Staff Profile
I have been Lecturer in Philosophy at Newcastle since 2023. I am also Senior Tutor for Philosophy.
Before coming to Newcastle I taught Philosophy at Université Paris VIII, the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy and Staffordshire University.
I have a BA Politics and Sociology from Manchester University, and an MA and PhD in Philosophy from the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University. My PhD thesis was on science and individuation in Gilbert Simondon's early philosophy.
My research interests are political philosophy and philosophy of science, generally in post-Kantian Modern European Philosophy. I'm interested the French tradition of history of science and epistemology (Bachelard, Canguilhem, Foucault, Serres, Latour, and Stengers), though I also take an interest in the Anglo-German tradition of philosophy of science (from Logical Empiricism to Feyerabend and beyond). I'm beginning to work on Marxist political philosophy and (primarily French and German) responses to it.
I'm currently writing a book, published by EUP, on the role of natural science for Gilbert Simondon's philosophy of individuation.
I currently teach
- Introduction to Political Philosophy PHI1014.
- Ancient Philosophy 1 PHI1012
- Texts in Contemporary Philosophy: Herbert Marcuse's One Dimensional Man PHI2202-PHI3202
- Continental Political Thought PHI3002
- Hewlett G. Earth Collective: Natural Conditions for a Transindividual Politics. Itinera Rivista di filosofia e di teoria delle arti 2023, (25), 379-401.
- Hewlett, G. Cyberstructure. Review of Bernard Geoghegan's Code. . Radical Philosophy 2024, 2.16 (Summer), 78-82. In Preparation.
- Hewlett, Gus. About Time: Review of Gilbert Simondon's 'Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information'. Radical Philosophy 2022, 2(12). In Preparation.