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Our Equipment

Our facility is equipped with a wide range of instruments.

Mass Spectrometry

We are equipped with:

  • Bruker MaXis 4G (Dionex U3000 LC)
  • ABSciex 6600 (Thermo RSLC Nano LC)
  • ABSciex 5600 (Eksigent/ Shimadzu LC 20)
  • ABSciex 5500 (Shimadzu LC20)
  • Thermo Orbitrap XL (Dionex U3000 LC)
  • Bruker Rapiflex MALDI

Protein Purification

We are equipped with:

  • AKTA purification system
  • Sorvall RC6+ and Evolution floor standing centrifuges
  • Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer

Molecular Biophysics

We are equipped with:

  • Beckman ProteomeLab XLA-XLI analytical ultracentrifuge (equipped with absorbance and interference detection)
  • Microcal VC-ITC
  • Microcal VC-DSC

We also have access to instruments which complement our expertise in the following techniques:

  • Surface plasmon resonance (Biacore S-200)
  • Small-angle X-ray scattering instruments (Diamond synchrotron)
  • Small angle neutron scattering (RAL)
  • Fourrier-transform infra-red spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer)
  • Circular dichroism spectroscopy