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Choose Law as part of your Combined Honours degree. Gain an understanding of legal knowledge and build transferable skills that will prepare you for your career

About the programme

UCAS Code: BA Combined Honours (Y001)

Build strong transferable skills and prepare for a career as a solicitor, barrister, or other profession.

Studying the Newcastle as part of your Combined Honours degree you'll learn about the law and develop practical legal skills such as:

  • case analysis
  • legal drafting and writing
  • legal research
  • client negotiation
  • client interviewing
  • mediation


There are no pre-requisites to be able to study Law as part of your Combined Honours degree.


Find out about our typical modules. Modules are subject to change and could differ on an annual basis.

Stage 1

Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.

Students MUST study the compulsory module:

Module CodeModule TitleCredit ValueSemester
LAW1210 Legal Institutions and Method (Compulsory)

Note: This includes engagement with the Foundations of Legal Skills Sessions
20 1

Students study a further 20 or 40 credits from the list below:

Module CodeModule TitleCredit ValueSemester
LAW1220 Constitutional Law 20 1
LAW1221 Contract Law 20 1
LAW1230 Law and Ethics 20 2
LAW1240 Administrative Law and Human Rights (Pre-requisite LAW1220)

Note: Cannot be taken alongside LAW1262
20 2
LAW1262 The UK and the EU (Pre-requisite LAW1220)

Note: Cannot be taken alongside LAW1240
20 2
LAW1054 Introduction to Business Law 20 1&2


Stage 2

Students study either 40, 60 or 80 credits from the list below, noting that the following Stage 3 Semester 2 modules are available at Stage 2.

Module CodeModule TitleCredit ValueSemester
LAW2222 Land Law 20 1
LAW2260 Criminal Law 20 1
LAW2261 General Principles of Tort (pre-requisite is either LAW1221 or LAW1220 and LAW1240) 20 1
LAW2263 Equity and Trusts 20 2
LAW3013 Criminology and Criminal Justice (capped at 100) 20 2
LAW3015 Environmental Law 20 1
LAW3017 Public International Law 20 2
LAW3024 Medicine, the Law and Bioethics (capped at 160) 20 2
LAW3032 Legal Theory (pre-requisite either LAW1221 or LAW1220 & LAW1240) 20 2
LAW3035 Terrorism and Counter Terrorism Law (pre-requisite LAW1220, LAW1240 and LAW2260) (capped at 160) 20 2
LAW3036 Family Law (capped at 160 – please contact Combined Honours if interested in studying) 20 2
LAW3038 Law and History 20 2
LAW3041 Law and Gender 20 1
LAW3054 Sports Law (capped at 100) 20 2
LAW3055 Global Intellectual Property Law and Policy 20 1
Stage 3

You should select a minimum of 40 credits and maximum of 80 credits from the below table. You may opt to replace one of these modules by a module offered in Stage 2.

Module CodeModule TitleCredit ValueSemester
LAW3010 Company Law 20 1
LAW3013* Crimonology and Criminal Justice (capped at 100) 20 2
LAW3016 Evidence (pre-requisites LAW2260) 20 1
LAW3017* Public International Law 20 2
LAW3024* Medicine, the Law and Bioethics (capped at 160) 20 2


Law and Literature  20 1


Succession (pre-requisite LAW1210 AND one of the following: LAW1221, LAW2222, LAW2263 OR LAW2261) (capped at 160) 20 1
LAW3032* Legal Theory (pre-requisite is either LAW1221 or LAW1220 & LAW1240) 20 2
LAW3034 Fundamentals of Human Rights Law   20 1
LAW3035* Terrorism and Counter Terrorism Law (pre-requisites LAW1220, LAW 1240, LAW2260)  20 2
LAW3036* Family Law (capped at 160 – please contact Combined Honours if interested in studying) 20 2
LAW3038* Law and History  20 2
LAW3041 Law and Gender  20 1
LAW3047 Commercial Law (pre-requisites LAW1221 and LAW2263) 20 2
LAW3052 Mediation and Commercial Dispute Resolution 20 1
LAW3054* Sports Law (capped at 100) 20 2
LAW3055* Global Intellectual Property Law and Policy 20 1
LAW3098 Dissertation (open to Students studying Law as a Major Subject and who are performing at 2.1 level or above across the Law Modules studied at Stage 2) 40 1&2 
LAW3253 Private Law Remedies (LAW1221, LAW2262 and LAW2263) (capped at 100) 20 2
LAW3254 Animal Rights (pre-requisites LAW1210 and LAW1230) 20 1

 * Must not be taken at Stage 3 if already studied at Stage 2.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about choosing this subject as part of your Combined Honours degree, contact us and we'll be more than happy to help. 

Subject Adviser

Francesco De-Cecco - Newcastle Law School

Our address

Combined Honours Centre
9th Level, Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: +44 (0)191 208 7479