Staff Profile
Sheralyn Smith
Senior Biological Teaching Technician
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences - (Animal Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation)
IST Membership MIScT - RSci (Registered Scientist)
Work Summary:
I work as a senior biological teaching technician supporting student undergraduate and postgraduate laboratory research projects in the area of molecular microbiology and biotechnology. I have gained skills and experience in previous research and teaching technical roles and as a Further Education practical tutor in biology and animal science.
Previous Experience:
Research Technician - Animal Science/Agriculture, Newcastle University
Animal Management Tutor - FE Animal Management Programme, Nottingham Trent University
Laboratory Technician - Animal and Environmental Sciences, Nottingham Trent University
Animal Welfare Rehoming Manager - RSPCA
Research Technician, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Bristol
Biology Technician - Anglia Ruskin University
Key Technical skills:
- Molecular Biology - qualitative and quantitative gene expression analysis; animal bone, intestinal tissue, blood, soil, plant, fungal, and bacterial samples – selective isolation procedures, nucleic acid extractions (DNA/RNA), cDNA synthesis, gel electrophoresis, and RT- qPCR. Protein extraction, purification and determination using colorimetric assays and SDS page.
- Biotechnology – cloning techniques: cell transformation using Gibson Assembly, Golden Gate assembly, traditional endonuclease/ligase reactions.
- Microbiology skills - aseptic sterile techniques, media preparation and culturing and preservation methods.
- Immunology - ELISA assays; 25-Hydroxy vitamin D and cortisol levels.
- Histology - sample preparation; H&E staining for measurements of tissue sections and cell counts.
- Parasitology - McMaster faecal nematode egg counts, Coccidia oocyst counts via centrifugation flotation.
- Microscopy - Histological measurements of tissue sections, blood cell and faecal egg counts, micro morphology of microorganisms.
- Biochemistry/chemistry – analysis of mineral levels using acid digestion and solvent extraction microwave technology. Quantification with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and Horiba C400 PENTRA. Crude protein measurements with Dumas Combustion.
General Science skills:
- Dissection and range of sampling skills.
- Compliance and implementation of risk assessments, COSHH forms and health and safety inductions.
- Writing methodology and standard operating procedures for publication.
- Standard molecular microbiological skills.
Instruction and Teaching skills
- Supervision and teaching of undergraduate, further education and postgraduate students.
Communication and IT skills
- Microsoft office: Data analysis and use of statistical tools. BioEdit and MegaX software.
- Communicating and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders
Organisation and Management skills
- Planning and managing varied laboratory analysis and trial procedures across research groups.
- Resourcing, requisition and implementation of technical scientific equipment and consumables.
- Equipment maintenance, problem solving, maintaining service contracts and calibration.
- Sakkas P, Oikeh I, Blake DP, Smith SM, Kyriazakis I. Dietary vitamin D improves performance and bone mineralisation, but increases parasite replication and compromises gut health in Eimeria infected broilers. British Journal of Nutrition 2019, 122(6), 676-688.
- Sakkas P, Royer E, Smith S, Oikeh I, Kyriazakis I. Combining alternative processing methods for European soybeans to be used in broiler diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2019, 253, 45-55.
- Sakkas P, Smith S, Hill TR, Kyriazakis I. A reassessment of the vitamin D requirements of modern broiler genotypes. Poultry Science 2019, 98(1), 330-340.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Sakkas P, Royer E, Smith S, Carré P, Quinsac A, Oikeh I, Kyriazakis I. Effect of novel soya bean meal processing technologies on broiler performance and digestibility. In: XVth European Poultry Conference. 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia: WPSA.