Staff Profile
Dr Thao Nguyen
Research Associate in Quantitative Data
- Address: NICRE Office, The Catalyst, Newcastle Helix NE4 5TG
I am a Research Associate at the National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE). My main research interest relates to small businesses' access to external finance, growth ambition and performance, with a focus on rural business and rural-urban divide. I hold a PhD in Business & Management from Warwick Business School.
My current research interest:
- Discouraged borrowing & SME access to finance
- High growth enterprise
- Economic geography
- Rural business growth
Working papers:
- The impacts of experience on discouraged borrowing and market efficiency, co-authored with Stuart Fraser
- Resource orchestration and high growth episode, co-authored with Kevin Mole
- Unpacking the effects of entrepreneurship typologies and network breadth on innovation in rural businesses, co-authored with Amr Khafagy
- Doing less is doing more: Resourcefulness in Rural Firms Response to Skill Shortages, co-authored with Kevin Mole
- Nguyen T, Phillipson J, Wishart M, Roper S, Gorton M. Understanding rural business resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Rural Studies 2025, 114, 103580.
- Khafagy A, Nguyen T, Gorton M, Phillipson J. External finance and the growth of rural and urban SMEs in England. Journal of Small Business Management 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Nguyen T, Phillipson J, Gorton M, Roper S, Dwyer J, Mole K, Hotopp U, Maioli S. The cost-of-doing-business crisis: rural impacts and adaptation. Newcastle upon Tyne: National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise, 2023. State of Rural Enterprise Report, No 4.
- Phillipson J, Gorton M, Nguyen T, Wishart M, Roper S, Ozusaglam S, Khafagy A, Dwyer J, Hotopp U, Turner R, Tocco B, Maioli S, Hill I, Merrell I. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on rural businesses: experiences and resilience. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2022. National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise State of Rural Enterprise Report 1.
- Mole K, Hill I, Nguyen T, Maioli S. Rural family businesses and exporting behaviour. Newcastle upon Tyne: National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise, 2022. NICRE Research Report 5.
- Turner R, Phillipson J, Gorton M, Cowie P, Dwyer J, Goodwin-Hawkins B, Hill I, Mole K, Nguyen T, Roper S, Thompson-Glen M, Rowe F, Tocco B, Wishart M. What is the contribution of rural enterprise to Levelling Up, and how can this be further enabled?. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, 2021. National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise Briefing Paper 1.