Researcher Education and Development
Boost your thesis and research development skills with our personalised training programme.
About the programme
Our programme aims to complement and enhance your subject-level postgraduate research.
Gain valuable research skills and boost your development as a researcher. Join a stimulating learning environment, connecting with colleagues across the university. Here you'll share experiences and ideas in a unique multicultural and multidisciplinary community.
Attendance is a requirement for all Humanities and Social Sciences postgraduate research students.
Key skills
As a postgraduate research student on Researcher Education and Development (RED), you'll:
- develop advanced research, theory, and method skills
- shape your training according to your specific needs
- be part of a multidisciplinary learning environment
- network with postgraduate researchers from around the world
- build links with students in all Schools in HaSS, as well those in your subject area

PhD students
All Humanities and Social Sciences PhD students must engage with the training programme.
At stage 1 there are two ways to engage (stage 2 and beyond follow the hours-based system only):
1. Hours based system
Complete 70 hours’* of modules and/or external opportunities per academic year
*35 hours for part time students
Read more about the hours-based system on our programme content page
2. PG Cert in Research Training
A 60 credit Masters level qualification in research training. You must attend all modules and submit assignments. This lasts 9 months for full time students or 1 year and 9 months for part time students.
EdD and IPhD students
At Stage 1 of your EdD/IPhD programme, you may take some Researcher Education and Development modules. This is also known as the taught (Masters) stage.
From Stage 2 onwards you'll progress to the research stage, engaging with research training, as outlined below.
Hours based system
You'll follow the hours-based system for the first and second stages of the research phase. Complete 70 hours’* of modules and/or external opportunities per academic year
*35 hours for part time students
Read more about the hours-based system on our programme content page
PG Cert in Research Training
Usually EdD and IPhD students cannot take the PG Cert.
You can only apply for recognition of prior learning for up to 20 credits. Most students in this situation will have more than 20 credits of HSS modules as part of their programme.
Contact our programme team to see if this is a possibility for you
MPhil students
Hours based system
You'll follow the hours-based system for the first and second stages of the research phase. Complete 70 hours’* of modules and/or external opportunities per academic year
*35 hours for part time students
Read more about the hours-based system on our programme content page
PG Cert in Research Training
MPhil students can take the PG Cert, but must have their supervisors’ permission due to the increase in workload.
Taught Masters and MLitt students
PGT or MLitt Students may take some Researcher Education and Development modules are part of their degree.
These include:
- HSS8002: Information Skills
- HSS8004: Qualitative Methodology in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- HSS8005: Introduction to Quantitative Methods (PGT Students only)
- HSS8007: An Introduction to the Nature of Explanation and Enquiry
We also offer a further two modules, which are open exclusively to Taught Masters students:
PG Cert in Research Training
You can also take the PG Cert in Research Training with your supervisor’s permission.
Find out more about the PG Cert in Research Training on our programme content page
External students
PG Cert in Research Training
You can apply to take the PG Cert in Research Training as a stand-alone, fee-paying student outside of the University. You won't have to do any other research training. You'll only attend the modules included in your programme regulations.
The PG Cert in Research Training is a 60 credit Masters level qualification in research training. You must attend all modules and submit assignments. This lasts 9 months for full time students or 1 year and 9 months for part time students.