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PIEoneer Awards

Newcastle University Triumphs at the 2024 PIEoneer Awards

Published on: 18 September 2024

Newcastle University has won the ‘Study Abroad and Exchange Experience of the Year’ category at the prestigious 2024 PIEoneer Awards.

The ceremony, held at London’s Guildhall on 13 September, celebrated innovation and achievement in global education.

With a distinguished judging panel representing geographical and professional diversity, the PIEoneers recognise both individuals and organisations who are pushing professional standards, evolving their engagement or redefining the international student experience. 

Over 500 guests were in attendance including a unique cross-section of influencers, decision makers and thought leaders from education, professional services and government bodies around the world. 

Innovative approaches to mobility

In a highly competitive category, the award recognised the universities innovative approach to diversifying traditional models of mobility with the ambition of increasing the scale, outcomes, diversity, and quality of the ‘global’ options available to all students at Newcastle.  This has been achieved through the creation of a short-term summer placement framework, further enhanced by a significant Global Scholarship scheme supported by the Access and Participation Plan (APP) and the Newcastle Student Fund.

Working in collaboration with external partners, learners were supported to choose from a wide range of activities offering a high-quality learning experience that reflected the University’s core values of inclusivity, sustainability, and social and environmental justice.

Professor Chris Day, Vice-Chancellor and President, said: “We’re incredibly proud of our study abroad programme and the dedicated teams that help students gain a global perspective as part of their educational experience.”  

Positive Student Impact

Research by Universities UK International (UUKi) highlights that students undertaking international mobility perform better academically, develop improved self-confidence, gain beneficial inter-cultural skills ,and are more likely to secure employment and earn more six months after graduating. These benefits are amplified for students from lower socio-economic backgrounds, black and minority ethnic (BAME) students, and students with disabilities.

Evidence from Newcastle University’s 2023 short-term global returners’ survey showed that:

  • 97% of students reported enjoying their experience
  • The average overall experience rating was 92%

In addition to the 380 students undertaking more ‘traditional’ forms of mobility, Short-term mobility numbers have seen a dramatic increase, from 22 students in summer 2022 to 125 in 2023 and 274 in 2024. Notably, 72% of students who participated in short-term global placements in 2023 came from disadvantaged backgrounds, with this figure rising to 84% in 2024.

Student Experiences

Students have shared their experiences, highlighting the personal and academic growth they achieved through these global opportunities. One student remarked, “Going abroad really helped me push myself and gain confidence. I realised what I was capable of and, although I was nervous before the trip, I felt at home by the end of it.” Another student shared, “I was anxious about travel before going as I had never travelled abroad alone before, but the experience has inspired me to participate in a similar experience again.”

The positive impact is further echoed by another student who said, “I had such a good time meeting new people and exploring a new culture, but it also helped me grow as a person in terms of confidence, adaptability, and resilience.” Another student described their journey as “the most mind-expanding experience since starting university, allowing me to widen my perspectives faster than I could otherwise.”

Preparing students for the global workplace

Newcastle University aims to improve employability prospects across the entire student population by supporting and empowering all students to undertake a global opportunity. This includes:

  • building the skills needed to become socially focussed global citizens
  • developing intercultural competence and understanding
  • providing experiential learning opportunities that students describe as ‘transformational’ in terms of building confidence, life skills and independence.

78% of students reported that their global experience was relevant to their degree and future career aspirations. Mobility is incorporated into university-wide data collection tracking Graduate Outcomes, enabling the assessment and measurement of impact beyond university.

Discover our short-term global opportunities:

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Pie Awards Ceremony

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