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Careers Service Modules

Explore the optional modules allowing you to use work experience to gain academic credit in your degree programme.

Careers Service Modules

The University’s Careers Service offers 2 Career Development modules that enable students to use their work experience to gain academic credit in their degree programme (either at Stage 2 or at Final Year).  There are three available ‘routes’ through Career Development modules: student tutoring (in schools, colleges, or on campus), volunteering, or learning from work (in a part time job).  Further information is available at:



There are no pre-requisites for taking any Careers Service modules.


The University’s Careers Service offers 2 Career Development modules that enable students to use their work experience to gain academic credit in their degree programme (either at Stage 2 or at Final Year).  There are three available ‘routes’ through Career Development modules: student tutoring (in schools, colleges, or on campus), volunteering, or learning from work (in a part time job).  Further information is available at:

Students will need to pre-register with the Careers Service indicating their interest in and suitability for, one or more of the different routes. You'll also need to ensure that you've completed the pre-requisite for a particular route. eg Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Check* application for the student tutoring route. The modules run across both semesters (10 credits in each).  Students will spend a minimum of 50 hours at their placement – either a half or full day each week, spread over Semesters 1 and 2 (but with at least 30 hours in Semester 2). This should cover at least 10 weeks to allow continual reflection to occur between placement visits and teaching sessions.Please note for the CDM, numbers (cap) draw from all programmes not just Combined Hons and release of places will be staggered across the Student Portal period to be as fair as possible.

 * (formerly CRB Check)

(University-wide) Career Service Placement Year Module


(University-wide) Career Service Placement Year module:

If you want to gain academic credit for a year of in-depth experience, there is an optional placement year which is taken between Stages 2 and 3 (which would be your Intercalating Stage).  If you're not already taking an intercalating Stage through a language subject, you can choose to undertake a placement year. You must identify and confirm a placement provider for a minimum of a 9-month (work) placement (although some students undertake a 12-month placement).  The placement must be approved by the Careers Service.  More information is at:








Career Service Placement Year


Semesters 1&2



(University-wide) Career Development Module

(University-wide) Career Development modules:

The University’s Careers Service offers 2 Career Development modules that enable students to use their work experience to gain academic credit in their degree programme (either at Stage 2 or at Final Year).  There are three available ‘routes’ through Career Development modules: student tutoring (in schools, colleges, or on campus), volunteering, or learning from work (in a part time job).  Further information is available at:

Students will need to pre-register with the Careers Service indicating their interest in and suitability for, one or more of the different routes.  In addition, you will need to ensure that you have completed the pre-requisite for a particular route e.g. Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Check (formerly CRB Check) application / check for the student tutoring route (as working with children). The modules run across both semesters (10 credits in each).  Students will spend a minimum of 50 hours at their placement – either a half or full day each week, spread over Semesters 1 and 2 (but with at least 30 hours in Semester 2). This should cover at least 10 weeks to allow continual reflection to occur between placement visits and teaching sessions.








Career Development for second year students (Capped at 40)


Semesters 1&2

3/4 (Final)


Career Development for final year students (Capped at 160)


Semesters 1&2


Get in touch

If you have any questions about choosing these modules as part of your Combined Honours degree, contact us and we'll be more than happy to help.

Our address

Combined Honours Centre
9th Level, Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: +44 (0)191 208 7479