Explore our extensive range of specialist facilities.
Supporting world-class research
We have a variety of specialist facilities that are available to industry partners, businesses, and charitable organisations.
All our facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, and our experienced staff are available for guidance and consultation. They help support the world-class research at Newcastle University.
Facilities in our schools
Great North Museum
Our Newcastle campus hosts the Great North Museum: Hancock. Several of the University's specialist collections are held here, including Archaeology, Botany, Ethnography, Palaeontology and Geology, and Zoology.
There is also a unique library on the top floor of the museum, which is shared between the:
- Natural History Society of Northumbria archives and library
- Society of Antiquaries Newcastle upon Tyne library
- Newcastle University Cowen Library
Urban Observatory
Working to make our cities smart and sustainable through real-time urban data. The Urban Observatory has the largest set of publicly available real-time urban data in the UK.
The observatory makes millions of daily observations through their urban sensors. They have more than 50 different types in their network, which can help us improve air quality, manage transport growth and traffic congestion, and prepare for climate change.
Through this urban monitoring, we have a better insight into how Newcastle works, and where we can improve.