Study Portuguese as part of your Combined Honours degree. Explore Portuguese culture and a combination of practical language study and communication skills.
About the programme
UCAS Code: BA Combined Honours (Y001)
During Stage 1 of your study, your focus will be on communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and Portuguese grammar. We encourage self-reflection and independent learning.
In Stage 2 you can further develop your Portuguese with a range of materials to challenge your language skills.
All Combined Honours students studying a language, have the option to go abroad for an intercalating year between Stages 2 and 3. You'll be based in a country where the language is spoken, to develop your language knowledge and expertise.
We have excellent links with other institutions, including the Centro de Língua Portuguesa (Instituto Camões), which is a major regional and national resource supporting the teaching of Portuguese.
After your return in Stage 3, we'll have small-sized classes. We work on building on your knowledge learnt so far and skills gained as part of your intercalating year abroad.
To compliment your study, we offer a few modules about Portuguese and Brazilian histories and cultures.
This subject is available as a joint or minor subject only (not major).

You can study Portuguese for your Combined Honours degree only from beginners' level.
A maximum of two language subjects can be taken together, but only one of these can be at beginner's level.
It's not possible to study two language subjects on their own without a third non-language subject.
Stage 1
Level A
Students study the following 40 credits in Stage 1.
Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
POR1065 | Level A (HE Entry Level) Portuguese I | 20 | 1 |
POR1066 | Level A (HE Entry Level) Portuguese II (Pre-requisite POR1065) | 20 | 2 |
Optional Modules:
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SML1021 | Introduction to International Film | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1022 | Introduction to Cultural Studies | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1025* | Language and Cross-Cultural Communication* | 20 | 2 |
*This module is for Stage 1 only.
Stage 2
Level B
Students can choose 40 or 60 credits in Stage 2.
Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.
Compulsory module
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
POR2010 | Level B (HE Intermediate) Portuguese (Pre-requisites POR1065 and POR1066) | 20 | 1&2 |
Optional modules
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SPA1019 | Introduction to History, Culture & Society of the Iberian Peninsula | 20 | 1&2 |
POR2001 | Cultures and Societies of the Portuguese-Speaking World | 20 |
1 |
All students must take the following module:
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SML2099 | Year Abroad Preparation | 0 | 1&2 |
Intercalating Year
Students taking a language as a subject have the option to spend a semester or an entire academic year abroad in a country where their chosen language is spoken between Stages 2 and 3. This shall be their Intercalating Stage. While abroad they shall take the following modules (dependent on choice of placement):
Compulsory module:
Module Code |
Module Title |
Credit Value |
Semester |
Year Abroad Tutor Posts |
100 credits |
Semesters 1&2 |
Optional modules:
Module Code |
Module Title |
Credit Value |
Semester |
Study Abroad |
20 credits |
Semesters 1&2 |
Year Abroad Placement Report (Semester 1) |
20 credits |
Semester 1 |
Year Abroad Placement Report (Semester 2) |
20 credits |
Semester 2 |
Year Abroad Project (Semester 1) |
20 credits |
Semester 1 |
Year Abroad Project (Semester 2) |
20 credits |
Semester 2 |
*All students spending at least one semester studying as part of their year abroad must take SML3006.
Stage 3
Students would study either 40, 60 or 80 credits from the list below in Stage 3.
Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.
Level C
Compulsory module:
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
POR4010 | Level C (HE Advanced) Portuguese (Pre-requisite POR2010) | 20 | 1&2 |
Optional modules:
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
LAS2028 | Cultura y poder en América latina: debates desde la antropología | 20 |
1&2 |
LAS4007 | Latin American Art: Indigenous Contemporary Art and Activism | 20 |
2 |
POR4003 | Identidades Pós-Coloniais Luso-Afro-Brasileiras | 20 |
1&2 |
SML4099 | Dissertation/T&I Project (Must be Portuguese or Brazilian based) | 20 |
1&2 |
Get in touch
If you have any questions about choosing this subject as part of your Combined Honours degree, contact us and we'll be more than happy to help.
Subject adviser
Dr Patricia Oliart - School of Modern Languages
Professor Guy Austin - School of Modern Languages