BSc Animal Science.
Year on placement
For my year out I worked for Micron Bio-Systems, a biotechnology company based in Somerset.
They make products to address productive, nutritional and health challenges in livestock. Silage innoculants or mycotoxin binders are examples.
My specific role was in the research and development department. I had a project to devise in-house methods for testing the activity of the enzymes used in the products. I also helped with quality control procedures and feed samples for mycotoxin analysis.

Very different from anything I'd done
It was very different to anything I'd done, as it involved a lot of lab work. I had a great supervisor and work colleagues that helped me develop my skills.
I also got the chance to help in another department, gathering data for a calf trial. That involved testing one of the products. I wrote an article for the company's scientific publication.
Great experience
It was a great experience. It may not be the career direction I ultimately pursue after University.
But I am so glad I did a placement year as I learned a lot about the 'real world' and working for a company in industry.