University Regulations 2014/15
Here you will find University regulations for the academic year 2014/15. This includes an overview of changes from the previous year.
General regulations
The University's General Regulations (PDF: 77KB) are for current and prospective students.
View an overview of changes to the General Regulations since 2013/14 (PDF: 70KB).
Degree regulations and exam conventions
- Undergraduate Progress Regulations (PDF: 67KB)
- Undergraduate Examination Conventions (PDF: 95KB)
- Foundation Degree Progress Regulationss (PDF: 58KB)
- Foundation Degree Examination Conventions (PDF: 81KB)
- Integrated Masters Examination Conventions (PDF: 73KB)
- Graduate Diploma and Certificate Regulations (PDF: 25KB)
- Extra Credit, Standalone and CAT Scheme Regulations (PDF: 38KB)
Taught degrees
- Postgraduate (Taught) Progress Regulations (PDF: 54KB)
- Postgraduate (Taught) Examination Conventions (PDF: 104KB)
Research degrees
- Research Masters Degree Regulations (PDF: 111KB)
- MPhil Progress Regulations (PDF: 65KB)
- MPhil Examination Conventions (PDF: 40KB)
- PhD Progress Regulations (PDF: 70KB)
- PhD Examination Conventions (PDF: 54KB)
- Integrated PhD Regulations (PDF: 67KB)
- Other Higher Degrees Regulations (PDF: 13KB)
Submission of work
- Rules for the Submission of Work for Higher Degrees (PDF: 36KB)
- Rule for the Form of Theses (PDF: 17KB)