Alice O'Neil
Choosing Newcastle
Being from London, I desperately wanted to move away and branch out in a place that was different to what I had always known. Having grown up in London, I wanted to live in a city over a campus. After viewing Universities up and down the country, Newcastle University felt like a good mix of both and appealed to me. It was one I was able to envision myself studying at!
When viewing the University for the first time, the students at the open day were all lovely and repetitively spoke fondly of the University and the city, which was warming to hear.
Newcastle also had a further significant appeal as my dad is originally from Newcastle, and so there was an aspect of returning to my roots and being in the home city of the football team my family support.
The atmosphere of the University and the city together make me feel really comfortable, despite being so far from home.

The course
The content of the course is incredibly interesting and fulfilling; from lectures to practical’s and clinical skills, the course is very full on but very engaging. In the first year you typically are learning the basic foundations for the rest of the course, with the learning content still very intriguing. In the second year, the content focuses on specific diseases and treatments which is very interesting and puts things into context, with the opportunity to apply our learning in a clinical skills setting. We also undertake clinical placements in the hospitals in Newcastle, which places us in a real-life working environment in order to experience the process of being a pharmacist and communicating with real patients.
I feel that the layout and structure of assessments is carefully developed, with the overall course mark being a mixture of different coursework pieces throughout the year and then a written examination at the end. This really works and makes it feel like you are assessed on a wide variety of topics and themes, as opposed to just the ability to retain information.
The support from the lecturers is also great, they really help you with any queries regarding the content of the course.
The City
The city itself is amazing and perfect for student life. From walking down to the Quayside to overlook the Tyne river, to hopping on the Metro and visiting Tynemouth beach, to the student nightlife, there is nothing not to like about Newcastle.
The city is also considerably cheaper compared to most Southern cities, especially when it comes to going out at night!
Student accommodation
The University offers many student accommodation options. I personally lived at Liberty Plaza (Wellington St Plaza) in my first year and I absolutely loved it. The atmosphere of living in student accommodation is great and gives you the opportunity to constantly meet new and different people every day.
Spare time
Joining societies allows you to fill you spare time and have a good chance of meeting people similar to you with similar interests, really enhancing the University experience. I joined PharmSoc and found it very supportive for me. Alternatively, if you want your own time and space, I find just relaxing in your room or the quiet library clusters is also nice and calming
Anything else you might want to mention
The University provides great support for all students. Attending University in a new city can be overwhelming and the University do their best to support you in any way they can. From mental health support to academic support, you are never alone while at Newcastle University. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, they did everything they could to make sure student received support and necessary items if they were self-isolating.