University Regulations 2020/21
Here you will find University regulations for the academic year 2020/21. This includes an overview of changes from the previous year.
View the Key changes to University Regulations 2020/21 due to the implementation of the Safety Net as a result of Covid-19 disruption
General regulations
The General Regulations (PDF: 237KB) are for current and prospective students.
View an overview of Key changes to University Regulations since 2019/20 (PDF: 289KB).
Degree and Assessment Regulations
Taught Regulation Progress - Undergraduate and Postgraduate
- Regulations for Taught Programmes – Glossary of Terms and Progress Regulations (PDF 428KB)
- Regulations for Taught Programmes – Assessment Regulations (PDF 250 KB)
- Regulations for Taught Programmes – Specific Progression and Classification Rule (PDF: 561KB)
- Rules of the Boards of Examiners (PDF: 78KB)
Research degrees
- Regulations for Research Masters Degree Programmes (excluding MPhil programmes) (excluding MPhil programmes) (PDF: 73KB)
- Master of Philosophy Degree Progress Regulations (PDF: 277KB)
- Master of Philosophy Degree Assessment Regulations (PDF: 235KB)
- Doctor of Philosophy Degree Progress Regulations (PDF: 287KB)
- Doctor of Philosophy Degree Assessment Regulations.(PDF: 72KB)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated) Regulations (PDF: 280KB)
- Regulations for Higher Degrees(PDF: 180KB)
Submission of work
- Rules for the Submission of Work for Higher Degrees (PDF: 253KB)
- Rules for the Form of Theses (PDF: 215KB)
Changes to Regulations as a result of the Covid-19 Emergency and disruption to the 2019/20 Academic Year
View an overview of Changes to the Regulations for 2019/20 (Key Covid-19 Changes).
- II, III Supplementary Taught Programme Progress & Assessment Regulations
- IV Supplementary Taught Programme Progress and Assessment Regulations
- V Supplementary Specific Progression Classification Rules for Different Types of
- VI Supplementary Rules for Boards of Examiners
- VII Supplementary Regulations for Research Masters Degree Programmes (excluding