Choosing Newcastle
I didn’t really want to move away as I love this city and I had heard such great things about Newcastle University, especially the Chemistry course.
About your course
I would say that labs are definitely the part of my course that I enjoy the most as it allows you to apply all the knowledge you have been taught. The teaching quality on my course is outstanding and whenever you get confused the lectures will always take time to help you understand.

Recommending Newcastle
The course provides you with a lot skills like team work and labs skills from day one to prepare you for which ever career path you end up taking. All of the lecturers I have encountered so far are friendly and approachable, they will try their best to help you to the best of their ability.
Living in Newcastle
There is so much to do both during the day and the night but I would say I enjoy the nightlife the most, with so many events on during the week there’s plenty to choose from and you don’t need to spend a lot.
Clubs and societies
As I am not part of any clubs or societies so I don’t have any personal experience but I know there is something for everyone, at many different levels.
I chose to stay at home whilst in university and the metro is easily accessible from most areas which made commuting to and from extremely easy.
Student finance
You should set yourself a budget for a month but don’t let yourself struggle.
Career aspirations
I am hoping to pursue a career in medicine and Newcastle gives me the chance to apply as a postgraduate when I finish my current degree. The skills gained in labs throughout the course will give me a lot of hands on experience I will need.