Staff Profile
Dr Tatiane Machado
Lecturer in Pharmaceutics
- Address: School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
King George VI Building
Tatiane is a pharmacist and a Lecturer in Pharmaceutics at School of Pharmacy. Prior to this, she held a postdoctoral position at Material Science & Engineering (University of Michigan), where she worked with the organic vapor jet printing technique for pharmaceutical applications. Tatiane received her PhD from Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) in 2020, where she applied crystal engineering approaches to improve the physicochemical properties of drugs, with the focus on poorly water-soluble compounds. In 2019, she was awarded a mobility Fellowship by the Brazilian Government to join Professor Nair Rodriguez-Hornedo’s lab (University of Michigan) for a year, to further develop studies in the field of pharmaceutical cocrystals. Tatiane’s research interests are in the area of drug delivery kinetics of supersaturating drug delivery systems such as cocrystals, salts and amorphous, including the design and formulation of oral and transdermal systems.
· Application of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters based on relevant solution chemistry to understand the supersaturating drug delivery system behaviour.
· Exploiting a wide range of functional additives (lipids, polymers, and surfactants) as well as state-of-the-art formulation approaches to sustain drug supersaturation states during dissolution of metastable solid forms.