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Martha Harkins

About Martha

Current role: Booking Agent and Business Development at Worldbeaters Ltd

Degree studied:  BA Music, 2023

Please tell us about your current role

I do a bit of everything! Mostly, I work closely with clients who wish to book our Spark! show.

I handle show and tour logistics, bookings and company administration. This takes form in booking hotels and transport for shows, promoting shows on social media, managing client relationships and sorting finances and contracts.

A highlight of my role is the relationships I build with our clients and of course, organising shows across the world! I particularly enjoy the business development side of my role which allows me to draw on my networking skills and creativity to develop the company and find new and exciting opportunities for us and our freelance performers.

Studying at Newcastle

What did you enjoy the most?

I enjoyed the extensive range of optional modules on this course.

I really felt like this gave me control over my learning and allowed me to choose areas of study that really interested me and nurtured my personal development.

What skills and knowledge have you found useful in your career?

I have the placement and business modules mainly to thank for preparing me for this role.

Networking and practical skills I developed and demonstrated in the placement workplace not only supplemented my CV, but also introduced me to my current employers.