Staff Profile
Dr Clifton Evers
Senior Lecturer in Media & Cultural Studies
- Email:
- Address: Media, Culture, Heritage
Room 2.77
2nd floor Armstrong Building,
Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Tyne and Wear, UK.
Research expertise:
Men and masculinities; sports & leisure; blue cultural tourism; environment and sustainability; blue spaces, health and wellbeing; coastal communities; post-industrial landscapes/seascapes; creative research methods, emotion/affect; mobile media; ethnography.
BA Cultural Studies, Philosophy (1st class Honours) Griffith University, Australia.
PhD Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, Australia
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education. Fellow of Advance HE
In 2015, I joined Newcastle University's Media, Culture, Heritage unit. I am the Postgraduate Research Director in the School of Arts and Cultures and have previously been the Director of the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion committee. I am involved in the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty and School of Arts and Cultures EDI initiatives, including the Faculty Athena Swan silver accreditation (successful). Additionally, I lead the Media Culture Heritage unit PARTNERS program, which is an assisted entry program aimed at increasing participation of under-served young people in higher education. I am co-founder of the experimental multi- and inter-disciplinary More-than-Human Policy Lab and the Museum of Polluted Leisure. I am a former Deputy Director of the Institute for Creative and Digital Cultures at University of Nottingham Ningbo China, and have experience in Transnational Education.
External professional Affiliations, Roles, and Memberships:
Professional Memberships:
- Royal Geographical Society (2019–present)
- Leisure Studies Association (2015–present)
- Cultural Studies Association (2006–present)
- Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (2004–present)
Editorial Roles:
Editorial Board, Leisure Studies (2025-present)
Editorial Board, International Journal for Sociology of Leisure_ (2023–present)
Editorial Board, International Journal of Cultural Studies_ (2019–present)
Editorial Board, Journal of Sport and Social Issues_ (2018–present)
Editor-in-Chief, Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea_ (2008–2013)
Research Networks:
- Coalescing Crises: A Syndemic Approach to Illness from the Medical and Environmental Humanities
- UK Coastal Culture Network
- SHRED network (Skating | Sustainability | Health Research | Environmental Design) (2023–present)
UK, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, USA
- SolasArts - an Arts Education Platform (2022-present)
- Newcastle University Climate and Resilience NuCore network (2022-present)
- HEAL network (Health, Environment, Arts and Literature) (2021–present). Spain, UK, USA
- Newcastle University Environmental Humanities Initiative (2022-present)
- Shadow Places Network (2018–present). Comprising artists, scholars, and activists dedicated to fostering connections for justice amidst climate change Australia, Sweden, UK, Japan, South Africa
- Surf & Nature Alliance
- UK Performance Research Network
My research has been widely published in world-leading peer-reviewed journals including Leisure Sciences, Global Social Challenges, Cultural Studies Review, Environment and Planning E, Social & Cultural Geography, Journal of Sport & Social Issues, and Leisure Studies, among others. My expertise has been sought out by many prestigious publications to for peer review, for example: Men and Masculinities, Gender Place and Culture, Communication and Sport, Human Relations, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and History of Sport, Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health.
I curate research exhibitions and create award-winning arts-based research method outputs (e.g., textile, film, sound, performance art).
I was part of the international advisory committee of the project 'Crushed But Okay', which concluded in 2022 and was funded by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation's eSafety Online Safety Grants Program and supported by the Australian Government's 'Improve Your Play' initiative. The resource was released in April 2022 on Instagram's IGTV and won the Swinburne University Vice Chancellor impact award.
My media experience includes contributions to news outlets like Le Monde, Arte, BBC, Sydney Morning Herald, and The Conversation.
I was a postdoctoral fellow at the prestigious Journalism and Media Research Centre at the University of New South Wales and Research Fellow at University of Sydney in Australia.
Undergraduate Teaching
MCH1023 Media Studies
MCH1026 Social & Cultural Studies
MCH**** Physical Cultural Studies
MCH2005 Intersectional Approaches to Media & Cultural Studies
MCH2069 Research Design & Practice
MCH3074 Critical Approaches to Media, Communication and Culture
MCH3073 Research Dissertation
MCH3072 Research Dissertation
Postgraduate Taught
MCH8199 Research Dissertation
Research Interests and Practice
Men and masculinities; sports & leisure; blue cultural tourism; environment and sustainability; blue spaces, health and wellbeing; coastal communities; post-industrial landscapes/seascapes; creative research methods, emotion/affect; mobile media; ethnography.
Postgraduate Research Supervision
I welcome postgraduate researchers who want to work in any of the areas relating to my research:
- Gender, particularly men and masculinities
- Sport, leisure, recreation
- Cultural tourism
- Environment and sustainability
- Cultural studies (especially physical cultural studies)
- Mobile media
- Arts-based methods / ethnography
- Blue spaces and blue health and wellbeing
- Coastal communities
- Emotion and affect
- Widening participation
Funded Research Projects
- Coalescing Crises: A Syndemic Approach to Illness from the Medical and Environmental Humanities (2025-ongoing)
- Understanding place-based repair in climate-affected communities (2025-ongoing)
- "A Resilient, Just Transformation for Post-Industrial Coastal Communities" (2024-ongoing)
- "Piloting local repair communities to enhance men’s mental health and reduce e-waste" (2024-ongoing)
- "The First Fossil Free Welfare State? Swedish Petro-Dreams, Resistances, and Coastal Transformations" (2019-2024)
- "Age of Extinction: Anglophone Narratives of Personal and Planetary Degradation" (2019-2023)
- "Northeast Coastal Community Resilience: A Just Transition from Industrial Heritage to a Low Carbon Future" (2022)
- "Temperature Life Histories: Experiencing a Changing Climate through Stories, Poetry and Data" (2021)
- "The Shadow Places Network" (2019)
- "Using New Media Cultures to Provide Sexual Health Information for Young Australians" (2010)
- "Social Cohesion through Sport" (2010)
- "Respectful Relationships"
- "Towards a Level Playing Field: Research and Evaluation of the Portrayal of Female Athletes and Women in Sport by the Media" (2010)
- "Strategies for Building and Sustaining Respect in New South Wales Public High Schools" (2008)
- "Peer-Based Mentoring in Sport: Strategies for Best Practice" (2007)
- "Safer Sex Beliefs and Practices in Multi-Partner Heterosexuals" (2006)
- Evers C. Switch. Lysekil Sweden: Folkets Hus, 2023.
- Evers C. Raff (Grit/Gritty). Lysekil Sweden: Folkets Hus, 2023.
- Evers C, Devlin R. Matsmältning (gastric mill). Lysekil Sweden: Folkets Hus, 2023.
- Evers C. I färg (In Colour). Lysekil Sweden: Folkets Hus, 2023.
- Evers C, Hogberg H, Cairns P. En dans för henne (A Dance for Her). Lysekil Sweden: Folkets Hus, 2023.
- Evers C. A banner for Wallsend. Tynemouth, North Tyneside: Bridge Gallery, 2023.
- Evers C. A banner for Lysekil. Lysekil Sweden: Folkets Hus, 2023.
- Evers C. A Banner for Luleå. Lysekil Sweden: Folkets Hus, 2023.
- Evers C, Davoll J. Listening to Hope. Headway Arts and the RePUBlic Gallery, Blyth: Shadow Places Network, 2021.
- Evers C. Infographic. Headway Arts and the RePUBlic Gallery, Blyth: Shadow Places Network, 2021.
- Bohman A, Evers C, Lövbrand E. More than one story: Remaking community and place in Sweden’s transition to a fossil free society. Local Environment – International Journal of Justice and Sustainability 2024, 29(4), 433-445.
- Evers C. An Ecological Crisis of Reason: Using Creative and Arts-Based Research Methods for Exploring Affective-Emotional Life and Just Transitions in Sweden. Global Social Challenges Journal 2024, 3(3), 360–381.
- O'Connor P, Evers C, Glenney B, Willing I. Skateboarding in the Anthropocene: Grey Spaces of Polluted leisure. Leisure Studies 2023, 42(6), 897-907.
- Evers C. Men’s Polluted Leisure in the Anthropocene: Place Attachment and Well-Being in an Industrial Coastal Setting. Leisure Sciences 2023, 46(8), 1191-1211.
- Evers C, Phoenix C. Relationships between recreation and pollution when striving for wellbeing in blue spaces. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(7), 4170.
- Potter E, Miller F, Lövbrand E, Houston D, McLean J, OGorman E, Evers C, Ziervogel G. A Manifesto for Shadow Places: re-imagining and co-producing connections for justice in an era of climate change. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 2022, 5(1), 272-292.
- Albury K, McCosker A, Evers C. Men seeking women: Awkwardness, shame, and other affective encounters with dating apps. First Monday 2021, 26(4-5).
- Evers C. The gendered emotional labor of male professional 'freesurfers' digital media work. Sport in Society 2019, 22(10), 1691-1706.
- Evers C. Polluted Leisure and Blue Spaces: More-than-human concerns in Fukushima. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2019, 45(2), 179-195.
- Evers CW. Polluted Leisure. Leisure Sciences 2019, 41(5), 423-440.
- Doering A, Evers C. Maintaining masculinities in Japan’s transnational surfscapes: Space, Place, and Gender. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2019, 43(5), 386-406.
- Evers C, Doering A. Lifestyle Sports in East Asia. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2019, 43(5), 343-352.
- Green K, Evers C. Intimacy on the Mats and in the Surf. Contexts 2019, 19(2), 10-15.
- Brown M, Evers C, Fleming D, Gilardi F, Reid J. Transmedial Projects, Scholarly Habitus, and Critical Know-How in a British University in China. International Journal of Transmedia Literacy 2018, 3(2017).
- Zhang Y, Evers C. Media, culture, and young women's body image practices in Taizhou, China : An exploratory study. Altitude: An e-journal of emerging humanities work 2014, 12.
- Evers C, Albury K, Byron P, Crawford K. Young People, Social Media, Social Network Sites and Sexual Health Communication in Australia: "This is Funny, You Should Watch It". International Journal of Communication 2013, 7, 263-280.
- Fleming D, Hernandez L, Tillotson J, Evers C, White A, Martin P, Mooney M, Willcock K. A Rubbish Idea: The Material Dump, or Casting Trash Talk into a new Light. Trash Culture Journal 2013, 1(1), 4-14.
- Nathan S, Kemp L, Bunde-Birouste A, MacKenzie J, Evers C, Shwe TA. “We wouldn’t of made friends if we didn’t come to Football United”: the impacts of a football program on young people’s peer, prosocial and cross-cultural relationships. BMC Public Health 2013, 13, 399.
- Byron P, Albury K, Evers C. ‘It would be weird to have that on Facebook’: young people’s use of social media and the risk of sharing sexual health information. Reproductive Health Matters 2013, 21(41), 35-44.
- Albury K, Carmody M, Evers C, Lumby C. Playing by the rules: researching, teaching and learning sexual ethics with young men in the Australian Rugby League. Sex Education 2011, 11(3), 339-351.
- Evers C, Lamasurier M. Get out in front: An evaluation of a media workshop for elite young sportswomen. Altitude: an e-journal of emerging humanities work 2011, 9.
- Nathan S, Bunde-Birouste A, Evers C, Kemp L, Mackenzie J, Henley R. Social cohesion through football: a quasi-experimental mixed methods design to evaluate a complex health promotion program. BMC Public Health 2010, 10, 587.
- Evers C, Gorman-Murray A, Potter E. Rural Cultural Studies: Research, practice, ethics. Altitude: an e-journal of emerging humanities work 2010, 16.
- Evers C. Intimacy, sport and young refugee men in Australia. Emotion, Space and Society 2010, 3(1), 56-61.
- Evers C. The point: surfing, geography and a sensual life of men and masculinity on the Gold Coast, Australia. Social & Cultural Geography 2009, 10(8), 893-908.
- Evers C. The Cronulla race riot: safety maps on an Australian beach. South Atlantic Quarterly 2008, 107(2), 411-429.
- Evers C. Rethinking gubbah localism. Kurungabaa: a journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2008, (1).
- Evers C. How to surf. Journal of Sport & Social Issues 2006, 30(3), 229-243.
- Evers C. Men who surf. Cultural Studies Review 2004, 10(1), 27-41.
Authored Book
- Evers C. Notes For a Young Surfer. Melbourne Australia: Melbourne University Press, 2010.
Book Chapters
- Evers C. Intoxicated: men, mental health, wellbeing, and pollution in blue spaces. In: Candice P. Boyd, Louise E. Boyle, Sarah L. Bell, Ebba Högström, Joshua Evans, Alak Paul, Ronan Foley, ed. Routledge Handbook on Spaces of Mental Health and Wellbeing. London: Routledge, 2025.
- Evers C. A Polluted Leisure Pedagogy in Seascape Wastelands. In: Brown M, ed. The Ocean, Blue Spaces and Outdoor Learning. London: Routledge, 2024.
- Evers C. The gendered emotional labor of male professional ‘freesurfers’ digital media work. In: Guillaume Dumont; Holly Thorpe, ed. The Professionalization on Action Sports. London, UK: Routledge, 2023.
- Evers C. Wearable technology and visual analysis. In: Green, K; Lageson, S; Hartmann, D; Uggen, C, ed. Give Methods a Chance. WW Norton, 2018, pp.155-164.
- Evers C. Surfing and Contemporary China. In: Dexter Zavalza Hough-Snee and Alexander Sotelo Eastman, ed. The Critical Surf Studies Reader. Duke University Press, 2017.
- Evers C. Hegemonic Pan-Ethnic White Australian Masculinity: Feeling Masculine During Mediated-Assemblages. In: John Erni, ed. Visuality, Emotions and Minority Culture: Feeling Ethnic. Springer Verlag, 2017, pp.147-161.
- Evers C, Germon J. Gendered Bodies. In: Andrews,D; Silk,A; Thorpe,H, ed. Routledge Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies. Routledge, 2017.
- Evers C. Researching action sport with a GoPro™ camera: an embodied and emotional mobile video tale of the sea, masculinity, and men-who-Surf. In: Ian Wellard, ed. Researching Embodied Sport: Exploring Movement Cultures. London & New York: Routledge, 2016, pp.145-162.
- Evers C. Pengpu night market: informal urban street markets as more-than-human assemblages in Shanghai. In: Evers, C; Seale, K, ed. Informal Urban Street Markets: International Perspectives. London & New York: Routledge, 2015, pp.95-104.
- Seale K, Evers C. Informal Urban Street Markets: International Perspectives. In: Evers, C; Seale, K, ed. Informal Urban Street Markets: International Perspectives. London & New York: Routledge, 2015, pp.1-16.
- Evers C. Masculinity, sport and mobile phones: a case study of surfing. In: Goggin, G; Hjorth, L, ed. The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media. London & New York: Routledge, 2014, pp.375-384.
- Evers C, Goggin G. Mobiles, men and migration: mobile communication and everyday multiculturalism in Australia. In: Fortunati,L;Vincent,J;Pertierra,R, ed. Migration, Diaspora and Information Technology in Global Societies. London & New York: Routledge, 2012, pp.78-90.
- Evers C. 'The local boys': violence, care, masculinity and the riots. In: Noble,G, ed. Lines in the Sand: The Cronulla Riots and the Limits of Australian Multiculturalism. Sydney Australia: The Federation Press, 2009, pp.169-184.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Evers C. Using arts-based research methods to explore low-carbon industrial transitions in Sweden. In: Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference. 2023, Imperial College, London, UK.
- Evers C. Polluted Leisure, Memory, and Resigned Activism. In: Communities and Change: Seventh Annual Meeting of the Memory Studies Association (MSA). 2023, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK.
- Doering A, Evers C. Living with Fukushima's "polluted" sea: life and polluted leisure in the wake of disaster. In: ASA18 Sociality, matter, and the imagination, Association of Social Anthropologists. 2023, Oxford University: Association of Social Anthropologists.
- Evers C. Love, Polluted Leisure, and Shadow Places. In: Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference. 2022, Falmouth.
- Evers C. Sink or swim: A wet ethnography of men and polluted leisure in post-industrial blue spaces. In: Surviving The Anthropocene: Towards Elemental Literacy And Inter-Disciplinary Partnerships. 2021, University of Iceland, Iceland.
- Evers C. Polluted Leisure in the AnthropOcean. In: Leisure Studies Annual Conference. 2019, Abertay University, Scotland.
- Evers C. Polluted Leisure. In: Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia. 2019, Lisboa University, Portugal.
- Evers C. Strike Mission! Assemblages of Mobile Media, Masculinity, Weather, Emotional Labour, and Surfing. 2018, Prague.
- Evers C. Caring the the Seas. In: Sustaining the Seas. 2017, University of Sydney.
- Evers C. Assemblages of media technologies and leisure. In: Leisure Studies Annual Conference. 2017, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.
- Evers C. Hegemonic Australian masculinity and mobile media in Shanghai, China: Listening and learning from mobility and feeling ethnic. In: Feeling ethnic. 2014, Hong Kong Baptist University.
- Evers C. Becoming-Tricycle: Informal urban street markets, ambiances and assemblages in Shanghai, China. In: 10th Crossroad in Cultural Studies Conference. 2014, Tampere University, Finland.
- Evers C. A methodology of ‘becoming-tricycle’ and psychogeography when studying urban space in Shanghai, China. In: Wandering Scholars. 2014, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Evers C. Being-In-The-Zone, Mediated Surfing Bodies and the GoPro Camera. In: Sport and 'Being in the Zone'. 2013, University of Brighton.
- Evers C. The National Rugby League and an Ethical Sexual Education. In: Onscenity. 2012, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom.
- Evers C. Mobile Phones, Men and Migration. In: Association of Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference. 2012, Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris, France.
- Evers C. Creativity, Social Media, Mobile Technologies and Sexual Health. In: New Media and Cultural Transformation: Film, TV, Game, and Digital Communication. 2012, Shanghai University, China.
- Evers C. The Ethics of Informed Consent: Lessons and Challenges in Working with Young Refugees in Sydney. In: Refugee Conference. 2011, Centre for Refugee Research, University of New South Wales, Australia.
- Evers C. Football United: Research with Young Refugees in High Schools and Intensive English Centres: Doing Qualitative Research in Difficult Contexts. In: Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine. 2011, University of Sydney, Australia.
- Evers C. The Point: Surfing, Geography and a Sensual Life of Young Men and Masculinity on the Gold Coast, Australia. In: Emotional Geographies. 2010, University of South Australia, Australia.
- Evers C. Promoting Social Cohesion Through Sport. In: International Conference on Sport and Society. 2010, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Evers C. Intimacy, Sport and Young Refugee Men in Sydney, Australia. In: Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. 2010, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
- Evers C. Indolicious: Surfing, Place and Methodology in Bali. In: Food For Thought. 2010, Australian Studies Centre, University of Barcelona.
- Evers C. Employing Working Class Men as Allies to Prevent Violence Against Women: The Case of the National Rugby League. In: Conference for the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Program. 2010, University of New South Wales.
- Evers C. Refugee Men and Mobile Phone Use in Australia. In: Gender, Media and Public Space. 2009, Coimbra University, Portugal.
- Evers C. Sex, New Media and Young Men”, SexoGoteborg: 19th World Congress for Sexual Health. In: SexoGoteborg: 19th World Congress for Sexual Health. 2008, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
- Evers C. Sex Wax: Surfing, Boys, Young men: Sexual Ethics and Sex Education. In: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference. 2007, Shanghai University, China.
- Evers C. Football United and the Style of Inclusion and Cohesion. In: Cultural Studies Association of Cultural Studies Annual Conference. 2007, University of South Australia, Australia.
- Evers C. Locals Only!. In: Everyday Multiculturalism. 2006, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
- Evers C. Care, Tsunami, and Masculinity. In: Cultural Studies of Australasia Annual Conference. 2005, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
- Evers C. Affects, Research and The Boys. In: Everyday Transformations, Cultural Studies of Australasia Annual Conference. 2004, Murdoch University, Australia.
- Evers C. Ethnography and Surfing. In: Cultural Studies of Australasia Annual Conference. 2003, Canterbury University, New Zealand.
- Evers C. Surfing and Masculinity. In: On the Beach, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Annual Conference. 2000, University of Queensland, Australia.
Creative Writing
- Evers C. Trust. Nordic Surfers Magazine 2024. Nordic Surfers Magazine, 34.
- Evers C. Displacement. Nordic Surfers Magazine 2024. Nordic Surfers Magazine, 35.
- Evers C. Becoming pollution. Magazine 2018. Magazine.
- Evers C. Omställning (transition). 2023. Linköping, Sweden: Linköping University, Art Exhibition Catalogue.
Digital or Visual Media
- Evers CW, Davoll J. Pollution. Macquarie University, 2020.
- Evers C, Davoll J. Far From Heaven. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Newcastle Institute for Creative Arts Practice, 2018. Short film.
- Evers C, Davoll J. A Toxic Love Affair. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Newcastle Institute for Creative Arts Practice, 2018. Short Film.
Edited Book
- Evers C, Seale K, ed. Informal Urban Street Markets: International Perspectives. London & New York: Routledge, 2015.
- Evers C. omställning II (transformation). 2024. Slite, Gotland, Sweden: Slite Industrial Museum, 10.
- Evers C. WHO MATTERS? a creative exploration of transforming industrial communities. 2023. Tynemouth, North Tyneside: Bridge Gallery, 3.
- Evers C. Omställning (transformation). 2023. Lysekil, Sweden: Folkets Hus (people's house), 8.
- Evers C. Energies: Blyth's industrial pasts and futures. 2021. Blyth, Northumberland: Headway Arts and RePUBlic Gallery, 11.
- Evers C, Davoll J. Making the Anthropocene: Future Fossils, Future Heritage. 2019. North Tyneside: Underpass Gallery, 4.
- Evers C, Davoll J. Coastal Contaminations. 2019. North Tyneside: Bridge Gallery, 6.
- Evers C, Davoll J. A Toxic Love Affair: Polluted Leisure in 'Blue Spaces' (multimedia exhibition) at AnthropOcean, Imaginaires, Oceaniques. 2018. Paris: Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 13.
- Evers C, Davoll J. A Toxic Love Affair: Polluted Leisure in Blue Spaces (multimedia exhibition). 2018. Newcastle University: Ex Libris Gallery, 6.
Online Publications
- Evers C. Surfing and Sustaining the Sea. University of Sydney, Australia: Sydney Environment Institute, 2018. Available at:
- Evers C. Why adding surfing to the Olympic Games is bad news for surfers. Huck Magazine, 2016. Available at:
- Evers C. Local-engagement, Growth, and Surf Culture in China: The Hainan Open. Swellnet, 2014. Available at:
- Evers C. The Society of the Spectacle: The Association of Surfing Professionals and Corporations. Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea, 2013. Available at:
- Evers C. At Jaileshuei. Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 4(2), 2013. Available at:
- Evers C. The Growth of Surfing in China: At what cost?. The Inertia, 2012. Available at:
- Evers C. Grommets in Wonderland: To be Young and Free in Taiwan. Swellnet, 2011. Available at:
- Evers C. Wigs Keep Out: On New Zealand, Sea Rights and Surfing. Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2(2): Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2(2), 2010.
- Evers C. Queer waves. The Inertia, 2010. Available at:
- Evers C. New Stories or Old Ones. The Inertia: The Inertia, 2010. Available at:
- Evers C. Masculinity, Masculinities, and/or ‘Masculinity as Style. Men and Feminism: Men and Feminism, 2010. Available at:
- Evers C. Shark Island Pits and the Cronulla Race Riot. Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2(1): Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 2(1), 2009.
- Evers C. Trust or Fear?. Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 1(3): Kurungabaa: A journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea 1(3), 2008.
- Evers C. False prophets of surfing bastardise our beaches. Sydney, Australia: Sydney Morning Herald, 2007. Available at:
- Evers C. Australia Day - kiss the flag. Australia: On Line Opinion, 2007. Available at:
- Evers C. Where the other fears to tread. Sydney Australia: Sydney Morning Herald, 2005. Available at:
- Evers C, Davoll J. Far from Heaven: Live Performance. 2018. Paris: Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
- Lövbrand E, Bohman A, Brodén-Gyberg V, Evers C. Att leva i omställningens tid: varför klimatpolitik är mer än industripolitik (Living in the Era of Transition: Why Climate Policy is More Than Industrial Policy). Linköping, Sweden: Linköping University, 2023.
- Evers C, Albury K, Crawford K, Byron P. Using new media cultures to provide sexual health information for young people. Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia: HIV/STI Health Promotion Resource Project, New South Wales Government, 2012.
- Lumby C, Albury K, Evers C, Caple H. Toward a level playing field: Research and evaluation of the portrayal of female athletes and women in sport by the media. A report for the Australian Sports Commissions, Australian Federal Government, 2009.
- Germon J, evers C, Probyn E, O'Connor P, Moller M. Strategies for building and sustaining respect in New South Wales public high schools. A report prepared for the New South Wales State Government Department of Education and Training, 2009.
- Evers C, Lamasurier M. Sportswomen: Get out in front!. A report prepared for the New South Wales State Government Institute of Sport and the New South Wales Premiers Department for Women, 2006.
- Evers C. Cultural studies: not drowning but waving?. Cultural Studies Review 2016, 2(2).
- Evers C. Media, Masculinities and Other Interpretive Frameworks: Reflecting on Audience, Representation, Bodies and Mark Moss’ The Media and Models of Masculinity. Masculinities: A Journal of Culture and Society 2014, (1).