Staff Profile
Dr Meng Ren
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
- Email:
- Address: International Centre for Music Studies,
School of Arts and Cultures,
Armstrong Building
Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
As a multilingual ethnomusicologist and cultural anthropologist (Chinese, German, English, and Spanish), Dr Ren received his PhD degree in Music (2019) from the University of Pittsburgh where he studied with Akin Euba (African music), Adriana Helbig (East European music), Deane L. Root (American popular music), Andrew Weintraub (Southeast Asian music) and Bell Yung (East Asian music). He also holds a master’s degree in international higher education from New York University.
Meng read German and Music for his BA Arts degree and studied musicology for his MA degree at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Maynooth University). He also obtained a Professional Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education while teaching Mandarin at the University Language Centre.
Meng joined the International Centre for Music Studies as an Early Career Fellowship in September 2023, having previously worked as a part-time lecturer and an academic advisor/student mentor at the University of Pittsburgh, New York University, Long Island University, and the University of Glasgow.
Selected Fellowships:
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship
Chancellor’s Fellowships in China and Chinese Studies
BA Arts (Double Honours) in German and Music, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
MA Arts in Musicology, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Professional Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
MA Arts in Ethnomusicology, University of Pittsburgh
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Asian Studies, University of Pittsburgh
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Global Studies, University of Pittsburgh
Graduate Certificate in Advanced West European Studies, University of Pittsburgh
PhD Certificate in Cultural Studies, University of Pittsburgh
PhD in Music (Ethnomusicology), University of Pittsburgh
MA in International Education (Higher Education), New York University
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
I am currently working on a project about the Chinese political culture during the early days of the People’s Republic of China, outlining how the performing arts supported nation-building and societal reform in the early 1950s. I have conducted research fieldwork in China, Taiwan, the United States, and Colombia. I also worked as a research assistant for Art History and Archeology projects on Eurasian metal culture. My other research interests include orientalism, intangible cultural heritage (ICH), cosmopolitanism, sound and human emotion, music education, music and memory, as well as performance and conflict.
I supervise research in areas related to my research intertests and I welcome expressions of interest from potential PGR students.
Selected Publications:
Ren, Meng. “Report: Henan Operatic Sound Museum,” ACMR Newsletter 26, no. 1 (2021): 5-9.
Ren, Meng. “Uniting Chinese Ethnic Minorities with Folk-songs: Hua’er as a National Heritage in China,” Irish Journal of Asian Studies 6 (2020): 75-93.
Ren, Meng. “Conference Report: CHINOPERL Annual Meeting and AAS Annual Conference,” ACMR Newsletter 22, no. 1 (2016): 9-10.
Ren, Meng. “Mahler’s Concept of Chinese Art in His Das Lied von der Erde,” Maynooth Musicology Postgraduate Journal 1 (2008): 154-178.
I am a module co-leader for:
Stage 1: MUS1011: Introduction to Ethnomusicology
I am also contributing to:
PGT: MCH8612: Heritage Lives: Media Messages and Form
I have been recognised as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
I welcome enquiries from potential PGR students working on topics relating to intangible cultural heritage (ICH), popular performing arts in East Asia and Americas, music and emotion, music education in the global context, and music and conflict.
- Ren, M. Uniting Chinese Ethnic Minorities with Folk-songs: Hua’er as a National Heritage in China. Irish Journal of Asian Studies 2020, 6, 75-93.
Book Chapter
- Ren M. The Aesthetic Politics of Western Sounds in Chinese Opera: Henan Opera Chaoyang Gully during the Great Leap Forward. In: Andreas Steen and Frank Kouwenhoven, ed. Sound, Noise and the Everyday: Soundscapes in China. Bern and Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing, 2024. In Press.
- Ren M. Report: Henan Operatic Sound Museum. Association for Chinese Music Research, 2021. ACMR Newsletter.