Paula Moynihan VP
Prestigious role for oral health researcher
Published on: 9 December 2016
The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) has announced that Professor Paula Moynihan has been elected to the role of Vice President.
She is professor of nutrition & oral health at Newcastle University and the director for the Centre for Oral Health Research.
Currently she is leading a project assessing the Change4Life Sugars Campaign, evaluating the impact of a health marketing campaign launched by Public Health England assessing any change in intake of sugars.
Responding to the announcement, Professor Moynihan said: “IADR plays a key role in promoting oral health through research and advocacy and it is both an honour and privilege to be given the opportunity to lead and support the future growth and development of this global oral health community.
“Oral diseases are amongst the most prevalent diseases world-wide and have considerable impact on general health and wellbeing. As a professor of Nutrition and Oral Health I have experience of working at the interface of oral and general health.
"My vision is for IADR to become a key player in global non-communicable disease prevention, establishing and strengthening links with other organisations to promote research and support the strategies necessary to realize the full impact of sugars reduction - on not only oral health but on general health globally.”

International Association for Dental Research
The IADR has nearly 11,000 members worldwide and is dedicated to advancing research and increasing knowledge for the improvement of oral health worldwide; supporting and representing the oral health research community and facilitating the communication and application of research findings.
Professor Moynihan's term will commence at the conclusion of the 95th IADR General Session in San Francisco, California, USA in March 2017. After serving as vice president, she will stay on the IADR Board of Directors for three consecutive terms as president-elect, president and immediate past president.
Professor Moynihan has remained an involved member since joining IADR in 1992 through participating in the IADR General Sessions and serving in various leadership positions. She served as a councillor for the IADR Nutrition Research Group from 2000-2005 and again from 2010-2015, while concurrently serving on the management committee of the IADR British Division from 2012-2015. From 2000-2001, she was the president of the IADR Nutrition Research Group. Providing further service to the IADR Scientific Groups and Networks, she was the vice president of the IADR Geriatric Oral Research Group from 2015-2016 and is currently serving as president-elect of the group and group program chair. She will become the president of the IADR Geriatric Oral Research Group at the conclusion of the 2017 IADR General Session.