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Art History

Examine and explore the ways in which meanings and values have been placed on art objects.

About the programme

UCAS Code: BA Combined Honours (Y001)

Art History offers you the opportunity to engage with artworks as the primary objects of your study.

You'll develop valuable skills of critical analysis, so you can examine and explore the ways in which meanings and values have been placed on art objects.

During your studies, you'll be challenged to consider aspects of:

  • artistic production
  • exhibition
  • reception  

This is so you can begin to analyse what the object reveals about its historical or contemporary context.

Your modules enable you to study art from the Renaissance to the contemporary. From Stage 2, you can select modules to allow you to develop your own individual interests.

Art History is offered by the School of Arts and Cultures.


While there are no pre-requisites to study Art History as part of your Combined Honours degree, A-Levels in art, art history, history, English or a language are desirable.

In preparation, we do advise you visit local museums and galleries, and national collections. This experience will help you develop your visual knowledge.

Complement this by reading from appropriate literature (books, catalogues, periodicals) to enhance your understanding of the historical, critical and theoretical dimensions of art history.


Find out about our typical Modules. Modules are subject to change and could differ on an annual basis.

Stage 1

Both Stage 1 modules are capped at 90.

Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.

All students must take the following two compulsory modules: 

Module CodeModule Title Credit ValueSemester 
FIN1013 Art Histories I (Capped at 90) 20  1
FIN1014 Art Histories II (Pre-requisite FIN1013) (Capped at 90) 20 2

 Candidates may take the following optional Art History module:


Module Code       Module TitleCredit ValueSemester 
FIN1020 Cultures and Histories of Display 20  2


Stage 2

All Stage 2 modules capped at 30.

FIN1013 and FIN1014 are pre-requisites for all Stage 2 modules.

Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.

Module CodeModule Title Credit Value Semester
FIN2017 Art Since 45: Postwar to Pluralism
20 1
FIN2019 Feminist and Queer Approaches to Modern and Contemporary Art 20 2
FIN2037 Contemporary Art and Globalisation 20 2
FIN2038 Histories of Photography 20 2
FIN2042 Fleshful Things: The Body and Visual Art
20 1
FIN2045 Art in the Creative City 20 1
Stage 3

All Stage 3 modules capped at 10 except for FIN3097 which has no cap.

You cannot take Stage 3 versions of Stage 2 modules already completed.

Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.

Module CodeModule Title Credit ValueSemester
FIN3019 Feminist and Queer Approaches to Modern and Contemporary Art (Note: same module as FIN2019) 20 2
FIN3027 Art Since 45: Postwar to Pluralism (Note: same module as FIN2017) 20 1
FIN3037 Contemporary Art and Globalisation (Note: same module as FIN2037) 20 2
FIN3038 Histories of Photography (Note: same module as FIN2038) 20 2
FIN3042 Fleshful Things: The Body and Visual Art (Note: same module as FIN2042) 20 1
FIN3045 Art in the Creative City (Note: same module as FIN2045) 20 1
FIN3097 Art History Dissertation 40 1&2

Get in touch

If you have any questions about choosing this subject as part of your Combined Honours degree, contact us and we'll be more than happy to help. 

Subject advisers

Dr Ed Juler - School of Arts and Cultures

Dr Harry Weeks - School of Arts and Cultures

Our address

Combined Honours Centre
9th Level, Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: +44 (0)191 208 7479