REWP Staff Profile
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Senior Lecturer.
- Address: Room 3.10
Newcastle University Business School,
5 Barrack Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu.
Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship.
Award-winning educator. Over 10 years’ experience leading modules on entrepreneurship and business growth.
I wrote the book Studying Business at University: The Survival Guide, published by Routledge. If you want to buy my book, see:
I research the Sociology of Entrepreneurship. In particular I research how men and masculinities intersect with entrepreneurship.
I am:
- Associate Editor at Gender, Work and Organizations (CABS:3*).
- Editor of a special collection on Men at Work for Work, Employment and Society (CABS:4*).
- Lead Guest Editor for an upcoming Special Issue on Entrepreneurial Masculinities in International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (CABS:2*)
I am chair for the track titled Masculinities in Work and Organizations: what will the future hold and why does it matter? , at the 2025 Gender, Work and Organizations Conference. Submit via stream 30 here, if you want to be part of the track:
Stream Proposals Accepted - GWO 2025 Conference
I have published in the following 3* and 4* CABS ranked journals:
Journal of Business Venturing,
Work, Employment and Society,
Journal of Business Research,
Progress in Human Geography,
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development,
International Small Business Journal,
Gender, Work and Organizations.
My research has been cited over 1000 times since 2019, with a H-index: 14 and an i10-index: 15 (Google Scholar).
Andreas Giazitzoglu - Google Scholar
I am a member of the editorial review boards at:
Gender, Work and Organizations
NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies.
Since 2021 I have been a research fellow at the UK national innovation centre for rural enterprise.
Since 2002 I have been external examiner at Lancaster University Business School for BSc (Hons) Management and BSc (Hons) International Business Management
Since 2023 I have been an external reviewer for the MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management degree at Nottingham University Business School, China
Past Roles held in NUBS include:
2018 – 2020: Degree Program Director for MSc in International Marketing;
2015 – 2018: Chair of the Board of Examiners (UG MOS);
2013 – 2018: PhD Convenor (MOS).
BSc (Hons).
MSc, University of Oxford (Hertford College). 2003.
PhD, University of Durham (Hatfield College). 2007 – 2010. Passed Viva with no corrections.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2016.
October 2018 – Ongoing. Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship. Newcastle University Business School.
May 2013 – October 2018. Lecturer in Entrepreneurship. Newcastle University Business School.
December 2011 – May 2013. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Entrepreneurship. Newcastle University Business School.
2016: ‘Best paper of the year award’. Journal of Business Venturing.
2018: Best Paper award Nomination. Institution for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (Entrepreneurship in minority groups track).
2021/2022: Nominated for Newcastle University’s Outstanding Contribution to Academic Support award.
2021/2022: Nominated for Newcastle University’s Outstanding Contribution to Teaching award.
2018/2019: Nominated for the UK’s National Enterprise Educator Award.
2018/2019: Nominated for Newcastle University Education Award.
2015/16, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2019/2020: 2022/2023: Nominated for Newcastle University’s Teaching Excellence Award.
June, 2013. Winner of the National Federation of Independent Business Award for Excellence in Research on the General Topic of Entrepreneurship. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson University (USA).
Research Expertise
1. The Sociology of Entrepreneurship.
2. The Sociology of Organisations.
3. Ethnography.
PhD Supervision
I have supervised five PhD projects to completion (two as primary supervisor).
I am keen to supervise more PhD projects.
Module Leader for:
Bus 1004 (Business Growth)
Bus 3000 (Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Lean Innovation)
Bus 3343 (Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Lean Innovation for Erasmus students)
NBS 8625: Business Growth and Society
- Giazitzoglu A, Whittle A, Mueller F. The role of cunning misrepresentations in entrepreneurial impression management. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 2024, 36(9-10), 1210-1231.
- Giazitzoglu A. Men at Work: How Are Masculinities Constituted and Performed in Work and Employment Settings?. Work, Employment and Society 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Giazitzoglu A. Masculinity, embodiment and identity-work: How do organisational members use their bodies as identity resources to (re) accomplish hegemonic masculinity?. Organization 2024, 31(1), 139-162.
- Hopkins P, Giazitzoglu A. Hegemonic masculinity: new spaces, practices, and relations. Progress in Human Geography 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Giazitzoglu A, Volery T, Cunningham J, Musu A, Bianchi C. Business in the backwaters: how 'distance from the core' impacts entrepreneurs' lived experiences. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 2024, 36(5-6), 607-631.
- Giazitzoglu A, Volery T, Musu A. A little less structuration, a little more action: Examining entrepreneurial agency in two marginal ecosystems. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Giazitzoglu A, Wilson J. Nathan Meyer-Rothschild’s Reproduction of Business Masculinity in the Portrait A View from the Royal Exchange. A Historical, Bourdieusian and Visual Semiotic Exploration. Journal of Organizational Sociology 2023, 1(3), 319–339.
- Giazitzoglu A, Korede T. Identity-work among Black African male immigrant entrepreneurs residing in Northern English regional contexts: A qualitative examination. Journal of Business Research 2023, 164, 113978.
- Korede T, Al Mamun A, Lassalle P, Giazitzoglu A. Exploring innovation in challenging contexts: The experiences of ethnic minority restaurant owners during COVID-19. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2023, 24(1), 19-31.
- Giazitzoglu A, Muzio D. Learning the rules of the game: How is corporate masculinity learned and enacted by male professionals from nonprivileged backgrounds?. Gender, Work & Organization 2021, 28(1), 67-84.
- Giazitzoglu A, Muzio D. Class and masculinity in contemporary management consultancy firms: some practical recommendations. Management Consulting Journal 2020, 5, 10-12.
- Giazitzoglu A. This Sporting Life: The intersection of hegemonic masculinities, space and emotions among rugby players. Gender, Work and Organization 2020, 27(1), 67-81.
- MacDonald R, Giazitzoglu A. Youth, enterprise and precarity: or, what is, and what is wrong with, the ‘gig economy’?. Journal of Sociology 2019, 55(4), 724-740.
- Giazitzoglu A. Being and Naughtiness: an account of being an ethnographic-insider studying white, working class gym-users. The Qualitative Report 2018, 23(3), 696-709.
- Giazitzoglu A, Payne G. A 3-level model of insider ethnography. The Qualitative Report 2018, 23(5), 1149-1159.
- Giazitzoglu A, Down S. Performing entrepreneurial masculinity: an ethnographic account. International Small Business Journal 2017, 35(1), 40-60.
- Cacciottia G, Hayton JC, Mitchell JR, Giazitzoglu A. A reconceptualization of fear of failure in entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing 2016, 31(3), 302-325.
- Giazitzoglu A. Qualitative Upward Mobility, the Mass-Media and 'Posh' Masculinity in Contemporary North-East Britain: A Micro Sociological Case-Study. Sociological Research Online 2014, 19(2), 12.
- Giazitzoglu A. Learning not to labour: a micro analysis of consensual male unemployment. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 2014, 34(5/6), 334-348.
Book Chapters
- Giazitzoglu A. Experiencing upward mobility: the case of self-employed business men. In: Lawler S; Payne G, ed. Social Mobility for the 21st Century: Everyone a Winner?. London: Routledge for the British Sociological Association, 2017, pp.105-117.
- Down S, Giazitzoglu A. Identity and Entrepreneurship. In: Baker, T; Welter, F, ed. Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship. Routledge, 2014.
- Giazitzoglu A. An Exploration of the Basis and Implications of My Insider Ethnographic Status (peer-reviewed teaching and research aid for students). 2018. Sage Research Methods: Sage.
- Giazitzoglu A. Masculinities in Work and Organizations: what will the future hold and why does it matter?. Gender, Work and Organization 2025 Conference 2025. In Press.
- Giazitzoglu A. Bourdieu’s theory of economic practice and organisational modelling: by John Tredinnick-Rowe, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023,£59.99, ISBN (10): 1-5275-0178-7. Social Semiotics 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Giazitzoglu A. Gender and Sexuality in Male-Dominated Occupations: Women Working in Construction and Transport by T. Wright [Book review]. Gender, Work and Organization 2018, 25(6), 738-740.
- Giazitzoglu A. Building sustainable communities: spatial policy and labour mobility in post-war Britain by M. Raco (Policy Press, Bristol, 2007) [Review]. Environment and Planning B: Planning & Design 2013, 40(2), 372-373.