Staff Profile
Professor Per Berggren
Chair of Marine Megafauna Conservation
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- Address: Marine Science
Room 5.90,
Ridley Building 2,
School of Natural and Environmental Sciences,
Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU,
I am a multi-disciplinary researcher and leader of the Marine MEGAfauna Lab. I lead large national and international research projects and supervise students at all University levels. I am internationally recognised in my field of marine megafauna conservation biology particularly in my research efforts in data poor developing countries and development of technical low-cost assessment and mitigation methodologies. I serve on expert panels for the International Whaling Commission (IWC), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN Cetacean Specialist Group) and the UK's Clean Catch National Advisory Board.
The Marine MEGAfauna Lab conducts problem solving research on porpoises, dolphins, whales, sharks, rays and seals in Brazil, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Mozambique, Oman, Peru, Sweden, Tanzania (Zanzibar), and the UK Thailand coastal waters. We assess conservation status of marine megafauna populations, identify and mitigate anthropogenic threats (e.g. fisheries and offshore developments), and conduct basic and applied research on sound production in marine mammals. The research involves lab and field experiments, development, testing and application of novel low-cost research methods with global applications to build the capacity for sustainable development in the marine environment.
Associate Professor, Marine Ecology, Stockholm University, 2002-2010.
PhD, Stockholm University, 1995. Dissertation: Stocks, status and survival of harbour porpoises in Swedish waters.
BSc, Honours degree in Marine Biology, Stockholm University, 1989.
Previous Positions
Associate Professor, Head of the Marine Mammal Research Group, Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Research Leader Marine MEGAfauna Lab
Overall research themes:
- Development of low-cost methods for assessment of marine MEGAfauna populations.
- Development of low-cost methods to mitigate anthropogenic threats to marine MEGAfauna populations.
- Identification and classification of marine mammal sound.
- Development of low-cost passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) systems - NanoPAM.
Ongoing research:
- NOAA Fisheries US and US Marine Mammal Commission (2019-2024). Low-cost solutions to cetacean bycatch in small scale fisheries and potential fisher-level barriers to implementation. Project implemented in Brazil, Peru and Zanzibar.
- NERC NanoPAM - Novel low-cost networked acoustic system for marine mammal and environmental monitoring.
- Conservation biology and ecology of marine MEGAfauna populations in East Africa.
- Assessment of MEGAfauna catch in small scale fisheries in Thailand.
- Assessment of small cetaceans in Cambodia coastal waters (Conservation | Khmer Ocean Life).
- Creating sustainable small-scale fisheries in Jangamo, Mozambique (Love The Oceans – Conservation through research, education and diving).
- Conservation ecology of marine mammals in Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea, NE coast of China.
- Conservation ecology of white-beaked and common bottlenose dolphins, and harbour porpoise off Northumberland, NE England.
- Conservation ecology of grey seals in Northumberland, NE England.
Current appointments:
- Associate Editor for Journal of Ocean and Climate 2018-present.
- International Whaling Commission, Bycatch Expert Panel Member 2018-present (Expert Panel on Bycatch (
- International Whaling Commission, Scientific Committee Member 1990-present.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission, Cetacean Specialist Group Member 2004-present (IUCN – SSC Cetacean Specialist Group (
- Newcastle co-ordinator EPSRC-NERC AURA-CDT in Offshore Wind Energy and the Environment 2019-2027.
- UK Clean Catch National Advisory Board Member 2024-2026.
- UKRI-NERC Funding Assessment Panel Reviewer 2024-2025.
- Scientific Advisor Marine Mammal Education and Research Programme at the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar 1998-present.
Per Berggren Google Scholar Publications
Current Roles
Chair of Board of Examiners for Biology and Marine Undergraduate Programmes
Newcastle co-ordinator EPSRC-NERC AURA-CDT in Offshore Wind Energy and the Environment
Undergraduate Teaching
- NES1502 Diversity of Marine Animals
- NES1504 Academic and Professional Skills for the Biosciences
- NES1505 Marine Practical Skills 1
- NES2504 Research and Employability Skills
- NES2505 Marine Practical Skills 2
- NES2311-2507 Marine Vertebrate Biology and Ecology (Module Leader)
- NES3502 Advanced Marine Research Topics
- NES3505 Research Project: Marine Biology/Zoology
- NES3302 Current Research in Ecology
- NES8001 Consultancy Dissertation Project
Postgraduate Teaching
- NES8002 MSc Research Project Dissertation
Current PhD & MPhil students
- Solomon Lucas, PhD - Assessing the population dynamics and conservation of blue sharks in the UK.
- Sarah Dickson, PhD - Ecology of dolphins and porpoises in offshore windfarms.
- Sarah Tubbs, PhD - Interdisciplinary conservation of coastal cetaceans in Cambodia.
- Francesca Trotman, PhD - Holistic management of small-scale fisheries in Jangamo, Mozambique.
- Miaad Al Maamari, PhD - Assessment of shark catches in Oman small scale fisheries.
Visiting Researcher
- Dr Ben Burville - Behavioural ecology of white-beaked dolphins and greys seals.
Graduated PhD students at Newcastle U.
- Ellen Barrowclift-Mahon, PhD - Better the devil you know: towards sustainable management of devil rays in the Indian Ocean.
- Georgia Atkinson, (PhD, School of Engineering, with Professor Nick Wright & Dr Stephen McGough) - Development of methods for marine mammal sound analyses.
- Kirsten Richardson, PhD (School of Computing, with Dr Stephen McGough and Professor Nick Wright) - Development of methods for tracking marine mammals.
- Matt Sharpe, PhD - Odontocete Ecology off Northumberland, UK: Advancing the Application of Passive Acoustic Monitoring.
- Thevarit Svarachorn, PhD - Assessment of mega-fauna catch in small scale fisheries in Thailand.
- Cameron Trotter, PhD (School of Engineering, with Professor Nick Wright & Dr Stephen McGough) - Development of methods for marine mammal image analyses.
- Andrew Temple, PhD - Reconciling food security with elasmobranch conservation in the Western Indian Ocean.
- Daniel Moore, PhD (Durham University, with Professor Rus Hoelzel) - The role of habitat boundaries in the evolution of connectivity in marine predator populations.
- Liangliang Yang, PhD (Xiamen University, China with Professor Xiaomei Xu) - Underwater vocalizations of spotted seals (Phoca largha) in Liaodong Bay, China.
Graduated MPhil students at Newcastle U.
- Samantha Bishop, MPhil - Haul-out behaviours of grey seals on the Farne Islands, UK.
- Rhiannon Lamb, MPhil - Population ecology of minke whales based on passive acoustic monitoring.
- Charles McGibney, MPhil - Assessment of marine traffic potential impact on bottlenose dolphin behaviour off Montenegro.
- Matt Sharpe, MPhil - Population dynamics of dolphins off Zanzibar, East Africa.
- Ellen Barrowclift-Mahon, MPhil - Life history and foraging ecology of elasmobranchs off Zanzibar, East Africa.
- Kelsey Potlock, MPhil - Behavioural ecology of harbour porpoise and dolphins based on passive acoustic monitoring in a windfarm development site off Blyth, Northumberland.
- William, Jolly, MPhil - Occurrence and ecology of sharks in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
- Andrew Temple, MPhil - Temporal variations in the distribution and behaviour of Menai Bay Conservation Area dolphins, Zanzibar, East Africa.
Past Marine MEGAfauna Lab members
- Dr Liangliang Yang (Postdoc NERC NanoPAM Project) - Development of algorithms for species identification of porpoise and dolphin echolocation clicks. Current position: Shantou University, China (
- Mr Richie Burnett (Postdoc NERC NanoPAM Project, with Mr Jeff Neasham) - Hard- and software development for passive acoustic monitoring.
- Dr Andrew Temple, Reef Ecology Lab, Red Sea Research Center, KAUST, Saudi Arabia (Dr. Andrew Temple (
Prospective students
Please contact me to discuss potential MPhil and PhD projects.
- Lucas S, Berggren P, Barrowclift E, Smallegange I. Changing feeding levels reveal plasticity in elasmobranch life history strategies. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2025, bioRxiv preprint. Submitted.
- Barrowclift E, Temple AJ, Pardo SA, Khan AMA, Razzaque SA, Wambiji N, Ismail MR, Dewanti LP, Berggren P. Age, growth, and intrinsic sensitivity of Endangered Spinetail Devil Ray (Mobula mobular) and Bentfin Devil Ray (M. thurstoni) in the Indian Ocean. Marine Biology 2025, 172, 24.
- Khan AMA, Barrowclift E, Xu Y, Hong G, Purba NP, Pasaribu B, Dewanti LP, Ismail MR, Taofiqurohman A, Berggren P. Satellite observed oceanographic drivers of Mobulidae fisheries catch in the Southeast Indian Ocean. Journal of Sea Research 2024, 201, 102534.
- Tubbs S, Berggren P. Questionnaire surveys to investigate marine mammal fisheries bycatch: systematic review and best practice. Frontiers in Marine Science 2024, 11, 1481840.
- Temple AJ, Berggren P, Jiddawi N, Wambiji N, Poonian CNS, Salmin YN, Berumen MN, Stead SM. Linking extinction risk to the economic and nutritional value of sharks in small-scale fisheries. Conservation Biology 2024, 38(6), e14292.
- Sharpe M, Berggren P. Environmental drivers of odontocete occurrence in a nearshore temperate habitat. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2024, 299, 108697.
- Sharpe M, Berggren P. A comparison of photo-ID and signature whistle based capture-recapture abundance estimates of common bottlenose dolphin. Marine Mammal Science 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Barrowclift E, Gravel SM, Pardo SA, Bigman JS, Berggren P, Dulvy NK. Tropical rays are intrinsically more sensitive to overfishing than the temperate skates. Biological Conservation 2023, 281, 110003.
- Potlock KM, Temple AJ, Berggren P. Offshore construction using gravity-base foundations indicates no long-term impacts on dolphins and harbour porpoise. Marine Biology 2023, 170(8), 92.
- Svarachorn T, Temple AJ, Berggren P. Marine megafauna catch in Thai small-scale fisheries. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2023, 33(11), 1245-1262.
- Celemín E, Autenrieth M, Roos A, Pawliczka I, Quintela M, Lindstrøm U, Benke H, Siebert U, Lockyer C, Berggren P, Özturk AA, Özturk B, Lesage V, Tiedemann R. Evolutionary history and seascape genomics of Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) across environmental gradients in the North Atlantic and adjacent waters. Molecular Ecology Resources 2023, epub ahead of print.
- Lucas S, Berggren P. A systematic review of sensory deterrents for bycatch mitigation of marine megafauna. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2023, 33, 1-33.
- Yang L, Xu X, Berggren P. Spotted seal Phoca largha underwater vocalisations in relation to ambient noise. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022, 683, 209-220.
- Wambiji N, Kadagi NI, Everett BI, Temple AJ, Kiszka JJ, Kimani E, Berggren P. Integrating long-term citizen science data and contemporary artisanal fishery survey data to investigate recreational and small-scale shark fisheries in Kenya. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2022, 32(8), 1306-1322.
- Yang L, Xiaomei X, Berggren P. Influence of ice concentration and thickness on under-ice ambient noise levels in shallow coastal waters of Liaodong Bay, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2022, 266, 107706.
- Rogan E, Read AJ, Berggren P. Empty promises: The European Union is failing to protect dolphins and porpoises from fisheries by-catch. Fish and Fisheries 2021, 22(4), 865-869.
- Gray HWI, Chen I, Moura AE, Natoli A, Nishida S, Tanabe S, Minton G, Ponnampalam LS, Kiani MS, Culloch R, Gore M, Särnblad A, Amir O, Berggren P, Collins T, Willson AJ, Baldwin R, Hoelzel AR. Comparative biogeography and the evolution of population structure for bottlenose and common dolphins in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Biogeography 2021, 48(7), 1654-1668.
- Yang L, Sharpe M, Temple AJ, Berggren P. Characterization and comparison of echolocation clicks of white-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) off the Northumberland coast, UK. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2021, 149(3), 1498.
- Temple A, Westmerland E, Berggren P. Bycatch risk for toothed whales in global small-scale fisheries. Fish and Fisheries 2021, 22(6), 1155-1159.
- Berggren P, Temple AJ. We’ve just discovered two new shark species – but they may already be threatened by fishing. The Conversation 2020, 13467.
- Weigmann S, Gon O, Leeney RH, Barrowclift E, Berggren P, Jiddawi N, Temple AJ. Revision of the sixgill sawsharks, genus Pliotrema (Chondrichthyes, Pristiophoriformes), with descriptions of two new species and a redescription of P. warreni Regan. PLoS ONE 2020, 15, e0228791.
- Trotter C, Atkinson G, Sharpe M, Richardson K, McGough S, Wright N, Burville B, Berggren P. NDD20: A large-scale few-shot dolphin dataset for coarse and fine-grained categorisation. arXiv 2020, 5.
- Temple AJ, Stead SM, Jiddawi N, Wambiji N, Dulvy NK, Barrowclift E, Berggren P. Life-history, exploitation and extinction risk of the data-poor Baraka's whipray (Maculabatis ambigua) in small-scale tropical fisheries. Journal of Fish Biology 2020, 97(3), 708-719.
- Yang L, Sharpe M, Temple AJ, Jiddawi N, Xu X, Berggren P. Description and classification of echolocation clicks of Indian Ocean humpback (Sousa plumbea) and Indo-Pacific bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) dolphins from Menai Bay, Zanzibar, East Africa. PLOS ONE 2020, 15(3), e0230319.
- Temple AJ, Stead SM, Hind-Ozan E, Jiddawi N, Berggren P. Comparison of local knowledge and researcher-led observations for wildlife exploitation assessment and management. Environmental Conservation 2020, 47(4), 304-309.
- Pirog A, Ravigné V, Fontaine MC, Rieux A, Gilabert A, Cliff G, Clua E, Daly R, Heithaus MR, Kiszka JJ, Matic P, Nevill JEG, Smoothey AF, Temple AJ, Berggren P, Jaquemet S, Magalon H. Population structure, connectivity, and demographic history of an apex marine predator, the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas . Ecology and Evolution 2019, 9(23), 12980-13000.
- Temple AJ, Wambiji N, Poonian CNS, Jiddawi N, Stead SM, Kiszka JJ, Berggren P. Marine megafauna catch in southwestern Indian Ocean small-scale fisheries from landings data. Biological Conservation 2019, 230, 113-121.
- Sharpe M, Berggren P. Indian Ocean humpback dolphin in the Menai Bay off the south coast of Zanzibar, East Africa is Critically Endangered. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2019, 29(12), 2133-2146.
- Pirog A, Jaquemet S, Ravigné V, Cliff G, Clua E, Holmes BJ, Hussey NE, Nevill JEG, Temple AJ, Berggren P, Vigliola L, Magalon H. Genetic population structure and demography of an apex predator, the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier. Ecology and Evolution 2019, 9(10), 5551-5571.
- Brownell Jr RL, Reeves RR, Read AJ, Smith BD, Thomas PO, Ralls K, Amano M, Berggren P, Chit AM, Collins T, Currey R, Dolar LL, Genov T, Hobbs RC, Kreb D, Marsh H, Zhigang M, Perrin WF, Phay S, Rojas-Bracho L, Ryan GE, Shelden KEW, Slooten E, Taylor BL, Vidal O, Ding W, Whitty TS, Wang JY. Bycatch in gillnet fisheries threatens Critically Endangered small cetaceans and other aquatic megafauna. Endangered Species Research 2019, 40, 285-296.
- VanBressem M-F, Burville B, Sharpe M, Berggren P, VanWaerebeek K. Visual health assessment of white-beaked dolphins off the coast of Northumberland, North Sea, using underwater photography. Marine Mammal Science 2018, 34(4), 1119-1133.
- Temple AJ, Kiszka J, Stead SM, Wambiji N, Brito A, Poonian CNS, Amir OA, Jiddawi NS, Fennessy ST, Pérez-Jorge S, Berggren P. Marine megafauna interactions with small-scale fisheries in the southwestern Indian Ocean: a review of status and challenges for research and management. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries 2018, 28(1), 89-115.
- Barrowclift E, Temple AJ, Stead S, Jiddawi NS, Berggren P. Social, economic and trade characteristics of the elasmobranch fishery on Unguja Island, Zanzibar, East Africa. Marine Policy 2017, 83, 128-136.
- Song Z, Zhang Y, Berggren P, Wei C. Reconstruction of the forehead acoustic properties in an Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis), with investigation on the responses of soft tissue sound velocity to temperature. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2017, 141(2), 681-689.
- Yang L, Xu X, Zhang P, Han J, Li B, Berggren P. Classification of underwater vocalizations of wild spotted seals (Phoca largha) in Liaodong Bay, China. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2017, 141(3), 2256-2262.
- Lah L, Trense D, Benke H, Berggren P, Gunnlaugsson T, Lockyer C, Özturk A, Özturk B, Pawliczka I, Roos A, Siebert U, Skóra K, Vikingsson G, Tiedemann R. Spatially Explicit Analysis of Genome-Wide SNPs Detects Subtle Population Structure in a Mobile Marine Mammal, the Harbor Porpoise. PLoS One 2016, 11(10), e0162792.
- Temple AJ, Tregenza N, Amir OA, Jiddawi N, Berggren P. Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Occurrence and Foraging Activity of Coastal Dolphins in Menai Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(3), e0148995.
- Chandler JF, Burn D, Berggren P, Sweet MJ. Influence of Resource Availability on the Foraging Strategies of the Triangle Butterflyfish Chaetodon triangulum in the Maldives. PLoS One 2016, 11(3), e0151923.
- Viricel A, Simon-Bouhet B, Ceyrac L, Dulau-Drouot V, Berggren P, Amir OA, Jiddawi NS, Mongin P, Kiszka JJ. Habitat availability and geographic isolation as potential drivers of population structure in an oceanic dolphin in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Marine Biology 2016, 163(10), 219.
- Song ZC, Zhang Y, Wang XY, Wei C, Berggren P. Comparison of acoustic structures between heads of a narrow-ridged finless porpoise fetus and its mother. Journal of Mammalogy 2016, 97(4), 1074 -1080.
- Urian K, Gorgone A, Read A, Balmer B, Wells RS, Berggren P, Durban J, Egushi T, Rayment W, Hammond PS. Recommendations for photo-identification methods used in capture-recapture models with cetaceans. Marine Mammal Science 2015, 31(1), 298–321.
- Song Z, XU X, Dong J, Xing L, Zhang M, Liu X, Zhang Y, Li S, Berggren P. Acoustic property reconstruction of a pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) forehead based on computed tomography imaging. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2015, 138(5), 3129–3137.
- Mendez M, Jefferson TJ, Kolokotronis S-O, Kruetzen M, Parra GJ, Collins T, Minton G, Baldwin R, Berggren P, Särnblad A, Amir OA, Peddemors VM, Karczmarski L, Guissamulo A, Smith B, Sutaria D, Amato G, Rosenbaum HC. Integrating multiple lines of evidence to better understand the evolutionary divergence of humpback dolphins along their entire distribution range: a new dolphin species in Australian waters?. Molecular Ecology 2013, 22(23), 5936-5948.
- Hammond PS, Macleod K, Berggren P, Borchers DL, Burt L, Cañadas A, Desportes G, Donovan GP, Gilles A, Gillespie G, Gordon J, Hiby L, Kuklik I, Leaper R, Lehnert K, Leopold M, Lovell P, Øien N, Paxton CGN, Ridoux V, Rogan E, Samarra F, Sheidat M, Sequeira M, Siebert U, Skov H, Swift R, Tasker ML, Teilmann J, VanCanneyt O, Vázquez JA. Cetacean abundance and distribution in European Atlantic shelf waters to inform conservation and management. Biological Conservation 2013, 164, 107-122.
- Gridley T, Berggren P, Cockroft VG, Janik VM. Whistle vocalizations of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins(Tursiops aduncus) inhabiting the south-west Indian Ocean. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2012, 132(6), 4032-4040.
- Amir OA, Berggren P, Jiddawi NS. Recent records of marine mammals in Tanzanian waters. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2012, 12(2), 249–253.
- Minton G, Collins TJQ, Findlay KP, Ersts PJ, Rosenbaum HC, Berggren P, Baldwin RM. Seasonal distribution, abundance, habitat use and population identity of humpback whales in Oman. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (Special Issue) 2011, 3(Special Issue on Southern Hemisphere Humpback Whales), 185-198.
- Sarnblad A, Danbolt M, Dalen L, Amir OA, Berggren P. Phylogenetic placement and population structure of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) off Zanzibar, Tanzania, based on mtDNA sequences. Marine Mammal Science 2011, 27(2), 431-448.
- Mendez M, Subramaniam A, Collins T, Minton G, Baldwin R, Berggren P, Särnblad A, Amir OA, Peddemors VM, Karczmarski L, Guissamulo A, Rosenbaum HC. Molecular ecology meets remote sensing:environmental drivers to population structure of humpback dolphins in the Western Indian Ocean. Heredity 2011, 107(4), 349-361.
- Sveegaard S, Teilmann J, Berggren P, Mouritsen KN, Gillespie D, Tougaard J. Acoustic surveys confirm high density areas of harbour porpoises found by satellite tracking. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2011, 68(5), 929-936.
- Mwevura H, Amir OA, Kishimba M, Berggren P, Kylin H. Organohalogen compounds in blubber of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) and spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) from Zanzibar, Tanzania. Environmental Pollution 2010, 158(6), 2200-2207.
- Wiemann A, Andersen LW, Berggren P, Siebert U, Benke H, Teilmann J, Lockyer C, Pawliczka I, Skóra K, Roos A, Lyrholm T, Paulus KB, Ketmaier V, Tiedemann R. Mitochondrial Control Region and microsatellite analyseson harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) unravel populationdifferentiation in the Baltic Sea and adjacent waters. Conservation Genetics 2010, 11(1), 195-211.
- Christiansen F, Lusseau D, Stensland E, Berggren P. Effects of tourist boats on the behaviour of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins off the south coast of Zanzibar. Endangered Species Research 2010, 11(1), 91–99.
- Carlström J, Berggren P, Tregenza NJC. Spatial and temporal impact of pingers on porpoises. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2009, 66(1), 72-82.
- Stensland E, Berggren P. Behavioural changes of nursing female Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in response to boat based tourism. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007, 332, 225–234.
- Stensland E, , Carlen I, Sarnblad A , Bignert A , Berggren P. Population size, distribution and behavioral ecology of Indo-Pacific bottlenose (Tursiops Aduncus) and humpback (Sousa Chinensis) dolphins off the south coast of Zanzibar. Marine Mammal Science 2006, 22(3), 667-682.
- Amir OA, Jiddaw NS, Berggren P. The Occurrence and Distribution of Dolphins in Zanzibar, Tanzania, with Comments on the Differences Between Two Species of Tursiops. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 2005, 4(1), 85–93.
- Sargeant B, Mann J, Berggren P, Krutzen M. Specialization and development of beach hunting, a rare foraging behavior, by wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.). Canadian Journal of Zoology 2005, 83(11), 1400-1410.
- Gillespie D, Berggren P, Brown S, Kuklik I, Lacey C, Lewis T, Matthews J, McLanaghan R, Moscrop A, Tregenza N. Relative abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from acoustic and visual surveys in the Baltic Sea and adjacent waters during 2001 and 2002. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2005, 7(1), 51-57.
- Amir OA, Berggren P, Ndaro SGM, Jiddawi NS. Feeding ecology of the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) incidentally caught in the gillnet fisheries off Zanzibar, Tanzania. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2005, 63(3), 429-437.
- Krutzen M, Sherwin WB, Berggren P, Gales NJ. Population structure in an inshore cetacean revealed by microsatellite and mtDNA analysis: bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Marine Mammal Science 2004, 20, 28-47.
- Clapham PJ, Berggren P, Childerhouse S, Friday NA, Kasuya T, Kell L, Kock K-H, Manzanilla S, diSciara G, Perrin WF, Read AJ, Reeves RR, Rogan E, Rojas-Bracho L, Smith TD, Stachowitsch M, Taylor BL, Thiele D, Wade PR, Brownell RLJr. Whaling as science. Bioscience 2003, 53, 210-212.
- Stensland E, Angerbjörn A, Berggren P. Mixed species groups in mammals. Mammal Review 2003, 33, 205-223.
- Börjesson P, Berggren P, Ganning B. Diet of harbour porpoises in the Kattegat and Skagerrak Seas: Accounting for individual variation and sample size. Marine Mammal Science 2003, 19, 38-58. In Preparation.
- Amir OA, Berggren P, Jiddawi NS. The incidental catch of dolphins in gillnet fisheries in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 2002, 1, 155-162.
- Berggren P, Wade P, Carlström C, Read AJ. Potential limits to anthropogenic mortality for harbour porpoises in the Baltic region. Biological Conservation 2002.
- Hammond PS, Berggren P, Benke H, Borchers DL, Buckland ST, Collet A, Heide-Jørgensen MP, Heimlich-Boran S, Hiby AR, Leopold MP, Øien N. Abundance of harbour porpoise and other cetaceans in the North Sea and adjacent waters. Journal of Applied Ecology 2002, 39(2), 361-376.
- Carlström J, Berggren P, Dinnétz F, Börjesson P. A field experiment of acoustic alarms pingers) to reduce harbour porpoise by-catch in bottom set gill-nets. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2002, 59, 816-824.
- Andersen L, Ruzzante DE, Walton M, Berggren P, Bjørge A, Lockyer C. Conservation genetics of harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, in eastern and central North Atlantic. Conservation Genetics 2001, 2, 309-324.
- Karlson K, Ishaq R, Becker G, Berggren P, Broman D, Colmsjö A. PCBs, DDTs and methyl sulphone metabolites in various tissues of harbour porpoises from Swedish waters. Environmental Pollution 2000, 110(1), 29-46.
- Brownell RL, Tillman MF, NotarbartolodiSciara G, Berggren P, Read AJ. Further scrutiny of scientific whaling. Science 2000, 290, 1696.
- Connor RC, Heithaus MR, Berggren P, Miksis J. “Kerplunking”: surface fluke-splashes during shallow-water bottom foraging by bottlenose dolphins “Kerplunking”: surface fluke-splashes during shallow-water bottom foraging by bottlenose dolphins. Marine Mammal Science 2000, 16, 646-653. In Preparation.
- Berggren P, Ishaq R, Zebühr Y, Näf C, Bandh C, Broman D. Patterns and Levels of Organochlorines (DDTs, PCBs, non-ortho PCBs and PCDD/Fs) in Male Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the Baltic Sea, the Kattegat-Skagerrak Seas and the West Coast of Norway. Marine Pollution Bulletin 1999, 38(12), 1070-1084.
- Stensland E, Berggren P, Johnstone R, Jiddawi N. Marine mammals in Tanzanian waters: urgent need for status assessment. Ambio 1998, 27, 771-774.
- Smolker R, Richards A, Connor R, Mann J, Berggren P. Sponge Carrying by Dolphins (Delphinidae, Tursiops sp.): A Foraging Specialization Involving Tool Use?. Ethology 1997, 103, 454-465.
- Börjesson P, Berggren P. Morphometric comparisons of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) skulls from the Swedish Baltic and Skagerrak Seas. Canadian Journal of Zoology 1997, 75, 280-287.
- Wang J, Berggren P. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) to identify populations in the Baltic Sea, the Kattegatt-Skagerrak Seas and the North Sea. Marine Biology 1997, 127, 531-537.
- Berggren P, Arrhenius F. Sightings of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Swedish waters before 1990. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue) 1995, 16, 99-107.
- Westgate A, Read A, Berggren P, Koopman H, Gaskin D. Diving behaviour of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Bay of Fundy. 1995.
- Berggren P, Arrhenius F. Densities and seasonal distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Swedish Skagerrak, Kattegat and Baltic Seas. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue) 1995, 16, 109-121.
- Berggren P. Bycatches of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Swedish Skagerrak, Kattegat and Baltic Seas 1973-1993. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue) 1994, 15, 211-215.
Authored Books
- Kiszka J, Quod J-P, Berggren P. Sharks and rays: A field guide to common elasmobranchs of East Africa. Zanzibar, Tanzania: Western Indian Ocean Marine Association (WIOMSA), 2016.
- Berggren P. Whales and dolphins: A field guide to marine mammals of East Africa. Norwich: East Publishing Limited, 2009.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Trotter C, Atkinson G, Sharpe M, McGough AS, Wright N, Berggren P. The Northumberland Dolphin Dataset: A Multimedia Individual CetaceanDataset for Fine-Grained Categorisation. In: The 6th Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Broudic M, Voellmy I, Dobbins D, Robinson S, Berggren P, Laing S, Blake L, Radford A, Lepper P, Pace F, Neves S, Simpson S, Bruintjes R. Underwater noise emission from the NOAH's drilling operation at the NaREC site, Blyth, UK. In: 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies. 2014, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland.
- Brierley AS, Clapham PJ, Baker CS, Baulch S, BegonaSantos M, Berggren P, Brownell JrRL, Castro CA, Charrassin JB, ChasquiVelasco L, Cooke J, Currey R, Gallego P, GallettiVernazzani B, Herr H, Ivashchenko YV, Lauriano G, Leaper R, Mangel M, Marcondes MCC, deOliveiraLuna F, Panigada S, Reeves SA, Ridoux V, Ritter F, RodríguezFonseca J, Roel BA, Rosenbaum H, Scheidat M, Simmonds M, Stachowitsch M, Wade P. Japan’s whaling is unscientific. Nature 2016, 529(7586), 283-283.
- Hammond PS, Gillespie D, Lovell P, Samarra F, Swift R, Macleod K, Tasker ML, Berggren P, Borchers DL, Burt L, Paxton CGM, Canadas A, Desportes G, Donovan GP, Gilles A, Lehnert K, Siebert U, Gordon J, Leaper R, Leopold M, Scheidat M, Oien N, Ridoux V, Rogan E, Skov H, Teilmann J, Van Canneyt O, Vazquez JA. Large scale surveys for cetaceans: Line transect assumptions, reliability of abundance estimates and improving survey efficiency - A response to MacLeod. Biological Conservation 2014, 170, 338-339.
- Berggren P, Wang JY. The Baltic harbour porpoise and the precautionary principle in conservation: a response to Palme et al. Oryx 2008, 42, 489.
- Temple A, Berggren P. Acoustic monitoring of the temporal and spatial occurrence of odontocetes off Blyth, Northumberland. School of Marine Science and Technology (MAST), Newcastle University, 2015.
- Berggren P, Amir OA, Guissamulo A, Jiddawi NS, Ngazy Z, Stensland E, Särnblad A, Cockroft VG. Sustainable Dolphin Tourism in East Africa. Zanzibar: Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), 2007. WIOMSA Book Series 7.