Staff Profiles
Dr Lucy Robinson
Reader in Clinical Psychology
- Telephone: 0191 208 7912
I am a Reader in Clinical Psychology on the Newcastle Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme and Deputy Clinic Director of our Psychological Therapies Training and Resesarch Clinic. I joined the team in April 2017 from a clinical academic fellowship in Academic Psychiatry and the Regional Affective Disorders Service (RADS).
I have an interest in Student mental health and led the Office for Students-funded project BRIGHTER (BRinging Innovation to Graduate mental Health TogethER) between 2019-22. We developed a University-led Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) service for students and co-produced CBT-based 'mind mangement' workshops for postgraduates, undergraduates and staff to help with common issues in academic life (e.g. imposter syndrome, work/life balance, procrastination, social comparison, and sleep).
I also have a research and clinical interest in idiographic (person-specific) methods in mental health, including finding innovative ways to map out individual experience, such as dynamic network modelling.
Before my clinical training, my PhD studies investigated neuropsychological function in Bipolar Disorder.
Open Science Framework profile:
1. Office for Students funding competition to improve access and participation for black, Asian and minority ethnic groups in postgraduate research study’
Project title: Postgraduate Research Opportunities: North East (PRO:NE) £800,000 for 48 months from February 2022. Dr Robinson is co-investigator.
2. Medical Research Council Adolescent Mental Health call MR/W002442/1:
Project Title: Developing and Evaluating a Stepped Change Whole University approach to Student Mental Health. £3.78M for 48 months from September 2021. Dr Robinson is CoI and co-lead for work package 5.
3. Office for Students ‘Achieving a step change in mental health outcomes for students’ challenge competition: Project title: BRringing Innovation to Graduate mental Health TogethER (BRIGHTER) £826,000 for 27 months from September 2018. Dr Robinson is lead PI.
4. Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust Research Capability Funding
Project title: Exploring Dysautonomia’s Relationship with Catastrophisation in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. £15,192 in 2014 for 1 year. Dr Robinson was Co-PI.
Esteem indicators:
2015-2024 External Examiner appointments at UCL, Lancaster, Staffordshire, Essex, and Oxford DClinPsy programmes
Awards & Prizes:
2012 Associate Fellowship of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS)
Feb 2006 Robert Fischl Postgraduate Travel Award
July 2005 Mary Mckinnon Prize (highest overall mark)
July 2005 British Psychological Society Award for Undergraduate Psychology (best performance in clinically relevant modules)
2010-2013 Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Newcastle University, School of Psychology
2005-2010 PhD – Neuropsychological Performance, Emotion Processing and Psychosocial Function in Bipolar Disorder, Newcastle University, Institute of Neuroscience (Academic Psychiatry)
2002-2005 BSc (Hons) Psychology – 1st Class, Newcastle University
1999-2002 BA (Hons) Economics – 1st Class, University of Durham
My research centres on two main areas - student mental health and person-specific methods for studying mental health.
Student Mental Health
Within the student mental health field, we run our own in-house clinical service and collect research data within this clinic focusing on predictors of treatment engagement and complexity. I am Co-I on the Nurture-U project, a large programme of research involving 6 UK universities and including a survey of mental health needs in students, developing 'compassionate campuses', introducing mental health literacy training into the curriculum, randomised controlled trials of self-help interventions for low mood and for rumination/worry, and incorporating a wellbeing signposting toolkit into the wellbeing offer. I am Co-I and Mental Health Strand lead on the PRO:NE (Postgraduate Research Opportunities North East) project. In partnership with the 5 universities in the North East of England, UK, we are seeking to improve access to postgraduate research opportunities to students from minoritised groups.
I have a number of students at various levels who have investigated different aspects of student health and wellbeing, including views about digital interventions, perceptions of the impact of university on mental health in alumni, where people learned mental health information from, exploring psychiatric language use and how this might have changed over time, and looking at when and how people of different ages determine distress to have reached the threshold of a clinical problem.
You can read about some of the students' work in the News & Events section of the BRIGHTER website.
Person-specific methods
Whilst our understanding of various mental health difficulties has increased greatly over time, there are still a large number of people living with psychological distress that current treatments do not help. I am interested in understanding more about person-specific ways in which distress is caused and maintained in the hope we can find better ways of tailoring interventions to a specific individual. The aim of this personalised medicine approach for mental health is to bring the right treatment to the right person more quickly and achieve better outcomes than the current practice of working through a sequential series of treatment steps.
I am interested in any methods that further this endeavour. At the moment, network analysis and especially dynamic network modelling, hold great promise for bringing a different perspective to how we study mental health. The network approach conceptualises mental health difficulties as arising from mutually causal elements rather than the observed features (such as change in mood, fatigue, withdrawal, negative thoughts, changes in appetite) resulting from an unseen 'common cause'. For example, from a network perspective. depression would result from a series of causal interactions between experiences, thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, physiology and biology. This in contrast to established ways of thinking about disorders as a simple consequence of some central cause that triggers all of the symptoms.
This opens the door to exploring the relationship between elements to identify causal and maintenance patterns and frees us up from specific syndromes as the units of interest.
A number of different student projects have used ecological momentary assessment to investigate a diverse range of phenomena, including loneliness, OCD, social phobia, health anxiety, and depression.
For more detail see my Open Science Framework profile.
Before my clinical training, my PhD studies investigated neuropsychological function in Bipolar Disorder.
I teach evidence based practice, experimental design and research methods on the DClinPsy course.
I am also lead for the Service-Based Project.
- Borthwick C, Penlington C, Robinson L. Partners' Experiences of Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 2024, 31, 585–606.
- Robinson LJ, McAllister-Williams RH. Improving the reading ease of the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology – Self Report (QIDS-SR): Development and psychometric properties of an ‘Accessible English’ version. Journal of Pschiatric Research 2024, 177, 53-58.
- Walker S, Robinson LJ, Mhando L, Paddick SM, Boshe J, McAllister-Williams RH, Eliamini W, Sakanda L, Walker R. Feasibility and acceptability findings from a pilot study of the adapted Ziba Ufa intervention for late life depression and chronic conditions in Tanzania. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Open Science, Education, and Practice 2025, 5, 21-33.
- Borthwick C, Penlington C, Robinson L. Associations Between Adult Attachment, Pain Catastrophizing, Psychological Inflexibility and Disability in Adults with Chronic Pain. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 2024, 31, 571-584.
- Clarkin J, Heywood C, Robinson LJ. Are younger people more accurate at identifying mental health disorders, recommending help appropriately, and do they show lower mental health stigma than older people?: Age differences in mental health disorder recognition. Mental Health and Prevention 2024, 36, 200361.
- Barton SB, Armstrong PV, Robinson LJ, Bromley EHC. CBT for difficult-to-treat depression: self-regulation model. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2023, 51(Special Issue 6), 543-558.
- Weir B, Struthers R, Reid L, Wild C, Robinson L. Psychological recovery in a step 4 service: a qualitative study exploring the views of service users and clinicians. Journal of Mental Health 2022, 31(2), 220-226.
- McTiernan K, Jackman L, Robinson L, Thomas M. A Thematic Analysis of the Multidisciplinary Team Understanding of the 5P Team Formulation Model and Its Evaluation on a Psychosis Rehabilitation Unit. Community Mental Health Journal 2021, 57, 579-588.
- Parkes C, Bezzina O, Chapman A, Luteran A, Freeston MH, Robinson LJ. Jumping to conclusions in persistent pain using a somatosensory modification of the beads task. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2019, 126, 109819.
- Robinson LJ, Gallagher P, Watson S, Pearce R, Finkelmeyer A, MacLachlan L, Newton JL. Impairments in cognitive performance in chronic fatigue syndrome are common, not related to co-morbid depression but do associate with autonomic dysfunction. PLoS ONE 2019, 14(2), e0210394.
- Durham J, Stone SJ, Robinson LJ, Ohrbach R, Nixdorf DR. Development and preliminary evaluation of a new screening instrument for atypical odontalgia and persistent dentoalveolar pain disorder. International Endodontic Journal 2019, 52(3), 279-287.
- Douglas KM, Gallagher P, Robinson LJ, Carter JD, McIntosh VVW, Frampton CMA, Watson S, Young AH, Ferrier IN, Porter RJ. Prevalence of cognitive impairment in major depression and bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders 2018, 20(3), 260-274.
- McAllister-Williams RH, Christmas DMB, Cleare AJ, Currie A, Gledhill J, Insole L, Malizia AL, McGeever M, Morriss R, Robinson LJ, Scott M, Stokes PRA, Talbot PS, Young AH. Multiple-therapy-resistant major depressive disorder: A clinically important concept. British Journal of Psychiatry 2018, 212(5), 274-278.
- Bezzina OM, Gallagher P, Mitchell S, Bowman SJ, Griffiths B, Hindmarsh V, Hargreaves B, Price EJ, Pease CT, Emery P, Lanyon P, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Hunter J, Gupta M, McLaren J, Cooper AM, Regan M, Giles IP, Isenberg DA, Vadivelu S, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh NJ, Young-Min SA, Moots RJ, Gendi N, Akil M, MacKay K, Ng WF, Robinson LJ. Subjective and Objective Measures of Dryness Symptoms in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome – Capturing the discrepancy. Arthritis Care & Research 2017, 69(11), 1714-1723.
- Sankar R, Robinson L, Honey E, Freeston M. ‘We know intolerance of uncertainty is a transdiagnostic factor but we don’t know what it looks like in everyday life’: A systematic review of intolerance of uncertainty behaviours. Clinical Psychology Forum 2017, 296, 10-15.
- Moss RA, Finkelmeyer A, Robinson LJ, Thompson JM, Watson S, Ferrier IN, Gallagher P. The impact of target frequency on intra-individual variability in euthymic bipolar disorder: A comparison of two sustained attention tasks. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2016, 7, 106.
- Robinson LJ, Gray JM, Ferrier IN, Gallagher P. The effect of self-monitoring on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: a pilot study. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 2016, 21(3), 256-270.
- Miskowiak KW, Petersen JZ, Ott CV, Knorr U, Kessing LV, Gallagher P, Robinson L. Predictors of the discrepancy between objective and subjective cognition in bipolar disorder: a novel methodology. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2016, 134(6), 511-521.
- Robinson LJ, Durham J, Newton JL. A systematic review of the comorbidity between Temporomandibular Disorders and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2016, 43(4), 306-316.
- Porter RJ, Robinson LJ, Malhi GS, Gallagher P. The neurocognitive profile of mood disorders – a review of the evidence and methodological issues. Bipolar Disorders 2015, 17(Suppl. 2), 21-40.
- Robinson LJ, Gray JM, Burt M, Ferrier IN, Gallagher P. Processing of Facial Emotion in Bipolar Depression and Euthymia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2015, 21(9), 709-721.
- Robinson LJ, Durham J, MacLachlan L, Newton JL. Autonomic Function in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With and Without Painful Temporomandibular Disorder. Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behaviour 2015, 3(4), 205-219.
- Robinson LJ, Thompson JM, Gallagher P, Gray JM, Young AH, Ferrier IN. Performance monitoring and executive control of attention in euthymic bipolar disorder: Employing the CPT-AX paradigm. Psychiatry Research 2013, 210(2), 457-464.
- Robinson LJ, Stevens LH, Threapleton CJD, Vainiute J, McAllister-Williams RH, Gallagher P. Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on attention and memory. Acta Psychologica 2012, 141(2), 243-249.
- Riby DM, Jones N, Brown PH, Robinson LJ, Langton SRH, Bruce V, Riby LM. Attention to Faces in Williams Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2011, 41(9), 1228-1239.
- Thomas AJ, Gallagher P, Robinson LJ, Porter RJ, Young AH, Ferrier IN, O'Brien JT. A comparison of neurocognitive impairment in younger and older adults with major depression. Psychological Medicine 2009, 39(5), 725-733.
- Robinson LJ, Gallagher P, Ferrier IN. Neuropsychological impairment in bipolar disorder: the role of the HPA axis. Aspects of Affect 2006, 1, 92-98.
- Holmes MK, Gallagher P, Robinson LJ, Gray JM, Olivier P, Heslop P, Ferrier IN. Applications of virtual reality technology in the measurement of spatial memory in patients with mood disorders [2]. CNS Spectrums 2006, 11(6), 417-418.
- Robinson LJ, Thompson JM, Gallagher P, Goswami U, Young AH, Ferrier IN, Moore PB. A meta-analysis of cognitive deficits in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders 2006, 93(1-3), 105-115.
Book Chapter
- Ling Y, Hurlbert AC, Robinson L. Sex differences in colour preference. In: Pitchford, N.J., Biggam, C.P, ed. Progress in Colour Studies 2: Psychological Aspects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2006, pp.173-188.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Hetherington R, De Blaquiere G, Aitchison K, Atkinson M, Robinson L, Bedford R, Leonardo L, Stevenson L, Cotterill S. Adapting Research Student Training and Development to Integrate Personal Development and Wellbeing Support for Research Students. In: UKCGE Annual Conference 2021. 2021, Virtual: UKCGE.
- McAllister-Williams RH, Stevens L, Jones B, Cromarty R, Firth H, Robinson LJ, Gallagher P. Effects of the Oral Contraceptive Pill on Executive Function and Working Memory. In: Biological Psychiatry: 66th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry. 2011, San Francisco, California, USA: Elsevier Inc.
- Robinson LJ, Thompson JM, Gray JM, Hughes J, Young AH, Ferrier IN. Sustained attention in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: A failure of context maintenance. In: Bipolar Disorders: 2nd Biennial Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders. 2006, Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
- Holmes MK, Gallagher P, Robinson LJ, Gray JM, Olivier P, Heslop P, Ferrier IN. Immersive virtual reality assessment of spatial memory in patients with mood disorders. In: Bipolar Disorders: 2nd Biennial Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders. 2006, Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
- Sousa S, Robinson L, Franklin M, Watson S. Patient-reported and clinician-rated outcome measures: Complementary evidence from two different perspectives. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020, 276, 848-849.
- Robinson LJ, Marshall E, Dodd A, Yeebo M, Morrison R, Lomax C. Developing, delivering and evaluating a university-led cognitive behavioural therapy service for students. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2024, 17, e20.
- Robinson LJ, Freeston MH. Emotion and internal experience in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Reviewing the role of Alexithymia, Anxiety Sensitivity and Distress Tolerance. Clinical Psychology Review 2014, 34(3), 256-271.
- Robinson LJ, Ferrier IN. Evolution of cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder: A systematic review of cross-sectional evidence. Bipolar Disorders 2006, 8(2), 103-116.