Student Support
Find out about the support available throughout your degree.
We're here to help
The Combined Honours Centre provides advice and information about your programme, including advice about registration and module selection.
You will be assigned a personal tutor who can offer you guidance on any issues you may have.
Learn more about personal tutors and Centre support on this page.
You can also find out about our absence procedures, and what do to if you feel your academic performance has been affected by personal extenuating circumstances.

University services
There's a range of University-wide services that provide support to undergraduate students. Visit the undergraduate website for more information about all that's on offer for support and wellbeing.
The University's Career Service provides expert help with all aspects of your career planning and preparation. Located in King's Gate building, just pop in to access advice about career options. You can also:
- research occupations and employers
- discover work experience opportunities
- take careers modules
- attend skills workshops
- access resources for networking and attend recruitment events
- develop enterprise skills and business ideas
Absence from University due to sickness
Find out who you need to contact, and the forms you need to complete if you're absent from university due to sickness.
If you're absent due to illness for three to seven calendar days, you can self-certify your illness. If you're absent due to illness for more than seven calendar days we require a medical certificate (ie a note from your GP).
In both situations you need to notify us of your absence by using the Student Portal.
You should also let your lecturers know if you're not able to attend their sessions.
Check the Student Progress website for information about the University sickness procedure.
Personal and extenuating circumstances
Sometimes things happen in life that are unexpected and beyond our control eg illness, bereavement and personal problems.
If you believe that your performance in assessments or exams have been significantly affected by personal extenuating circumstances you should let us know.
Depending on the nature, length, and timing of the circumstances it might not have an impact on your studies and you can carry on and catch up on any missed work (eg a nasty cough or cold for five days early on in the term).

Read more about personal and extenuating circumstances
If it does affect your studies and you need an adjustment (such as an extension of time in which to hand in an essay), you need to let us know by completing an online Personal and Extenuating Circumstances (PEC) form via the Student Portal.
You must disclose the nature of your circumstances and include any supporting evidence, such as a medical certificate from your GP.
PEC information and supporting evidence is only seen by a very small number of staff within the Combined Honours Centre and is treated in the strictest of confidence.
The process is well established and carefully managed; students must have faith in the process and be prepared to disclose their circumstances if they want this to be taken into consideration.
There is always someone to talk to, either your personal tutor or a member of staff in the Combined Honours Centre. More information about the PEC process is available on the Student Progress website
For further information about extensions, including the maximum extension time granted, check the University's Regulations, Policies and Procedures page
Personal tutors
Combined Honours students will be allocated a personal tutor for the duration of their degree. For students going on a year abroad, if you don't have one already, you will be allocated a personal tutor from Modern Languages at the start of Stage 2.
Your personal tutor is your link with the University, a member of staff who can provide help and guidance for any issues that you may have and can refer you on to the relevant support.
Your personal tutor will either be from one of your Subjects or from the Combined Honours staff members. You'll be able to look up who your Personal Tutor is on the Student Portal.
Personal tutors
The role of a Personal Tutor is to:
- advise you about academic concerns
- support you if you are ill, miss classes or assessment deadlines (and advise on the PEC process)
- be your advocate and supporter when you deal with any issue involving the University
- help with your academic progress, clarify feedback etc
- assist in your development
- be your referee for jobs and internships
Your personal tutor will invite you to an initial meeting, which you must attend. You should then take the initiative to schedule meetings with your personal tutor if you need to talk about any difficulties. You should be in touch with your personal tutor at least twice every semester to update them on your progress.
If you want to you can make a request to the Combined Honours Centre to change your personal tutor by completing a Change of personal tutor request form (DOC: 21KB).
If you have difficulty getting in touch with your personal tutor contact either the Combined Honours Centre or your Degree Programme Director.
Combined Honours Centre
The Combined Honours Centre provides advice, information and guidance throughout your degree.
We're responsible for everything to do with your degree, from your UCAS application as an applicant, through to your graduation and beyond.
The Combined Honours Centre should be your first point of contact for queries about module selection, registration, and any difficulties you're having. We have plenty of quiet rooms and spaces where we can discuss any issues confidentially.
You should contact us with any queries about:
- module selection
- pre-registration briefings
- module changes
- absences
- PEC forms
Contact us
The Combined Honours Office is located on the 9th Floor of the Henry Daysh Building and is open 09.00 - 17.00.