CDP ranking
Newcastle recognised as global climate leader
Published on: 18 November 2020
Newcastle has been named a global 'climate leader' for its efforts to become carbon neutral by 2030.
Urgent action
The city is one of only four places in the UK to receive the top “A” grade from international climate research provider CDP, and one of only 88 globally.
Newcastle’s efforts to become carbon neutral city are coordinated by the city’s Net Zero Task Force. Hayley Fowler, Professor of Climate Change Impacts at Newcastle University’s School of Engineering co-chairs the Net Zero Task Force with Newcastle City Council leader Cllr Nick Forbes.
Professor Fowler, pictured right, said: “It is fantastic news that our efforts within the Net Zero Task Force have been recognised and that Newcastle has been named a global 'climate leader' by the CDP. Our Task Force has been working hard over the last year to put a credible and ambitious plan in place for Newcastle to become carbon neutral by 2030, with engagement from many groups around the city, and we couldn't have done it without this collective effort. Our Net Zero Newcastle: 2030 Action Plan sets out the steps we need to take to achieve this ambitious target and we now need to take this forward into action.”
The 88 cities on this year’s A List have made major progress since the signing of the Paris Agreement, demonstrating that impactful and urgent action is possible. These cities have stepped up by setting ambitious targets and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
Council leader Cllr Nick Forbes, chair of the Climate Change Committee, added: “The Covid-19 pandemic is clearly foremost in everyone’s minds but the Climate Emergency has not gone away.
“Tackling this environmental crisis remains the great challenge of our age and as a city we want to ensure that we are at the forefront of efforts to rapidly reduce emissions, to safeguard not only the planet, but our residents and economy.
“As we continue to ramp up both our ambition and actions to be carbon neutral by 2030 it is incredibly reassuring to be recognised for our efforts by an organisation which is the global gold standard for environmental reporting, as it shows we are very much on the right track.
“We must now, as a city, continue the vast amount of good work that is already underway, and take the further steps necessary, to effect the lasting changes that we know will be of benefit to everyone.”
CDP scores cities across four consecutive levels which represent the steps cities move through as they progress towards environmental stewardship. The levels are: Disclosure, Awareness, Management and Leadership.
Over 830 cities disclosed their climate data through CDP in 2020 and in order to score an A rating a city must have a city-wide emissions inventory, have set an emissions reduction target, published a climate action plan and have completed a climate adaptation plan to demonstrate how it will tackle climate hazards now and in the future.
Press release adapted with thanks from Newcastle City Council.