Staff Profile
Professor Cheng Chin
Professor of Intelligent Systems Modelling & Simulation, Director of Research & Innovation
- Email:
- Telephone: +65 6463 3644
- Address: Newcastle University in Singapore
537 Clementi Road #06-01
Singapore 599493
He is Chair Professor of Intelligent Systems Modelling and Simulation at Newcastle University and Editor-in-Chief (EiC) for Cybernetics and Systems. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Chongqing University, serving as a University Ambassador for Nvidia and a Nvidia Certified Instructor. Additionally, he serves as the Director of the Newcastle University-Nvidia Joint Laboratory and the Director of Research & Innovation in Singapore. As the inaugural Director of Innovation, he has led numerous collaborative research initiatives with various industries in Singapore, making significant contributions to their success. He secured 9 grants from the Economic Development Board (EDB) through the Industrial Postgraduate Programme (IPP) and an additional 2 grants from the Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI), where he acted as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-PI. These grants support research initiatives in intelligent systems design, simulation, and predictive analytics.
He has authored 5 books published by IET, CRC Press, and Springer, edited 2 additional books, and demonstrated his commitment to innovation with 2 patent applications in Singapore and 3 US patents. His research extends into artificial intelligence, with active participation in numerous AI-focused conferences, including EANN/EAAAI, IJCNN, AIAI, and DCASE. He holds professional teaching credentials as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Specialist Adult Educator in engineering curriculum development. He also served as Lead Guest Editor for the Journal of Advanced Transportation, managing a Special Issue on Intelligent Autonomous Transport Systems Design and Simulation with Wiley. He received the Best Presentation award at the 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications, organized by IEEE.
He was recognized for his outstanding contributions in reviewing for Future Generation Computer Systems, a journal by Elsevier, and received the Best Paper Award at the 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, sponsored by IEEE. His research also earned the Judges' Award at the global competition DCASE2019, organized by IEEE AASP, and was subsequently published in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing and IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.
He has held roles such as Keynote Speaker, General Chair, and Technical Review Committee member at various international conferences focused on intelligent systems. His involvement also extended to a Working Group organized by the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), in collaboration with the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC), which focused on the "IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial Agents: Integration of Software Agents and Low-Level Automation Functions." A major outcome of this collaboration was the official publication of the IEEE 2660.1-2020 standard in January 2021. He was invited to join another Working Group organized by IEEE for the "Recommended Practice on Electrical Installations in Shipboard Design," which led to the publication of IEEE Std 45.1™‐2023. He actively serves as an Associate Editor for multiple journals, including IEEE Access Journal, Applied Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Earthzine (with a focus on marine power and battery systems), and Frontiers in Future Transportation.
- NTU-Ph.D in Cascaded Switching Supervisory Control of ROV, Research Robotic Centre
- University of Manchester (formerly UMIST)-M.Sc (Distinction) in Advanced Control and Systems Engineering with Emeritus Prof. Howard Harry Rosenbrock's Medal for top graduate, Control Systems Centre (EEE)
- NTU-B. Eng (Hons) in Mechanical & Production Engineering (specialisation in Mechatronics Engineering)
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic-Diploma (Merit) in Mechanical Engineering (robotics)
Roles and Responsibilities
Applied AI Research, Innovative Teaching and Industry Engagement
- Fellow of Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (FIMarEST)
- Fellow of British Computer Society (FBCS)
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE)
- Chartered Engineer (CEng)
- Specialist Adult Educator (SAE) in curriculum development
Research Profile
- Intelligent Systems Modelling & Simulation of complex systems for uncertain environments (marine systems, energy storage systems, and acoustics) involving Predictive Analytics (data mining, predictive modeling, and machine learning).
Current Research Projects
- Predictive Analytics (predictive modelling and machine learning)
- Acoustic Modelling, Scene Classification and Event Detection
- Electro-Chemical Thermal System Modelling and Simulation of Lithium Battery
- Electrical Systems and Vehicles Modelling and Simulation
Research Institutes
- Temasek Polytechnic
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- Chongqing University
- AMRITA Vishwa Vidyapeethaml Chennai Campus
- SRM Institute of Science and Technology
- University of Texas at Austin
- Sharif University of Technology
Industry Collaborators
- Nvidia AI Technology Centre
- Seagate
- SembCorp Marine
- GlobalFoundries
- Xylem
- Cetim-Matcor
- SMI- SembCorp Marine, Marine & Offshore Technology Centre of Innovation
Research Books
- CS Chin, Intelligent Virtual System for Underwater Vehicle Piloting using Unity, CRC Press, ISBN 9780367653941, 2020.
- CS Chin, M.W.S. Lau. Benchmark Models of Control System Design for Remotely Operated Vehicles, Springer, ISBN 978-981-15-6511-3, 2020.
- CS Chin. Intelligent Thermal Energy System: An Overview, Nova Science Publishers Inc., ISBN: 978-1-53616-827-3, Apr 2020.
- CS Chin, R. Cui, Intelligent Marine Robotics Modelling, Simulation and Applications, MDPI, ISBN: 978-3-03928-133-6, Apr 2020.
- CS Chin. Embedded Mechatronics System Design for Uncertain Environments: Linux-based, MATLAB xPC Target, PIC, Arduino and Raspberry Pi Approaches, IET Press, ISBN: 978-1-78561-322-7, 2018.
- CS Chin. Computer-Aided Control Systems Design: Practical Applications Using MATLAB® and Simulink®, Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press, ISBN 9781138073494, March 29, 2017.
- C. Ananth, HS. Min, CS. Chin, P. Avirajamanjula, A Brief Outline Of Technical Challenges In Wireless Technology, Rakuten Kobo Inc. Publishing, Toronto, Canada, ISBN: 978-81-910-748-7-1, 2017.
Research Recognitions
- 2023: Best Presentation in Session 2: Intelligent Information Management System and Data Analysis of 2023 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2023), IEEE.
- 2022: Presented Outstanding Contribution to 2022 International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.
- 2022: Awarded China Scholarship Council (202105290005) for Intelligent Systems Design in Singapore (period Oct 2022-Oct 2023).
- 2022: Exceptional Contribution to the Quality of Computers and Electrical Engineering as a Guest Editor of the special section on Emerging Trends and Challenges of Machine Learning in Human-Computer Interaction, Elsevier.
- 2020: DCASE2020 Challenge Task 4, 6th in Teams ranking for Sound Event Detection and Separation in Domestic Environments, in IEEE AASP Challenge on DCASE 2020.
- 2019: DCASE2019 Challenge Task 4, 8th in Teams ranking for Sound Event Detection and Separation in Domestic Environments, in IEEE AASP Challenge on DCASE 2019.
- 2019: DCASE2019 Judges' Award for Sound Event Detection in Domestic Environments in IEEE AASP Challenge on DCASE 2019 entitled: Non-Negative Matrix Factorization-Convolution Neural Network (NMF-CNN) for Sound Event Detection.
- 2019: Best Application Paper Award in the 11th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, Springer.
- 2018: Best Paper Award in the 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, IEEE.
- 2018: Certificate of Outstanding Contributions in Reviewing for Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier.
- 2014: Awarded Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition as Session Chair in 2014 IEEE Region 10 Technical Symposium, KL,Malaysia.
- 2013 : Recognised in Celebrating Success in the University Event by Vice-Chancellor, Prof Professor Chris Brink: The research engagement activities and research leadership involving UK (SMD Ltd) and Singapore's research partner (SMI and TP) to develop a new high performance lithium-ion battery power system for deep sea operations.
- 2006: Awarded Technological Achievement by Seagate’s CEO-Mr Bill Watkin.
- 2005: Quality Excellence Award for Customer Satisfaction in Seagate for Outstanding Achievements and Team Participation towards Mechanical System Robustness by Vice President of Quality and Reliability, Mr. Ralph R. McLaughlin.
- 2001: Emeritus Professor Howard Rosenbrock’s Medal for the Top Graduate of M.Sc. course from Control System Centre, The University of Manchester (formerly UMIST). Dissertation supervised by late Prof. Neil Munro.
Research Grants
- Intelligent Systems Design 1 (Battery): 2013 to 2016- Co-PI for Research grant from Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) on High Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Power System for Long Endurance Deep Water Operation on ROV. SMD & Temasek Poly-CERC. Co-PI. S$598,200.
- Intelligent Systems Design 2 (ROV Control Systems Design): 2013 to 2015 - PI- Research project on AUV Docking Hoop Control System/ROV. ST-Electronics (Large-scale Systems Group) funded by Defence Innovative Research Programme. Co-PI. S$124,525.
- Intelligent Systems Design 3 (Non-Invasive Fouling Recognition System ): 2015 to 2017 . PI for Global Excellence Fund by Newcastle University with NTU, Prof. Maode Ma and POSH Ltd. PI. S$22,000.
- Predictive Analytics 1 (Noise Prediction of Large Acoustic Enclosure) : 2013 to 2017 - EDB-Industrial Ph.D. Programme (IPP) - Noise and Vibration Prediction. SembCorp Marine. PI.
- Predictive Analytics 2 (Noise Prediction of Small Acoustic Enclosure): 2013 to 2017 -EDB-Industrial Ph.D. Programme (IPP) - Correlation Study and Control of Mechanical Vibration and Psycho-Acoustic Parameters in Hard Disk Drive. Seagate. PI.
- Predictive Analytics 3 (Noise Prediction Software Tool): 2016 to 2019 - Co-PI on research grant from Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) on Intelligent Software Tool for independent Airborne and Structure-Borne Noise Modelling and Prediction in Crew Accommodation Quarter. SembCorp Marine & Ngee Ann Poly-Centre of Innovation-Marine & Offshore Technology (COI-MOT). Co-PI. S$346,600.
- Predictive Analytics 4 (Leak Localization Prediction in Water Distribution Network): Jul 2018 to Jul 2022: Awarded EDB-Industrial Ph.D. Programme (IPP) with Visenti (Xylem Inc.) and Newcastle University on Smart Multi-modality Sensor Fusion for High Precision Leakage Localization. PI.
- Predictive Analytics 5 (Small Leakage Prediction in Water Distribution Network): 2018 to 2022: Awarded EDB-Industrial Ph.D. Programme (IPP) with Visenti (Xylem Inc.) and Newcastle University on Intelligent Leakage Early Warning System under Weak Signal Detection. PI.
- Intelligent Systems Design 4 (Energy Storages in Hot and Humid Climates): 2020 to 2023: Involved in EMA [Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning) Joint Grant. Collaborator. S$1.5M.
- Intelligent Systems Design 5 (Machine Learning in Manufacturing): 2020 to 2024: Awarded EDB-IPP grant with Global Foundries. Co-PI.
- Predictive Analytics 6 (Machine Learning in Climate Change): 2022 to 2026: Awarded EDB-IPP grant with Nvidia AI Technology Centre. PI.
- Intelligent Systems Design 6 (Computational Modelling and Digitalization Tool for Cathodic Protection): 2024 to 2028: Awarded EDB-IPP grant with Cetim-Matcor. Co-PI.
Research / Taught PG/ UG Supervisions (Main Supervisory Role)
- Successfully graduated 6 MSc students (part-time)
- Successfully graduated 5 PhD candidates (part-time/full-time), Supervising 5 PhD candidates (part-time/full-time)
- Successfully graduated 5 MPhil candidates (part-time/full-time), Supervising 2 MPhil candidates (part-time/full-time)
- Supervised 4 RE for SMI (full-time)
- Supervised 2 RA (full-time)
- Supervised over 200 capstone project undergraduate students since 2010.
Guest Editorial:
- 2023: Guest Editor, Special issue of the IEEE TEC Newsletter on Advances in Charging Systems.
- 2022: Guest Associate Editor for Reviews in Urban Transportation Systems and Mobility, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
- 2021: Co-Guest Editor, Special issue of the IEEE TEC Newsletter on Digitization of Marine Transport, onboard DC Grid, and Short Endurance Vessel Design
- 2021: Guest Editor for Marine Transportation Electrification, IEEE Transportation Electrification Community (TEC) eNewsletter.
- 2020: Guest Editor for Electronics on 10th Anniversary of Electronics: New Advances in Systems and Control Engineering, MDPI.
- 2020: Guest Editor for Electronics on State-of-the-Art Artificial Intelligence Technology, MDPI.
- 2020: Guest Editor of Computers and Electrical Engineering: Special Section on Emerging Trends and Challenges of Machine Learning in AI and Human-Computer Interaction, Elsevier.
- 2020: Guest Editor for Sensors on Intelligent Sound Measurement Sensor and System, MDPI.
- 2019: Session Co-Chair for Smart and Intelligent Controller Based Grid Integration of Renewable Energy System in IEEE TENCON 2019, October 17-20, 2019, Kochi, India.
- 2018: Lead Editor for Systems Design and Simulation, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Hindawi with John Wiley & Sons.
- 2019: Guest Editor on Special Issue on Intelligent Marine Robotics Modelling, Simulation and Applications, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI
- 2018: Guest Editor on Special Issue on Applied Intelligent Robot for Uncertain Environment, Robotics, MDPI
- Editors-in-Chief (EiC) for Cybernetics and Systems, Taylor Francis
- Associate Editor for IEEE Transportation Electrification Community Newsletter
- Associate Editor for Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor Francis
- Associate Editor for IEEE Access
- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Future Transportation (Transportation Electrification)
- Associate Editor for IEEE Earthzine (marine power and battery systems) by IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society.
- Topical Advisory Panel Member, Sensors, MDPI
- Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, Inderscience
- Editorial Board Member of Electronics (Systems & Control Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems), MDPI
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
- IEEE Access
- Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Soft computing
- Computer and Electrical Engineering
- Neurocomputing
- Applied Thermal Engineering
- Journal of Energy Storage
- Applied Acoustics
- Sensors
- Electronics
Research-Informed Teaching Outcomes
- 2012: A FYP project on Design of an attachable walking skid for a ROV (supervised by myself) was shortlisted (i.e. final 3) in 2012 SET Awards (Science, Engineering & Technology Student of the Year) under the Maritime Technology Category.
- 2012: UG student obtained RINA (Royal Institution of Naval Architects) for Best Final Year Project (Design of an attachable walking skid for a ROV )in BEng with Honours in Marine Engineering.
- 2012: UG student obtained RINA and Keppel Award for Best Final Year Project in BEng with Honours in Marine Engineering.
- 2013: UG student obtained RINA and Keppel Award for Best Final Year Project (Hull Inspection Robot) in BEng with Honours in Naval Architects.
- 2013: A FYP project on Hull Inspection Robot (by UG student ) was awarded with 2013 MTS ROV COMMITTEE SCHOLARSHIP of US$2,000
- 2013: Co-supervisor for project- Application of Ocean Energy in Marine Aquatic Floating Farm recognised as an outstanding engineering project in WES 2013 YOUNG ENGINEERS COMPETITON.
- 2014: Awarded Newcastle University PGR Innovation Fund Projects (worth S$8,000) for Digital and Experiential Learning Network that leads to PGR Retreat for all PGR students in Singapore.
- 2014: UG student awarded RINA and Keppel book Prize for the Top Final-Year Project (Deep Sea Remote Vibration Monitoring) in BEng with Honours in Offshore Engineering.
- 2014: UG student awarded RINA and Keppel Book Prize for the Top Final-Year Project (Underwater Robotics Vehicle Simulation) in BEng with Honours in Naval Architects
- 2015: UG student awarded RINA and BAE Systems for the Top Final-Year Project (Engine Sound Signal Separation) in BEng with Honours in Marine Engineering
- 2016: Awarded Postgraduate Travel Grant for MPhil Student to attend conference.
- 2018: UG student awarded RINA and BAE Systems for the Top Final-Year Project (Enhancing the performance of PV Panel by a Cooling System) in BEng with Honours in Marine Engineering.
Research Publicity
- Powering undersea exploration with Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd (SMD) and Newcastle University
- New biofouling system aims to help to ship save on fuel and costs by Seatrade Maritime News
- R&D: Acoustic Annoyance Study of HDD for Laptop by Hard Disk Drives by Storage
- Water security matters in Singapore by Asia Research News.
- Go Green Singapore- Trillion Dollar Company Prevents Climate Disaster by Chosun Biz, South Korea.
Research Innovations - U.S. Patents
- B.Wee, Chin CS. A System and Device for Growing Mushrooms, Singapore Patent Application, 10202251636R, 5 Nov 2022.
- Joel Chiew, Chin CS et al. Phase Change Material Based Heat Sink with Volumetric Expansion Control, Singapore Provisional Patent Application No: 10201705900W on 19 July 2017.
- Chin CS et al. Electronic device torsion testing, U.S. Patent No.: 7,730,791.
- Chin CS et al.: Electronic device torsion testing, U.S. Patent No.: 7,454,980.
- Chin CS, Chee WO. Printed circuit cable assembly for top down installation, U.S. Patent 7,871,289.
Keynote Speech
- 2023: Keynote Speaker, 4th 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Automation and Applications (ICAA2023), Wuhan, Hubei, China, 23-25 Jun 2023.
- 2022: Keynote Speaker, 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS2022), Beijing, China, 30-31 Jul 2022.
- 2022: Keynote Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Education Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 13-15 May 2022.
- 2022: Publication Chair and Invited Speaker, 5th International Conference on Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering, Chengdu, China, 18-22 Mar 2022.
- 2021: Keynote Speech, 3rd International Conference on Computer Science, Communication and Network Security, Sanya, China, 22-23 Dec 2021.
- 2021: Keynote Speaker, 2nd International Conference on Modeling, Big Data Analytics and Simulation, Shenzhen, China, 14-15 Nov 2021.
- 2021: Keynote Speaker for 5th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics, 5-7 Aug 2021, Xi'an, China.
- 2021: Keynote Speaker, 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Technologies, Xi'an, China, 5-7 Aug 2021 .
- 2021: Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering, Zhengzhou, China, 22-24 Jan 2021.
- 2021: Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker at International Workshop on Research and Development of Electrical Vehicle Technology, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai Campus.
- 2019: Invited Speaker, International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Learning, Wuhan, China, 26-29 Apr 2019.
- 2018: Keynote Speaker, World Conference on Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Spain, 26-27 Jul 2018.
- 2018: Chief Guest and Plenary Speaker, IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy control and Transmission Systems, Chennai, India, 22-23 Feb 2018.
- 2017: Invited Guest Lecture on Simulation and Design of Lithium-Ion Battery Power System for Underwater Applications by IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, NUS, Singapore, 10 Nov 2017.
- 2017: Keynote Plenary Speaker on Intelligent Realization of Underwater Robotics Vehicle for Control in World Conference on Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27 Jul 2018.
Conference Chair
- 2023: Session Chair for Intelligent Information Management System and Data Analysis, 2023 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2023), Haikou, China, 23-25 Jun 2023.
- 2022: Co-Chair and Organizer for Special Session on Intelligent Controller-Based Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources and its Challenges, IEEE INDICON2022, Kochi, India, 24-26 Nov 2022.
- 2022: Publication Chair, 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology, Beijing, China, 30-31 Jul 2022.
- 2022: Program Chair, International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, Tokyo, Japan, 13-15 May 2022.
- 2022: Publicity Chair, 14th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 25-27 Mar 2022.
- 2022: Publicity Chair, 6th International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations, Brisbane, Australia, 25-27 Mar 2022.
- 2020: Vice Chairman, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, Singapore Section, 1 Jan–30 Dec 2020
- 2020: General Chair for 4th International Conference on Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering (EAME2020), Jun 21-22, 2020, Beijing, China.
- 2020: Program Chair for International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology [ICCSCT 2020], Hangzhou, China.
- 2021: Program Co-Chair for 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology (AIET 2021), 2-4 Jul 2021, Wuhan, China.
- 2019: Vice Chairman, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, Singapore Section, 1 Jan–30 Dec 2019.
- 2019: Co-Special Session Chair, Smart and Intelligent Controller Based Grid Integration of Renewable Energy System in IEEE TENCON 2019, Kochi, India, 17-20 Oct, 2019.
- 2019: General Chair, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Wuhan, China, 12-13 Jul 2019.
- 2019: General Chair, 2nd International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hangzhou, China, 26-27 May 2019.
- 2018: Session Chair, The International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, Guiyang, China, 2-4 Jul 2018.
- 2017: Tutorial Chair for IEEE/MTS OCEAN 2020, Singapore
- 2016: Technical Session Chair in 7.1.3. Imaging and Vision 3 for OCEAN'16 MTS/IEEE Conference, Shanghai
- 2015:Track Chair in Mechatronics for 10th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications
- 2014: Session Co-Chair for Session 7.1.2: Underwater Image and Vision in OCEANS’14 MTS/IEEE Conference, Taipei
- 2014: Session Chair for Session EM3 (Biomedical Instrumentation) in IEEE TENSYMP, Kuala Lumpur,
- 2014: Session Chair for MoP3: (Mechatronics) in 9th IEEE Industrial Electronics and Applications, Hangzhou, Jun 2014.
Conference Committee Member
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 2023 5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education (WAIE 2023), Tokyo, Japan, 28-30 Nov 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 7th International Conference on Advances in Image Processing, Beijing, China, 17-19 Nov 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 2023 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Development (ICSED 2023), Singapore, 20-22 Oct 2023.
- 2023: Program Committee Member 3rd International Conference on Big Data, IOT & NLP (BINLP 2023), Sydney, Australia, 21-22 Oct 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation (ICITT 2023), Madrid, Spain, 18-20 Sep 2023.
- 2023: Keynote Speaker of 2023 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning, Singapore, 15-17 Sep 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic Systems (AIFZ 2023), Copenhagen, Denmark, 16-17 Sep 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 9th International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Virtual Conference, 10 Sep 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for International Conference on Security & Applications (SECURA 2023), Virtual Conference, 12-13 Aug 2023.
- 2023: Program Committee Member of International Conference on Education & Technology (EDUT 2023), Virtual Conference, 12-13 Aug 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for International Conference on Embedded Systems and VLSI (EMVL 2023), Virtual Conference, 12-13 Aug 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 11th International Conference of Networks and Communications (NC 2023), London, United Kingdom, 29-30 Jul 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 2023 6th International Conference on Data Science and Information Technology (DSIT 2023), Shanghai, China, 28-30 Jul 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics (NLPCL 2023), Toronto, Canada, 22-23 Jul 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 7th International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (E&C 2023), Virtual Conference, 15-16 Jul 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEEN 2023), Virtual Conference, 15-16 Jul 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning, NLP and Data Mining (MLDA 2023), Virtual Conference, 15-16 Jul 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2023), Haikou, China, 23-25 Jun 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 4th 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Automation and Applications (ICAA2023), Wuhan, Hubei, China, 23-25 Jun 2023.
- 2023: Program Committee Member of 9th International Conference on Data Mining (DaMi 2023) Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 -25 Jun 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles (ICoIV 2023), Changsha, China, 26-28 May 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 2023 Asia Conference on Environmental Science, Green Energy and Applications (ESGEA 2023), Chongqing, China, 19-21 May 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 11th International Conference on Software Engineering & Trends (SE 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 27- 28 May 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member of 2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics and Control Engineering (RobCE 2023), Nanjing, China, 12-14 May 2023.
- 2023: Review Committee for 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing: MLA - Machine Learning and its Applications, Tallinn, Estonia, 27 Mar-2 Apr 2023.
- 2023: Technical Committee Member for 4th 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Automation and Applications (ICAA2023), Barcelona, Spain, 13-17 Mar 2023.
- 2022: Technical Program Committee Member, International Conference on Intelligent Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India, 22- 24 Sep 2022.
- 2022: Program Committee Member, 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Applications (ARIA 2022) to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-18 Sep 2022.
- 2022: Program Committee Member, 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Technologies (AIAAT 2022), Qingdao, China, 12-14 Aug 2022.
- 2022: Technical Program Committee Member, International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS - 2022), Hassan, India, 29-30 Jul 2022.
- 2022: International Technical Committee Member, 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Digital Image Processing (CGDIP 2022), Shanghai, China, 9 Jul 2022.
- 2022: Technical Committee Member, 9th International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Multimedia (SPM 2022), Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-26 Jun 2022.
- 2022: Program Committee Member, 8th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ISPR 2022), Sydney, Australia, 18-19 Jun 2022.
- 2022: Program Committee Member, 3rd International Conference on Networks, Blockchain and Internet of Things (NBIoT 2022), Sydney, Australia, 18-19 Jun 2022.
- 2022: Program Committee Member, 3rd International Conference on NLP & Information Retrieval (NLPI 2022), Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-24 Apr 2022.
- 2021: Organizing Committee Member, Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (GSERITA-2021), Lisbon, Portugal, 6-8 Sep 2021.
- 2021: International Advisory Member, 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, India, 19-20 Mar 2021.
- 2020: Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Application, Zhenjiang, China, 27-29 Nov 2020.
- 2020: Committee Member for International Conference and Exhibition on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, 8-9 Oct 2020, Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2020: Technical Program Committee for 3rd International Conference On Mechatronics, Automation And System Engineering, 17-18 Sep 2020, Osaka, Japan.
- 2020: Technical Program Committee for 4th International Conference on Automation and Mechatronics Engineering (ICAME 2020), Lijiang, China, 29-31 Aug 2020.
- 2020: Technical Program Committee for 3rd International Conference on Robotics Systems and Automation Engineering (RSAE 2020), Paris, France, 19-21 Aug 2020.
- 2020: Committee Member for Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (CFAIS 2020), 17-19 Jul 2020, Seoul, South Korea.
- 2020: International Editorial and Advisory Board for International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Systems ICIN4.0-SS 2020), Canakkale, Turkey, 24-26 Jul 2020.
- 2020: Technical Program Committee for IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Application (ITIA2020), Zhenjiang, China.
- 2019: Technical Program Committee for International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Ningbo, China, 21-23 Dec 2019.
- 2019: Technical Committee Member for International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems, November 19-22, 2019, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.
- 2019: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board in the Energy Storage Technologies Conference, International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Singapore, 31 Oct - 4 Nov 2019.
- 2019: Technical Committee Member, 5th International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI 2019), Singapore, 22-24 Nov 2019.
- 2019: Invited Speaker to 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Canada, 7-11 Jul 2019.
- 2019: Program Committee for International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Tianjin, China, 13-15 Jul 2019.
- 2019: Invited Speaker to International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Learning, China, 26-29 Apr 2019.
- 2018: Committee Member, World Conference on Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27 Jul 2018.
- 2018: Program Committee Member of The International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control 2018, Guiyang, China, 2-4 Jul 2018.
- 2018: International Advisory Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy control and Transmission Systems, Chennai, India, 22-23 Feb 2018.
- 2018: Technical Program Committee Member for 4th Annual International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering, 2018.
- 2018: Technical Program Committee Member for 8th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, 2018
- 2018: Invited reviewer for UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) under University Grants Commission (UGC)-Department of Science and Technology (DST) Government of INDIA call for joint research proposals.
- 2018: Invited as an independent expert in the specific field of MG‐BG‐ 01‐2018: Unmanned and autonomous survey activities at sea,part of Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018‐2020.
- 2018: Technical Programme Committee for International Conference on Manufacturing, Advance Computing, Renewable Energy and Communication (MARC-2018),HMRITM, New Delhi, 19-20 Jul 2018.
- 2017: Elected Committee Member, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, IEEE Singapore Section.
- 2017: Invited and participated in IEEE Senior Member Application Review Panel for Region10.
- 2017: Technical Review Committee for IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy control and Transmission Systems.
- 2017: Technical Review Committee for International Conference on Computational Sciences, Advanced Database and Computing
- 2017: IEEE Technical Committee Member on Bio-mechatronics and Bio-robotics Systems
- 2017: Invited External Reviewer for The Singapore Ministry of Education Translational R&D and Innovation Fund (TIF) funds R&D projects
- 2017: Technical Program Committee for 5th International Conference on Mapping and Remote Sensing (ICMRS 2017)
- 2017: Organizing Committee Member for World Conference on Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27 Jul 2018.
- 2017: International Advisory Committee Member for IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems
- 10 Nov 2017: Invited to Academic Talk on "Simulation and Design of Lithium-Ion Battery Power System for Underwater Applications" at Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore by IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, Singapore Chapter.
- 2017: Elected Treasurer, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, IEEE Singapore Section.
- 2014: Panel Member for Senior Member of IEEE Application Review Panel in Region 10.
- 2014: Program committee for Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Workshop on Building a better World through Analytics and Collaboration, Auckland, New Zealand, 14 Dec 2014.
- 2014: Peer Reviewer for Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Standard Grant and New Investigator Scheme
- 2014: IET Volunteer Committee and IET Control & Automation Committee
- 2013: Committee Member in SIGDSS Workshop "Reshaping Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision Support" in Milan, Italy.
- 2013: Technical Program Committee Member of IET Control and Automation Conference, Conference Aston Lakeside Centre, Birmingham.
- 2013: Presented a topic- “Research Interests, Projects and Opportunities in Singapore” in NIReS (Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability).
- 2010-2012: Elected member of The IET Control and Automation Executive Committee
- 2010-2011: Elected as an Honorary Auditor for The IET Singapore Local Network.
- 2012-2013: Committee Member for IET Singapore Local Network.
Teaching Experience
- 2020- Specialist Adult Educator in curriculum development (second-highest recognition) under Singapore's SkillsFuture agenda, to raise the quality of Continuing Education and Training in Singapore.
- 2019- Involved in Education Development Fund (EDF) under the category valuing diversity/being inclusive for a project to facilitate inclusive learning through group work for students in Electrical Power Engineering and Marine Technology programmes for the academic year 2019/2020.
- 2018- Involved and contributed to Teaching and Learning Grant for students learning and teaching of Multidisciplinary project and collaboration opportunity for students during Overseas Immersion Programme (OIP) at Newcastle UK, July 2018.
- 2013 -Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Studies in Academic Practice (CASAP II) by Newcastle University (UK).
- 2009 - Certificate in Higher Education Teaching by Temasek Polytechnic.
- Mechanics (100%, Module Leader)
- Electrical Engineering (100%, Module Leader)
- Dynamic Modelling and Simulation (100%, Module Leader)
- Offshore Renewables - Smart Battery Energy Storage and Charging Systems (25%)
- Integrated Work Study Programme (20%)
- Capstone Project and Report (20%)
- Marine Systems Identification, Modeling and Control (100%)
Other Subjects Taught
- Microcontroller Technology (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry PI, xPC Target for MATLAB/Simulink, Python)
- Intelligent Systems Design
- Signal and Systems
- Engineering Computations
- Instrumentation and Computer Control (LabVIEW)
- Engineering Drawings (ProE, Solidworks)
- Programming (MATLAB, Python, R Programming)
- Mechatronic Systems Design
- Control Systems Design
- Machine Learning and Applications
- Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamic, Heat Transfer
External Courses Attended
- Apr 2015: Research Leadership Development Programme@Matfen Hall, 2-day course by SAgE, Newcastle University
- Nov 2015: Course Certificate with Distinction in Exploratory Data Analysis (4-week by Johns Hopkins University)
- Oct 2015: Course Certificate in An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (5-week by Rice University)
- Apr 2015 :Metocean Awareness Course by IMarEST and Society of Underwater Technology, Singapore
- Sept 2014: Course Certificate in Machine Learning (11-week by Stanford University)
- Sept 2005: Design for Six-Sigma Hardware Training by Seagate Technology International
- Jan 2005: Certificate in Six Sigma Green Belt by Seagate Technology International
- Zhang C, Niu T, Wei Z, Hu X, Pan F, Zeng T, Si Y, Chin CS. Lifespan prediction model for proton exchange membrane fuel cell vehicle based on time series information feature extraction and optimization. Renewable Energy 2025, 243, 122558.
- Dai H, Tian W, Hou M, Liu S, Zhang C, Wei Z, Dong Z, Chin CS. Enhancing thermal management in electric commercial vehicles: A novel liquid-cooled Multiple Parallel-Serpentine channels. Journal of Energy Storage 2025, 107, 114708.
- Wee BS, Chin CS, Sharma A. Survey of Mushroom Harvesting Agricultural Robots and Systems Design. IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics 2024, 2(1), 59-80.
- Shan C, Chin CS, Mohan V, Zhang C. Review of Various Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Parameters of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles. Batteries 2024, 10(6), 181.
- Huang W, Liu M, Zhang C, Niu T, Fu Z, Ren X, Chin CS. Life prediction for proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on experimental results and combinatorial optimization algorithm. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2024, 79, 364-376.
- Muthukumar P, Venkateshkumar M, Chin CS. A Comparative Study of Cutting-edge Bi-Directional Power Converters and Intelligent Control Methodologies for Advanced Electric Mobility. IEEE Access 2024, 12, 28710-28752.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. Lightweight Convolutional-iConformer for Sound Event Detection. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 2023, 4(4), 910-921.
- Palanisamy S, Thangaraj M, Moiduddin K, Alkhalefah H, Karmiris-Obratanski P, Chin CS. Design, Fabrication, and Optimization of a Printed Ag Nanoparticle-Based Flexible Capacitive Sensor for Automotive IVI Bezel Display Applications. Sensors 2023, 23(9), 4211.
- Chin CS, Tan Y-J, Kumar MV. Study of Hybrid Propulsion Systems for Lower Emissions and Fuel Saving on Merchant Ship during Voyage. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2022, 10(3), 393.
- Chin CS, Sharma A, Kumar DS, Madampath S. Singapore's Sustainable Energy Story: Low-carbon energy deployment strategies and challenges. IEEE Electrification Magazine 2022, 10(4), 84-89.
- Kek XY, Chin CS, Li Y. Multi-timescale Wavelet Scattering with Genetic Algorithm Feature Selection for Acoustic Scene Classification. IEEE Access 2022, 10, 25987-26001.
- Luo M, Zhang J, Zhang C, Chin CS, Ran H, Fan M, Du K, Shuai Q. Cold start investigation of fuel cell vehicles with coolant preheating strategy. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022, 201(Part B), 117816.
- Kek XY, Chin CS, Li Y. An Intelligent Low-complexity Computing Interleaving Wavelet Scattering based Mobile Shuffling Network for Acoustic Scene Classification. IEEE Access 2022, 10, 82185-82201.
- Chan TK, Chin CS, Li Y. Semi-Supervised NMF-CNN For Sound Event Detection. IEEE Access 2021, 9, 130529-130542.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. Review of Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles for Urban Driving and Parking. Electronics 2021, 10(9), 1021.
- Chin CS, Zhang RH. Noise modeling of offshore platform using progressive normalized distance from worst-case error for optimal neuron numbers in deep belief network. Soft Computing 2021, 25, 495-515.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. Multi Branch Convolutional Macaron Net for Sound Event Detection. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 2021, 29, 2972-2985.
- Chin CS, Zhang CZ, Gao ZC. Deploying battery technology for marine vessel electrification. IEEE Potentials 2021, 40(6), 24-33.
- Chan TK, Chin CS, Li Y, Shafiee E, Sela L. A Better Estimation of Wave Arrival Time in Water Distribution Networks using WAvelet kNEe (WANE). Advanced Engineering Informatics 2021, 48, 1-11.
- Yang F, Liu G, Huang L, Chin CS. Tensor Decomposition for Spatial-Temporal Traffic Flow Prediction with Sparse Data. Sensors 2020, 20(21), 6046.
- Ma YC, Chin CS. Psychoacoustic and noise annoyance of hard disk drive affects acoustic ergonomics and emotional wellness of consumers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2020, 148, 2755.
- Chan TK, Chin CS, Li Y. Non-Negative Matrix Factorization-Convolutional Neural Network (NMF-CNN) For Sound Event Detection. arXiv 2020, 2001.07874, 1-6.
- Xu J, Zhang CZ, Fan R, Bao H, Wang Y, Huang S, Chin CS, Li C. Modelling and control of vehicle integrated thermal management system of PEM fuel cell vehicle. Energy 2020, 199, 117495.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. Detecting Sound Events Using Convolutional Macaron Net With Pseudo Strong Labels. arXiv 2020, 2009.09632, 1-5.
- Chin CS, Gao ZC, Zhang CZ. Comprehensive Electro-Thermal Model of 26650 Lithium Battery for Discharge Cycle under Parametric and Temperature Variations. Journal of Energy Storage 2020, 28, 101222.
- Mahendravarman I, Elankurisil SA, Venkateshkumar M, Chin C. Artificial intelligent controller-based power quality improvement for microgrid integration of photovoltaic system using new cascade multilevel inverter. Soft Computing 2020, 24, 18909–18926.
- Kek XY, Chin CS, Li Ye. Acoustic Scene Classification Using Bilinear Pooling on Time-liked and Frequency-liked Convolution Neural Network. arXiv 2020, 2002.07065, 1-6.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. A Comprehensive Review of Polyphonic Sound Event Detection. IEEE Access 2020, 8(1), 103339-103373.
- Chan TK, Chin CS, Chen H, Zhong XH. A Comprehensive Review of Driver Behavior Analysis Utilizing Smartphones. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2020, 21(10), 4444-4475.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. Unsupervised Bayesian Nonparametric Approach with Incremental Similarity Tracking of Unlabeled Water Demand Time Series for Anomaly Detection. Water 2019, 11(10), 2066.
- Chiew J, Chin CS, Toh WD, Gao Z, Jia J. Thermal state-of-expansion or melting of phase change material based heatsink for underwater battery power system. Journal of Energy Storage 2019, 26, 1-13.
- Chin CS, Jia JB, Chiew JHK, Toh WD, Gao ZC, Zhang CZ, McCann J. System design of underwater battery power system for marine and offshore industry. Journal of Energy Storage 2019, 21, 724-740.
- Eslami M, Chin CS, Nobakhti A. Robust modelling, sliding-mode controller and simulation of an underactuated ROV under parametric uncertainties and disturbance. Journal of Marine Science and Application 2019, 18(2), 213-227.
- Fan R, Zhang CZ, Wang Y, Ji C, Meng Z, Xu L, Ou Y, Chin CS. Numerical study on the effects of battery heating in cold climate. Journal of Energy Storage 2019, 26, 1-8.
- Ma YC, Chin CS. Near-field vibro-acoustic transfer function prediction of small close fit enclosure with multiple rotating components. Applied Acoustics 2019, 149, 129-142.
- Chin CS, Ji X, Woo WL, Kwee TJ, Yang WX. Modified Multiple Generalized Regression Neural Network Models using Fuzzy C-Means with Principal Component Analysis for Noise Prediction of Offshore Platform. Neural Computing and Applications 2019, 31(4), 1127–1142.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. Health stages diagnostics of underwater thruster using sound features with imbalanced dataset. Neural Computing and Applications 2019, 31, 5767-5782.
- Yu J, Zhao Q, Chin CS. Extracting Typhoon Disaster Information from VGI based on Machine Learning. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2019, 7(138), 1-16.
- Chin CS, Xiao JF, Ghias AMYM, Venkateshkumar M, Sauer DU. Customizable Battery Power System for Marine and Offshore Applications. IEEE Electrification Magazine 2019, 7(4), 46-55.
- Chin CS, Ji X. Analytical modelling of structure-borne sound transmission through I-junction using Chebyshev-Ritz method on cascaded rectangular plate–cavity system. Applied Acoustics 2019, 143, 171-182.
- Chin CS, Thang ZY. A study on impact of noise annoyance from highway traffic in Singapore City. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 2019, 39, 015001.
- Chiew J, Chin CS, Toh WD, Gao ZC, Jia JB, Zhang CZ. A pseudo three-dimensional electrochemical-thermal model of a cylindrical LiFePO4/graphite battery. Applied Thermal Engineering 2019, 147, 450-463.
- Woo WL, Gao B, Bouridane A, Ling BW-K, Chin CS. Unsupervised learning for monaural source separation using maximization-minimization algorithm with time-frequency deconvolution. Sensors 2018, 18(5), 1371.
- Chin C, Lin WP. Robust Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Inference Mechanism Embedded in Sliding-Mode Controller for Uncertain Underwater Robot. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 2018, 32(2), 655-666.
- Chan TK, Chin CS, Zhong XH. Review of Current Technologies and Proposed Intelligent Methodologies for Water Distributed Network Leakage Detection. IEEE Access 2018, 6(1), 78846-78867.
- Chiew J, Chin CS, Toh WD, Gao Z, Jia J. Low-temperature macro-encapsulated phase change material based thermal energy storage system without air void space design. Applied Thermal Engineering 2018, 141, 928-938.
- Xia LC, Zhang CZ, Hu MH, Jiang SF, Chin CS, Gao ZC, Liao Q. Investigation of parameter effects on the performance of high temperature PEM fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018, 43(52), 23441-23449.
- Chin C, Ji X. Adaptive Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine for Frequency-Dependent Noise Data on Offshore Oil Rig. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2018, 74, 226-241.
- Gao ZC, Chin CS, Woo WL, Jia JB. Integrated Equivalent Circuit and Thermal Model for Simulation of Temperature-Dependent LiFePO4 Battery in Actual Embedded Application. Energies 2017, 10(1), 85-85.
- Gao ZC, Chin CS, Chiew JHK, Jia JB, Zhang CZ. Design and Implementation of Smart Lithium-ion Battery System with Real-time Fault Diagnosis Capability for Electric Vehicles. Energies 2017, 10(10), 1503.
- Lin WP, Chin CS. Block diagonal dominant remotely operated vehicle model simulation using decentralized model predictive control. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2017, 9(4), 1-24.
- Ma YC, Chin CS, Woo WL, Gao B. An Acoustic Annoyance Study of Hard Disk Drive for Laptop. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2016, 52(8), 3301609.
- Thekkedan MD, Chin CS, Woo WL. Virtual Reality Simulation of Fuzzy-Logic Control during Underwater Dynamic Positioning. Journal of Marine Science and Application 2015, 14(1), 14-24.
- Wan Dennis, Chin CS. Simulation and Prototype Testing of a Low-Cost Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Device in Underwater. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 2015, 20(1), 142-154.
- Lin WP, Chin CS, Looi LCW, Lim JJ, Teh EME. Robust Design of Docking Hoop for Recovery of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Experimental Results. Robotics: Special Issue on Underwater Robotics. Guest Editors: Prof. Thor I. Fossen and Prof. Ingrid Schjølberg, NTNU,Trondheim, Norway 2015, 4(4), 492-515.
- Si JT, Chin CS. An adaptable walking-skid for seabed ROV under strong current disturbance. Journal of Marine Science and Application 2014, 13(3), 305-314.
- Chin C, Wheeler C. Sliding-Mode Control of an Electromagnetic Actuated Conveyance System using Contactless Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2013, 60(11), 5315-5324.
- Chin C, Lau MWS. Modeling and Testing of Hydrodynamic Damping Model for a Complex-Shaped Remotely-Operated Vehicle for Control. Journal of Marine Science and Application 2012, 11(2), 150-163.
- Chin CS. Dynamic positioning simulation, thrust optimization design and control of a drill ship under disturbances and faulty thruster. Simulation 2012, 88(11), 1338-1349.
- Chin CS, Yue KM. Vertical Stream Curricula Integration of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) using Autonomous Vacuum Robot in Mechatronics Course. European Journal of Engineering Education 2011, 36(5), 485-504.
- Chin C. Systematic Modeling and Model-based Simulation of a Remotely-Operated Vehicle using MATLAB and Simulink. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 2011, 2(4), 481–511.
- Chin C, Lau M, Low E. Supervisory Cascaded Controllers Design: Experiment Test on a Remotely-Operated Vehicle. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 2011, 225(3), 584-603.
- Chin C, Lum SH. Rapid modeling and control sytems prototyping of a marine robotic vehicle with model uncertainties using xPC Target System. Ocean Engineering 2011, 38(17-18), 2128-2141.
- Chin CS, McBride W. Design, Modeling and Testing of a Standalone Single Axis Active Solar Tracker using MATLAB/Simulink. Renewable Energy 2011, 36(11), 3075-3090.
- Chin C. Application of an Intelligent Table Top Vacuum Robot Cleaner in Mechatronics System Design Education. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 2011, 23(5), 645-657.
- Chin C , Lau M, Low E, Seet G. Robust and decoupled cascaded control system of underwater robotic vehicle for stabilization and pipeline tracking. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 2008, 222(4), 261-278.
- Chin C, Lau MWS, Low E, Seet GGL. Software for Modelling and Simulation of a Remotely Operated Vehicle. International Journal of Simulation Modeling 2006, 5(3), 114-125.
- Chin C, Lau M, Low E, Seet G. Robust Controller Design Method and Stability Analysis of an Underactuated Underwater Vehicle. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2006, 16(3), 101-112.
- Chin C, Munro N. Control of the ALSTOM Gasifier Benchmark Problem using H2 Methodology. Journal of Process Control 2003, 13(8), 759-768.
Authored Books
- Chin C. Intelligent Virtual System for Underwater Vehicle Piloting using Unity. CRC Press, 2020.
- Chin CS. Intelligent Thermal Energy Systems: An Overview. United Kingdom: Nova Science Publishers, 2020.
- Chin CS, Lau MWS. Benchmark Models of Control System Design for Remotely Operated Vehicles. Singapore, Southeast Asia: Springer, 2020.
- Chin C. Embedded Mechatronics System Design for Uncertain Environments: Linux®-based, Rasbpian®, ARDUINO® and MATLAB® xPC Target Approach. London: IET, 2018.
- Chin C. Computer-Aided Control Systems Design: Practical Applications Using MATLAB® and Simulink®. Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press, 2012.
Book Chapters
- Chin CS, Zhong XH, Cui R, Yang C, Mohan V. Virtual Simulation Platform for Training Semi-Autonomous Robotic Vehicles’ Operators. In: Prof. George Dekoulis, ed. Autonomous Vehicles. London: IntechOpen, 2020.
- Chin CS, Si J, Clare AS, Ma M. Intelligent fouling detection system using Haar-like cascade classifier with neural networks. In: Bhatia, SK; Tiwari, S; Mishra, KK; Trivdes, MC, ed. Advances in Computer Communication and Computational Sciences. Singapore: Springer, 2019, pp.393-406.
- Venkateshkumar M, Chin CS. Fuzzy-Logic Controller based Multi-port DC-DC Converter for Photo-Voltaic Power System. In: Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros, Kaicheng Li, ed. Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining IV. IOS Press, 2018, pp.663-674.
- Chin C, Lau M, Low E, Seet G. Dynamic Modelling and Cascaded Controller Design of a Low-Speed Maneuvering ROV. In: Bojan Lalic, ed. Advanced Technologies: Research, Development and Application Book. Vienna, Austria: Advanced Robotic Systems International, 2006, pp.159-186.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Tham AYX, Chin CS. YOLOv5 and Residual Network for Intelligent Text Recognition on Degraded Serial Number Plates. In: 25th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN/EAAAI 2024). 2024, Corfu, Greece: Springer, Cham.
- Adie J, Chin C, Li J, See S. GAIANet: Accelerating Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling with Deep Learning and Fourier Neural Operators. In: SupercomputingAsia 2024. 2024, Sydney, Australia.
- Adie J, Chin C, Li J, See S. GAIA-Chem: a Global AI-accelerated Atmospheric Chemistry framework. In: 26th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry (AMS 2024). 2024, Baltimore, Maryland, USA: American Meterological Society.
- Adie J, Chin CS, Li J, See S. GAIA-Chem: a Framework for Global AI-accelerated Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling. In: PASC '24: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. 2024, Zurich, Switzerland: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Yao WK, Khan MF, Chin CS, Chong JJ, Tan CS, Chai TY. Development and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Visible Light Communication System for Real-Time Data Transmission. In: International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT 2024). 2024, Ningbo, China: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Marisno D, Chin CS, Shan CL, See S. Performance of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System State-of-Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Ship. In: 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA). 2023, Haikou, China: IEEE.
- Chia KY, Chin CS, See S. Deep Transfer Learning Application for Intelligent Marine Debris Detection. In: EANN / EAAAI 2023 24th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 2023, León, Spain: Springer.
- Denathayalan R, Venkateshkumar M, Lakshman SA, Chin CS. AMRIT - Alternative Machine Reasoning and Integrative Techniques for prognostics model of electric vehicles. In: 9th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES). 2023, Chennai, India: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Neo A, See S. Visual Marine Debris Detection Using YOLOV5s for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. In: IEEE/ACIS 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2022). 2022, Zhuhai, China: IEEE.
- Lin M, Sharma A, Chin CS, Yip T, Ong J. Prediction of Wafer Map Categories using Wafer Acceptance Test Parameters in Semiconductor Manufacturing. In: 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2022). 2022, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece: Springer.
- Chin CS, See S. Max Fusing Gated Recurrent Units and Ensemble Classifier for Intelligent Acoustic Classification. In: IEEE/ACIS 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2022). 2022, Zhuhai, China: IEEE.
- Naresh KB, Pranavan VM, Sri Lasya Pragathi B, Manikandan A, Chin CS. Emergency Message Dissemination through MQTT over the Internet of Vehicles. In: 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference. 2022, Cochin, Kerala: IEEE.
- Wee BS, Chin CS, Sharma A. Artificial Intelligence of Things Enabled Fungiculture in Shipping Container. In: 24th IEEE/ACIS International Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Zhang JH. Wavelet Scattering Transform for Multiclass Support Vector Machines in Audio Devices Classification System. In: 20th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics. 2021, Virtual: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Kek XY, Chan TK. Wavelet Scattering Based Gated Recurrent Units for Binaural Acoustic Scenes Classification. In: IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligent Applications. 2021, Zhenjiang, China: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Kek XY, Chan TK. Scattering Transform of Averaged Data Augmentation for Ensemble Random Subspace Discriminant Classifiers in Audio Recognition. In: 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems. 2021, Coimbatore, India: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Xiao JF. Max-Fusion of Random Ensemble Subspace Discriminant with Aggregation of MFCCs and High Scalogram Coefficients for Acoustics Classification. In: 20th IEEE/ACIS International Summer Semi-Virtual Conference on Computer and Information Science. 2021, Shanghai, China: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Zhang JH. Late Fusion of Convolutional Neural Network with Wavelet-based Ensemble Classifier for Acoustic Scene Classification. In: Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys). 2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Chin CS, Zhang CZ, Sin KK. Game Architecture based Obstacle Avoidance Control of Electric Surface Vessel. In: 5th International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations. 2021, Melbourne, Australia: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. Detecting Sound Events Using Convolutional Macaron Net With Pseudo Strong Labels. In: IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2021). 2021, Tampere, Finland: IEEE.
- Kek XY, Chin CS, Li Y. An Investigation on Multiscale Normalised Deep Scattering Spectrum with Deep Residual Network for Acoustic Scene Classification. In: 22nd IEEE/ACIS International Fall Virtual Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing. 2021, Taichung, Taiwan: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Peng TR, Chan TK. Intelligent Urban Noise Mapping by Google API Network Edge Device. In: IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligent Applications. 2020, Zhenjiang, China: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Nazli N. Fault Exploratory Data Analysis of Real-Time Marine Diesel Engine Data using R Programming. In: ICT Systems and Sustainability: Proceedings of ICT4SD 2020. 2020, Online: Springer.
- Chin CS, Lio CS. Sliding-Mode Control of STENA DRILLMAX Drillship with Environmental Disturbances for Dynamic Positioning. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC2019). 2019, Tianjin, China: Springer.
- Chan TK, Chin CS, Li Y. Non-Negative Matrix Factorization-Convolution Neural Network (NMF-CNN) for Sound Event Detection. In: IEEE Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2019). 2019, New York, USA: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Saju S, Kwee TJ. Intelligent Prediction Software for Room Acoustics and Psychoacoustics using Neural Networks. In: 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 2019, Canada, Montréal.
- Kek XY, Chin CS, Li Y. Acoustic Scene Classification Using Bilinear Pooling on Time-liked and Frequency-liked Convolution Neural Network. In: IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2019). 2019, Xiamen, China: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Kamsani NB, Zhong XH, Cui R, Yang C. Unity3D Serious Game Engine for High Fidelity Virtual Reality Training of Remotely-Operated Vehicle Pilot. In: 2018 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC). 2018, Guiyang, China: IEEE.
- Venkateshkumar M, Chin CS. Fuzzy-Logic Controller based Multi-port DC-DC Converter for Photo-Voltaic Power System. In: The 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining. 2018, Bangkok, Thailand: FSDM.
- Yang W, Kwee TJ, Chin CS, Woo WL, Saju S. Application of Blind Source Separation in Industrial Noise Prediction and Control. In: INTER-NOISE 2018, 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. 2018, Chicago, USA: INCE.
- Chan T, Chin CS. Proposed Framework for Multi-Level Extreme Machine Learning for Underwater Thruster’s Fault Classification using YIN Fundamental Frequency Estimator and Pitch Sound. In: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics. 2017, Hefei & Tai'an, China: IEEE.
- Chin C, Si JT, Clare AS, Ma MD. Intelligent Fouling Detection System using Haar-like Cascade Classifier with Neural Networks. In: The International Conference on Computational Sciences, Advanced Database and Computing (CSADC2017). 2017, Phuket, Thailand.
- Ji X, Chin CS. Analytical Modelling of Vibroacoustic Interaction for Conjugate Enclosures. In: INTER-NOISE 2017, the 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. 2017, Hong Kong.
- Guo JY, Chin CS, Ma Maode, Clare AS. Interactive Vision-based Intelligent System for Active Macfouling and Microfouling Detection on Hull. In: OCEANS 16. 2016, Shanghai, China: IEEE.
- Chan TK, Chin CS. Data Analysis to Predictive Modeling of Marine Engine Performance Using Machine Learning. In: IEEE TENCON 2016 - Technologies for Smart Nation. 2016, Singapore: IEEE.
- Ma YC, Chin CS, Woo WL. Neural Networks-based Acoustic Annoyance Model for Laptop Hard Disk Drive. In: 17th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ICNVE 2015). 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.
- Jia J, Lin P, Chin CS, Toh WD, Gao Z, Lyu H, Cham YT, Mesbahi E. Multirate Strong Tracking Extended Kalman Filter and Its Implementation on Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery System. In: IEEE 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2015). 2015, Sydney, Australia: IEEE.
- Gao ZC, Jia JB, Xie JL, Da Toh W, Lin PF, Lyu H, Julyanto D, Chin CS, Woo WL. Modelling and Simulation of a 12-Cell Battery Power System with Fault Control for Underwater Robot. In: 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM). 2015, Angkor Wat, Cambodia: IEEE.
- Gao ZC, Chin CS, Woo WL, Jia JB, Toh WD. Lithium-ion Battery Modeling and Validation for Smart Power System. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology (I4CT). 2015, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: IEEE.
- Wang Q, Woo WL, Dlay SS, Chin CS, Gao B. Informed Single Channel Speech Separation with time-frequency exemplar GMM-HMM model. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP). 2015, Singapore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Gao ZC, Chin CS, Woo WL, Jia JB, Toh WD. Genetic Algorithm Based Back-Propagation Neural Network Approach for Fault Diagnosis in Lithium-ion Battery System. In: Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA), 2015 6th International Conference on. 2015, Hong Kong: IEEE.
- Krishnamoorthy P, Chin CS, Gao ZC, Lin WP. A Multi-Hop Microprocessor Based Prototype System for Remote Vibration and Image Monitoring of Underwater Offshore Platform. In: 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM). 2015, Angkor Wat, Cambodia: IEEE.
- Lin WP, Chin CS. Remote Underwater Dual Cameras Video Image Acquisition System using Linux Based Embedded PC104. In: OCEANS 2014 - TAIPEI. 2014, Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE.
- Lin WP, Chin CS, Mesbahi E. Remote Robust Control and Simulation of Robot for Search and Rescue Mission in Water. In: OCEANS 2014 - TAIPEI. 2014, Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE.
- Rohim MBAS, Chin CS. Real time Mechatronic System for Monitoring Barnacles near Waterline using Ultrasonic Sensors. In: 17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF). 2014, Singapore: NUS.
- Thomas TK, Chin CS. Prototype Development of a Home-based Heart Rate Monitoring System using Virtual Instrumentation Platform. In: IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP). 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEEE.
- Tong WJ, Chin CS, Lin W. Design of a Miniature Tri-Axis Vertical Wall Structure Climbing Robot using Electroadhesion. In: 9th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). 2014, Hangzhou, China: IEEE.
- Chin C, Mesbahi E. Problem-Based Learning Approach for Martronics. In: IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering. 2012, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong: IEEE.
- Chin C, Wheeler C, Quah S, Low T. Design, Modeling and Experimental Testing of Magnetic Levitation System for Conveyance Applications. In: 2nd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering. 2011, China, Wuhan: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Lau MW, Tan YJ, Chee KF, Wong YC. Development and testing of an autonomous underwater vehicle using industrial xPC-Target platform. In: IEEE/ASME International Conference of Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics. 2009, Singapore: IEEE.
- Eng YH, Lau MS, Low E, Seet GL, Chin CS. A Novel Method to Determine the Hydrodynamic Coefficients of an Eyeball ROV. In: Iaeng Transactions on Engineering Technologies Volume I: Special Edition of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists. 2009, Hong Kong: AIP.
- Chin CS, Lau MW, Low E, Seet GL. A Cascaded Nonlinear Heading Control with Thrust Allocation: An Application on an Underactuated ROV. In: IEEE International Conferences on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronic (RAM). 2006, Bangkok: IEEE.
- Chin CS, Munro N. The Analysis and Control of the ALSTOM Gasifier Benchmark Problem. In: 15th International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress. 2002, Barcelona, Spain.
- Zhou S, Chin CS, Pamuca D. Guest editorial introduction to the special section on emerging trends and challenges of machine learning in human-computer interaction. Computers and Electrical Engineering 2022, 101, 107943.
- Chin CS, Cui R. Intelligent Marine Robotics Modelling, Simulation and Applications. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2020, 8(6), 383.
- Chin C, Zhong X, Hamdan M, Cui RX, Cano JC, Martinez-De-Dios JR. Editorial: Intelligent Autonomous Transport Systems Design and Simulation. Journal of Advanced Transportation 2018, 2018, 1468040.
- Chin CS. Book Announcements: Computer-Aided Control System Design: Practical Applications Using MATLAB and Simulink. IEEE Control Systems 2014, 34(3), 87-87.
Online Publications
- Chin CS. Water security matters in Singapore. Singapore: Asia Research News, 2022. Available at:
- Chin CS, Venkateshkumar M. Artificial Intelligence for Maritime Transport. 2022. Available at:
- Menon M, Chin CS. Powering Undersea Exploration; SMD. 2013.
- Wee BS, Chin CS. A System and device for growing mushrooms. Singapore, 10202251636R, 05/11/2022.
- Chiew J, Chin CS, Jia JB, Toh WD, Gao ZC, Cham YT. Phase Change Material Based Heat Sink with Volumetric Expansion Control. Singapore Patent Application, 10201705900W, 19/07/2017.
- Tan ST, Ong CP, Wong SJ, Chan KA, Chin CS. Electronic Device Torsion Testing (7,730,791). US: Seagate Technology LLC, 7730791, 8/6/2010.
- Chin CS, Chee WO. Printed circuit cable assembly for top down installation. US: Seagate Technology LLC, 7871289, 01/08/2009.
- Tan ST, Ong CP, Wong SJ, Chan KA, Chin CS. Electronic device torsion testing. US: Seagate Technology LLC, 7454980, 2008, 01/08/2009.
Research Datasets/Databases
- Chin CS, Ji X. Noise Data for Offshore Platform. 2019. IEEE.
- Chin CS. Marine Fouling Images. 2019. IEEE: IEEE DataPort.
- Chin CS, Chan TK. Container Vessel Data. 2019. IEEE, 264.88 kB.
- Chin CS, Gao ZC. A123's Lithium Iron Phosphate (ANR26650M1-B) Cell Data. 2019.