Christie Chan and Rory Williams
About Christie and Rory
Current role: Co-founders of Art Matters Now
Degree studied: MA Art Museum and Gallery Studies (newer equivalent is MA Curating Art)
What is your current role?
We're the founders of Art Matters Now, a curatorial initiative that engages artists and the public in creative discussions about social issues. We do this through exhibitions and digital technology.
We also support regional artists and cultural venues to create digital legacies for their creative output. We've developed ties with a growing number of organisations across the North East and beyond.
Some of the organisations that Art Matters Now has previously worked with include:
- Sunderland Culture
- Norfolk Street Arts CIC
- MBC Arts Wellbeing
- The Customs House in South Shields
- Tyne and Wear Museum and Archives
- Warwickshire County Record Office, and
- the University of Cambridge’s SunSpaceArt Project

Studying at Newcastle
How would you describe your time at Newcastle University?
Our experience has played a pivotal role in both our life and career trajectories. It's shaped our professional development as curators and creative practitioners by allowing us the opportunity to build lifelong relationships with like-minded people in the cultural sector.
What did you enjoy the most?
We both really enjoyed the hands-on aspects of our MA programme.
The opportunity to curate a public exhibition at the Laing Art Gallery was particularly invaluable. It gave us practical insights into how an art exhibition is put together – from conception to completion.
What skills and knowledge have you found useful in your career?
The knowledge and skills we gained from our degree have inspired us to found Art Matters Now.
Our course taught us some effective approaches to writing funding applications. Applying these approaches, we've had success in applying for creative bursaries and fellowships, as well as Art Council England's DYCP grant.
As individuals, we have developed separate but complementary skills, informed by our degree. This has allowed us to explore a deeper working relationship together as a duo, as well as our own individual practices.
An example of this is art writing and the application of digital technology/VR within gallery exhibitions
How did your degree help you find work in the sector?
The work placements we undertook during the course were very useful in helping us secure work opportunities and employment after graduation.
Alongside our Art Matters Now work, Rory also works in the Learning and Participation Team at The Customs House. Here he takes charge of the venue's visual arts and exhibition programmes.
The knowledge and skills gained through the degree have helped to form a strong foundation in his curatorial practice.
While co-managing Art Matters Now projects, Christie has also expanded her critical art writing practice, contributing to writing platforms such as Corridor8 and Social Art Library.
The degree has given her a better understanding of the cultural sector and exhibitions. This has allowed her the ability to write about these with confidence and in a professional context.
Advice for new students
What advice would you give to students starting the course now?
Try to visit as many art openings as possible and keep an eye out for any opportunities which may arise. Through these opportunities, talk to as many people within the sector as you can.
The cultural sector is constantly evolving. Make yourself adaptable and always be prepared to learn new things.
Studying at Newcastle played a pivotal role in both our life and career trajectories. It's shaped our professional development as curators and creative practitioners