Staff Profile
Dr Thao Nguyen
Research Associate in Quantitative Data
- Email:
- Address: NICRE Office, The Catalyst, Newcastle Helix NE4 5TG
I am a Research Associate at the National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE). My main research interest relates to small businesses' access to external finance, growth ambition and performance. I am also working on the impacts of geographical location on perception of accessing external finance.
My current research interest:
- Discouraged borrowing and growth ambition
- High growth enterprise
- Rurality and discouraged borrowing
- Growth of rural businesses
- Export capability
Working papers:
- Fit to Fly: Export advice and export capabilities in relation to entrepreneurial context, co-authored with Inge Hill, Kevin Mole, and Sara Maioli
- Credit rationing and discouraged borrowing: A learning model, co-authored with Stuart Fraser
- The impacts of perception and actual financial constraints on SME growth, co-authored with Stuart Fraser and Kevin Mole
Work in progress:
- Growth intention and perception of resources: A theoretical framework for high growth episodes, co-authored with Kevin Mole
- The impacts of external finance on growth in rural business, co-authored with Amr Khafagy, Matthew Gorton and Jeremy Phillipson
- Resilience of rural businesses during the pandemic, co-authored with Matthew Gorton, Stephen Roper, Maria Wishart and Jeremy Phillipson
- Is rural business doubled financially constrained in the financial market, co-authored with Amr Khafagy, Matthew Gorton and Jeremy Phillipson
- Financial resilience and government support during the Covid-19 pandemic, co-authored with Amr Khafagy
- Turner R, Phillipson J, Gorton M, Cowie P, Dwyer J, Goodwin-Hawkins B, Hill I, Mole K, Nguyen T, Roper S, Thompson-Glen M, Rowe F, Tocco B, Wishart M. What is the contribution of rural enterprise to Levelling Up, and how can this be further enabled?. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, 2021. National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise Briefing Paper 1.