Staff Profile
Dr Charlotte Richardson
Senior Lecturer
- Email:
- Address: School of Pharmacy
King George VI Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I am a qualified pharmacist registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council. I have teaching experience in the areas of pharmacy practice, clinical skills and work-based learning. I am currently the lead for work-based learning provisions on the MPharm course and I will be taking over as Degree Programme Director in Summer 2023.
I joined the School of Pharmacy in September 2019 having formerly worked as a locum pharmacist in hospital and community pharmacies while undertaking a PhD in Pharmacy Education with Keele University. In this time I also contributed to teaching and mentoring undergraduate Pharmacy students at two Schools of Pharmacy. Prior to this I worked at The James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough.
I continue to locum regularly within community pharmacy and I am also involved in several national committees in relation to undergraduate teaching including: the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's Education Standards Committee, and Health Education England's pilot project looking at Entrustable Professional Activities.
I currently manage the work-based learning placements for the MPharm course. This includes overseeing and delivering a range of placements for pharmacy students including: sessions at the Royal Victoria Infirmary where the students provide a counselling services to hospital inpatients, sessions running a 'student-led clinic' whereby students provide cardiovascular screening services to the public, and other sessions at various hospitals and employers to actively get students experiences in these sectors prior to graduation.
I am also involved in a range of other pharmacy practice teaching including the teaching of clinical skills to all stages, reflective practice and professional development, and inter-professional education.
I am keen to encourage active participation in work settings through use of Entrustable Professional Activities. Work-based learning is central to my role and I encourage students to learn from what they see in practice while on placement. I am also involved in developing a bespoke prescription-generating educational tool to supplement the development of skills in legally and clinically checking prescriptions.
I will be taking over as MPharm Degree Programme Director from Summer 2023 and currently am working in a deputy DPD position in preparation.
My research falls in to two broad areas: Pharmacy practice and pharmacy education. In the practice space I am working on a series of projects looking at how informal/familial carers can be supported in their own health and wellbeing and also how to better support their family member they are caring for. This includes an NIHR RfPB funding project entitled Carer involvement in the transfer of medicines-related care for patients moving from hospital to home: a realist review to commence in Winter 2023. I am also working on other projects around the influence of marital status on lung cancer treatment receipt and deprescribing in palliative care (including both patient and care perspectives).
Within pharmacy education I am involved in implementing and then evaluating a novel student-led cardiovascular screening clinic. Both from a pedagogical and clinical perspective.
My PhD research evaluated the use of a novel simulation-based 'virtual patient' to help train pharmacists and pre-registration trainees in conducting patient counselling for those taking NOAC medicines. It is from this research that I developed an interest in Pharmacy and pedagogical research, and also innovative use of technology.
- Abdul-Salam P, Richardson C, Nazar H. Undergraduate pharmacy students' perceptions and experiences of a student-led clinic providing preventative services. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(4), 316-321.
- Chin S, Richardson CL, Gardner A, Nazar H. The impact and user experience of a student-led clinic providing preventative services. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(3), 237-243.
- Cayci AB, Rathbone AP, Lindsey L, Richardson C. Pharmacy Students’ Lived Experiences With Atopic Dermatitis Inform Perceptions of Learning in the Curriculum. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2024, 88(2), 100651.
- Cooper M, Atkinson O, Black D, Lindsey L, Cooper C, Nazar H, Wong G, Hughes C, Richardson CL. Informal carer involvement in the transition of medicines-related care for patients moving from hospital to home: a realist review protocol. BMJ Open 2024, 14(9), e091005.
- Jarrar R, Lim R, Richardson CL, Naqvi AA, Rathbone AP, Lau WM. How cultural competence is conceptualised, developed and delivered in pharmacy education: a systematic review. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2024, 46, 40-55.
- Ahmed A, Hagos M, Bhatti I, Cartwright N, Chukwu-Etu O, Burini A, Dabiri L, Tolley C, Richardson CL, Doll A, Miah T, Rathbone AP. A qualitative study exploring experiences of racial minority stress in pharmacy education and practice. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy 2024, 15, 100461.
- Richardson CL, Edwards E, Lunny J, Lindsey L. A qualitative exploration of the barriers and enablers to supporting informal and familial carers within community pharmacies. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(3), 201-207.
- Davidson D, Vasey N, Mundell A, Richardson CL, Rathbone AP. A novel experiential work-based learning model in paediatric secondary care using entrustable professional activities to develop clinical knowledge and communication skills. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 2024, 16(10), 102125.
- Maughan E, Richardson C, Nazar H. A cross-sectional investigation of a mobile health clinic run by undergraduate pharmacy students providing services to underserved communities. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2024, 46, 1546–1551.
- Robinson-Barella A, Richardson CL, Bayley Z, Husband A, Bojke A, Bojke R, Exley C, Hanratty B, Elverson J, Jansen J, Todd A. “Starting to think that way from the start”: approaching deprescribing decision-making for people accessing palliative care - a qualitative exploration of healthcare professionals views. BMC Palliative Care 2024, 23, 221.
- Richardson CL, Saeed M, Sharp L, Todd A. The association between marital status and treatment initiation in lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Cancer Epidemiology 2023, 87, 102494.
- Richardson CL, Filan J, Lindsey L, Mundell A, Rathbone AP, Nazar H. Intersectional identities: making sense of skill development on clinical placements. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2023, 87(7), 100050.
- Richardson CL, Black D, Lindsey L, Nazar H. Community pharmacies as a place for informal carer support in mental health and wellbeing. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023, 45, 1302-1306.
- Iqbal A, Richardson C, Iqbal Z, O'Keefe H, Hanratty B, Matthews FE, Todd A. Are there socioeconomic inequalities in polypharmacy among older people? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Geriatrics 2023, 23(1), 149.
- Richardson CL, Rook L, Pearson E, Mundell A, Todd A. Identification and evaluation of medication-related issues relating to patient’s own drugs by pharmacy students while on placement in a tertiary hospital. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2022, 44, 575-579.
- Richardson CL, Thompson J, Jacklin S. An orange will do: Suspending learner disbelief in simulations. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 2022, 14(11), 1337-1339.
- Nazar H, Rathbone AP, Richardson C, Livsey L, Husband AK. Young@Heart clinic: a feasibility study of an undergraduate pharmacy student-led blood pressure and healthy lifestyle clinic. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2021, 29(3), 277-284.
- Richardson CL, Chapman S, White S. Measuring the educational benefits of using a virtual patient to practice pharmacist-patient consultations. Pharmacy Education 2021, 21, 382-389.
- Lindsey L, Richardson CL. Involved stakeholders or voiceless backseat drivers: Volunteer patients’ experiences and perceptions of undergraduate pharmacy education. Pharmacy Education 2021, 21(1), 597-603.
- Rathbone AP, Richardson CL, Mundell A, Lau WM, Nazar H. Exploring the role of pharmacy students using entrusbable professional activities to complete medication histories and deliver patient counselling services in secondary care. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy 2021, 4, 100079.
- Richardson CL, Chapman S, White S. Experiencing a virtual patient to practice patient counselling skills. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 2021, 13(12), 1593-1601.
- Richardson CL, Chapman S, White S. Establishing the acceptability and usability of an animated virtual patient simulation. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy 2021, 4, 100069.
- Richardson CL, Chapman S, White S. Virtual patient educational programme to teach counselling to clinical pharmacists: development and proof of concept. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning 2019, 5(3), 167-169.
- Richardson CL, White S, Chapman S. Virtual patient technology to educate pharmacists and pharmacy students on patient communication: a systematic review. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning 2020, 6(6), 332-338.