Staff Profile
Dr Chris Moreh
Lecturer in Sociology
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- Address: Room 4.106 (4th floor)
Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
I am a Lecturer in Sociology in the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology. Before joining Newcastle University in November 2021, I was a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at York St. John University. Previously, I had been a Research Fellow in the ESRC Centre for Population Change at the University of Southampton. I have a PhD is social sciences from Northumbria University, an MA in Sociology and Social Anthropology from Central European University, and an MA in Cultural Anthropology from Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest).
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My research interests and publications are primarily in the areas of ethnic and migration studies, nationalism, and political discourse. My approach to research is comparative, interdisciplinary and multimethodological. In my work I have combined participant observation, in-depth qualitative interviewing, archival research, critical discourse analysis, survey methods and statistical modelling. I have conducted ethnographic fieldwork in London, UK (2013), Granada, Spain (2011), Alcalá de Henares, Spain (2008–2009) and Budapest, Hungary (2006–2008). In my quantitative work I use both primary data collected via small and mid-size online surveys and secondary data from high-quality national and cross-national studies (ESS, EVS, Understanding Society).
For an op-to-date list of my publications visit:
Current research:
I am currently involved in two collaborative research projects exploring:
- Transnational healthcare and wellbeing among Polish migrants in the UK, with Professor Athina Vlachantoni (Southampton), Professor Derek McGhee (Stirling) and Dr Giuseppe Troccoli (Southampton).
- The Motivations, Aspirations, Expectations, Experiences and Outcomes of Study Abroad among UK undergraduates studying East Asian Languages, with Dr. Chisato Danjo, Dr Yeji Han, Dr Joan Walton (York St John University), and Dr Linda Walz (Leeds Trinity).
Individual projects:
- Trust Research Methods Database (TReMeDa) British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Small Research Grant funded; SRG24\242020; 2024-2026.
Some of my previous research projects:
2018–2019: ‘EU citizens in a changing Britain’. ESRC CPC, University of Southampton (with McGhee)
2015–2017: ‘EU migrants’ engagement in and attitudes towards Britain’s renegotiation of its EU membership conditions and the EU Referendum’. ESRC CPC, University of Southampton (with Vlachantoni and McGhee)
2011–2015: ‘Multiple dimensions of Central Eastern European migration to the United Kingdom: mobilities and citizenships’. PhD research, Northumbria University, UK.
2011: ‘Gentrification and urban heritage in Albayzín, Granada, Spain’. MA research, Central European University, Hungary
2009: ‘A Romanian immigrant community in Alcalá de Henares, Spain’. MA research, ELTE University of Budapest.
2008: ‘Foreign Hungarian scholarship students in Hungary’. Contract research for Balassi Institute (MTAKI).
2007: ‘Romanian Roma/Gypsies in Hungary’. Contract research for the Foundation for European Comparative Minority Research (EÖKIK).
Editorial Board Memberships
Sociology (2019–2023)
Central and Eastern European Migration Review (Since 2018)
My current teaching focuses primarily on research methods, both qualitative and quantitative.
- SOC2069: Researching Social Life 1 (Stage 2)
- SOC1031: Knowing in Sociology: An Introduction to Theory, Methods and Epistemology (Stage 1)
Postgraduate research:
As part of a secondment as a Researcher Education and Development Fellow in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / School X, starting the academic year 2022/23 I will be leading the intermediate pathway of the research methods module:
- HSS8005: Quantitative Analysis (Intermediate/Advanced stream)
- Moreh C, McGhee D, Vlachantoni A. Transnational Healthcare Preferences Among EU Nationals in the UK: A Qualitative Assessment. Sociological Research Online 2023, 28(2), 462-481.
- Troccoli G, Moreh C, McGhee D, Vlachantoni A. Diagnostic testing: therapeutic mobilities, social fields, and medical encounters in the transnational healthcare practices of Polish migrants in the UK Giuseppe Troccoli, Chris Moreh, Derek McGhee, Athina Vlachantoni. Journal of Migration and Health 2022, 5, 100100.
- Troccoli G, Moreh C, McGhee D, Vlachantoni A. At the junctures of healthcare: a qualitative study of primary and specialist service use by Polish migrants in England. BMC Health Service Research 2022, 22, 1316.
- Troccoli G, Moreh C, McGhee D, Vlachantoni A. Transnational healthcare as process: multiplicity and directionality in the engagements with healthcare among Polish migrants in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2021, 48(9), 1998-2017.
- Moreh C, McGhee D, Vlachantoni A. The return of citizenship? An empirical assessment of legal integration in times of radical sociolegal transformation. International Migration Review 2020, 54 (1), 147-176.
- Danjo C, Moreh C. Complementary schools in the global age: A multi-level critical analysis of discourses and practices at Japanese Hoshuko in the UK. Linguistics and Education 2020, 60, 100870.
- McGhee D, Moreh C, Vlachantoni A. Stakeholder identities in Britain's neoliberal ethical community: Polish narratives of earned citizenship in the context of the UK's EU referendum. The British Journal of Sociology 2019, 70 (4), 1104-1127. In Preparation.
- Moreh C. Az Egyesült Királyságba irányuló magyarországi elvándorlás a magyar és a brit migrációs rendszerek átalakulásának tükrében [Migration from Hungary to the United Kingdom from the perspective of the transformation of the Hungarian and British migration systems]. Ügyészségi Szemle 2017, 2 (3), 86-101.
- McGhee D, Moreh C, Vlachantoni A. An ‘undeliberate determinacy’? The changing migration strategies of Polish migrants in the UK in times of Brexit. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2017, 43 (13), 2109-2130.
- Moreh C. The Asianization of national fantasies in Hungary: A critical analysis of political discourse. International Journal of Cultural Studies 2016, 19 (3), 341-353.
- Moreh C. Inhabiting heritage: Living with the past in the Albayzin of Granada. Open Library of Humanities 2016, 2 (1), 1-33.
- Moreh C. Prestige and status in the migration process: the case of social differentiation in a Romanian ‘community’ in Spain. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2014, 40 (11), 1758-1778.
- Moreh C. Magyar bevándorlók az Egyesült Királyságban: demográfiai, földrajzi és szociológiai körkép [Hungarian migrants in the United Kingdom: demographic, geographic and sociological aspects]. Demográfia 2014, 57 (4), 137–172.
- Moreh C. A decade of membership: Hungarian post-accession mobility to the United Kingdom. Central and Eastern European Migration Review 2014, 3 (2), 79–104.
Authored Books
- Moreh C. Mobility Citizenship: Migration, Identity and Nationality in a Restructuring Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2025.
- Moreh Chris. Alcalái Románok. Migráció és társadalmi differenciálódás [Romanians of Alcalá. Migration and Social Differentiation]. Budapest: L'Harmattan, 2014.
Book Chapters
- Moreh C. Harm and Migration. In: Pamela Davies; Paul Leighton; Tanya Wyatt, ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Social Harm. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp.421–452.
- Moreh C. Towards an illiberal extraterritorial political community? Hungary’s ‘Simplified Naturalisation’ and its ramifications. In: Margit Feischmidt; Balázs Majtényi, ed. The rise of populist nationalism: social resentments and capturing the constitution in Hungary. Central European University Press, 2019, pp.105-142.
- Moreh C. Hungarian immigrants in the United Kingdom. In: Blaskó Zs. and Fazekas K, ed. The Hungarian Labour Market 2016. Budapest: Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2016, pp.69-72.
Edited Book
- Moreh C, Pietka-Nykaza E, McGhee D, ed. Handbook on Brexit and Migration. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2026. In Preparation.
Scholarly Edition
- Moreh C. Online survey design and implementation: Targeted data collection on social media platforms. SAGE Research Methods Cases 2019. SAGE, Part 2.