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Dr Ayane Fujiwara

About Ayane

Current role: Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University

Degree studied: BA Hons Music, 2009

Post-graduation qualifications:

  • MA in Psychology of Music at Sheffield University
  • MSc in International Business at Nottingham Trent University
  • PhD in Marketing
  • PGCLTHE (Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education) at Nottingham Trent University

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About Ayane's career

Please briefly outline what you are doing now

Since graduating, I gained interest in how music can impact psychologically and behaviourally in the online space, which I based my doctorate thesis upon.

I have completed a doctorate study in 2019, and now work as the senior lecturer in marketing at Nottingham Business School specialising in Consumer Behaviour and Digital Marketing.

I am a course leader of Digital Marketer Degree Apprenticeship, and I am responsible for the efficient running of the course and managing external stakeholder engagement.

I still perform with a local brass band playing the tenor horn, and I started teaching the piano to my 4 year old son recently.

Studying at Newcastle

What did you like most about your music degree?

The facility was welcoming and friendly with lots of areas for working, practicing and socialising.

I made life-long friends who are likeminded from the course. A diverse variety of topics and teaching contents exposed us to music and cultures outside of my comfort zone.

I particularly enjoyed the collaborative projects and performances with the professional musicians.

In what ways did your music degree at Newcastle prepare you for your current role?

I was always interested in teaching, and the project I did for the part of my degree on teaching a student with autism led to study Masters’ degree in Psychology of Music.

Since I left Newcastle University, I taught piano privately and peripatetically in schools, extending my client base to more than 100 students.

The enthusiasm for the academic studies has certainly started when I was studying for my undergraduate degree at Newcastle.