Staff Profile
Dr Peter Evans
Senior Chemical Teaching Lab Technician
Peter completed his MChem (2014) and PhD (2019) in organometallic chemistry at Newcastle University. Following this he worked as a PDRA at Manchester University and Imperial College London before returning to Newcastle University to steward the Physical Chemistry Teaching lab, in which the undergraduate students are taught an array of analytical techniques and applications of the taught Physical Chemistry modules.
- Parmar VS, Thiel AM, Nabi R, Gransbury GK, Norre MS, Evans P, Corner SC, Skelton JM, Chilton NF, Mills DP, Overgaard J. Influence of pressure on a dysprosocenium single-molecule magnet. Chemical Communications 2023, 59(18), 2656-2659.
- Blackmore WJA, Gransbury GK, Evans P, Kragskow JGC, Mills DP, Chilton NF. Characterisation of magnetic relaxation on extremely long timescales. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2023, 2023(25), 16735-16744.
- Corner SC, Goodwin CAP, Ortu F, Evans P, Zhang H, Gransbury GK, Whitehead GFS, Mills DP. Synthesis of heteroleptic yttrium and dysprosium 1,2,4-tris(trimethylsilyl)cyclopentadienyl complexes. Australian Journal Of Chemistry 2022, 75(9), 684-697.
- Izod K, Liu M, Evans P, Wills C, Dixon CM, Waddell PG, Probert MR. Spontaneous Decomposition of an Extraordinarily Twisted and Trans-Bent Fully-Phosphanyl-Substituted Digermene to an Unusual GeI Cluster. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2022, 61(39), e202208851.
- Goodwin CAP, Giansiracusa MJ, Greer SM, Nicholas HM, Evans P, Vonci M, Hill S, Chilton NF, Mills DP. Isolation and electronic structures of derivatized manganocene, ferrocene and cobaltocene anions. Nature Chemistry 2021, 13, 243-248.
- Evans, P, Reta, D, Goodwin, CAP, Ortu, Fabrizio, Chilton, NF, Mills, DP. A double-dysprosocenium single-molecule magnet bound together with neutral ligands. Chemical Communications 2020, 56(42), 5677-5680.
- Izod, K, Evans, P, Waddell, PG. P–Ge/Sn π Interactions Versus Arene···Ge/Sn Contacts for the Stabilization of Diphosphatetrylenes, (R2P)2E (E = Ge, Sn). Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 59(1), 863-874.
- Evans, P, Reta, D, Whitehead, GFS, Chilton, NF, Mills, DP. Bis-Monophospholyl Dysprosium Cation Showing Magnetic Hysteresis at 48 K. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141(50), 19935-19940. In Preparation.
- Izod k, Evans P, Waddell PG. An Acyclic Arsenium Cation Stabilised by a Single P‐As π‐Interaction and a Cyclic Diphosphinophosphonium Salt. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019, 58(32), 11007-11012.
- Izod K, Evans P, Horsley Downie T, McFarlane W, Waddell PG. Influence of Chain Length on the Structures and Dynamic Behavior of Alkyl-Tethered alpha,omega-Diphosphide Complexes of Lithium and Their Use in the Synthesis of P-Heterocyclic Stannylenes. Inorganic Chemistry 2018, 57(23), 14733-14747.
- Izod K, Evans P, Waddell PG. A diarsagermylene and a diarsastannylene stabilised by arene⋯Ge/Sn interactions. Chemical Communications 2018, 54(20), 2526-2529.
- Izod K, Evans P, Waddell PG. Desolvation and Aggregation of Sterically Demanding Alkali Metal Diarylphosphides. Dalton Transactions 2017, 46(40), 13824-13834.
- Izod K, Evans P, Waddell PG. A Fully Phosphane-Substituted Disilene. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2017, 56(20), 5593-5597.
- Izod K, Evans P, Waddell PG, Probert MR. Remote Substituent Effects on the Structures and Stabilities of P=E π-Stabilized Diphosphatetrylenes (R2P)2E (E = Ge, Sn). Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 55(20), 10510-10522.
- Mills DP, Evans P. f-Block Phospholyl and Arsolyl Chemistry. Chemistry: A European Journal 2021, 27(12), 6645-6665.