Staff Profile
Dr Anurag Sharma
Director of Postgraduate Research and Associate Professor in Electrical Power Engineering
- Email:
- Telephone: +65 6908 6082
- Address: Newcastle University (Singapore campus),
SIT Building at Nanyang Polytechnic
172A Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8 #05-01
Singapore 567739
Dr. Anurag received a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur, India, and a PhD degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). Dr. Anurag is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Newcastle University, Singapore campus. Before joining Newcastle University, he worked as a Research Engineer at the Energy Management and Micro-grid Lab @ NUS.
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK
- Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Studies in Academic Practice
- Newcastle Teaching Award
- International Partnerships Seed Fund
- QR Strategic Priority Fund
- IEEE CIS Conference Support Award
- IEEE PES Conference Support Award
- Research Scholarship Award, NUS
- IEEE Senior Member: 2024-now
- IEEE Member: 2017-2023
- IEEE Power and Energy Society Singapore Chapter:
- Member 2016, 2017
- Secretary 2018
- Vice-Chair 2019, 2020
- Treasurer 2021, 2022
- Vice-Chair 2023, 2024
- Chair 2025
My research focuses on enhancing the resilience, efficiency, and intelligence of modern power systems. We explore strategies for service restoration and grid resiliency, ensuring rapid recovery from disruptions. Additionally, we investigate energy management in microgrids, optimizing the interplay of generation, storage, and consumption. Our work on distributed energy resources (DERs) integration addresses their role in providing essential ancillary services like frequency regulation and voltage support. We also delve into the planning and optimization of distributed storage, aimed at improving the reliability of distribution networks. Furthermore, we leverage multi-agent systems to develop decentralized, intelligent solutions for real-time decision-making and automation in power systems.
Google Scholar:
Looking for a candidate (only Singaporean or PR): Development of a hybrid energy storage solution to improve the system performance, safety, and economics
Current Research Projects
- 2024 - 2026: "Developing Critical Intelligent Modules for Large-scale Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Implementation", Collaborator
- 2024 - 2025: "Hybrid Cloud and Edge-based Energy Management for Distributed Energy Resources", Collaborator
- 2024 - 2025: "Development of New Electrode Materials for the Next-Generation Batteries with Improved Energy and Power Density", Co-PI
- 2024 - 2028: "Development of hybrid energy storage solution to improve the system performance, safety, and economics", Co-PI
- 2022 - 2024: "Towards multimodal sentiment analysis with heterogeneous information", Collaborator
- 2021 - 2022: “Research on highly skewed turbine rotors fabricated via 3D printing for open water tests”, PI
- 2021 - 2022: “Design and development of a cyber-physical system for cyber security assessment in smart distribution grid”, Collaborator
- 2021 - 2025: “Big Data Analytics for Smart Energy Management Systems”, Co-PI
- 2020 - 2024: “Machine Learning in Design for Manufacturing for Semiconductor Yield Improvement”, Co-PI
- April 2021 - July 2021: "Machine Learning Techniques for Energy Demand and Generation Forecasting", PI
Current PhD students and their projects:
- Karthickumar P: Preventive Maintenance for Low Voltage Distribution Systems
- Si Yong Heng: Developing a Vehicular Energy Network and integrating it with the Power Distribution System
- Ngiap Koh (Drake): Adaptive Activation Functions for Improved Prediction in Solar Irradiance Forecasting Models
- Sarvanan Suppiah (currently on hold): Impact of EV Penetration on Distribution System
- Irfan Malik: Data-Driven Transformer Fault Diagnosis and Lifespan Prediction: A Comprehensive Method
- Andy Chua: Design of GaN-based Single-Stage Inverters for Renewable Energy Integration
- Shiraz S/O Kaderuppan: AI-Enabled Technology for Cellular Imaging and Profiling
- Boon Siong Wee: Urban Reconfigurable Intelligent Farming System for High-value Mushrooms
- Sudha Palanisamy: RBI integrated Asset Integrity Management System for Marine and Offshore Structures
Potential PhD projects:
- Siting and Sizing of Battery Energy Storage Systems
- Smart Electric Charging Strategy with Reinforcement Learning for Urban Distribution Systems
- Uncertainty Management in Urban Distribution Systems
- Machine Learning for Fault Detection, Isolation and Restoration
- A Multi-Agent System Approach to Ensure a Resilient Cyber-Physical System
Graduated Student:
- Dr Ravi Suppiah (PhD), Lecturer at the National University of Singapore
- Mr Jovan Chew (M. Eng External Supervisor), Solutions Architecture at NVIDIA Singapore
- Mr Martin Lim (M.Phil): Machine Learning for Yield Prediction using Wafer Acceptance Test
Personal Website:
Teaching Interests:
He has a keen interest in teaching Electrical Power Engineering.
EPE1103 - The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of basic circuit theory including AC and DC circuit analysis, phenomena of resonance and damping, operational amplifiers working, etc.
EPE2301 -To introduce students to topics in electrical engineering including poly-phase circuits; poly-phase synchronous machines; three-phase distribution systems; poly-phase induction machines; and electric drives.
EPE3206/2304 - The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of high-voltage engineering, phenomena, and technology and to introduce basic high-voltage generation and measurement techniques.
EPE3313/8207 - The aim of this module is to introduce students to the need for smart grid technology, its operation, markets, and the potential of Computational Intelligence techniques to develop smart grid technologies.
- EPE1103 Circuit Theory
- EPE2301 Electrical and Magnetic Systems
- EPE3206/EPE2304 High Voltage Technology
- EPE3313 Smart Grids and Electricity Markets
- EPE8207 Smart Grids and Applications of Computational Intelligence
- EPE8209 Individual Project
- Kaderuppan SS, Sharma A, Saifuddin MR, Wong WLE, Woo WL. Θ-Net: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for the Resolution Enhancement of Phase-Modulated Optical Micrographs In Silico. Sensors 2024, 24(19), 6248.
- Chew J, Sharma A, Kumar DS, Zhang W, Anant N, Dong J. Unveiling the Dynamics of Residential Energy Consumption: A Quantitative Study of Demographic and Personality Influences in Singapore Using Machine Learning Approaches. Sustainability 2024, 16(14), 5881.
- Babu R G S, Reddy K MV, Shwetha S, Sivasankari GS, Narayanan K, Sharma A, Tellez AA. Techno-economic assessment of distribution system considering different types of electric vehicles and distributed generators. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 2024, 18(9), 1815-1829.
- Wee BS, Chin CS, Sharma A. Survey of Mushroom Harvesting Agricultural Robots and Systems Design. IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics 2024, 2(1), 59-80.
- Suppiah R, Noori K, Abidi K, Sharma A. Real-time edge computing design for physiological signal analysis and classification. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 2024, 10(4), 045034.
- Bhattar PL, Pindoriya NM, Sharma A. False data injection in distribution system: Attacker's perspective. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 2024, 45, 100672.
- Shan W, Yu Quan JC, Wang Z, Sharma A, Ng AB, See S. Examining the cultural influence on online stances towards COVID-19 preventive measures and their impact on incidence and mortality: A global stance detection analysis of tweets. SSM - Population Health 2024, 26, 101679.
- Bhattar PL, Pindoriya NM, Sharma A, Naayagi RT. AC-DC multi-phase power flow algorithms for active distribution system analysis. Electric Power Systems Research 2024, 226, 109924.
- Malik IM, Sharma A, Naayagi R. A Comprehensive and Practical Method for Transformer Fault Analysis with Historical Data Trend using Fuzzy Logic. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 2023, 30(5), 2277-2284.
- Chin CS, Sharma A, Kumar DS, Madampath S. Singapore's Sustainable Energy Story: Low-carbon energy deployment strategies and challenges. IEEE Electrification Magazine 2022, 10(4), 84-89.
- Kaderuppan SS, Wong WLE, Sharma A, Woo WL. O-Net: A Fast and Precise Deep-Learning Architecture for Computational Super-Resolved Phase-Modulated Optical Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2022, 28(5), 1584-1598.
- Suppiah R, Kim N, Sharma A, Abidi K. Fuzzy inference system (FIS) - long short-term memory (LSTM) network for electromyography (EMG) signal analysis. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 2022, 8(6), 065032.
- Kucevic D, Englberger S, Sharma A, Trivedi A, Tepe B, Schachler B, Hesse H, Srinivasan D, Jossen A. Reducing grid peak load through the coordinated control of battery energy storage systems located at electric vehicle charging parks. Applied Energy 2021, 295, 116936.
- Kumar DS, Lau P, Sharma A, Khambadkone A, Srinivasan D. Improvement of transient response in grid-tied photovoltaic systems using virtual inertia. IET Smart Grid 2021, 4(1), 1-14.
- Kaderuppan SS, Wong WLE, Sharma A, Woo WL. Smart Nanoscopy: A Review of Computational Approaches to achieve Super-resolved Optical Microscopy. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 214801 - 214831.
- Kumar DS, Sharma A, Srinivasan D, Reindl T. Stability implications of bulk power networks with large scale PVs. Energy 2019, 187, 115927.
- Sharma A, Trivedi A, Srinivasan D. Multi-stage restoration strategy for service restoration in distribution systems considering outage duration uncertainty. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 2018, 12(19), 4319-4326.
- Kumar DS, Srinivasan D, Sharma A, Reindl T. Adaptive directional overcurrent relaying scheme for meshed distribution networks. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 2018, 12(13), 3212-3220.
- Sharma A, Srinivasan D, Trivedi A. A Decentralized Multi-Agent Approach for Service Restoration in Uncertain Environment. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2018, 9(4), 3394-3405.
- Srinivasan D, Rajgarhia S, Radhakrishnan BM, Sharma A, Khincha HP. Game-Theory based dynamic pricing strategies for demand side management in smart grids. Energy 2017, 126, 132–143.
- Sharma A, Srinivasan D, Trivedi A. A decentralized multiagent system approach for service restoration using DG islanding. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2015, 6(6), 2784-2793.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Lin M, Sharma A, Chin CS, Yip T, Ong J. Prediction of Wafer Map Categories using Wafer Acceptance Test Parameters in Semiconductor Manufacturing. In: 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2022). 2022, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece: Springer.
- Wee BS, Chin CS, Sharma A. Artificial Intelligence of Things Enabled Fungiculture in Shipping Container. In: 24th IEEE/ACIS International Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan: IEEE.
- Bakar MA, Logenthiran T, Sharma A, Phan V-T. Optimal placement of DGs in a distributed power system with power system studies. In: Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC). 2018, Bangalore, India: IEEE.
- Zhang W, Srinivasan D, Sharma A. Comment on 'Distributed coordination of Electric Vehicles providing V2G regulation services' by E. L. Karfopoulos, K. A. Panourgias N., and D. Hatziargyriou. In: International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT Asia 2018. 2018, Singapore, Singapore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Zhang W, Quan H, Gandhi O, Rodriguez-Gallegos CD, Sharma A, Srinivasan D. An ensemble machine learning based approach for constructing probabilistic PV generation forecasting. In: Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC. 2018, Bangalore, India: IEEE Computer Society.
- Sharma A, Srinivasan D, Kumar DS. A comparative analysis of centralized and decentralized multi-agent architecture for service restoration. In: 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 2016, Vancouver, BC, Canada: IEEE.
- Sharma A, Shih S, Srinivasan D. A smart scheduling strategy for charging and discharging of electric vehicles. In: Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT ASIA), 2015 IEEE. 2015, IEEE. In Preparation.
- Sharma A, Arokiasami WA, Srinivasan D. A multi-agent approach for service restoration with distributed generation. In: Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia), IEEE. 2013, IEEE.
- Goh KL, Sharma A. Insights on the Singapore electromobility symposium: quantitative analysis. Newcastle University: Newcastle University, 2023. Version 5.
- Goh KL, Cheong VS, Tan KCK, Sharma A. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Arising from Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use in Human Biomedical Research. Singapore: Newcastle University in Singapore, 2023. REACH Bytes E-Newsletter.