Academic Resources
Find links to induction details, assessment and feedback information, and exam dates.
Each year, Combined Honours hold a range of induction activities designed to help you settle in to student life. Take a look at your induction timetable.
Academic support
As a Combined Honours student, you'll benefit from our Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) scheme. PASS advisors help with academic queries arising from your work, such as help with referencing.
You'll have access to the Academic Skills Kit and the Writing Development Centre. They offer tuition, guidance and support to help you improve your writing skills for study purposes.
In addition you will benefit from all three University libraries, and have access to Maths Aid, a drop-in centre to support you with mathematics and statistics.
Term and exam dates
Make sure you familiarise yourself with term and exam dates.
It's very important that you attend all examinations during all three examination periods, including the resit period.
You should consider the exam dates when making arrangements for vacation, employment and any overseas travel. Examinations are scheduled on Saturdays within the exam periods.
University exam period dates are published several years in advance.

The University publishes a provisional exam timetable about two months in advance so that you can check there are no clashes between your modules. A final exam timetable is published about one month before the exam period.
It's your responsibility to check the timetable and inform us of any exam clashes as soon as possible.
You must also read and understand the Rules for University Examinations which explain how you are expected to behave during exams.
Assessment and feedback
When you are revising for your exams, you will find it helpful to obtain copies of recent examination papers. Sample papers should be provided by the lecturer for new courses.
If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty, you may require special arrangements for your exams. On submission of relevant medical documentation, for example, you may be allowed extra time and/or an alternative venue.
If you think this may apply to you, you should contact Student Wellbeing as soon as possible to discuss any special requirements.