MChem with Industrial Training.
Choosing Newcastle
I chose to study at Newcastle University because I liked the city when I looked around. The campus is in the city centre, and the city itself is small enough that most things are within walking distance.
I also when to interview day for my course and was told I would be able to do industrial training abroad if I wanted to in stage 3.
About your course
I enjoy the practicals most in my course, the labs are a big step up from high school and the experiments are a lot more complicated. My favourite module is applications for drug chemistry.
The teaching quality on my course is good. The lecturers are always available via email for assistance while revising, and they wait behind for a little while after lectures to answer questions. Most lecturers also put the entirety of their lecture slides on BlackBoard, and they are very comprehensive, this really helps with revision.

Recommending Newcastle
I would say when trying to pick a university, it is always good to visit the place for a day first, have a look around and see if you like the city. Many people choose a place simply by the university, but often forget they also have to live in that city (unless staying at home).
Living in Newcastle
There is a lot to do in Newcastle, and if you are willing to go and do things, you will never be bored. I would say the nightlife in Newcastle is not rivalled by many, and there are very few cities in the country with a wider set of clubs/bars/restaurants. There is something for everyone.
Clubs and societies
I have not joined any societies personally, but there is a huge range of societies. There is a society for nearly everything, and if there isn’t a society for you, it is very easy to start your own.
I live in Heaton and found that it was quite easy to make the transition between living in halls and living in your own house with friends. If you already have a group of people prepared, there are lots of letting agencies that deal specifically with students.
If you need more assistance with getting a big enough group or finding a house like I did, the University are very helpful.
Student finance
Check how much living in your halls for the year would cost vs. how much money you expect to get from student finance (there is a handy calculator on the internet). I arrived last year finding my loan did not cover the cost of halls and quickly got into a lot of debt.
If you’re having problems with student finance, you can make an appointment with student services and they can help get things sorted out a lot quicker than phoning student finance every day. Also if you think you may need extra spending money, the best time to look for a job is during the summer when lots of students leave to go home.
Career aspirations
After I graduate I want to work in a lab making new medicines, the industrial year that is offered at Newcastle will be a great help. They also offer lots of help with getting placements over summer.