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Gain a grounding in the continental and analytic traditions of philosophy as part of a Combined Honours degree.

UCAS Code: BA Combined Honours (Y001)

Taking philosophy as part of your Combined Honours degree, will enable you learn how to question, analyse and balance multiple (and often opposing) points of view.

These are valuable skills, required in a wide range of careers.

Our modules provide students with thorough grounding in the main branches of Philosophy in both the continental and analytic traditions. Students will also explore the relationship between Philosphy and other areas of human endeavour such as the arts, religion and the natural and social sciences.

In Stage 1, students explore topics in:

  • ethics
  • epistemology
  • the philosophy of religion
  • existentialism

In Stages 2 and 3, you can focus on issues concerning political and social philosophy, metaphysics and the philosophy of:

  • culture and the arts
  • language
  • science and technology

Your study will also look at issues such as the nature of the just society, creativity and taste, artificial intelligence, the nature of mind, the network society, models of communication and the nature of truth and knowledge.


There are no special requirements for taking philosophy as part of your Combined Honours degree.


Find out about our typical modules. Modules are subject to change and could differ on an annual basis.

Stage 1

Students study either 40 or 60 credits from the list below in Stage 1.

Module CodeModule Title Credit Value Semester
PHI1005 Existentialism and the Self  20 2
PHI1011 Introduction to Moral Philosophy 10 2
PHI1014 Introduction to Political Philosophy 10 2
PHI1015 Introduction to Philosophy and Religion 10 1
PHI1016 Foundations of Philosophy 20 1
PHI1017 Philosophical Approaches to the Humanities and Social Sciences and Critical Reasoning 20 1
PHI1112 Introduction to Aesthetics 10 2
Stage 2

Students study either 40, 60 or 80 credits from the list below in Stage 2.

Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.

Module CodeModule Title Credit Value Semester
PHI2003 Ethics and the Modern World (Preferred Pre-requisite PHI1010 and/or PHI1011) 20 1&2
PHI2005 Consciousness, Art and Technology 20 2
PHI2017 Place-Based Philosophy: Investigating Context through Fieldwork 20 1
PHI2018 Kant and Post-Kantian Philosophy (Preferred Pre-requisite PHI1011) 20 1
PHI2021 Italian Thought 10 1
PHI2111 Philosophy and Creative Practice of Philosophy 20 1&2
PHI2202 Texts in Contemporary Philosophy: Barbara Stiegler: Adapt! 10 2
PHI2800 Philosophy and Science (preferred pre-requisite PHI1003 or PHI1010) 10 1
Stage 3

Students study either 40, 60 or 80 credits from the list below in Stage 3.

Note: Students cannot study PHI3013 if they have previously taken PHI2111.

Note: PHI3010 Dissertation is not compulsory for Combined Honours students, please note that:

a) There are no taught sessions for the Dissertation, only independent study with some guidance from a supervisor.

b) Students must approach a member of Philosophy staff with a proposed topic to request supervision on an individual basis.

c) The Dissertation is only available to those who study Philosophy in a Major or Joint manner (i.e. not a Minor subject).

d) Co-requisite required, one of the below:

  • PHI3001
  • PHI3002
  • PHI3019
  • PHI3006

Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.

Module CodeModule Title Credit ValueSemester
PHI3001 Social and Political Philosophy (Pre-requisite PHI2001 or PHI2003) 10 1
PHI3002 Continental Political Thought (Pre-requisite PHI3001) 10 2
PHI3006 The Networked Society: Human Identity and Practices 20 1&2
PHI3010 Dissertations based on stage 3 Philosophy modules 20 1&2
PHI3013 Philosophy and Creative Practice of Philosophy 20 1&2
PHI3019 Phenomenology and 20th Century Philosophy (Pre-requisite PHI2001) 20 1
PHI3020 Philosophy and Psychoanalysis  10 2
PHI3021 World Philosophies 10 1
PHI3202 Texts in Contemporary Philosophy: Barbara Stiegler: Adapt! 10 2

Get in touch

If you have any questions about choosing this subject as part of your Combined Honours degree, contact us and we'll be more than happy to help. 

Subject adviser

Adam Potts - Philosophy

Our address

Combined Honours Centre
9th Level, Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: +44 (0)191 208 7479