alga Tetraselmis indica. Journal of Biosciences 2015, 40(5), 921-927.
- Carney KJ, Basurko OC, Pazouki K, Marsham S, Delany JE, Desai DV, Anil AC, Mesbahi E. Difficulties in obtaining representative samples for compliance with the Ballast Water Management Convention. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2013, 68(1-2), 99-105.
- Arora M, Anil AC, Leliaert F, Delany J, Mesbahi E. Tetraselmis indica (Chlorodendrophyceae, Chlorophyta), a new species isolated from salt pans in Goa, India. European Journal of Phycology 2013, 48(1), 61-78.
- Arora M, Anil AC, Delany J, Rajarajan N, Emami K, Mesbahi E. Carbohydrate-degrading bacteria closely associated with Tetraselmis indica: influence on algal growth. Aquatic Biology 2012, 15(1), 61-71.
- Carney KJ, Delany JE, Sawant S, Mesbahi E. The effects of prolonged darkness on temperature and tropical marine phytoplankton, and their implications for ballast water risk management. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2011, 62(6), 1233-1244.
- Gebbels S, Evans SM, Delany JE. Promoting environmental citizenship and corporte social responsibility through a school/industry/university partnership. Journal of Biological Education 2011, 45(1), 13-19.
- Pazouki K, Carney KJ, Delany J, Mesbahi E. Comparison of land-based test setups for a ballast water management system. Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering 2011, 153(A3), A173-A183.
- Chaniotis P, Delany JE, Murphy AJ. Is shipping a sustainable form of transport for the 21st century?' Themed debate as a tool for enquiry-based and cross-curricular learning at Key Stage 3. School Science Review 2010, 92(338), 881-887.
- Sundelöf A, Jenkins S, Svensson C, Delany J, Hawkins S, Åberg P. Determinants of reproductive potential and population size in open populations of Patella vulgata. Marine Biology 2010, 157(4), 779-789.
- Chaniotis PD, Delany JE, Murphy AJ. A tide for change: incorporating marine-themed teaching and learning into the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum. Teaching and Learning Update 2009, (24).
- Power AM, Delany J, McGrath D, Myers AA, O'Riordan RM. Patterns of adult abundance in Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) and C. montagui Southward (Crustacea: Cirripedia) emerge during late recruitment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006, 332(2), 151-165.
- Cruz T, Castro JJ, Delany J, McGrath D, Myers AA, O'Riordan RM, Power A-M, Rabaca J, Hawkins SJ. Tidal rates of settlement of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and Chthamalus montagui in western Europe: The influence of the night/day cycle. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2005, 318(1), 51-60.
- O'Riordan RM, Arenas F, Arrontes J, Castro JJ, Cruz T, Delany J, Martinez B, Fernandez C, Hawkins SJ, McGrath D, Myers AA, Oliveros J, Pannacciulli FG, Power A-M, Relini G, Rico JM, Silva T. Spatial variation in the recruitment of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus montagui Southward and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) (Crustacea: Cirripedia) over an European scale. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2004, 304(2), 243-264.
- Delany J, Myers AA, McGrath D, O'Riordan RM, Power AM. Role of post-settlement mortality and 'supply-side' ecology in setting patterns of intertidal distribution in the chthamalid barnacles Chthamalus montagui and C. stellatus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2003, 249, 207-214.
- O'Riordan RM, Delany J, McGrath D, Myers AA, Power AM, Ramsay NF, Alvarez D, Cruz T, Pannacciulli FG, Range P, Relini G. Variation in the sizes of chthamalid barnacle post-settlement cyprids on European shores. Marine Ecology 2001, 22(4), 307-322.
- Jenkins SR, Aberg P, Cervin G, Coleman RA, Delany J, Hawkins SJ, Hyder K, Myers AA, Paula J, Range P, Hartnoll RG. Population dynamics of the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides at three European locations: spatial scales of variability. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2001, 217, 207-217.
- Power AM, Myers AA, O'Riordan RM, McGrath D, Delany J. An investigation into rock surface wetness as a parameter contributing to the distribution of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and Chthamalus montagui. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2001, 52(3), 349-356.
- Jenkins SR, Aberg P, Cervin G, Coleman RA, Delany J, Santina PDella, Hawkins SJ, LaCroix E, Myers AA, Lindegarth M, Power A-M, Roberts MF, Hartnoll RG. Spatial and temporal variation in settlement and recruitment of the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (L.) (Crustacea : Cirripedia) over a European scale. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2000, 243(2), 209-225.
- Power A. M. Piyapattanakorn S. O'Riordan R. M. Iyengar A. Myers A. A. Hawkins S. J. Delany J. McGrath D. Maclean N. Verification of cyprid size as a tool in the identification of two European spcies of Chthamalus barnacles using mtDNA RFLP analysis. Mar. Ecol.-Prog. Ser., 191: 251-256 1999.
- O'Riordan RM, Myers AA, McGrath D, Delany J. The sizes at settlement in natural populations of the cyprids of Chthamalus montagui and C. stellatus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 1999, 79(2), 365-366.
- Power A-M, Delany J, Myers AA, O'Riordan RM, McGrath D. Prolonged settlement and prediction of recruitment in two sympatric intertidal Chthamalus species from south-west Ireland. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 1999, 79(5), 941-943.
- Delany J, Myers AA, McGrath D. Recruitment, immigration and population structure of two coexisting limpet species in mid-shore tidepools, on the West Coast of Ireland. J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 221:221-230 1998.
- Delany, J., Myers, AA, McGrath, D. The Effects of Disturbances on algal communities in mid-shore tidepools. In: Giller, P.S. and Myers, A.A., (Eds.) Disturbance and recovery in ecological systems, 33-46. Royal Irish Academy 1996.