Budget boost to tackle health and social issues
Budget boost to help put health at the heart of Newcastle’s future
Published on: 6 March 2024
A pioneering development aimed at tackling health and social challenges that will benefit people in the North East and beyond has been given a funding boost in today’s budget.
The announcement of the North East Mayoral Combined Authority Trailblazer Deal in the budget, which includes £10 million towards a Health Innovation Zone, will help move forwards the delivery of Newcastle University’s exciting plans for a Health Innovation Neighbourhood (HIN).
The planned HIN, which will be based on Newcastle’s former General Hospital site, builds on the University’s world-leading expertise in healthy ageing and will be the first of its kind in the UK, tackling major health and social challenges with the aim of identifying solutions that can make both local and global impacts.

HIN’s vision
The aim of HIN’s long-term development is to help people live longer, healthier, and more sustainable lives with a focus on health, the environment, and digital technologies. The government’s multi-million-pound investment announced today will enable the site to be ready for its first phase.
Professor Jane Robinson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Engagement and Place at Newcastle University, said: "Newcastle University welcomes the announcement of the North East Mayoral Combined Authority Trailblazer Deal in the budget, which includes £10m towards a Health Innovation Zone.
“This investment will help accelerate the delivery of our planned Health Innovation Neighbourhood (HIN), regenerating the former General Hospital site in the heart of Newcastle’s west end which we are developing with our partners, Newcastle City Council.
"The Health Innovation Neighbourhood (HIN) builds on our world-leading expertise in healthy ageing and will be the first of its kind in the UK, tackling major health and social challenges with the aim of identifying solutions that will benefit people here in the North East and beyond.
"Our long-term development will include housing, green spaces, healthcare, commercial spaces, and educational facilities that will sit alongside important research and innovation projects.
"This funding will allow time-critical works to be carried out to ensure the site is ready for our development."
Council Leaders secured the funding for the trailblazing deal as part of the region’s original devolution negotiations. The North East is one of only three regions to secure a bespoke deal, following deals for Greater Manchester and West Midlands last year.
The new powers negotiated by the Leaders of Councils of County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland are designed to reflect the region’s unique geography, with a mixture of urban, rural, and coastal communities.
Benefit to the region
In a joint statement, the seven Leaders said: “Today’s announcement will help us to do more and is rightful recognition that we are better placed to identify the priorities for our region.
“This is on top of the original devolution deal where we are already getting on with delivering on local priorities before the mayor is elected in May. We are already bringing investment forward for a range of schemes that benefit the whole region.
“This shows what we can achieve when we work together for the good of the region.”
The devolution deal agreed by Leaders with Government in December 2022 means a new combined authority will be formed in May this year, following an election of a mayor on May 2.
The trailblazer deal announced today will be formally ratified by the new North East Mayor and Cabinet later this summer.