Staff Profile
Dr Rachel Gaulton
Senior Lecturer in Remote Sensing
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5582
- Address: School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
Room 5.66
Ridley 2 Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Area of Expertise
Environmental remote sensing
Rachel joined Newcastle University in 2011 as a Lecturer in Remote Sensing and now works within the Modelling, Evidence and Policy group in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences. Her research interests lie in the application of remote sensing techniques, including ground-based and drone mounted sensors, to ecology and environmental monitoring, with a particular focus on the measurement and monitoring of vegetation structure, dynamics and health. Rachel teaches remote sensing at undergraduate and MSc level and is Degree Programme Director for the BSc Environmental Science and Earth Science degrees.
PhD, Remote Sensing for Continuous Cover Forestry, University of Edinburgh, 2009.
BSc (Hons.) Ecology, University of East Anglia, 2003.
Roles and responsibilities
Degree Programme Director - BSc Environmental Science, Earth Science (2024- present)
CEG representative on the SAgE Athena SWAN steering group (2013 - 2017).
Chair of School of CEG Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team (2013 - 2017).
Deputy Chair of Geomatics Board of Examiners (2013 - 2019).
Previous Positions
2010 - 2011, Research Fellow, School of Environment and Life Sciences, University of Salford, UK. Multispectral, full-waveform terrestrial LiDAR for improved vegetation characterization.
2009 - 2010, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Sept 2006 - Dec 2006, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Fellow (sponsored by British Ecological Society). POST, UK Parliament.
Terrestrial laser scanning international interest group (
Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (member).
British Ecological Society (member).
Google scholar: Click here.
SCOPUS: Click here.
Current Work
My research is focussed on the use of remote sensing technology (ground-based, airborne and satellite) in measuring and monitoring vegetation structure and dynamics, especially in forested and agricultural environments. I have particular interests in the estimation of forest and crop health, including vegetation stress and disease detection. Active projects include the use of novel dual-wavelength laser scanner technologies in measuring leaf and canopy physiological parameters such as water content; characterising vegetation structure and composition in the agricultural environment; development of ground-based and remote sensor networks for tree health monitoring; and monitoring of agricultural / horticultural crop health for precision farming applications. I have particular interests in the calibration and validation of low-cost and novel sensors for unmanned aerial vehicle platforms and the application of UAV imaging in ecology, agriculture and forestry. I also have ongoing interests in the use of satellite imagery for long-term mapping and monitoring of vegetation change at regional extents, as a result of human and natural disturbances.
Past work has included the fusion of Landsat and MODIS imagery for generating a high temporal and spatial resolution disturbance sequence over a grizzly bear habitat area in western Canada, the use of a physiological forest growth model (3-PG) for predicting forest volume and growth changes under current and future climatic conditions, and mapping of forest canopy gaps and quantifying spatial aspects of forest structure from airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral data (in collaboration with the UK Forestry Commission).
Main expertise
- Terrestrial and airborne LiDAR for vegetation applications.
- Unmanned aerial vehicles and low-cost sensors for quantitative remote sensing.
- Multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing from airborne and satellite platforms.
- Characterising and quantifying vegetation structure, dynamics and health.
Other expertise
- Vegetation ecology and forest management.
- Agricultural applications
- Multi-temporal remote sensing.
Postgraduate Supervision
- Mohammed Al Safran (PhD, completed, 2015). Distribution and ecology of Acacia in Qatar. [co-supervsior].
- Elias Berra (PhD, completed, 2018). UAVs for forest phenology monitoring. Science Without Borders funded. [primary supervisor].
- Magdalena Smigaj (PhD, completed, 2018). Remote sensing for UK forest health monitoring. NERC funded. [primary supervisor].
- Annock Chiwona (PhD, completed, 2020). Extending the reach of crushed rock fertilisers to Africa. [co-supervisor].
- Surassawadee Phoompanich (PhD, completed, 2020). Improvement of risk assessment framework by applying remote sensing technology for inclusive disaster risk reduction in Thailand. [co-supervisor].
- Ahmed Elsherif (PhD, completed, 2020). Estimation of vegetation canopy moisture content as an indicator of plant health using dual-wavelength laser scanning. [primary supervisor].
- Aleksandra Zaforemska (MPhil, completed 2021). Individual tree delineation from lidar point clouds. [co-supervisor].
- Khunsa Fatima (PhD, completed 2024). Integrated sensing technologies for rapid tree health assessment. IAFRI and NUORS PhD studentship in collaboration with Fera Science Ltd. [primary supervisor].
- Eylem Elmer (PhD, completed 2024). Developing a suite of cost-effective remote sensing methods for habitat monitoring of Zostera sp. in Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve (NNR), Northumberland. [co-supervisor].
- Natasha Mannion (PhD, started 2020). Biodiversity responses to infrastructure expansion in the Heart of Borneo, Brunei Darussalam. NERC IAPETUS funded [primary supervisor].
- Nicholas Allen (PhD, started 2020). Hedgerow and field margin monitoring technologies: value and acceptability for agri-environment payments. IAFRI funded in collaboration with Fera Science Ltd. [primary supervisor].
- Aleksandra Zaforemska (PhD, started 2020). Understanding tree stability through IoT tilt monitoring and terrestrial photogrammetry. EPSRC Geospatial Systems CDT funded [co-supervisor].
- Kate Halstead (PhD, started 2021). Reducing the impact of climate change and other environmental stresses on native UK oak tree health: A study of wind storms. NERC One Planet DTP and Action Oak Partnership funded [primary supervisor].
- Broghan Erland (PhD, started 2022). The biodiversity and carbon benefits of wood pasture vs agro-forestry. IAFRI funded in collaboration with Fera Science Ltd . [primary supervisor].
- Miles Aubrey (MPhil, completed 2023). Very high-resolution satellite remote sensing to monitor ash dieback. [primary supervisor].
- Quddus Busari (PhD, started 2023). Scaling up tree health monitoring systems to landscapes. IAFRI funded, based at Fera Science Ltd. [co-supervisor].
- Caitlin Cook (PhD, started 2023). Astro-turfing the city: quantifying the impact of artificial lawns on the structure and function of urban ecosystems. NERC One planet DTP and Royal Horticultural Society, Based at Northumbria University. [co-supervisor].
- Alana Thornton (PhD, started 2023). ‘Where the wild things go’ – Finding and creating refugia from climate change in Northern Britain. NERC One Planet DTP, Based at Northumbria University. [ co-supervisor].
Research Roles / Esteem Indicators
Member of NERC Peer Review College, 2020 - present.
Associate Editor, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017 - 2021.
NERC Airborne Research Facility Steering Committee member, 2016 - 2018.
EUFAR User Group Selection Panel member 2013 - 2017.
Guest Editor (2018) of special issue in Interface Focus, 8 (2), The Terrestrial Laser Scanning Revolution in Forest Ecology.
Book review editor, International Journal of Remote Sensing 2011-2014.
Journal reviewer for > 15 international journals including Remote Sensing of Environment, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Journal of Applied Ecology, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Sensors, Progress in Physical Geography.
Member of RSPSoc Awards and Professional Standards Committee 2011-2018.
Invited lecturer: Intensive PhD course - Analysing and Modelling Spatial Forest Structure, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, 08/10/12 - 12/10/12; CLIMO COST Action Summer School - Multiscale monitoring tools for a smart management of mountain forests, San Michele all’Adige, 01/07/19 – 03/07/19; COST Action 3DForEcoTech summer school on close-range measurements for forests, Helsinki, Finland, July 2022.
Invited Keynote speaker: Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 2023.
Student representative, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Council, 2005-7.
Invited guest lecturer: University of Salford, 2010; University of Edinburgh, 2008 and 2009.
Funding received
IMAGO - Imagery Data Service - Smart Data Research UK. Co-I. 2024-2029. ESRC
Delivering sustainability through space technologies: Sustainable living through effective monitoring and management of our natural capital assets for social, environmental and economic benefit. Co-I. Jan - Mar. 2023. UKSA Space Cluster Development.
Changes in established woodlands and the impact on achieving net-zero. Newcastle PI. 2021-2022. STFC (with RAL Space (lead) and Fera Science Ltd).
Remote sensing for decision making in Smart Farm. Newcastle PI. 2021-2023. Innovate UK (led by Precision Decisions / Map of Ag).
Sentinel Treescapes for Biosecurity and Risk Management - Multiple Threats. Newcastle PI. 2020-2022. NERC Constructing a Digital Environment Demonstrator Project.
REmote sensing and Decision support for Apple tree Precision management, Production and globaL tracEability (RED-APPLE). Co-I. 2019 - 2022. BBSRC-Innovate UK.
PAPPADAAM (Pluri-scalar Approaches for co-Production of Pan-Asian Drought Assessment and Adaptive resource Management). Co-I. Dec. 2017 - May 2019. Royal Society GCRF.
Earth observation for the improved management of tree health in urban and periurban settings. Jul 2017 - Jun 2019. Co-I. STFC CLASP Energy and Environment award.
DRIER-China: Drought Resilience in Ecosystem services and Rural communities in China. PI. 2016-2017. NERC GCRF Building Resilience award.
PAFiC: Precision Agriculture for Family Farms in China. 2016-2019. Co-I. STFC-NSFC Newton Fund Agri-tech Joint Programme award.
Non-invasive biomass estimation in coppice plantations (SRC). Sep. 2014 - Apr. 2015. Co-I. EPSRC IAA award.
Thermal imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for UK forest health monitoring. Dec 2013 - Nov 2014. PI. Royal Society Research Grant.
Dual-wavelength laser scanning for forest health monitoring. Sep 2012 - Nov 2013. PI. NERC New Investigators Grant NE/K000071/1.
Full-waveform multispectral lidar to measure vegetation structure and dynamics. April-Dec 2011. Researcher Co-Investigator, NERC Small Project Grant, NE/I01702X/1.
I am Degree Programme Director for the BSc Environmental Science and BSc Earth Science programmes.
Current teaching
- NES8312 GIS and Remote Sensing (MSc module)
- NES2399 Project Preparation (GIS workshops)
- Dissertation projects within NES3200 (Earth and Environmental Science), NES3505 (Biology), NES8005 (MRes Ecology)
Previous Undergraduate teaching
- CEG1706 Principles of Remote Sensing (100% and module leader, until 2023)
- CEG1711 Tutorial Study Skills for Geomatics (Contributor)
- CEG2709 Applied Remote Sensing and Image Processing (100% and module leader, until 2022)
- CEG3799 Individual Research Project (supervisor)
- NES8002 MSc Research Dissertation project (supervisor)
Student project supervision
I supervise undergraduate BSc and postgraduate MSc projects on the application of remote sensing and ground-based sensing technologies to environmental monitoring, with a particular focus on characterising crop and tree health and monitoring vegetation structure, composition and changes over time. Recent past projects have examined a range of applications from use of drones to characterise erosion in peat bogs and hedgerow structure in agricultural environments to monitoring crop health and detecting deforestation and land cover change from satellite sensors. Where possible I encourage students to work with external partners on areas of real-world application.
- Elsherif A, Smigaj M, Gaulton R, Gastellu-Etchegorry J-P, Shenkin A. Deriving Vegetation Indices for 3D Canopy Chlorophyll Content Mapping Using Radiative Transfer Modelling. Forests 2025, 15(11), 1878.
- Halstead K, Gaulton R, Sanderson R, Suggitt A, Quine C. Localised damage patterns to oak during severe UK storms in winter 2021. Forest Ecology and Management 2024, 562, 121942.
- Zhang C, Song C, Zaforemska A, Zhang J, Gaulton R, Dai W, Xiao W. Individual tree segmentation from UAS Lidar data based on hierarchical filtering and clustering. International Journal of Digital Earth 2024, 17(1), 2356124.
- Elma E, Gaulton R, Chudley TR, Scott CL, East HK, Westoby H, Fitzsimmons C. Evaluating UAV-based multispectral imagery for mapping an intertidal seagrass environment. Aquatic Conservation: Marine andFreshwater Ecosystems 2024, 34(8), e4230.
- Elsherif A, Smigaj M, Gaulton R, Gastellu-Etchegorry J-P, Shenkin A. Deriving Vegetation Indices for 3D Canopy Chlorophyll Content Mapping Using Radiative Transfer Modelling. Forests 2024, 15(11), 1878.
- Xu S, Xu X, Blacker C, Gaulton R, Zhu Q, Yang M, Yang G, Zhang J, Yang Y, Yang M, Xue H, Yang X, Chen L. Estimation of Leaf Nitrogen Content in Rice Using Vegetation Indices and Feature Variable Optimization with Information Fusion of Multiple-Sensor Images from UAV. Remote Sensing 2023, 15(3), 854.
- Mannion NLM, Charles JK, Gaulton R, Wong Sia How J, Khalid S, Pfeifer M, Slik JWF. A novel white mouse deer observation in Brunei Darussalam. Mammalia 2023, 87(6), 587-590.
- Li Z, Zhao Y, Taylor J, Gaulton R, Jin X, Song X, Li Z, Meng Y, Chen P, Feng H, Wang C, Guo W, Xu X, Chen L, Yang G. Comparison and transferability of thermal, temporal and phenological-based in-season predictions of above-ground biomass in wheat crops from proximal crop reflectance data. Remote Sensing of Environment 2022, 273, 112967.
- Berra EF, Gaulton R. Remote sensing of temperate and boreal forest phenology: A review of progress, challenges and opportunities in the intercomparison of in-situ and satellite phenological metrics. Forest Ecology and Management 2021, 480, 118663.
- Le Provost G, Thiele J, Westphal C, Penone C, Allan E, Neyret M, van der Plas F, Ayasse M, Bardgett RD, Birkhofer K, Boch S, Bonkowski M, Buscot F, Feldhaar H, Gaulton R, Goldmann K, Gossner M, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Krauss J, Renner S, Scherreiks P, Sikorski J, Baulechner D, Bluthgen N, Bolliger R, Borschig C, Busch V, Chiste M, Fiore-Donno AM, Fischer M, Arndt H, Hoelzel N, John K, Jung K, Lange M, Marzini C, Overmann J, Pasalic E, Perovic DJ, Prati D, Schafer D, Schoning I, Schrumpf M, Sonnemann I, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tschapka M, Turke M, Vogt J, Wehner K, Weiner C, Weisser W, Wells K, Werner M, Wolters V, Wubet T, Wurst S, Zaitsev AS, Manning P. Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity. Nature Communications 2021, 12, 3918.
- Smigaj M, Gaulton R. Capturing hedgerow structure and flowering abundance with UAV remote sensing. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2021, 7(3), 521-533.
- Pommerening A, Gaulton R, Magdon P, Myllymaki M. CanopyShotNoise – An individual-based tree canopy modelling framework for projecting remote-sensing data and ecological sensitivity analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2021, 42(18), 6837-6865.
- Calders K, Adams J, Armston J, Bartholomeus H, Bauwens S, Bentley LP, Chave J, Danson FM, Demol M, Disney M, Gaulton R, Moorthy SMK, Levick SR, Saarinen N, Schaaf C, Stovall A, Terryn L, Wilkes P, Verbeeck H. Terrestrial laser scanning in forest ecology: Expanding the horizon. Remote Sensing of Environment 2020, 251, 112102.
- Tang L, Macdonald N, Sangster H, Chiverrell R, Gaulton R. Reassessing long-term drought risk and societal impacts in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, north-east China (1200–2015). Climate of the Past 2020, 16, 1917–1935.
- Chiwona AG, Cortes JA, Gaulton RG, Manning DAC. Petrology and geochemistry of selected nepheline syenites from Malawi and their potential as alternative potash sources. Journal of African Earth Sciences 2020, 164, 103769.
- Elsherif A, Gaulton R, Mills JP. Dual-wavelength terrestrial laser scanning as a calibration tool for satellite estimation of forest canopy moisture content. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 2020, V-3-2020, 215-220.
- Elsherif A, Gaulton R, Shenkin A, Malhi Y, Mills J. Three dimensional mapping of forest canopy equivalent water thickness using dual-wavelength terrestrial laser scanning. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2019, 276-277, 107627.
- Xiao W, Zaforemska A, Smigaj M, Wang Y, Gaulton R. Mean Shift Segmentation Assessment for Individual Forest Tree Delineation from Airborne Lidar Data. Remote Sensing 2019, 11(11), 1263.
- Yang H, Yang G, Gaulton R, Zhao C, Li Z, Taylor J, Wicks D, Minchella A, Chen E, Yang X. In-season biomass estimation of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) using fully polarimetric SAR imagery. Precision Agriculture 2019, 20(3), 630-648.
- Elsherif A, Gaulton R, Mills J. Four dimensional mapping of vegetation moisture content using dual-wavelength terrestrial laser scanning. Remote Sensing 2019, 11(19), 2311.
- Smigaj M, Gaulton R, Suarez JC, Barr SL. Combined use of spectral and structural characteristics for improved red band needle blight detection in pine plantation stands. Forest Ecology and Management 2019, 434, 213-223.
- Smigaj M, Gaulton R, Suarez JC, Barr SL. Canopy temperature from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as an indicator of tree stress associated with red band needle blight severity. Forest Ecology and Management 2019, 433, 699-708.
- Berra EF, Gaulton R, Barr SL. Assessing spring phenology of a temperate woodland: A multiscale comparison of ground, unmanned aerial vehicle and Landsat satellite observations. Remote Sensing of Environment 2019, 223, 229-242.
- Danson FM, Disney M, Gaulton R, Schaaf C, Strahler A. The terrestrial laser scanning revolution in forest ecology. Interface Focus 2018, 8, 20180001.
- Akerblom M, Raumonen P, Casella E, Disney M, Danson FM, Gaulton R, Schofield LA, Kaasalainen M. Non-intersecting leaf insertion algorithm for tree structure models. Interface Focus 2018, 8, 20170045.
- Elsherif A, Gaulton R, Mills J. Estimation of vegetation water content at leaf and canopy level using dual-wavelength commercial terrestrial laser scanners. Interface Focus 2018, 8, 20170041.
- Clark B, Jones G, Kendall H, Taylor J, Cao Y, Li W, Zhao C, Chen J, Yang G, Chen L, Li Z, Gaulton R, Frewer L. A proposed framework for accelerating technology trajectories in agriculture: a case study in China. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2018, 5(4), 485-498.
- Smigaj M, Gaulton R, Suarez JC, Barr SL. Use of miniature thermal cameras for detection of physiological stress in conifers. Remote Sensing 2017, 9(9), 957.
- Berra EF, Gaulton R, Barr S. Commercial Off-the-Shelf Digital Cameras on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Multitemporal Monitoring of Vegetation Reflectance and NDVI. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2017, 55(9), 4878-4886.
- Hancock S, Gaulton R, Danson FM. Angular reflectance of leaves with a dual-wavelength terrestrial lidar and its implications for leaf-bark separation and leaf moisture estimation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2017, 55(6), 3084-3090.
- Schofield LA, Danson FM, Entwistle NS, Gaulton R, Hancock S. Radiometric calibration of a dual-wavelength terrestrial laser scanner using neural networks. Remote Sensing Letters 2016, 7(4), 299-308.
- Hancock S, Armston J, Li Z, Gaulton R, Lewis P, Disney M, Danson FM, Strahler A, Schaaf C, Anderson K, Gaston KJ. Waveform lidar over vegetation: An evaluation of inversion methods for estimating return energy. Remote Sensing of Environment 2015, 164, 208-224.
- Bonnet S, Gaulton R, Lehaire F, Lejeune P. Canopy Gap Mapping from Airborne Laser Scanning: An Assessment of the Positional and Geometrical Accuracy. Remote Sensing 2015, 7(9), 11267-11294.
- Danson FM, Gaulton R, Armitage RP, Disney M, Gunawan O, Lewis P, Pearson G, Ramirez AF. Developing a dual-wavelength full-waveform terrestrial laser scanner to characterize forest canopy structure. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2014, 198-199, 7-14.
- Gaulton R, Danson FM, Ramirez FA, Gunawan O. The potential of dual-wavelength laser scanning for estimating vegetation moisture content. Remote Sensing of Environment 2013, 132, 32-39.
- Coops NC, Gaulton R, Waring RH. Mapping site indices for five Pacific Northwest conifers using a physiologically based model. Applied Vegetation Science 2011, 14(2), 268-276.
- Gaulton R, Hilker T, Wulder MA, Coops NC, Stenhouse G. Characterizing stand replacing disturbance in western Alberta grizzly bear habitat, using a satellite-derived high temporal and spatial resolution change sequence. Forest Ecology and Management 2011, 261(4), 865-877.
- Hilker T, Coops NC, Gaulton R, Wulder MA, Cranston J, Stenhouse G. Biweekly disturbance capture and attribution: case study in western Alberta grizzly bear habitat. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2011, 5, 053568.
- Gaulton R, Malthus TJ. LiDAR mapping of canopy gaps in continuous cover forests: A comparison of canopy height model and point cloud based techniques. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2010, 31(5), 1193-1211.
Book Chapters
- Torresan C, Luyssaert S, Filippa G, Imangholiloo M, Gaulton R. Remote Sensing Technologies for Assessing Climate-Smart Criteria in Mountain Forests. In: Tognetti, R; Smith, M; Panzacchi, P, ed. Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions. Cham: Springer, 2022, pp.399-433.
- Graham L, Broughton RK, Gerard F, Gaulton R. Remote sensing applications for hedgerows. In: Dover, J.W, ed. The Ecology of Hedgerows and Field Margins. Abingdon: Routledge, 2019, pp.72-89.
- Brown ND, Nelson TA, Wulder MA, Coops NC, Hilker T, Bater C, Gaulton R, Stenhouse G. An Approach for Determining Relationships Between Disturbance and Habitat Selection Using Bi-weekly Synthetic Images and Telemetry Data. In: Ban Y, ed. Multitemporal Remote Sensing: Methods and Applications. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp.341-356.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Elsherif A, Gaulton R, Mills JP, El Din ES. Measuring Forest Canopy Water Mass in Three Dimensions Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning. In: ISPRS Geospatial Week 2023. 2023, Cairo: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
- Zaforemska A, Gaulton R, Mills J, Xiao W. Evaluation of a Low-Cost Photogrammetric System for the Retrieval of 3D Tree Architecture. In: SPRS Geospatial Week 2023. 2023, Cairo: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
- Elsherif A, Gaulton R, Mills JP. The potential of dual-wavelength terrestrial laser scanning in 3D canopy fuel moisture content mapping. In: ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019. 2019, Enschede, The Netherlands: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
- Zaforemska A, Xiao W, Gaulton R. Individual tree detection from UAV lidar data in a mixed species woodland. In: ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019. 2019, Enschede, The Netherlands: Copernicus GmbH.
- Phoompanich S, Barr S, Gaulton R. Development of geospatial techniques for natural hazard risk assessment in Thailand. In: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. 2019, Prague, Czech Republic: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
- Berra EF, Gaulton R, Barr S. Use of a digital camera onboard a UAV to monitor spring phenology at individual tree level. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2016, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Smigaj M, Gaulton R, Barr SL, Suarez JC. Investigating the performance of a low-cost thermal imager for forestry applications. In: Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXII. 2016, Edinburgh: SPIE.
- Smigaj M, Gaulton R, Barr SL, Suarez JC. UAV-borne Thermal Imaging for Forest Health Monitoring: Detectin of Disease-Induced Canopy Temperature Increase. In: ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015. 2015, La Grande Motte, France: Copernicus GmbH.
- Berra E, Gibson-Poole S, MacArthur A, Gaulton R, Hamilton A. Estimation of the spectral sensitivity functions of un-modified and modified commercial off-the-shelf digital cameras to enable their use as a multispectral imaging system for UAVs. In: International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics. 2015, Toronto, Canada: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
- Gaulton R, Danson FM, Pearson G, Lewis PE, Disney M. The Salford Advanced Laser Canopy Analyser (SALCA): A multispectral full waveform LiDAR for improved vegetation characterisation. In: RSPSoc. 2010, Cork, Ireland.
- Danson FM, Gaulton R, Pearson G, Lewis PE, Disney M. The Salford Advanced Laser Canopy Analyser (SALCA): a full waveform, multispectral, terrestrial LiDAR for improved vegetation characterisation. In: ForestSat. 2010, Lugo, Spain: Laboratorio do Territorio, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
- Gaulton R, Hilker T, Wulder MA, Coops NC, Stenhouse G. Blending of Landsat and MODIS imagery to generate a high spatial and temporal resolution sequence of stand-replacing disturbance events for western Alberta, Canada. In: ForestSat. 2010, Lugo, Spain: Laboratorio do Territorio, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
- Gaulton R, Malthus TJ. LiDAR mapping of canopy gaps in continuous cover forests; a comparison of canopy height model and point cloud based techniques. In: SilviLaser 2008. 2008, Edinburgh, UK: Forestry Commission.
- Gaulton R, Malthus TJ. Monitoring continuous cover forests; describing fine-scale spatial structure from high resolution airborne imagery. In: ForestSat. 2007, Montpellier, France.
- Li Z, Taylor J, Frewer L, Zhao C, Yang G, Li Z, Liu Z, Gaulton R, Wicks D, Mortimer H, Cheng X, Yu C, Sun Z. A comparative review on the state and advancement of Site-Specific Crop Management in the UK and China. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2019, 6(2), 116-136.
- Graham L, Gaulton R, Gerard F, Staley JT. The influence of hedgerow structural condition on wildlife habitat provision in farmed landscapes. Biological Conservation 2018, 220, 122-131.