PASS Scheme
Our team of specially-trained students offer advice on academic writing skills to help progress your studies.
How PASS works
The PASS Scheme is available to all Combined Honours students.
It's a drop-in service, but you can also arrange an appointment by emailing us:
We've started getting feedback about the scheme, and how much new students learn from existing Combined Honours students.
There's some solid evidence that students who use the scheme have been receiving better grades back from recent assignments.

During a session
During the drop-in sessions, you sit with a PASS advisor and discuss what areas you're finding challenging.
The PASS advisor will read through your work and offer advice. They'll tell you how you can self-correct, by asking questions and offering tips.
The PASS team hold workshops on different aspects of academic writing, if there is enough demand.
All in all it's a very informal and friendly meeting.
Our advisers
The team are specially trained in academic writing, and in how to offer guidance.
The team can give you feedback on:
- content structure and paragraphing
- spelling and grammar
- referencing
- proof reading
- planning and time management
- research advice
We don't mark your work or offer advice on the subject specific content of your assignment. Our PASS team are undergraduate students and do not hold professional positions at the University.
Recruitment of PASS team
Positions for PASS Advisers and PASS Co-ordinator will be advertised in the second semester of every year. If you're taking an intercalating year, you should apply before you go away. We'll make arrangements when you return.